~*FF-NOT just a passionate affair THD 2 ~*PART 31 Pg 127-UD 21st Apr!

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Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
~*NOT just a passionate affair*~


Thread 1

Parts 1 -6 Page 1 of Thread 1


Parts 7-12 Page 39 of Thread 1


Parts 13-18 Page 80 of Thread 1


Thread 2

Parts 19- 25 Page 1 of Thread 2


Parts 26 -30 Page 2 of Thread 2


Thread 3

Parts 31 - 36 Page 1 of Thread 3


Parts 37 - 40 Page 2 of Thread 3


Thread 4

Parts 41 & 42 Page 1 of Thread 4


Thread 5 

Parts 43 (2 parts) Page 1 of Thread 5

Thread 6

Parts 44 & 45  Page 1 of Thread 6

Thread 7

Parts 46 & 47 Page 1 of Thread 7

Thread 8

Parts 48 & 49 Page 1 of Thread 8

Thread 9

Parts 50 (2 parts) Page 1 of Thread 9

Thread 10

Part 51 Page 1 of Thread 10

Thread 11

Part 52 (2 parts) Page 1 of Thread 11

Thread 12

Part 53 Page 1 of Thread 12


Thread 13

Part 54 Page 1 of Thread 13

Thread 14

Part 55 Page 1 of Thread 14


Edited by lashy - 9 years ago


Last reply









Frequent Posters

lashy thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago

1st January



'I...I think should be leaving, aunty...' Jodha spoke up gently 'Its quite late now...mama's  called me many times already...she's worried...'

Mrs. Banu smiled at the young lady who was seated on the adjacent leather couch. She was impressed. Actually, she'd been impressed all along  - and it wasn't only because of her cultured etiquettes or radiant features. Jodha was the first of Jalal's friends who'd managed to drag him home before 12 pm on New Years'. It was the first time in years that her laadla'd spent the eve at home, instead of at a club or hotel!

'Sure beta' Mrs Banu nodded 'I understand' she turned to her son 'Jalal, drop her off na...'

'Haan Ammi...'

Like as though he'd understood the dialogues that'd just been exchanged, Robbie instantly shot off from his spot and ran up to his master to bid him an affectionate farewell. Once the playful twosome had finished their boisterous 'goodbye' exchanges, the dog hesitantly turned to the not-yet-familiar guest his master had brought home. Staring at her with his 'cute' expressions for a few seconds, the pet then took everyone by surprise - he'd rushed to her feet and started nuzzling her toes.

'Baap re!' she'd nearly curled her feet in alarm, but decided to overcome her initial reservations and slowly bent down to pet the dog thereafter

Just then, the grateful dog yelped loudly in delight to acknowledge the new-lady's petting - sending Jodha and everyone else into a semi-startled giggle fit as it did so!

'So, you like her too haan?' Jalal sniggered at the dog mischievously, while recovering from the enjoyable camaraderie 'Like master...like pet!' 

After all, Robbie was the only one who'd managed to get her to break out into the characteristic hearty 'Jodha' smile in the past hour or so. Nothing else had done the trick - the delicious food, the mini-tour of his room, flipping through a couple of old photos, his jokes - nothing!

Jalal knew he HAD to talk to her about their 'special' moment - he'd just been waiting for the right opportunity all along!


'Hey...' he broke the awkward silence that'd gone on rather long. Well, the two had not exchanged a proper conversation since the car had left his Jubilee Hills home - and now they weren't too far from her Secunderabad flat!

Tapping the steering wheel in rhythm to the music on his radio, he briefly turned to the person on his passenger seat 'When I visited your home two months back...you were quiet on that day! Today at my place, you were just as quiet...' he paused 'Except those few conversations with Ammi, of course!'

'Your mom's simply adorable' she shrugged nonchalantly 'And Robbie too!'

Ok! He got the point - so, HE wasn't adorable! Letting out a low smirk, he put forth the question he assumed should help 'Wanna talk about something, Jodha?'

She took a whole two minutes - yes, a whole two minutes - to give her answer 'Stop acting like you have no idea, Jalal...' sighing worriedly, she stared at him 'What was that all about?'

Just as he'd thought! Erupting into a faint grin, Jalal waited for the car to complete its left turn before responding 'What?'

'You KNOW what I'm talking about' she made no effort to appear happy

A tease-of-a-frown reappeared on his brows 'What do you think, Jodha?'

Giving the self-assured man a disapproving glimpse, the baffled junior turned ahead once again 'I don't KNOW Jalal ...how am I supposed to know...I...I mean...we're just friendly college-mates...'  damn, phrasing such confusing sentiments was no easy feat 'But...for whatever reason ... we got a bit ... c... carried...away...I..don't...'

'Ha ha ha Jodha...' he interrupted her ongoing stuttering 'Please give me SOME credit...I don't go around calling my 'friends' refreshingly sensuous during an intimate dance in a dark room...'

'Then just spell it out to me, because I surely can't understand!' she made no attempts to hide her impatience 'And no more mind games, please!' the worry lines on her temple had really deepened now

As they pulled into her quiet street, he brought the vehicle to a halt in front of her block and then turned around so he could face her properly.

Observing the evident restlessness on her beautiful face, the mischief in his eyes softened  'Well Jodha, in other words...it means that I like you... and not just as a friend...' his voice was soothing, but his gazes at their flirtatious best 'I have a crush on you, isn't it obvious?'

Rendered absolutely speechless by the revelation, Jodha stared at the senior for a good while - while he continued watching her for any signs of a reaction.

'We've reached my apartment, Jalal!' came her flat response many seconds later 'I better get going!'


'Phew!' she breathed a sigh of relief as the lights were turned off! Her enthused family had eventually managed to hit their beds - and my, did they take their own sweet time to do so. With the room now eventually pitch dark, Jodha was assured there'd be no more 'How was the party?' 'What did you do' kind-of questions. Sadly, she'd had to semi-bluff her way through most of them. Understandable; seeing how she hadn't wanted to create a hungama at 2 am by telling them about the drunken brawl or the armed goons. After all, she loved her caring family to bits.

However, in the past hour all she'd desperately wanted was to be alone - which they seemed to be in no mood to grasp. Therefore, at long last when she'd come upon the luxury - she'd nearly blurted out a low 'Yayyy' as she drew the sheets on her face.

Within the dark confines of her blanket, she'd finally found the solitude where she could THINK without any interruptions.

Then, she began feeling the first signs of it. The head-rush. The dizziness. The surge of emotions. Within a matter of seconds, her head started spinning as it all came back to her - his ardent gazes and words, her silence, their brief yet unexpected intimacy and most importantly, his confession!

She'd be fibbing if she said she hadn't been really anxious to hear what Jalal was going to say after he'd halted the car. She'd be lying if she didn't admit to having felt the tiniest bit flattered once he'd actually confessed.

'I have a crush on you Jodha'

'Oh my God!' she gasped in semi-disbelief when she recalled those words and his expressions yet again 'The most popular guy in university just proposed to me!'

She uneasily tossed around in her bed. When and how did it get so far? Small voices started going off at the back of her head 'I told you so...' 'You're blind Jodha! It was obvious all along...'

However, all those were just tiny voices, tinier sentiments and the briefest flutters.

The biggest voice in her head was still that of Jodha Singh's - the voice that never let her lose sight of the reality. Well, almost never!

'What the hell do you think you are doing, Jodha?' it began reminding her as it retook over her mind! While being paired with THE Jalal Muhammed could seem like a tantalizing prospect to most, there was no way this was going to work out for her! She believed in serious commitment and he was comparatively casual. She was conservative and he was a radical. She belonged to a middle-class family and he, an extravagant socialite. She a Hindu and he a Muslim!

Then, she remembered their 'unusual' moments and shuddered in angst 'What have I done?' 

How did she get so carried away during their dance? Had she unwittingly led him on? Why didn't her rational voices speak up then? Since when had she let someone's charm take over her sensibilities? Had she been relishing his company and attention so much that she'd dismissed all apparent signs just for the sake of a few laughs? What if there were other instances where she'd unknowingly given him the wrong signals too?

As she gradually came to terms with the uncomfortable facts, she grew increasingly disappointed with herself. She'd unintentionally toyed with so many - with him, with her family's trust on her and with her self-respect!

Worse, now she'd have to do the unenviable task of breaking the not-so-nice news to him! She'd have to tell him how she neither had such 'feelings' for him, nor the intentions to further such a relationship.

'Argh!' she realized 'But, I DO like him as a friend'

Damn! Damn! Damn! Neither did she want to cause him grief, nor did she want to lose his new-found company that she'd really grown to enjoy.

How COULD she tell him all that without hurting him too much? How WOULD he take it? A hundred resulting scenarios played in her mind and none of them turned out pleasant. She'd turned down many such young men in the past, but it suddenly felt very difficult to do so this time. Jalal was different!

'I hope Jalal understands my point of view' she prayed - and then, corrected herself quickly 'He WILL understand my point of view...he's a quite cool guy...I'll ensure he understands!'



With a dainty bag on her shoulders, a crisp dupatta across her neck and an enthusiastic gait, Jodha had made that trek through the library aisles to meet up with her group many times in the recent month. After all, the library had become the most frequent haunt of her 'project' partners ever since the dissertation had kick started.

However, that day was different. As she made the journey between rows of stacked shelves, her usual confidence was amiss! Unlike previous study evenings, she wasn't really 'looking forward' to the meeting this day. If nothing else, the very thought of facing this 'new' Jalal - a guy who'd proposed to her 40 hours ago - was discomforting enough! Furthermore, she knew he'd expect an answer from her.

However, since she had no intentions of postponing the inevitable truth she'd kept up the scheduled meeting anyway!

'Hey...' the man greeted her with a captivating grin, from a desk some distance away 'You've come...'

She was mildly taken aback - she'd barely stepped away from the aisle! It was almost like he knew she was there even before she was ACTUALLY there - and he somehow managed this feat every time.

'Hey' she replied with a formal smile - noting how the man who'd just emerged from his book looked as serene and composed as ever. She'd famously labelled that sombre expression of his the 'work' expression!

'Take a seat yaar' he interrupted her thoughts 'Abdul's left early...he's not feeling too well...is Meera not joining us?'

'Huh?' she tried snapping out of her daze, while approaching his desk 'No...not today...she has to be home early...I have her files with me, though...'

No sooner than she'd grabbed a seat opposite his, Jalal received the files and went on to peruse through its contents. His delight became quite evident thereafter 'You know Jo, we've made great strides as a team... the project's shaping up really well...'

'Yeah!' she nodded, somewhat lost - watching how the poised senior continued to be genuinely absorbed in his work 'How can this guy be as cool as a cucumber? Is it because he's done this 'proposing' exercise to many girls in the past? Maybe he is not even serious about this 'crush' in the first place...'

Finally setting down the files many minutes after, he looked up at her. She swiftly noticed how the tell-tale twinkle in his eyes had returned!

'Had so much fun on New Year's!' he resumed the conversation 'We should meet up again...'

Thank God! He'd eventually broached the topic 'Jalal' she spoke up in a low tone 'I don't know how to say this...' she looked up at his face to read his expressions 'B...but, I can't keep coming out with you guys like this...firstly, its quite expensive...and then...'

'I wasn't referring to the party at the club Jodha...' he started fiddling with his mobile phone 'I was referring to the forty five minutes I spent with you at that hideout...' he broke out into a soft enticing smile 'I had more fun in that party than I've had in any club or disco I've been to in the past seven years!'

She responded with an awkward smile - well, she didn't know what else to say to that comment!

Having waited for more feedback from her and having received none, Jalal decided to explore the sensitive issue a few seconds later 'You didn't return my call yesterday...' marking how the lady's face didn't reflect any latent happiness ever since she'd arrived, Jalal grew intrigued 'Say something...'

She let out a heavy sigh 'What do I say, Jalal...' finding it difficult to meet eyes with him, her gazes inadvertently shuffled from file to book to table to him 'How do I say this...'

'What?' he frowned

'Jalal...' she spoke up following an oddly silent interval 'You're a great guy...I love the way you make me laugh..you're amazingly supportive of those you're close to...you're very well- mannered ...I admire all that...' she paused - clumsily fidgeting with her rings as she did so 'However, I...I only consider you a friend...and nothing more...'

Slowly falling on the backrest of his chair, Jalal took a deep breath 'Wow!' he ran his fingers through his hair - stunned by disbelief 'Then, what was THAT all about?' he was obviously referring to their 'near-intimate' moments from a day ago.

'I am sorry if you took it wrongly...I... I... I... I... I...' she shut her eyes for a second 'I froze...maybe in fear...or something...'

He rolled his eyes in disdain - finding himself a bit frustrated now 'You froze in FEAR? How silly of me to assume it was mutual attraction!'

'No no no...' God! This was all turning pear-shaped 'THAT was not what I meant... come on, I have no reason to fear you! But...but...' how the hell was she to explain something that even SHE didn't understand!

He put up his palm so she could stop her fumbling attempts. Her elaborations weren't helping his already bruised ego anyway. Briefly digging his head into his palms, Jalal attempted to reel from the shock of it all. Boy, had he misjudged those 'special' smiles of hers that he assumed were reserved only for him. Being rejected didn't feel nice. Not at all.  

Watching his aggrieved reactions, her heart sank further 'Jalal please don't be so sad...' she tried reaching out to him 'I didn't say I don't like you...I just don't want to take this further... because...'

'Because?' he cut her without even bothering to look up

'We are poles apart, can't you see? Our families, our social circles, our religions, our views on life...'


'Don't appear so naive Jalal...' she'd finally found her voice 'You believe in dating till you find the right one...for me, a relationship is a commitment for life...'

'Oh!' he shrugged sarcastically

'While you're happy partying away and in no rush to settle down anytime soon... my family is busy pushing me to approve a prospective groom!'

Aghast, Jalal took a few seconds to let it all sink in. Her rebuttals were unexpected - but, not entirely unjustified. Dropping his tone to a whisper, he then went on to reveal the one lingering doubt that was eating him 'You've given me all sorts of reasons... but, I want to know what's on YOUR mind...' he paused - the growing pain in his eyes difficult to miss 'Just tell me this...have you EVER been attracted to me? At all?'

Oh! How she wished he hadn't come up with that query - because, that was the one query to which she knew not the answer herself. Aware that he was studying her face carefully, she decided to keep a straight face and give him an answer she thought was apt 'Jalal, I find you attractive...but, I'm not attracted to you...not that way...'

He raised his eyebrow as yet another shocker hit him hard. Wow! She hadn't even flinched when she'd said that. So, he'd been nothing other than an over-confident fool all along.

Resting his forehead against his fingers, Jalal began kneading his temple as he felt a headache come on. For some reason, the entire revelation had jolted him more than he could understand. The disheartened young man didn't know how to vent his disgruntlements - Screaming? Arguing? Storming off? Maybe breaking a few pieces of furniture?

With his vulnerability beginning to show through, she tried to comfort the him again 'Please Jalal...' she tenderly placed her hand on his palm 'Don't mistake me... I didn't know how else to explain...I never intended to hurt you...I respect you as a friend...' she paused to remind him 'We're STILL friends!'

'Nope' he slid his palm away from hers - his gazes now the slightest bit apathetic as he glanced up


'I said nope...'

It was now her turn to be shocked 'Isn't this childish?'

'Not really...' he shook his head with a sudden steely conviction 'You've made your choices that I have no right to question...similarly, you can't question my choices!'

'Can I ask why?' she asked in annoyance - silently cursing the male ego! This is exactly what she didn't want happening - why couldn't they just be friends?

He stared at her a good few minutes - observing her miffed frowns closely 'Only when you go through it...will you realize how difficult it is to JUST be friendly with someone you have a massive crush on...' his restrained emotions had the strangest mix of hurt, anger and longing in them.

'Jodha...' he gently uttered her name again, like it was the last time he'd say it so. It began tugging at her heart strings and in a not-nice way 'Every time that I see you...that I gaze into those eyes of yours... catch your smiles and giggles...listen to your witty retorts and passionate arguments ...would be a reminder of why I fell for you in the first place...if I need to overcome this crush, I need to be NOT around you...so, please try and understand...'

His heartfelt gazes alone were enough to send her into an emotional turmoil - those potent words only made it that much worse!

Hope you enjoyed it ðŸ˜³

Edited by lashy - 10 years ago
lashy thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago


9th January


Having zealously ruffled up his lathered auburn hair, the absorbed young man clicked the glistening WARM WATER controls on the wet wall in front. Tilting forward, he let the sudden downpour from the overhead spout hit his face, his shoulders and then his back. My my, it felt good indeed. The steaming shower had reinvigorated those achy gym-muscles within a matter of seconds. Letting the water cascade over his shoulders, Jalal exhaled deeply and gradually leaned ahead till his forehead touched the cold tiled wall.  Now, if only there was something that could 'reinvigorate' the mind within a matter of seconds too!

It was high time now! He should have stopped analyzing that discomforting evening at the library by then - seeing how he'd probably gone over the scenes, sentences and sentiments fifty times in the past week. However, for some reason he just couldn't get himself to stop delving upon it, YET!

What WAS he thinking when he'd awaited her answer oh-so-positively at the library that day? How could he have assumed that a self-respecting girl like Jodha would just nod her head and agree to his proposal? He couldn't forget how her eyes had been so bland as she'd expressed her lack of interest in such a relationship. Had he then mistakenly read her friendly smiles as amorous ones all along?

'Have you ever been attracted to me at all?'

'I find you attractive, but I'm not attracted to you!'

More than a week now and the man's battered ego hadn't still gotten over the drama. What HAD made him so overconfident about her feelings for him? Was it because HE'd always been the party turning down flirtatious proposals? Was it because he'd never faced rejection himself? After all, the only two times he'd ever proposed in the past, the answer had been a resounding YES!

Truly speaking, it'd been long since he'd faced this sort of nagging distress. The last spell he'd felt something like this was nearly four years ago - when his only long-term relationship had broken off. The 'serious' affair with his highschool sweetheart had terminated following her permanent migration to The States and his life had taken a brief downturn after the separation. However; this was understandable, since this ex was someone he'd been dating all the way from high-school through to college.

Jodha was someone he'd barely known for a couple of months. It made no sense whatsoever to be so troubled by the thoughts of someone he hardly knew - at least, not for Jalal Muhammed!

Now, had she been bitchy-enough while turning him down, he could have at least substituted this pain with anger. Alas, she'd gone on to be so dignified about it all - he couldn't even dislike her if he WANTED to.

Thankfully, none else really knew the extent to which he was being harassed by these recent bouts of inner turmoil. Not surprising, since he was very good at putting up a 'cool' facade in front of company.

If only he could somehow get rid of the plaguing images of her riveting self when alone too! If only!

'Argh!' he slapped the shower wall in frustration 'Get a hold of yourself... just get a hold of yourself, man!'


Having reset the upper half of her locks into a half-ponytail, the young lady hurriedly brushed the rest of her long partly-damp hair. Hopeful at long last that she must have achieved what she'd set out to, Jodha flung the large comb on her bed. Thereafter, she cast a quick glance at the tall mirror to check her hairstyle - for the nth time.

Shucks! It was presentable but by no standards pristine - there was still that small bump that stuck out like a sore thumb!

'Ufff!'  she gave up - this exercise had gone on long enough. She couldn't be bothered any more. She just had to learn to get used to the stubborn elements that were currently a part of her everyday life - be it her hair, her family or her friend. Oops, ex-friend!

Grabbing her mobile from the cluttered dressing table, the spunky junior was about to slip it into her handbag when she subconsciously stopped in her tracks.

She went on to make a brisk peruse of her inbox first to see if she'd received any new messages - correction, 'interesting' messages - an inadvertent habit she'd picked up in the last month or so.

'Hmmm' she sighed once she'd gone through her texts. It was just the usual stuff.

Then, it all came back to her once more!

Why was she still doing this? What WAS she anticipating? Why did she think there'd be anything 'interesting' in her inbox when the one person who used to send them had stopped interacting so?

On the day when he'd said 'We can't be friends any more' she'd hoped he didn't really mean business - but, she was wrong. He'd applied the brakes firmly this time. Canteen lunches had stopped. Study evenings had become short mundane affairs. Project interactions had been restricted to emails and that too very 'official' ones - gone was the 'Hey Jo' at the top and the 'wink wink ;)'  at the bottom - it was 'Jodha' and 'Regards' instead!

Oh, he was dignified-enough to behave civilly in public. He was decent-enough to not let his group-mates know ALL the details about their recent history - but, it came at a cost - she could hardly recognize this new guy. How ironical! There was a time when she would have evidently preferred a formal Jalal to his annoying mischievous self. However, now that he'd become this uber-sober guy, she wished he'd go back to being the devil-of-a-friend that he was.

With Jodha never having endured such unfortunate breakups with any of her pals before, the unpleasant developments with Jalal had left her at a strange juncture. While she DID feel sorry for him and empathize with his choices, she couldn't help feeling angry and hurt at the same time too. After all, she'd been having the time of her life and that was snatched away from her for no fault of hers.

For this very reason, she had made a couple of attempts to revisit the issue in the past week, but he'd avoided any discussions on it. So, she had to give it up thereafter - she couldn't afford to come off looking any more desperate than that.

'Damn!' the flustered young lady abruptly snapped back into action following the brief morning stupor. Soon enough, she dropped the phone into her purse with an air-of-indifference and reminded herself again 'Firstly, get RID of this subconscious-phone-checking habit ASAP! Secondly...true friends are those who don't let go of you whatever the circumstances and this just proves, he never was a true friend! Finally, GET OVER it already - he's just a guy!'

That checklist was something she'd formulated in the past week to help deal with the flustering circumstances and it was working - somewhat!

Nearly ready to set off to college, the preoccupied young lady was about to shut her handbag when her glimpses fell upon the beige envelope on the dressing table.

'Ufff' she sighed again - she'd momentarily forgotten about the OTHER bane of her life.

Grabbing the envelope, Jodha slipped it into her purse and then shut it. As she was doing so, the flaking nail paint on her otherwise beautiful long nails caught her attention. She cast a peek at the unopened bottle of Revlon's 'Passionate pink' tucked behind the overflowing jewellery boxes. It was a nail paint she'd bought before the New Years' - a colour she'd planned to try this week - which she obviously hadn't.

'Whatever' she scoffed a second later, closed the handbag and left the room.

That was enough worrying for a morning!



'Yes I'm over the moon'


'Can you believe he actually took my hand and proposed...'

'Can't believe it, yaar! Poora filmy hai...'

'I know...I'm sooo happy...I've barely slept last night...'

'Ouch!' 'Ooow'

Swiftly realizing what she'd just done, Payal released her iron grip from her friends' hands. She'd gotten so carried away while sharing the recent exhilarating turn of events that she'd clasped their palms much harder than warranted! As Payal followed-up her unwitting act with an apologetic grin, Meera and Jodha stared at each other for a whole minute - before, ultimately bursting out into a round of giggles!

Flexing their reddened fingers, they returned to dreamily wrapping their hands around their knees as they lazed around on the green grounds.

'Go on...now' they prodded - surely a few casualties along the way hardly mattered when the climax of the love tale was yet to unfold. Very exciting stuff this story-telling! Who would have thought that an otherwise mundane lunch break in the shady university grounds would turn out to be so eventful? Who would have thought that Payal's gushing smiles all morning held such exotic secrets behind them?

'Ok...ok...' the abashed lady took the cue to elaborate further 'You know, for being the bookworm that he is, I didn't think Maan would ever be capable of something like this...but, it was so romantic...just the two of us...on his terrace...yesterday evening at sunset...he held my hand...'

'Wow!' Meera gasped in astonishment 'The surprises are just never-ending...'

'Uh huh!' Jodha agreed with earnest happiness 'Seems like he truly loves you...you're lucky yaar...'

'Yes, I'm lucky' Payal nodded - she didn't even bother masking the deep-blush that was tinting her face then

'Aur treat...' Meera chimed in 'Kab dogi hamein?'

'Definitely...' Payal beamed 'How about today evening?' and then she quickly paused on recalling something else 'By the way, you girls used to tease me about it being one-sided and all...that I was the only one attracted to him...' a hint of pride steadily seeped into her voice 'Do you know? Maan confessed that he'd been having feelings for me all along too...apparently, he'd made up his mind to propose after New Years' eve...he mentioned how he'd had so much fun that evening in the club with me...' she gradually stopped her chattering there,  just as Meera had stopped her giggling - they'd noticed the waning enthusiasm on their friend's face.

'New Year's eve...more fun than at any other party...the 'unusual' moment... attraction...feelings...crush on you, Jodha...'

The nuances of the unravelling story were turning out to be eerily similar to her own - bar a few glaring differences, of course! As she tried to bury the uncomfortable thoughts she'd incidentally recalled, Jodha struggled to hide her escalating awkwardness with a half-hearted smile.  

'I'm sorry yaar' Payal spoke up - the liveliness in her voice not so conspicuous now

'Don't be silly...' Jodha hurriedly tried to cover her tracks 'You both love each other and its meant to be a joyous occasion...you have every right to be happy! Just because...Jalal and I...you know...you shouldn't be...' she averted their intrigued gazes for a second

'But what really happened Jodha?' Payal interrupted her You're surely hiding something...'

'Yes...we've asked you this many times already...but, your answers are so evasive...what EXACTLY happened after you both left the club?' Meera'd made no effort to hide the suspicion in her manner there

'Arre...' she patted their hands gently- providing the concerned ladies a false sense of assurance 'I told you na...those gundas chased us...so, we hid for a while...then, before dropping me off - he proposed...I said no ... uske baad he decided it was wise to maintain a civil distance...nothing more...'

'So, I'd been right all along...' Meera picked off from where she'd left - continuing to observe her bestie closely 'About his feelings for you...'

'Yup!' Jodha shrugged - like it didn't matter much to her 'Anyway, forget about all that...ek round of jhappis ho jaaye to celebrate Payal's khush khabar?'

Consciously reviving the cheer on her face thereafter, she attempted to shift the mood of the gathering back to what it'd been so long 'Come on girls...'  

Ensuing a brief interval of clumsy frowns between the three, the ladies then decided to go ahead and indulge in the mini-celebratory session with an affectionate group hug.

Perceiving how genuinely happy Payal seemed, Jodha couldn't help but break out into a fresh series of chuckles. True, she'd been wary - like many others - about Payal's prospects with Maan. However, on watching her friend's justified sense-of-euphoria that noon, Jodha's scepticisms had steadily given way to joy. Well, the New Year had at least turned out well for some!

'Oh my God!' Payal suddenly withdrew from the hug 'How could I forget?' she glimpsed at Jodha with an authoritative look 'Madam, where's the photo you were supposed to bring along today?'

'Oh yesss!' Meera glared wide-eyed - she'd forgotten about it altogether too

Watching their endearingly-assertive glares, Jodha let out a soft sigh and then picked the handbag from beside her. Opening its zip, she fished out a beige envelope from within 'Here...'

Within a matter of seconds, the envelope had been mercilessly grabbed, opened and its contents drawn out by the curious ladies


'He is handsome...and looks tall too...'

'He supposedly is...' Jodha smiled faintly 'Works for Tech Mahindra as a programmer'

'So, have you spoken with Rishabh yet?'

'No...' she shook her head with nonchalance 'I mean, he has my number and I have his...but, we haven't called each other yet...'

'But, why?'

Jodha exhaled wearily 'I'm not really interested...but, mama's not listening...'

'Such a good rishtha' Payal exclaimed in near-shock 'And you're STILL not interested?'

'What IS the kind of ladka you want, then?' Meera queried

'Meera bakwaas band karo...' Payal playfully taunted the uptight studious no-time-for-boys lady in their midst 'JODHA SINGH having given guys a thought? No way!'


'Hey!' Jodha interrupted them with mock-annoyance - watching how they were busy making assumptions without awaiting any input from her 'Just cos I don't discuss crushes...and love..and guys...and marriage...as much as you two...doesn't mean I don't think about it...'

'OK! Tell us about your ideal guy then' Meera pressed on - she was REALLY interested in hearing this one out!

Jodha looked aside a few seconds later - gazing into oblivion. She needed time to refer to that all-important 'ideal guy' list that was tucked away in some vague corner of her mind 'Let's see...' she commenced with subtle warmth 'I want an independent intelligent guy... someone who loves his family and will care for mine too...' briefly glancing at her friends to catch their eager reactions, she reverted to staring at the distant skies in the backdrop once more 'Well...I don't really care about money or looks, but if the guy had it I'm not really gonna complain, am I?' she chuckled to herself, almost dreamily 'A guy who can sense when I'm low and cheer me up...someone who's decent... loyal... supportive... oh yes, he should know how to stick up for himself!' she'd nodded her head with conviction as she'd said that last bit - and then, mellowed into a calm smile as she recalled a few more pointers 'I like it when a guy is active and sporty...I hate aalsi boys...I'd love it if he's stylish and dresses well... ' her eyes lit up 'Hey...I'd enjoy it if he had a bit of a mischievous streak...warna life bahut boring ho...jaa..' her words trailed off - she'd caught Meera's sceptical expressions.

Instantly losing the coyness that'd adorned her eyes so long, Jodha retaliated with a interrogative stare 'What have I done now?'

Barely swayed by the seemingly innocent glare, Meera flashed her an unconvinced frown 'THAT is one well-thought out and meticulous list of qualities Jodha!' she let out a hush smirk 'Too meticulous, in fact!'

Refusing to be flummoxed by the teasing, Jodha defiantly went on re-address her silent audience with a swift add-on 'Oh yes...girls...I forgot..the most important bit...I'd like a guy who my family approve of!'



Rolling up her sleeves, she mustered all the remnant reserves of energy she had, to finish up with her nightly tasks in the kitchen.  After an exceptionally tiring schedule of 4 classes, 1 presentation, computer lab research-hour and thesis preps at the library - the only thing she could think of was crashing into bed. Unfortunately, she hadn't been able to weasel out of the chores that awaited her that night - bhabhi'd fallen unwell and mama had been on her feet the entire day. 

'Come on Jo...just a few more dishes to put away...just a few more!' she steeled herself - trying NOT to think of the silky pillow or soft bed that beckoned her

Just as she began stacking up the dry stainless steel tumblers on their shelf, she noticed someone entering the kitchen 'Hi bhaiyya'

'Hey choti' bade bhaiyya walked in with a loving smile 'Good day at college?'

'Hmmm...' she nodded - as she lazily watched her brother pick a glass and pour himself some water to drink 'It has been fine bhaiyya...just really tiring...I...'

Her whining was unexpectedly cut short - she'd heard the message alert go off on her phone.

'A message at 10:45?' she mused in part-alarm 'Who could it be?'

Drying her hands on a towel, Jodha quickly went on to grab her mobile from the kitchen counter and opened her inbox  

'I always knew you were wise, my beautiful one...

But, you have proved to be even wiser...

By putting up a stop to these candid meetings with a Womanzier!'

'What!' she gasped. Just when she'd assumed it'd all stopped.

Suddenly realizing who she was with, Jodha turned away from her somewhat distracted brother to stay away from his line of sight. She couldn't risk him noticing her shocked stares!

'Kyaa problem hai Jodha?' he voiced his curiosity after a second. Even if not her funny expressions, he'd obviously noticed her funny behaviour 'Kiska message hai? That too...itni late?'

'God!' A series of mental notes flashed across her mind in an instant - One, the stalker kept tabs on EVERY detail in her life which means it most probably HAD to be someone from their group! Two, she HAD to change her number if this wasn't the last message. Third and most important - she HAD to come up with some excuse ASAP and distract Bade Bhaiyya's attention from her phone, for then!

Hope you enjoyed it ðŸ˜³

lashy thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago


12th January


'Urgh' Jodha groaned wearily as she'd just finished sorting and folding the zillionth dress. A Sunday noon couldn't just be 'lazy', could it?

She didn't understand the purpose behind having her cupboards emptied out and spring cleaned every few months when everything was going to go back to being what it was in no time anyway. This exercise served little purpose other than bringing about fresh bouts of complaints and chiding her way every time her mother stumbled upon a new pile of unsorted mess!

'Jodha' her mother spoke up sometime during the course of dusting an emptied drawer 'I forgot... woh rishte ke baare mein what's your opinion...you haven't said anything yet...liked the ladka?'

She looked up in alarm - now THAT question had come from nowhere 'Errr...' she shrugged her shoulder lightly 'Kuch khaas nahi hai woh...'

'Kuch khaas nahi?' the mom nodded disapprovingly 'Girls these days... expect too much, I tell you...when I was your age, I was already married...and at my sasural...'

'MAMMAAA'  Jodha interrupted her soon enough and indicated towards to the wall-clock with exaggerated zeal 'It's 4:30... chai time...shall I make you some kadak masala chai, mama? You're tired na...'

Her abrupt ideas were met with a long unconvinced stare 'No...you're going nowhere till you finish arranging everything...' she put down the dust cloth on the dresser 'I'll take care of the chai...'

'Oh...ok mama' she replied with an 'obedient' look -a look that she kept on till her mom eventually exited the room a minute thereon. Well, there was no escaping the spring-cleaning tasks that noon, but at least the sasural talk had come to an end!

Once all alone, Jodha got up to shut the door slowly and then fell back on her bed in relief. Phew! A breather!

Her ensuing thoughts went back to the last bits of their conversation 'Ufff...the rishtaa again...' she paused to wonder 'Could be that the guy's not too bad, after all...but...' and there she'd stopped with the tell-tale 'but' again!

Why this nagging reluctance at the back of her mind always? Was it a negative hunch about this rishta or just plain objection to getting married so soon? Why wasn't she so impressed with this Rishabh dude when everyone else had labelled him as 'Wow' - surely she wasn't THAT fussy!

Having said that - her 'ideal guy' list HAD turned out quite long. So long, it'd even taken her friends by surprise!

Inadvertently, she began delving upon the conversation she'd had on this topic with her friends the other day

'What did I say...oh yeah...' she leaned against her palm with a calm smile 'A guy who's supportive...loyal...'  just then, the vague-ish images of someone flashed across her eyes - the images of a so-called 'interesting' senior.

Defiantly brushing it off in a jiffy, she carried on 'Errr...what else...haan...a guy who's independent... intelligent ... and...and can stick up for himself!' a particular incident unexpectedly came to mind - an evening at the library, where this senior had debated with her on a tricky topic with relative ease. Well, not surprising - seeing how he'd swayed even the esteemed judges during the Intercollegiate seminar!

A second later, she scoffed at the thought  - its not like HE was the ONLY intelligent chap in all of India! Trying to avert the distractions, the flummoxed young lady revived the chirpiness in her manner and pursued with the list 'Ummm...yeah...he should be a FAMILY guy!'

'This is Robbie...my German Shepherd...buddaaa hai, but he's my best pal...my dad's no more...so its just the three of us! I have another photo with Ammi... somewhere...wanna see?'  

Shutting her eyes in a vain attempt to stop the flashbacks from repeatedly returning, Jodha arrived at the last bit 'A guy who'd cheer me up when I'm low... who's mischievous and jovial...' HIS intense gazes - she couldn't help but recollect the mischief in those deep brown eyes every time they'd exchanged a joke, a look or a taunt. God! Jalal was such a tease!


It was happening all over again - just like on the other day. At every juncture of the 'list' the first visions she could lucidly recollect were those of Jalal's. True, she hadn't consciously admitted anything to Meera then, but it's not like she hadn't realized that the description of her 'ideal guy' was beginning to sound dangerously close to HIM.

So; how and when did all this happen? Wasn't this the very Jalal she could barely tolerate two months ago? Then, how did HIS traits start taking up HER  'ideal guy' list suddenly? Or was it the other way around? Had SHE started recognizing her favourite qualities in HIM?

'Urgh!' Jodha stubbornly shut away the confounding notions at once. She shouldn't be doing this. She was NOT the type to get her priorities in life muddled up and that's how it would remain!

Shortly halting all thoughts and diversions, the young rebel searched for a reassuring excuse. No sooner than she found a convincing one, her eyes widened in relief and she slapped her forehead sportively 'I am bored, that's all...I miss an entertaining friend in Jalal...so, silly me keeps recalling all the good times we had as a group ...after all, he's the most engaging and charming competitor I've met...a jovial guy who could come up with all those fancy retorts without making them sound rude...'

Spurred on by the 'jokes and retorts' comment, she leaned across to dig out her mobile from the bottom of her handbag - a further attempt to convince herself that she was generally in good spirits. Opening her inbox she scrolled backwards till she came across an older set of texts - ones from HIM.

She'd meant to delete those along with the last text from the sleazy texter. However, just as it'd come down to removing HIS messages, something cropped up and she hadn't!

Subsequently, she arrived at a particular 'project-related' one he'd sent her a couple of weekends ago

Hey Jo, wonder if the Sun rises at ur place after 11 am  :-p

I'd sent someone a txt asking them to fwd me the attachments 3 hours ago...and I'm still waiting! ;)

A smile making its way on her lips, she went back and noticed a set of messages that'd been passed amongst the group

Jalal - Gp alert, Abdul tells me Salim's been missing frm morning...laapataa!

Abdul - Shayaad bandaa finally ladki ko bhagaa le hi gayaa ...any news or sightings of the missing man, plz report to [email protected]. Description - tall chasmish with 2 ears, 2 eyes and 1 nose!

Renu - loool

Salim's text, that'd arrived a few minutes later - STFU guys...I'm at home...down wid a flu...

Breaking out into a loud round of giggles, she scrolled back and stopped at another one - a compliment he'd paid her dish

Jo, the biryani u got us today was fab...

but, next time plz do 'ME' a favour and get my bhukkad dost Abdul a separate share ;)

Still chuckling aloud, she opened another one - a personal favourite of hers. He'd sent her this when he'd realized she was a little upset about something that had taken place in her class earlier that day

Mona Lisa's most beautiful asset is her smile...if she lost that, she'd be someone else...

Don't lose your most beautiful asset, Jo...it makes you what you are!

Her laughter steadily died down.

Strangely enough, the words that'd actually cheered her up then, had an opposite effect on her now. Her spirits not-so-gay any more, Jodha decided it best to switch off her phone ASAP and to get back to work. Just then, she noted a small reminder in her calendar icon. Curious, she tapped it open

'The football match...' she quietly exclaimed 'Next week!' she'd promised Jalal she'd attend and had marked the date off in her calendar many weeks ago. How was she to know then that their equation would change so drastically - and now that it had, why must she go at all - even for the sake of their University as she'd jested?

However, she also knew her adamant friends would attend and attempt to drag her along.

Sigh! Tough choice. If she WENT it'd appear like she was desperate for his attention. If she was the only one who DIDN'T show up, she might come across looking like an arrogant bitch!

'Damn!' she exhaled in annoyance 'When he can make his choices so easily, why am I compelled to fret about some words and promises?' she arrived at her decision a second later 'I don't care...I'm not going...I'll tell Meera and Payal that I'm not interested!' better to look arrogant than to look like a despo, especially in HIS case!



The authorities couldn't have chosen a better evening or venue to organize the game. With the weather being pleasant and the sports ground easily accessible from all parts of the city, the attendance was good-enough for a mid-semester Inter-collegiate football match.

Occupying the wooden benches dotted around the large-ish grounds, supporters of both teams were busy enjoying the pre-match environment as they eagerly awaited the start of the contest. Purchasing refreshments from passing vendors, passing around drinks, chanting slogans, blasting songs - the throng of hundred-odd college goers had made the already lively atmosphere all the more boisterous!

However; despite the impatient crowds and their revelry, the time was well past five before the two referees finally stepped into the field. Surely enough, a swift lull soon fell over the grounds - following which, a few announcements were made.

Thereafter, amidst a roar of encouraging cheers - players from both teams began walking in to take their positions. All geared up and raring to go, the sportsmen took a few moments to adapt themselves to the new surroundings - excitedly turning to the crowds to spot their respective supporters amidst the onlookers.

HE did too. A sweeping survey of the audience and he'd spotted the familiar faces of his dear group in no time. Immediately breaking out into a warm grin, he acknowledged their supportive presence by waving out to them. Ideally, he should have stopped there - but, he didn't. His glances went on to make a further search - albeit subtly - of the adjacent bench.

Just as he'd thought - her friends were there, but SHE wasn't.

'Good for her...good for me...' he rebuffed her conspicuous absence in an instant - before going on to assure himself all was fine 'Now get back to concentrating on the match, Jalal!'

******45 minutes into the match ********

'Huh' Payal sighed as she fanned herself with a self-made paper fan 'The game's a bit confusing...'


'I mean...Jalal and Thomas have been playing around with the ball for so long...goal mein seedha daalte kyun nahin ball ko?'

'Ask Maan afterwards...' Meera smirked nonchalantly 'He'll explain it to you in detail...'

'Because Jalal's a midfielder...' came the familiar voice from behind, after a moment 'He's good at tackling the ball from the opposite team...his job's to pass it on to the striker, who'll shoot the goals...'

Both ladies suddenly spun around to catch the new arrival

'You've come...FINALLY!'

'Half the match is over...aur ab aayi ho?'

Not minding the surprise in their tone - Jodha stepped forth, gracefully helped herself to the available space on their bench and then set down her purse. Once settled, the composed young lady looked up to catch the confounded frowns on their pretty faces 'Oh, you asked me why I'm late...' she hurled Payal a disapproving look 'You knew VERY WELL that I had no intention of coming here...yet, you decided to arrange for your treat today and emotionally blackmailed me into coming along...I mean REALLY... couldn't you find any other day, place or time to celebrate...I had to ride my scooty all the way from...'

'Ufffooo Jodha' Payal interrupted the tirade in annoyance 'It's just for a change...it was meant to be a different outing...not the usual canteen or Cafe Coffee Day...that's all...'

'Yeah...ok...' she conceded faintly - on having marked Payal's disappointment. Realizing thereafter that she might have gotten carried away with her initial rant, Jodha calmed herself down in a few seconds and then erupted into a soft beam to resume chatting on a fresh note 'Ok sorry about that... by the way...' she indicated to the unfolding game 'How's our Uni been doing so long...what's the score...'

'No goals yet' Payal shook her head slowly - the smile sneaking back on her lips

'Oh...another 40 minutes to go na...kar lenge...'

'Waise...' Meera spoke up thereafter - evidently surprised by Jodha's newfound authority on the sport 'I wanted to ask...since when have you been keeping track of all these football terms and rules?'

Jodha turned to Meera with a sceptical frown - well-aware of what her friend was trying to convey 'When you know the answers yourself, why do you keep asking the questions, Meera?' regardless, she decided to answer since there was no point in making an issue of it 'Like you don't know...Jalal and Abdul's favourite non-thesis topic was sports! So, I picked all this from their conversations...'

'Hmmm...' Meera nodded cynically and then decided to broach another topic - obviously, her friend wasn't going to entertain any more discussions on the delicate issue 'By the way Jo...' she started off with renewed fervour 'Mrs Uma was mentioning about the Education fair... you're volunteering too, right?'

Meera waited for some form of an affirmation to proceed on the subject, but none came for a good minute - strangely, her bestie's attention was gradually shifting to the game in front!

Perceiving after a short while of silence that the two were watching her, Jodha straightened up and mumbled a vague reply 'Haan Meera...about the education fair...bolo...'

'What haan tho... I'm asking you if you're volunteering...' she paused. No answer again. Not surprising - seeing how the young lady's eyes were commencing to closely follow the match now!

****** 70 minutes into the match ********



'Come on...'

She'd grinned in delight whenever the ball was effectively tackled from the other team and clenched her purse every instance a good 'scoring' opportunity was lost. Not too long back, she'd even begun silently uttering the 'Go Sri Ramakrishna Go' chant! So much for her tall claims of no-intentions-of-attending-the-match!

Throughout, the more silent Payal and Meera could do little else than stare at each other in bewilderment. Well, they couldn't add to their engrossed friend's 'No's and 'Yes's since they knew not the sport as well!

Then; just when they thought Jodha's enthusiasm couldn't get any more feverish , they started hearing another kind of muttering from her 'Oh my God...go team...come on... come on... Goooddd!!!' the cries were evolving into a crescendo - by then, joined by the most of the remaining crowds too 'You can do it... come on... Jalal...go...'

They turned ahead to witness it for themselves - Jalal had skilfully tackled the ball away from the other team and single-handedly guided it all the way through the centre.

'Come on...come on...' Meera and Payal sheepishly added to the ongoing uproar 'Come on team...'

Barely a second later, Jalal found a golden opportunity - and in a flash, he headed the ball across to Thomas and Shareef, who guided it right into the goal.  


The supporters broke out into a loud cry and stood up to rejoice in unison. FINALLY! With only ten minutes left, they'd managed to score a goal!

Following many rounds of raucous celebrations with the rest of his team-mates on the pitch, the exhilarated Jalal turned around to his group to blow them a flying 'We did it' kiss. No sooner, than he'd done so, his glances incidentally fell upon her unexpected presence on the bench nearby - smiling in whole hearted glee and applauding the achievement along with her friends!

'When did she...' the jubilant grins on his lips steadily faded away 'And why, when our rapport has changed now...besides, she isn't even fond of the sport...'

Noting that he'd noticed her, Jodha simultaneously brought her merriment to a stop.

Within that long moment it felt like the ecstatic glory that the two'd just been partying about, had been negated by a creeping sense of melancholy. Battling to bury the resurfacing distress in their emotions, he continued staring at her and she at him - growing oblivious to their loud surroundings. So much so, that their frozen gazes and escalating discomfort was turning into a spectacle of sorts, till a fellow-player nudged Jalal to snap him out of it.

Realizing what a quagmire he'd let himself get sucked into there, Jalal looked away in an instant - mentally vowing never to look her way for the remainder of the game!

****** 85 minutes into the match ********

'Hey Jalal buck up man...what's happening...'

'No no I'm fine...' he tried convincing them 'I'm good...'

'There's only 5 minutes of play left... don't ruin it now yaar!'

'Yeah..yeah' he nodded unhappily. Damn! It was the second time in the past couple of minutes, he'd had to listen to those words - it was the second time he'd fumbled and let the other team tackle the ball away.

Shutting his eyes for a second, he attempted to clear his head and invest all of his mental energy into the spirit of the match 'Jalal Muhammed is a go-getter...he wouldn't get bogged down by disappointments in life!' he wasn't going to give up - not now - not ever!

All along, the disheartened young lady watched him in silence - unmindful of her friends' questioning frowns. She could see why the young man's game had taken a turn for the worse. She could perceive how he wasn't over her yet. Maybe he was right. Maybe its better they stayed away from each other. Deciding to waste no more time, she peeped at her watch 'Girls you know what...I'm gonna wait at the gate...and...'

'ARGGGHHH... Shareeef w...what...the...'

The general gaiety in the grounds was immediately muffled by that blood curdling yell. Everyone stood up in shock to understand what'd happened - as one of the players writhed in pain, while holding onto his leg.

'Jalal...' her heart instantly sank 'He's hurt...' the blood drained from her face 'Hurt badly...'


Hope you enjoyed it... and if you did, please leave behind a 'like' ðŸ˜³

lashy thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago


17th January


'Hey Jodha... you...here?'

Shutting her eyes in vexation, the young lady halted in her tracks for a second to steel herself - before turning around to face the source of the voice

'We won...' the sweaty man flashed her a dirty smile

'Hey wanna join us for the celebrations?' his disorderly friend added 'With your friend Meera, maybe?'

God! Some guys just never got the message, did they? Conjuring up a noticeably fake smile, Jodha shook her head 'No thanks...but, congratulations anyway...'

Knowing that this lady wasn't one to concede easily, Shareef decided to take another route 'Good match, wasn't it Jo?' the man began parading a mini-victory dance 'I scored a goal for the team...did you see?'

Jodha raised her eyebrow wryly - after the underhanded manner in which he'd just injured a fellow-player, he definitely had the nerve to be bragging about himself!

'Oh!' she went on to snub his silly antics thereupon 'You mean the goal you scored AFTER JALAL tackled the ball so skilfully from the opposite team and headed it to you...yes, that was a class apart...' she paused for a moment - acting like she was trying to recall portions of the game 'The match was amazing for most ...but after Jalal's injury, the last five minutes was a bit of a drag... good match otherwise!' observing his baffled frowns with delight, she decided to end her rebuff with a special lady-like farewell 'Ta ta... guys...'

There! HOPEFULLY he'd got the message loud and clear this time at least.


Having trekked across the large grounds, fended off pesky flirts on the way and then traipsed through the halls behind the stadium offices, her journey eventually came to a stop outside the incident room. No, she wasn't alone on the corridors there either. On the contrary, the place was busy with all sorts - players shuffling about with their sports kits, authorities attending to post-match formalities and groups of friends busy catching up.

Smiling at the familiar faces she'd come by, Jodha then stepped forward till she reached the door of the first aid facility.

Woah! The small room was even more crowded than the hallway - in fact, bustling - with friends of the popular senior and their noisy chatter. In the midst of that loyal retinue she spotted HIM - engrossed in the conversation, while his bruised leg was stretched out to rest on a low stool. The ice pack and dressing wrapped around his now swollen ankle was clearly only a temporary measure - the injury needed medical care soon enough. However; it was also apparent from the 'hot topic' in the room that attending to the bruise was not their prime concern for then. Something else was worrying their star player.

'What the hell was he thinking...interfering YOUR tackle, Jalal?'

'Cos the bas***d obviously wants to get back at him yaar...' folding his arms, Salim leaned against the wall 'For the fight at the club the other day!'

'You know what...' Renu added 'Nikki told me, she actually saw him celebrating his victory with Anand outside' she nodded angrily The cheek!'

'I still can't believe it...' Jalal grit his teeth 'For having deliberately rammed his spikes into my leg and twisting my ankle, all he got was a red card' he threw his hands in the air frustratedly 'It's going to take me at least a week to be back on my feet!'

'But the authorities can't do much else yaar...' Abdul ultimately interrupted them - his tone calmer than theirs 'Well, he's never gonna represent the University again, that's for sure!'

'Hah!' Maan retorted 'I don't think Shareef's too...bothered...a...about...t...'

He'd stalled the debate there - he'd just spotted someone waiting at the entrance.

Noticing Maan's diversion, everyone turned to peek at the doorway. The momentum of the gossip reached its abrupt end soon after!

'She...here?' Jalal wondered in alarm.

Following a long guarded stare at her sombre expressions, the restless young man looked away. Well, he couldn't decide how else to react to her sudden arrival there.  

Once the remaining seniors had greeted the new visitor with 'courtesy' smiles, Abdul took it upon himself to cease the awkward stillness - something that'd gone on for more than a minute now 'I... I... I need to buy a bottle of water...' he nudged the guy next to him 'Salim wanna come along?'

'Oh yeah...' Salim followed the cue a moment later 'Mujhe waise bhi Sprite khareedni thee...' he turned to address the rest of the batchmates in the room 'What about you guys?'

'Yeah...we too! Aur Maan, tum?'

'Oh, I have to head off for a short while too...' he added with a timid smile 'Payal must be waiting for me...I'd told her I'd meet her at the grounds...'

The group then waited for Renu to voice her suggestion - who, was obviously the last to do so 'Yeah... yeah...I'll come along too!' she submitted with poorly-concealed annoyance 'I don't have any business here now, anyway!'

Before long, all classmates were on their way out.

Once everyone had left, following the embarrassingly obvious vanishing-act - Jodha finally stepped into the now silent room. Walking up to one of the tatty plastic chairs, she took her place beside him.

No words or looks were exchanged between the duo for a short unsettling spell, till Jodha decided to overcome her initial hesitance. However, she had to first spend a few seconds to carefully weigh her opening words. Strange, seeing how these two could neither keep it shut nor care for 'opening words' when in each other's company till a few weeks ago!

'How are you feeling now?' a safe-enough start, she thought

'Not too great' he shrugged

'You played really well Jalal...I enjoyed watching the game...'

'And then...' he completed her sentence for her - while still glaring at his abandoned sports bag 'Finished it all off with an unceremonious exit!' he was obviously referring to his compromised game in the last seven minutes

Jodha watched him with a sorry look. She understood his plight, but didn't know how to further the conversation or to pacify him about his recent setback. Even if she wanted to bring a semblance of a smile back on his lips, she was severely restricted in her options since they weren't technically 'friends' now.

What was she supposed to say? Teasing him about how adorable those childlike 'sulky' frowns of his looked right then could look odd! Neither could she order him with authority to have his ankle checked without delay. Sadly, she couldn't even crack jokes about having missed him so long. Nevertheless, Jodha tried furthering the conversation anyway!

'Jalal...' she deliberately escalated the liveliness in her tone 'Hey... I have something with me...masala poha... your favourite...'  

'Jodha' he cut her on a gentle note to get to the point 'WHY have you come?'

For a second, her heart sank on listening to that query - but, she refused to admit it and continued sportively 'For the University' she winked 'Remember?'

Brushing-off the jesting with a half-second glance and an unconvinced smirk, he turned ahead to stare at his bag again!  

Not-too-happy with his reserved responses to her light-hearted attempts, she sighed 'Jalal...I came because I never stopped considering you a friend...YOU are the one who's chosen to end it this way...' she couldn't believe she'd said it, but she did anyway!

He nodded faintly in acknowledgement 'True...and wish I could be crafty like always and come up with a smart solution, Jodha...but, the ugly truth still remains that I might not be as strong-willed as I assumed I was...' his husky voice slightly cracked as he approached the end of that difficult confession 'At least, not around you...'

'Shut up!' she scolded 'The Jalal I know is NO weakling so don't call him that!' rolling her eyes, she grinned impishly to hide the latent gloom in her voice 'Well, its not really YOUR fault that Jodha Singh can get quite irresistible at times...but, I can make her curb all that natural charm, if it'd help...' 

This time, he HAD to look up at the young lady sitting beside him - that one playful line of hers had conveyed many unsaid things. Damn! When he was struggling to get over her, did she REALLY have to compel him to fall for her all over again?

He continued gazing into her eyes - making up for all the moments that he hadn't done so, so far. This was the very junior who'd captured his attention from the word 'go' - and she still had the same effect on him. Not surprising though. After all, she could be just as bull-headedly tenacious as she could be sweetly caring. She could be just as loyally supportive as she could be fiercely self-assured. Only; he couldn't pride himself on the fact that all those fascinating traits belonged to a girl he could call HIS.

What a strange juncture their relationship was at - she knew he wanted her and he could see that she wanted him - but, not in the same manner. Complicated indeed!

Snapping out of his daze, Jalal cast her a tender smile 'So, you claim you're irresistible, haan?' he winked sadly 'But I can't quite boast of being irresistible myself any more, can I?'

'God' she grimaced - if only he hadn't revisited the proposal 'Jalal... about that...' she spoke up thereafter - seeking to brush aside the delicate topic 'You know my answer...'

'Then, you know mine!' he came back - soft yet stern

Once again, the situation had reached an impasse.

Once again, no words or looks were exchanged for a few moments - till Jodha decided it best to end their strange meeting for then.

She stood up a second later 'Ok...bye Jalal...we'll meet later' she paused 'Or maybe not!' 

Her dejection wasn't unjustified. After all, the two had barely met in the past few weeks over project work discussions - and by the end of the month even that'd be done!

With no intention of lingering in his presence any longer, she then turned away to leave. However; just when she was about to get going, she found herself stopped in her tracks.

Immediately spinning around, the startled young lady noted how he'd caught hold of her palm. Stunned by this unexpected gesture, she looked up at his agitated frowns. It took her a while to come to terms with what she saw then - he was obviously not prepared to let go of her, yet. Though Jalal was quiet throughout, the painful parting queries in his gazes was something she wished she didn't have to brave.

Unable to endure the profound emotions those heart-tugging glances evoked, her unhappy glimpses raised a valid question 'Why Jalal...why are you doing this?'

'So, its true then...' he smirked cheerlessly 'You don't have ANY feelings for me?'

Emotional, Jodha shut her eyes for a second - before shaking her head in the negative 'Asking me the same question over and over again isn't going to make me change my answer, Jalal...'

Observing her unwavering stance, he could do little else but scoff his darned fate 'So, that's it then?'

This time, her eyes replied nothing in return. He got the message. He had to just get over her - there was no two ways about it

'Let go' he steeled himself thereafter 'LET GO, JALAL'

Listening to the voices in his head, the young man proceeded to gently unfold his fingers that'd wrapped her palm within his. A second later, she was free to go.

However, she didn't leave right away. Her hand lingered on his open palm for a few seconds longer, while both studied the other's expressions for the last time. Neither did he care to free himself from her touch nor did she let her palm slip apart from his. Even when she subsequently realized what was going on, her paralyzed fingers took their own time to recoil - almost like they wanted to savour the feeling till the very last second.

'Take care Jalal... get well soon...' she numbly whispered thereupon 'Bye...'




Oops! She quickly managed to stifle that one before it'd caught anyone's attention. She'd battled it long and hard, but her body ultimately had to yield to the overpowering urges!

Having said that, she needn't have worried about hiding the side effects of her ongoing fatigue too much - she was only one of many twitching-fidgeting-yawning students who'd been reduced to near-zombies in that two hour presentation that felt more like a hypnosis-session!

Year 1 had heard rumours about this particular visiting lecturer's infamous sleep-inducing sessions, but even that couldn't have prepared them for the extent of the torture!

'Customer analysis...customer LTV...behavioural approaches...' they'd all started off peppy - taking down notes and nodding heads 'Reference pricing...segmentation...customer acquisition...client expansion...' by the end of an hour, many had caved in 'Target market... consumer satisfaction ...new product development...' by the end of two, most had had it!

She didn't know what made it worse - the dark settings, the symptoms of a cold that she could feel coming on, the contagious effect of the remaining yawners, the air conditioned hall or the drone-of-a-voice that the lecturer had.

'At least if it was someone else presenting the topic...' she began wondering at some point 'Like Prof Ram charan... who'd have made it lively...or Prof Shantaram...who'd have driven the class into chuckle-fits thanks to his weird pronunciations...'

'How do you even understand half the words Prof Shantaram says? My year 2 batch-mates STILL have to guess that pipty pipe means fifty five...callletter means calculator...'

A mini-grin erupted on her face.

'Tum bilkul pagal ho, Jalal' she chided him as she recalled his merciless impersonations of the lecturer - again 'Jaise ki khud professor banna aasaan hai!' 

This Mr.Know-it-all senior had to be the biggest show-off she'd met - always teasing everyone else like they were beneath him - dictating other's lives like they were his - dictating HER life like SHE was his! 

One week on and she'd obviously not gotten over their last meeting yet! 

With the brief imaginary taunt-Jalal session leaving her both, amused and flustered then - Jodha grabbed the notepad that was sitting in front. Flipping the pages, she stopped when she came to one that had signs of his handwriting on it. Resting against her palm, the young lady perused the page. She went through both - the complex formulae he'd sketched out AND all the funny-figures, faces and stories he'd made up for each theorem, so it'd be easier for her to remember them forever!

'Yeah...ok...ok...Mr Know-it-all!' she conceded in mock-frustration, a minute later 'You'd make a great flirty old lecturer... with glasses...a brown coat...and grey hair...I think it'd suit you, Jalal...' biting her lip to stop an oncoming chuckle as she ridiculed him, she shielded herself so the 'drone' professor didn't catch her distracted smiles.

Spurred by the slew of mischievous thoughts, Jodha went on to quietly fish the mobile out of her handbag. Along with it, came out the beige envelope that held Rishabh's photo within.

'Mamma's gonna kill me' she winced - looking at the shoddy state the envelope was now in 'I keep forgetting to put it away!'

Pushing the cover back into her bag, she adjusted the book on her desk so her mobile stayed hidden - and then, tapped her phone screen on. Accessing the inbox thereafter, she scrolled to a text Payal had sent her that morning - a photo taken at the football match a week ago.  

It was a celebratory snap of the three ladies clicked just after their institute had scored the goal - but, the picture had also managed to capture him in the background.

'Stupid' she blamed her mind! One look at that charming smile and she'd already lost most of her 30-second annoyance.

Leaning forth, she proceeded to check out his expressions - studying the joy on his face following the goal they'd scored. Something didn't feel quite right - but, she couldn't understand what.

Pausing for a few unsure seconds, Jodha consequently ended up opening up the gallery icon. Continuing to glimpse-up every now and again to appear like she was still a part of the lecture, she went back a few photos till she came to one that was tagged with the date 01-01-2014.

Before she could actually open the snap, she found herself in two minds - one part ordering her to switch the instrument off and the other part commencing to succumb to morbid curiosity. With her thumb swinging between 'Off' and 'photo' for a few seconds, she ultimately surrendered to 'morbid curiosity' and opened the photo.

There it was - their last photo together - a group photo taken on New Years' at the club before it'd all unfolded. Slowly but steadily, the rest of the people in the group blurred out of focus as her eyes zeroed in on him. Unaware of it, her gazes mellowed as she observed him closely. She hadn't realized it then - but, she could see it now. 

The smile he had on his face in that snap - was something else altogether! His smiles were never the same since!

Troubled by the realization, her finger subconsciously moved over the screen - onto where his face was. Following a brief spell of hesitation, Jodha touched the image - she'd eventually touched his face. At that moment,  just as she'd feared - all her doubts came back with a vengeance - doubts she'd ignored, doubts she'd squashed dead and doubts she'd buried. She began feeling a 'flutter' much like the one she'd felt that New Year's night during their special 'moment'. She didn't move her finger away from his picture much like she'd frozen then - and she knew not why!

Then; in the dynamic stillness she could sense it - the warmth of his face - as though she was touching him in person!

'You there... in the 3rd row...JODHA SINGH...WHAT are you doing?'

Jolted as soon as she'd heard her name called out, she looked up anxiously 'No...no...nothing sir...'

'You're volunteering for the education fair next month, right?' the prof reminded her harshly 'This presentation on consumerism will be useful when you'll have to speak there...so please concentrate!'

Shit! This looked bad. She stuttered to come up with anything sensible 'Y...yes sir...I'm sorry...'


That night; she'd successfully erased ALL of his texts, pictures and memoirs!


Hope you enjoyed it and if you did, please don't forget to press the like button ðŸ˜³

Edited by lashy - 10 years ago
lashy thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago


10th February



'Hey yaar' the burly-ish man slapped his friend's palm as a hi-five greet, before grabbing the only unoccupied seat at his group's table. Once he'd stretched his legs out, Abdul surveyed the faces of his mates. When his glances fell upon his bestie, he quickly stopped in his tracks.

'Mr. Jalal Muhammad' Abdul teased the guy 'Pehli hi mooch...now dhaadi too... Devdas banne ka iraadaa hai kyaa?'

'WHAT?' Jalal scoffed the exaggerated remark with a smirk 'Shut up yaar! My electric razor hasn't been charging properly the past two days...have to buy one!'

'Jalal...' Renu cut him in her typical no-nonsense tone 'Do you know why you're turning into this... why you're unable to get over her...because SHE's the only one who's refused to let YOU get to her...' watching him bury his face in his hands in response to her statements, she folded her arms - like a matron would when telling off her ward 'Jalal, not my fault you didn't heed my words...I told you to stay away from her...I told you she's not really your type...but, you never listened... in fact, don't feel bad I'm saying this, but I find her a tad bit ungrateful at...'

'Guys' he glimpsed up to halt the I-told-you-so sermon 'Can I and Jo NOT be the topic of discussion here today?' seeking to get rid of the gloomy aura plaguing his group, he went on to wink at Renu in typical Jalal-style - before playfully banging the table 'Renu...kyaa yaar...today its YOUR turn to get us the chai naashtha...' he showed off the time on his Tag Heuer 'Its past 5 and no signs of it...' catching the lady's annoyance at having been interrupted, he boosted the cuteness in his smile 'Come on yaar...'

'Whatever...' she sighed unhappily and stood up at once 'Salim...Maan...chalo guys...' observing their lethargic stares in reply to her suggestion, she subsequently poked them on their arm 'Come on...I'm not carrying back all those plates by myself, am I?'

The two men let out a low groan 'Ok...ok...' - they knew better than to argue with an 'irked' Renu.

Once the trio were out of earshot, Abdul nodded to himself slowly 'Hmmm'

'Kya hmmm?' Jalal studied him suspiciously

Taking a few moments to word his thoughts appropriately - he turned to face Jalal once more. It was evident his manner was no longer mischievous 'You don't like Renu speaking about her in that manner, do you? Actually, you don't like any of us discussing her...' he paused to observe his bestie's softening frowns 'That's why you haven't been talking to us about this ...not even to me' he shrugged 'It's not like you!'

Jalal was about to come up with a dismissive answer, but he couldn't find a suitable one fast enough. Compelled to give the questions a think-through, he gradually leaned on the backrest of his chair 'Yeah...maybe you're right' he couldn't really explain the whys or hows of it, but Abdul was right. He was protective of her - even now!

'Jalal' the concerned pal resumed - since his buddy wasn't saying much 'You weren't this withdrawn even after Sonia shifted to the US...its been one and half months now...I think it's high time you snap out of this...' this time Abdul waited for Jalal to look him in the eye 'I want my pal back!'

At this point, Jalal had to let out a low laugh - he was genuinely taken aback by the string of serious insinuations from his otherwise jovial mate 'Hey... I'm not in a shell or anything... life's normal...' he shrugged nonchalantly 'I mean we all still hang out during weekends...our thesis is coming along well ... I've been acing my submissions...' a hint of pride marked his tone there 'I competed in the match last month...we still go to the movies... clubs... gym...'

'But' Abdul butted in with conviction 'You're not YOU even when you're doing all this...' following a long pause of silence, he nudged the hush guy 'Jalal, talk to me!'

Exhaling deeply, Jalal glanced down at the rings on his fingers and started playing with the one on his ring finger 'What do I say...' a faint smile graced his lips 'I miss her yaar...'

No, he wasn't really referring to her sultry grins, twinkling eyes or that sexy form. In fact, it'd been ages since he'd even met her or had any fodder for his male fantasies.

It wasn't the woman Jodha he missed as much he missed the companion Jodha!  She'd exited from his life, but left behind a legacy - a legacy of warmth, of selfless support, of evident concern that went into all those healthy snacks she used to bring him, of sweet messages like 'All the best for your submission', of sarcastic compliments like 'That green t-shirt only looks good because it's on you!' and of genuine care in all those subtly-done Saturday late night calls to check he wasn't going overboard with the 'beers'!

'Yeah...' Jalal concluded his pensive spell 'I miss her company terribly...'

'Then' Abdul frowned 'You SHOULDN'T have ended the friendship so abruptly!'

He nodded listlessly - while still staring at the ring he was twirling around 'I thought it'd help, but I was wrong...in fact, it's only gotten worse...especially, after she met me at the match...'

'Arre...' Abdul jumped in with a hasty attempt to restore some positivity 'It's just a matter of time...you'll forget all this when you meet someone else...'

'Nahin yaar...' Jalal spoke up, unmoved - he'd shifted to toying with the ring on his index finger now 'When she met me after the match, she said something that made me realize that Jodha Singh is irreplaceable!'

'The Jalal I know is NO weakling so don't call him that! Well, its not really YOUR fault that Jodha Singh can get quite irresistible at times...but, I can make her curb all that natural charm, if it'd help...'

'She...' his voice dropped down to a murmur 'She reminded me all over again...of why...I've fallen in love with her...' phew, that was a tough confession to make, but he'd finally done it - he'd finally talked about this relationship and divulged his sentiments!

Having done his bit of explaining, Jalal looked up to observe his friend with a 'got your answer now?' expression, but was caught off-guard by what he saw. Jalal had expected the fellow to come back with one of his usual jibes, but here he was - sitting speechless!

'Kyaa hua?' Jalal had to laugh at the unusual sight, setting aside the troubling topic for a moment 'No jokes?'

'Huh?' Abdul stuttered. Well, yeah, he was the group-jester - but, what he'd witnessed was too moving to laugh-off. The pain in his friend's voice and the anguish in his eyes that'd finally surfaced, was something he'd NEVER seen Jalal endure. It was quite whelming - enough to make even this blabbermouth emotionally tongue-tied for a few moments.

'Oy Abdul..' an amused Jalal hit his back to snap him out of it 'Zyaadaa dramaa mat kar...'

'Abbey' Abdul sat up a second later 'This is proper filmy waalaa love...wow!' though still in mild disbelief, he compelled himself to come out of his zapped state. Well, he couldn't change the inevitable, so he decided to do what he COULD - cheer his mate up 'Jalal...waise... thank God Renu didn't overhear you spouting all this senti stuff...or she'd have made kheema of Jo by now!'

'I know, right?' Jalal chuckled as the scary thought played out in his mind 'Women, eh?'

Once the two had resettled after their short bout of laughter, Abdul came up with a suggestion 'Maybe you should take a break... go to Mumbai... stay with your Taaya for a change...'

'And then?' Jalal wasn't convinced 'I still have to get back here, right? To this Uni! I'd rather just visit Amal old age home... at least, I'll find peace!'

Barely half a second later; Abdul straightened himself and turned to face Jalal with renewed enthusiasm - a foolproof 'distraction' ploy had just struck his brilliant mind - or so he'd thought 'This weekend I'm off to the Business Education Fair! I wanna have a peek at the current job market...' he paused 'Come along...'


'Abe come for the sake of company na' he paused 'By the way, its valentine's weekend... who knows...some HOT business student from another university might grab your attention...'

'Yaar' Jalal laughed in disbelief! He'd barely finished his pithy confession about love and his friend was already dragging him to meet other girls 'Abdul...I'm not coming...'

Picking up his glass of water, he held it close to Jalal 'Come on...pick your glass' he signalled to the other one in front 'Let's toast to new prospects...and HOT girls...'

Yeah, the friend was determined. He wasn't going to let his buddy weasel his way out of this one. Abdul wasn't going to take 'No' for an answer this time around.



Lush carpet over thousands of square metres, exquisite lighting, marble pillars and velvety drapes - set in the popular five-star hotel, the backdrop for this fair couldn't have been more splendid! However the grandeur wasn't without reason. After all, this was no ordinary mela - this was a formal event sponsored by the bigwigs, for the bigwigs. Apart from being a 'rich' affair, the annual occasion was also a popular one. Headhunters, marketing executives, MNC professionals, lecturers, business graduates - many made it a point to attend - as long as they could afford the entry tickets, that is!

Thankfully; SHE didn't have to worry about the affordability. All she had to ensure was that along with three others - a senior and two lecturers - she was putting on a good show for her university-sponsored stall.

No doubt; the Sri Ramakrishna Institute stall was only a small one amongst the sea of hundred other imposing ones. In fact, at first glances the magnitude of the event had taken her breath away. Yet, once she'd gotten into the groove of things, there was no stopping her!

What a good learning curve it was turning out to be. Apart from the 'experience' of marketing her own institute's training courses, she could meet business professionals, browse the job-market and make many good contacts!

Most of all, the 'fair' by itself was a good means to keep her mind occupied - and free of thoughts about a certain someone!

Having just come off one such enlightening discussing with a pleasant group of graduates, she was about to turn around to put the pamphlets away when she noticed an unwelcome persona approaching their stall.

'Damn' she'd nearly sworn aloud. The evening had been so good - actually, too good to be true. So, there HAD to be a catch somewhere! That 'catch' had come in the form of this repulsive senior

'Hello sirs...' he paused 'Hey Jo...'

'Hello Shareef...' she muttered with visible disinterest

'Hi Shareef...' prof. Ram Charan greeted him 'How did you find the event?'

'I didn't expect you here...' prof Shantaram added

'Oh, the event's been very good sir' he acknowledged 'I've been strolling around for the past two hours...then decided to check our college stall out' he peeped at the object of his fancy 'And surprise surprise ...who do I find here?'

Jodha rolled her eyes in response to his innuendos

'By the way, sirs' he pursued, unbothered by her defiance 'Just reminding you again...the sponsor talk and dinner commences in half an hour at the convention centre...' he dropped his tone to a whisper so only SHE could hear him 'Will meet you there...'


'Where could they be?' she continued scanning the mega-arena that was  impeccably laid out with numerous large round dinner tables and plush chairs. The dinner seating arrangement was reserved institution-wise - yet, she couldn't locate the tables that were designated for her Institute.

As it is, she'd already missed the sponsor talks due to her pack-up responsibilities - she hoped she wasn't late for the dinner too!

Luckily, a minute or so later - she'd managed to spot her professors at a far end of the hall 'Yesss!'

Relieved, Jodha snaked her way in between the many dinner tables to make it there as soon as she could. While approaching them, she suddenly felt strange. A puzzling sense of uneasiness was beginning to shadow her otherwise happy mindset. She'd caught the presence of a discomfortingly familiar silhouette seated at one of the tables. For a  moment, she wondered if she was seeing things.

However, as she arrived at the spot it all became clearer. Her doubts were confirmed. It WAS HIM!

Startled, she momentarily stopped in her tracks - at the same time that he'd noticed her emerging profile! The following few seconds unleashed a wave of unpleasant emotions for both. It was bound to happen - their last meeting was an unhealed wound that'd been covered up with layers of dressing. This unexpected encounter had somehow peeled off some layers of that dressing.

Fortunately for the troubled twosome, their professors were at an adjacent table and the lights in the hall dimmed. If not, many more in that respectable gathering would have been privy to the apparent awkwardness between the two 'ex-friends'!

'Jodha? Here?' he noted the orange badge 'So, Madame Busybee's been volunteering? Wow!' he passively smirked to himself 'The very person I'm supposed to forget...and that too...' her exceptionally stunning appearance had obviously not escaped his attention. Wasn't it enough that she tormented poor him by gracing all his special days with her presence? Did she have to make her grand entry decked like a Goddess too? That violet anarkali salwar, those kohl laced hazel eyes, those effeminate teardrop earrings, that deep-boat neckline revealing the silky skin of her shoulders, that long hair trailing on one side of her curves - Goddess indeed!

Snapping out of the brief guilty pleasure he'd just indulged in, Jalal turned to dart Abdul a sarcastic glance 'So much for your ploy of dragging me here, haan?'

Abdul shook his head with a defeated smile - the ways of fate were twisted indeed!

'Jalal? When did he get here?' she wondered simultaneously 'And why didn't he visit our stall?' her glances then fell upon a beautiful young lady seated beside him - clearly, someone he'd brought along to the event. Someone - she also noted - who was sitting very very close to him 'Oh! Why would he bother coming when he's busy entertaining?'

What an irony, she thought! This somewhat icy reunion was turning out to be quite a contrast to their previous heartfelt one. On that day, the senior she'd met was a down-to- earth sombre gentleman. The one sitting in front was someone else.

Yeah, this man was handsome too - really really really handsome in that dark tie, black suit and impeccable grooming. However, this 'uber swanky' senior didn't remind her of the sweet caring cheerful Jalal she liked - he resembled the arrogant flirty Jalal she'd met during her first week at University.

'He's moved on...' she assumed in disdain 'Good for him!'

Flashing Abdul a quick smile, Jodha dragged her chair and seated herself. A few uncomfortable seconds later, she turned to observe the remaining eight members seated at her table. Regrettably, she knew none of them well enough. Besides, they were all pretty much embroiled in their own mini-conversations. Sighing dully, she opened her handbag and took out her phone when her inadvertent glimpses again fell upon the pair at the other end of the table.

They seemed to be enjoying themselves - THOROUGHLY! Their playful tiffs, the extent of their camaraderie - all this wasn't unlike how Jodha-Jalal had been not so long ago. Dejected, she went on to study the lady closely. For some reason, she appeared vaguely familiar - but she couldn't recall why.

Just then, something happened that caused Jodha to nearly sit up in alarm - the lady had slapped Jalal's arm, before breaking out into a round of laughs. If only she could move that silly flower vase from the middle and get a better view of it all. If only Jalal would speak that bit louder so she could hear what he'd said that Miss Giggles had found so amusing.

'God...' she swore a moment later, when she realized what she was doing 'Why do I care? Just have dinner and leave, Jodha..'  

Picking up her mobile phone once more, she started typing some numbers in when her actions were cut short by an another uneasy spectacle. For whatever darned reason, Miss Giggles had proceeded to hug Jalal - and he didn't seem to stop her either.

'What!' Jodha gasped at the sight 'God! She's desperate...'  

Just then, it all came back to her - this lady was the same one he'd 'hugged' at the theatre too - when they'd been out to view Krish 3! She knew it. They definitely shared some eery history together!

Irritated, Jodha glanced away 'Anyway, mujhe kyaa...'

'Hey! Where did you go? I was looking for you...' the unexpected echoes of the gruff voice were loud enough to draw enough stares in his direction

She looked up in frustration 'Nooo...' a protest went off in her head 'Not Shareef...why did he have to come now?' Nevertheless, she mock-welcomed him with a tired smile for the sake of formalities.

'Perfect!' Shareef grinned, drawing out the only empty chair beside Jodha's


'One sec...' Jalal lightly raised his finger to shush the lady beside him. The happenings at the opposite side had suddenly taken a puzzling turn - and he had to see this for himself 'Why is Shareef here?' it was a pity he could only see some of it and hear none of it, because he was growing curious 'And why is Jodha welcoming him to sit beside her with a smile?'

He abruptly stopped there; because what he saw a second later wiped off all hints of a smile from his lips - smiles that he'd anyway been putting up so long for the sake of 'social appearances'.

'Why the HELL is she holding his hand?'


'Hey...' Jodha whispered to Shareef, while holding his hand to stop him...

Edited by lashy - 10 years ago
lashy thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago


10th February


'Hey...' Jodha whispered to Shareef, while holding his hand to stop him - and then immediately bent down to restrict his chair's movements.  

It was swift damage control - there was no other way she could rescue the silk dupatta of her most expensive salwar from permanent damage. He'd trapped the ends of it under the leg of his seat and was dragging its borders on the floor in all directions as he'd pulled the chair back.

'Can you stop for a sec?' she ground her teeth 'Pagal aadmi!'

Realizing what he'd done, he peeped up and smiled sheepishly 'Oh sorry' he paused 'But isi bahaane...you held my hand today...'

'Very funny...' she ridiculed the notion with a false grin

'By the way' he resumed no sooner than he'd taken his seat 'I've been meaning to tell you Jo...you're absolutely beautiful..'

'Uh huh...thanks' she frowned

'By the way, Jo...'

'Uh huh...'

'You know, Jo...'


'Blah blah blah blah...'

She'd zoned off there for a while, till he'd actually caught her by surprise when he'd gently touched her arm 'Are you listening?'

'W...what?' she instantly turned to him 'You can say whatever you have to say WITHOUT touching me, please!'

Having made her point clear, she looked ahead once more - letting out an irked sigh.

Needless to say, sometime thereafter her sights subsequently landed upon the couple opposite her!

Oops; she was a bit late because, had she looked up a second earlier she'd have caught HIM staring their way - glaring at the sudden 'touchy touchy' behaviour between her and Shareef. Instead, as fate would have it - what she DID manage to catch was another round of hee-hee-hees and haa-haa-haas evolving at the other end!

'Hee heee heee hee hee' she silently taunted Miss Giggle's ceaseless snickering 'Can't she tone it down a bit...its not like he's saying something funny every instance, is he?' she turned away again 'She's not even from our institute...and yet, she's sitting here at OUR table... no one's objecting just cos she's rich...dresses sophisticated...and she's with Mr. Popular...'

Jodha swiftly surveyed the remaining members at the table - attempting to gauge their reactions to the female intruder's reckless amusement. Much to her puzzlement, the rest of the lot seemed unbothered - they were happily chattering, drinking and dining amongst themselves.

Wow! So, were THEY extraordinarily tolerant or was SHE the one being immensely childish about it?

'Jodha...have you been listening to what I'm trying to say...'

Shareef's words droned near her ears - temporarily drawing her away from her vindictive thoughts 

'Hey' the brute whispered - coming even closer 'I'm explaining a theory I have about 'us'...' once he'd gotten her full attention with that last statement, he pursued with fervour 'You know Jo, you put on this facade of being tough...acting like you don't care about men like me ...but, the reality is something else...' spotting her flabbergasted expressions, he elaborated further 'Jo...I can sense that you have a soft corner for me... that you like me...'

For a moment, she didn't even know how to react - till the absurdity of the entire situation hit her. The following minute she'd had the loudest laugh of her life - not only was this guy a clumsy pest, he was also delusional!

'What the heck, Shareef' she laughed heartily -not knowing how else to react 'Please don't come up with such theories again...' she nearly slapped her forehead there 'At least for the sake of my sanity!'


'Wow!' Jalal smirked in annoyance on studying HER 'amazement' 'She'd told me Shareef had the worst sense of humour ever...finding his jokes very funny now, haan?'

Sensing that he was steadily losing his cool, Jalal had to NOT observe them for a moment to calm himself down. However, as he took another sip of drink, his glances fell upon them again. His eyes seemed to subconsciously veer towards them ever so often - like they didn't want to miss watching the hideous scenes between the engrossed pair.

'What the F***!' he winced a second later and then looked away. He still couldn't believe it 'Why is she doing this...that too, in front of me?' the shock hadn't settled in - if anything, it'd only morphed into a myriad of uglier sentiments.

Him? HIM, out of all people? The very man with whom he'd fought against at the club - for HER sake. The very man who'd deliberately injured him last month. The very man she suspected of sending those lewd texts. Yet, here she was enjoying his company. Cracking jokes. TOUCHING him! Letting him touch her!

'Hey Jalal'

He was diverted by a soft giggle and the tender hand on his shoulder.

Clearing his throat, he turned around to face the stunning lady sitting beside him 'Haan bolo...' he forced a smile

'Oh nothing...you seem a bit distracted today...' she enquired

Distracted? He'd been barely paying her chats or Abdul's remarks any heed for a while now! This look-but-can't-see, watch-but-can't-hear game was literally torturing him. He couldn't understand the reasons behind such radical changes in Jodha's behaviour with a man she supposedly despised. He was forced to make 'guesses' and any such envy-driven 'guessing' rarely produced the right assumptions - in his case and in her case too!

Both were blinded by jealousy - yes, to a certain extent by the flower vase in the centre - but, mainly by jealousy.

Had it not been so, the usually 'perceptive'  Jodha could have grasped that Jalal's participation in his conversations were purely formal. Had it not been so, the 'smart' Jalal would have had no trouble noticing Jodha's hidden disgust in her interactions with Shareef. On the contrary, everything appeared exaggerated for both - a smile was beginning to resemble a giggle and a giggle a laugh - a mere brush resembled a touch and a touch something more!


'There we go again' Jodha grimaced when the eighth round of soft giggles and tender touching played out. At that point, she could have literally banged her head against a wall. As it is, she had to plaster a fake smile on her face while putting up with Mr. Lewd's stale jokes and sickening theories for so long. Did she now have to put up with another round of amorous display from Mr. Flirt too? In the past twenty minutes, it was the eighth time - yes she'd counted - the eighth time that this supposedly-stunning lady was leaning over and brushing past Jalal! Well, why wouldn't she when he was encouraging her?

'Why can't he just talk to ladies normally...' she shrugged 'Like other men do...from half a metre aw...' she abruptly paused - the stunning lady's chuckles had just escalated - AGAIN

'Good!' she fumed 'Maybe she can just go and sit on his lap now while he finishes the rest of his joke...'

Vexed, Jodha clutched the icy cold glass of coke that was sitting in front - and started quickly sipping on it. While doing so; from the corner of her eye she suddenly realized that Shareef was observing her very closely.

Becoming conscious at once; she stopped what she was doing, adjusted her dupatta and then darted him a steely 'Don't you dare' sideways glare to put a stop to his gawking.


'The sick pervert!' Jalal's grip around the fork had tightened ever since he'd discovered the weirdo checking out her bare neck and semi-exposed shoulders 'What the hell does he think he's doing ...ogling at her like that...at MY girl...' he paused. His frowns eased - he couldn't believe his head had just uttered the 'My girl' bit. Having briefly delved upon it, he set aside the feel-good thoughts for the time being and looked up again - still twirling the fork amidst his fingers 'Aur ye Jodha bhi na...in all her outings with me, she used to be Miss Decent...and out of all days, TODAY...the one day that she wears that sexy sort of a neckline...she ends up sitting with that perv!'

This coming from a man who'd NEVER had issues with any girl's skirt lengths or necklines ever!

'Damn! Jalal...' he halted, when he realized how worked-up he was getting 'Stop fretting...she's a grown up ...and she knows how to take care of herself!'

For a few seconds thereafter he tried composing his distressed self with other distractions. However, whatever it was that was eating away at his mind - didn't seem to want to disappear. Given a chance, he would gladly grab Shareef by his collar and throw him out of the auditorium that very moment. The only reason he was staying low was so he didn't end up creating ANOTHER scene with this classmate in public.

Just then, his attention was hauled back to the ongoings at the opposite side - he'd sensed a small stir. Subtly shifting from one armrest to another Jalal tried to get a better view of the developments. What he saw thereupon rapidly destroyed any last shred of rationality in him.

He could make out that Jodha was bending over from her chair to pick something off the floor - possibly something she'd dropped - and Shareef was taking advantage of the short chance he had. The pervert's roving gazes had landed upon her neckline to take a peek-in when he could.  

That's it! He'd had enough! The blood rushing to his head, Jalal slapped the table in explosive rage and stood up - kicking back his chair as he did so. Not minding the empty crystal glasses that'd just rolled off and crashed, Jalal was about to walk over to the other side - when he froze on his way. Something alarming was unfolding that had managed to overshadow Jalal's short outburst - a visual of her worrying enough to draw the attention of others seated there too.

'W...what the hell...' forgetting what he'd charged ahead for in the first place, Jalal studied her pale face and benumbed expressions carefully - attempting to understand what was going on 'Jodha... J...' he called out to her from his spot - concern starting to cloud the anger he'd felt till a second ago 'Jodha...are you ok...'  

She didn't respond. She couldn't. She couldn't make head or tail of what was happening to her. She couldn't figure out how she'd dropped the purse down in the first place. Now that she'd picked it up from the floor and stood up from her seat, she couldn't explain why the handbag had slipped off her hand - again!

She gazed at her blurred fingers that were beginning to lose their ability to function - she could gauge that they were trembling. Everything felt a bit strange. The hazy ground was now wobbling like a magic carpet. The white ceilings had descended down on her head. The tables and furniture in the room had begun floating off the ground. It was like being part of a confusing joy-ride of some sort.

She could hear plenty of voices from all directions but the words made no sense. She could see the indistinct figures of many people around her, but she couldn't recognize anyone.

What she DID know was that her limbs had somehow become paralyzed and she was unable to do a thing about it. A splitting headache soon took over. In a flash, her eyes blanked out!

'Oh my God..she's fainting...catch her' 

'What's happened to her?' 

'Maybe she's exhausted...get her some water first'

Within no time, attendees from all tables nearby had flocked around the unconscious girl - sprinkling water - patting her face - and definitely adding to the confusion as much as they could.

'Is she sick?'

'Does anyone know her family?'

'Yeah... we do...' the SRI lecturers from the adjacent table rushed to take charge in time 'We are her professors...'

'We'll inform her parents... and get her home safely'

'No sir...' Shareef stepped away from his chair and went forth to aid the passed-out junior off the floor 'I can drop her home...in my car...'

'NO!' his stern voice interrupted the sudden influx of over-enthused helpers as Jalal hastily joined the commotion that'd built up in a jiffy. Keeping his attitude in check - what with him addressing respectable professors and the sort - he proceeded to convey his message calmly but clearly 'She's my friend...I know her family and where she lives...I'll inform them and drop her home in my car!'

The look he gave Shareef as he ended that statement was the meanest 'Back off' glare he'd given any guy ever!


'Hey hey' the anxious young man supportively tightened his grip on her shoulder as he sensed her losing her gait once more

Her reflexes kicking in, she grasped the car door to stop the fall 'God...' she swore in frustration 'Why...  why is this happening to me, Jalal?' she wanted her old self back. Fifteen minutes since she'd regained consciousness and she hadn't got back her stability yet. She hated this feeling of being so out-of-control. So helpless. So feeble. So lost and oblivious - oblivious enough to the curious stares being thrown her way from the posh guests in the porch. Oblivious enough to the fact that her dupatta had just slipped off her shoulder - oblivious enough that her bra strap was now showing.

Thankfully, HE wasn't oblivious to the awkward predicament that she was in. Aware that the valet boys were watching them, Jalal discreetly moved the dupatta back to safeguard her dignity while continuing to help her get in. Softly ducking her head with his hand - just in time to stop her from hitting herself on her way inside - he assisted her with her seatbelt once she'd taken her seat.

Before long, he'd shut her door, tipped the valets, taken his place behind the wheel and then driven off from the hotel porch.


'Jalal' she weakly murmured - after taking a sip of the nimbu paani Abdul had gotten for her at the hotel 'Khaali baite ho for twenty minutes now...I would have waited at the hotel lobby and caught an auto when I felt better...'

Exhaling deeply, he darted her a stern glare 'Enough with the drama, I'll be here for as long as it takes!'

She got the message! Not that she didn't expect it though - only, she couldn't help feeling bad for him. She'd insisted that she'd get home after she appeared a bit more 'normal' - lest her overprotective family freaked out - and he'd been patiently waiting for her to recover so he could drop her off.

'Jodha' he decided to broach the subject that'd been troubling him for a while now 'I think you should talk to the college authorities about all this on Monday morning! Bahut ho gayaa...'

'W...what?' her soft expressions vanished as she slowly sat up on her seat

The perturbed man read her curious stares 'You don't realize what's happened, right?' he rubbed his forehead worriedly 'I...I suspect your drink was spiked...'

'W...what' she gasped - the emerging dread in her heavy eyes apparent. In the process of recovering from the after effects, she hadn't yet given the 'whys' and 'hows' of her condition a thought - but now that he'd said so, it was all beginning to make sense.

'I...I...mean...' he went on to surmise grimly 'I can't say anything for certain...but, you say you weren't exhausted today...and that you're not prone to fainting spells...besides, your weird descriptions of the effects sound like it was a drug...'

'Y...you mean Shareef...' the aghast young lady covered her mouth in horror

'OBVIOUS, isn't it?' Jalal came back assertively 'Though I can't understand how the dimwit assumed that he could get away with it in a public place...' turning ahead, he gazed at the empty grey roads for a short spell - before facing her again 'Anyway, why didn't you sternly tell him off as soon as he sat next to you ...can you imagine what would have happened had I not been there...' the disappointment in his tone amplified with every passing word 'Do you know...when you were unconscious, he was offering to drive you back home...'

'W...what...' she whimpered 'NO!'

Sitting still for a few minutes, Jodha struggled to stomach the depravity of the situation she'd just escaped - it was no easy task 'He was planning to drug me and then take me with him to...' she couldn't even complete the disgraceful supposition. Her sheltered upbringing meant that drink-spiking and date-raping were evils she'd only read about in the papers. The fact that she might have been a target for such a crime was a reality too ugly and mortifying to come to terms with.

'God' the ashen young lady shuddered and buried her face in her hands, as it hit her. It had hit her hard indeed. Had Shareef had his way, she could have been in the worst juncture of her life that night!

'Kyaa what what!' he chided the junior to snap her out of it 'You were so engrossed in your conversation with him all along...or you might have seen something' his fist automatically clenched in rage as he recalled the perverse scenes he'd witnessed 'You didn't even realize what all...what all he...was...upto...'

'I know Jalal...I'm NOT an idiot...' she glared in defiance. She was still reeling from the shock and she could very well do without the 'If you had' speech for then. With her voice starting to choke, she had to clear her throat before continuing 'That was the only seat left...the table's reserved for our institute members...how could I ask him to get lost...and what do YOU know...I was just gritting my teeth and putting up with him to avoid a scene...' her desperation showed through as she struggled to recoup herself 'Besides, how am I to know things would get so nasty or dangerous?'

Just then, she saw his gazes falling upon her palm and her gazes followed suit. She had no idea when her fingers had begun trembling so much. Hurriedly hiding her hand under her dupatta, she turned away to stare out of the window in an attempt to conceal her eyes that were tearing-up  

'God...its chilly in this car...' she remarked. She was shaken. She was enraged. She felt cheated. She was in an emotional mess and she wished he didn't have to catch her in that vulnerable condition.

In fact, HE wished for the same too - that he didn't have to witness her in so helpless a state! It pained him immensely. She was his pride and he hated that someone had attempted to tamper with the spirit of this confident young lady in his very presence.

'Jodha' he spoke up tenderly, after giving her a second to settle down 'Its ok...you're fine now...we both will take this matter to the college authorities on Monday...ok?' he offered her his kerchief since her eyeliner was now smudging on her cheek

She grabbed the kerchief, but adamantly refused to look his way - not even when she felt him shift close. Not even when she felt his hand gently reaching out to her palm. Not even when he'd enveloped her fingers within the warmth of his grasp. Not even when her fingers had stopped shivering thereafter. She was still very bitter about the horrifying events and she just wanted to be left alone. 

'Jodha' he tried justifying his firm stance from a minute ago 'I'm sorry if I sounded stern... but, I just want you to be more careful...I'm concerned...obviously, when I'm  around I wouldn't let any harm come to you...but, I can't be around you always, right?'

She remained silent - refusing to glimpse his way or acknowledge his attempts. Yes, his warm touch had calmed her frayed nerves a bit. Yes, his supportive gesture was the best thing that'd happened to her that evening. Yes, his caring advice was the sweetest thing she'd heard from him in a long time. However, she wasn't ready to smile - not yet!

'And hey...' he retracted his hand to tap her arm sportively 'The Jodha Singh I know is NO weakling...so you better not make her one! She is a fighter...'

'Jalal' she interrupted, by tossing him an unmoved stare

'Kya' he grinned playfully 'I was told these words by a very bright young lady once...they worked like a charm...made me view life differently when I was low...I guarantee they'll have the same effect on you too...within 10 seconds...' following a naughty wink, he started counting '10...9...8...7...'

At THAT instant, she melted - how could she not? That was HER Jalal sitting there - right next to her - the smart reasonable mischievous friendly fella she missed. She'd finally had the chance to meet him after nearly two months! Breaking out into a stingy half-smile, she nodded grudgingly 'Jalal..tum bhi na...'

However, her joy was short-lived when it all came back to her the following moment. This friendliness could only be temporary - a show to make her feel better for then. Three sweet sentences couldn't negate the strained relations they'd had in the past month. How could she ignore his 'NO we can't be friends' every time she'd approached him? How could she ignore how content he appeared in the company of Miss Giggles till an hour ago? He'd obviously forgotten about her and moved on!

'Chodo Jalal' she scoffed him thereafter - freeing her hands 'Sab natak hai...'

'Natak?' he was confused 'What do you mean?'

'Then what?' she suddenly sat up and spun around to confront him with an unanticipated burst of energy - as though she'd just been given the right ammunition and battle ground to wage a war she'd been aching to wage 'YOU are the one who asked me to forget about 'US' and now YOU make tall promises of being there for me...blah...blah!'

Woah! He was briefly taken aback by the rapid shift  in her behaviour. Within a minute; forlorn Jodha had become friendly Jodha who'd again become feisty Jodha! Nevertheless; he'd have feisty and friendly over forlorn anyday!

'Come again...' he frowned teasingly

'You're finding this funny? Well it's NOT!' the lack of seriousness in his expressions was really getting to her now 'It's not funny...just like how your ceaseless jokes and hugs with Miss Giggles weren't funny either...they only seemed fake and silly...' phew, she'd said it. She felt better now!

'What?' Ok! He didn't quite approve of the sarcasm in her tone there, but he needed to clear a few doubts first 'Miss Giggles?'

'Like you don't know who I'm talking about...that lady you'd brought along today...you met her at the cinema theatre too, right?' she could see that he was about to say something - but she didn't let him speak. She had too much pent-up steam that she needed to blow off first.


Hope you enjoyed it😳

Edited by lashy - 10 years ago
lashy thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago


15th February


She could see that he was about to say something - but she didn't let him speak. She had too much pent-up steam that she needed to blow off first 'Anyway, Jalal...' she continued muffling his speech 'Mujhe kya...it's obvious, you're enjoying your company with your special friend...so...GOOD...I'm happy for you...'

'Oh!' he scoffed the unexpected slew of taunts - so, he was bearing the brunt of her tirade because Madam didn't like him sharing a few laughs with another supposedly 'close' friend 'Let me get this right...' he tried silently figuring it all out 'You claim to have no 'special' feelings for me, but you're not too welcoming of any other 'special friends' in my life...then you claim to be happy I enjoyed myself, but not too pleased with my choice of company?????'  

Damn! Even for a smart-enough fella like himself, understanding this junior's psyche was a challenge 'You know Jo...' he sighed in defeat, a moment later 'You're not as straightforward as you once claimed to be...you're turning out to be quite complicated yourself!'

'Wow...' her eyes widened in alarm, as she suspiciously watched the 'cute' confusion in his expressions - if SHE was 'complicated' then, what was HE? Increasingly peeved by his last statement, Jodha decided to elaborate - her mood more 'bitter' than 'fierce' now 'Tch tch...it's not all that difficult to understand Jalal...what I meant was that I WAS concerned for you ... concerned after our last meeting... that...you know... you weren't coping well...' she shrugged slowly 'But I need not have been...you've moved on...pretty quickly...so, good for you...' she ended that snub-a-thon with a few fake mini-claps and then turned ahead to stare at the sleepy streets 'Yeah...GOOD for you!'

'Yeah right...' he snapped back with a false-grin, before looking ahead himself 'I've moved on!' he wasn't too pleased now. He hadn't anticipated those words from her - at least, not in that negative manner. How easily she'd just presumed everything about him without bothering to ask him anything first! If only, moving on in life was as easy as she'd believed it was for him. If only, she knew of how he hadn't been able to erase a single memory of hers yet. If only, she knew that in his head he'd referred to her as 'My girl' barely few minutes ago! If only!

No wonder now that he wanted to stay away from the junior - every meet-up only seemed to end up tormenting him in different ways!

Misunderstanding the meaning of his smirks, the young lady grew offended - even more than she already was 'Haan, khoob haso! And go ahead enjoy your newfound friendship with Miss Giggles! No wonder you wanted to stay away...this whole out of sight out of mind concept has suited you very well..' she fretted 'Aur main...I tho was busy worrying about you...at home...at college...in classes, getting caught by professors and all...argh...what a waste of my time and energy!'

'Anyway...' the two miffed ex-friends spoke up an awkward minute later - in unison

'We should get going now...'


Wasting no time, he switched on the ignition.

''ONE sec' she spoke up just then 'Only one more thing' she had to say this - just this bit - since she'd said many other things, she might as well utter it before they drove off 'I say this as a well-wisher!' she quickly glanced at him with a sour frown 'Oh! By the way, CAN I call myself your well-wisher?'


'No...just asking, you know...one can never be sure...'

Wow! What was it with her exceptional snarkiness that evening - surely, this couldn't be the same sweet gal who'd met him after the match! Switching off the car, he confronted her with a cut-the-attitude look - before pressing on 'So Jo, what were you going to say?'

She let out a deep breath and started fidgeting with her finger nails 'Hmmm...nothing big...see Jalal, I understand you're popular with half the women in Hyderabad...and I realize you were on a date tonight etc etc...BUT, going around displaying your popularity by all this PDA ...this hugging... this chipaknaa... it just doesn't seem too...'

'WHAT!' he exclaimed irritably. He couldn't believe this! Her cynicism had gone on long enough and his patience was starting to wear thin 'Get your facts correct before you make such allegations, Miss! Firstly...' he started counting on his fingers 'I don't go around doing any of these things you're accusing me of! Secondly...' he continued counting 'I was on no date here...in fact, I wasn't even gonna come...Abdul had been pestering me the past week to join him...I literally only agreed last night...and most important...' he raised an eyebrow slyly ''Miss Giggles' didn't come with me...I met her here by chance...'

'Huh?' taken aback by the information, she peeped up with a skeptical glimpse. A few moments later, she turned aside to face her window. Fine, she was wrong about one - maybe two things. So,what?

'By the way, her name's Karishma...' he said, not failing to mark the changing emotions on Jodha's beautiful features before she'd looked away. Was it him imagining things or had his junior's anger actually gone down a notch following the disclosures?

'Karishma...my ex-girlfriend' he added thereafter

'Wow...great...' Jodha shrugged with evident disregard while still staring out her window 'Karishma... Kareena... mujhe kyaa...'

'She...' Jalal persevered - discerning how Jodha was deliberately NOT looking in his direction 'She briefly studied at SRI last year...but quit when she realized the course wasn't for her...' he nodded pragmatically 'We went out for a few months during that time...we split when we felt it wasn't working ...but, we parted amicably though...'

'Yeah...' Jodha sneered 'Very amicable indeed for an ex-girlfriend, I must say...'

'O-KAY!' his brows knit into a deep frown as the alarmed young man took in yet another interesting response of hers. He couldn't help but wonder if something else was going on in that pretty head of hers 'What's up with you Jo?' he quietly observed her 'At first, I thought you were crabby because of your headache and Shareef's behaviour...or maybe annoyed with me for having scolded you that you weren't careful enough... fir lagaa shaayad bhadaas nikaal rahi ho because you've been missing me or something...but now...lagta hai kuch aur hi baat hai!'

'Arre...' the slightest hint of a grin broke out on his lips, as he proceeded to test his emerging theory 'It's not like you think...Karishma is a very lively lady...that's the way she is with everyone...'

'Yeah...ok...ok' rolling her eyes, Jodha then cast an indifferent peek at the car clock 'Its getting late Jalal...I have to get home...'

'And...Jo..' he pursued with an intrigued smile 'You need to get your eyes tested...they seem to be playing tricks on you...' he deliberately stopped his sentence midway

Just as he'd thought - the curious junior spun around in a moment to dart him an icy 'go on' glare.

'Hey...' Jalal paused playfully 'Don't stare at me like you that...YOUR  eyes are deceiving you...you accused poor 'me' of flirting and what not...when SHE was the one who gave me a hug...'

'Whatever' Jodha let out a vexed sigh

'And that too it was just ONE celebratory parting hug!'

'Uh huh'

'Are you not gonna ask me why the celebrations...'

She shook her head 'Jalal I have to go' she was least bothered about lingering around to listen to chronicles of HIM and HIS ex!

'Oh...ok fine then...' straightening himself - Jalal restarted the ignition, shifted the gears and stepped on the accelerator 'I know you're not REALLY interested...but, just wanted to let you know that Karishma was happy cos she's just been engaged!' despite being the typical tease that he was, Jalal managed to keep a straight face all through 'She's getting married end of this year... anyway, forget about all this boring baatein...chalo I'll drop you off now...'

'Oh!' Jodha muttered - the frustrations that'd been clouding her aura so long seemed to steadily disappear

At that very moment, a loud 'Yesss' went off in his head - he didn't even have to glimpse her way to discern that her spirits had just been elevated

'I...I...' she eventually turned to the man with a part-guilty frown 'I didn't know...'

'You would have known if you'd ASKED first...and not just assumed it all...' he argued gently while still driving ahead - making no effort to curb his jubilant grins as he did so

She fell silent - what could she say? Averting his line of sight - lest he caught the now flushed colour on her cheeks - she persisted with the window gazing.   

He, on the other hand had no reason to hide anything - neither his joyous smiles nor the newfound glow on his delightful features. His theories were proving to be right. All this funny behaviour of hers was nothing but jealousy - she was envious of the attention he'd paid another girl! The entire revelation had been nothing short of 'uplifting'!

However; his joy wasn't meant to end there for the night - because, what was to come took even the optimistic Jalal by surprise

'Ok' Jodha resumed on a more composed note 'I'm not gonna presume stuff any more...so, any other EX-girlfriends I am supposed to be aware of...'

WOW! He sat speechless for a second. The flurry of excitement that'd bolted through him when he heard her pose that query was inexplicable - literally addictive. Given an opportunity, he'd love to live through that moment a hundred times over. With his hunches about her feelings for him strengthened further, it was his turn to get embarrassed about the flushed colour on his cheeks now!

'Ex girlfriend, haan?' he spoke up - barely recuperating from the pleasant shockers 'The only other one left years ago to The States...and I have no idea where she is...'

'Oh!' she murmured - in almost childlike surprise

He cast her a sideways glimpse - the 'Oh' reaction had compelled him to. So appealing was the sense of relief on her face just then and yet, so adorable was the fact that she didn't even realize what she was doing or how much her expressions were giving her away. He thanked their stars that he was driving - cos if not, it'd have been very difficult for him NOT to dive across his seat, clasp her by her cheeks and plant his lips on the enticing girl's that instant.

'Ok Jalal...' she snuggled back on her headrest - shutting her eyes in a calm daze 'I want to go home now...I'm tired!'

'Uh huh' he nodded mischievously at the irony 'Tired?' he was feeling positively reinvigorated - like he'd just been woken up following a two-month slumber.

At long last, he could now dare to hope once again - hope that she had special feelings for him too - hope that her rejection clauses 'I'm not attracted to you' and 'We're just friends' were nothing but a farce - hope that one day she would become 'HIS' girl, after all!


'Aha!' she'd found the playlist in her laptop that she'd been hunting for - the perfect backdrop for the routine Sunday chores she'd lined up for the evening. Setting the volume at low, she went about doing the usual - rearranging her desk, ironing her Monday salwar and sorting out her laundry. What stood out that particular eve as she went about an otherwise normal Sunday routine - was the reassured smile on her lips.

The headache as a result of the drugging incident the previous day had eventually disappeared only a short while ago - nearly 24 hours since it'd started! Their family doctor had consequently given her a clean bill of health during her clinic appointment an hour back - laying to rest the many worries of her fretful family members. Thus; after having been permitted NOTHING but rest for an entire day by her anxious family - the young lady could finally revert to being her usual vibrant self! Now devoid of all mental and physical worry - Jodha decided to savour her fresh freedom with whatever remained of that Sunday.

With a zing in her step, she grabbed the empty naashtha plate and tea cup from her desk on her way out. When returning from the kitchen, she stopped in her tracks for a few seconds to observe her family, who were now huddled in front of the TV. Of course, the rest of The Singhs were blissfully unaware of the loving glances being directed their way from their 'laadli'.

'Uss saale ko...' 'We'll make sure he's taught a lesson...' 'How dare he think of harming OUR sister...'

were threats she'd heard her brothers utter many times over, ever since they'd come to know of what had transpired at the fair. She knew that Monday morning at the University was going to be no walk in the park - with her sandwiched between college authorities and three enraged brothers. Nevertheless, how could she not love them for being the overprotective over-caring lot that they were? Ever since the dastardly life-changing events of Saturday night, she couldn't help but rethink how fortunate she was - fortunate for her life and fortunate for having people in it who loved her so!

A tender smile appearing on her lips as an outcome of the profound thoughts, Jodha then decided to get going with her schedule.

Before long; her chosen salwar had been ironed, her desk tidied-up AND her sorted laundry shoved into the washing machine. Just as she was finishing up,  she remembered one thing - she'd forgotten to organize her handbag!

Grabbing her beige treasure-trove from the foot of her bed thereafter, she started raiding through it - drawing out all the stuff she didn't need

'Ufff! Why DO we accumulate so much that we rarely use?' she chided - as she did every single time - when the extra cosmetics, spare hairclips and one-too-many pens materialized from inside.

Suddenly, she paused a moment later - her fingers had discovered an unfamiliar soft item at the very bottom. Gradually fishing it out, she realized what it was - HIS white kerchief that she'd forgotten about - now tinted with the black stains of her smudged eyeliner, of course!

Transfixed, she stood there for a short spell - gazing at the pleats of the ruffled fabric.

It instantly brought back many moments  from the fateful previous eve that she'd been trying hard not to recollect - poignant moments that were a stark contrast to the Shareef-debacle and yet, just as troubling for different reasons. It reawakened memories of how her accusations and frustrations had transformed into relief and reality-checks - she'd misjudged him again last night - blamed him for selfishly having 'moved on' when the reality was anything but! It reminded her of all those moments where she'd expressed more than she should have!

'Anyway' she sighed heavily after a brief interval of stupor - she didn't want to hold herself entirely responsible for all of it either. HE had made her do that - compelling her to succumb to emotions that would have been too petty for Jodha Singh, not too long ago. That possessiveness, that insecurity, that jealousy - how she wished she were above it all!

'God!' she hissed - she'd never had such trouble fighting-off ANYONE in the past - and she wasn't exaggerating one bit here. 

She felt stuck now - neither could she proceed, nor could she backtrack! Neither could she say 'Yes', nor was she able to peacefully go about her life after having said a 'No'!

'All cos of you...you silly idiot...' she scolded the hanky 'Why did I have to meet you...why did you have to fall for me and fall so strongly... even if you did, why couldn't you just hide your feelings from me...maybe, things would have continued to be normal between us...and I would have carried on as usual...'

Woah! She stopped her thought processes right there and reflected on what she'd just wished for. So, jealousy wasn't bad enough, Jodha? Turning selfish too? Selfish-enough to wish HE'd shut up about his sentiments so SHE could lead a normal life? No, this wasn't her at all!

'You flirty, arrogant, know-it-all..' she unwittingly crushed the hanky within her palm 'I'm regularly wasting my time on your thoughts...I'm ruining what should be a smooth post-graduate life...I've lost my peace... I can't stand the changes in my personality...' she paused with false conviction 'Not even YOU are worth any of this!'

'Huh!' she flung the kerchief beside her and massaged her head softly for a short while - an attempt to try restoring some peace within, but in vain! Well, who was she fooling? She was blaming the most decent, benevolent and graceful guy she'd met - for all the recent changes in HER mindset.

Casting a sorry glimpse at the abandoned kerchief beside her, she halted for a minute or so before gradually picking it up again. Here was a man who knew what he wanted in life - who didn't go astray despite having lost his father when young - a loyal man who knew how to keep his word - a man she knew who would go on to carve a name in life and fulfill all of his Ammi's dreams - a man who was her ideal in nearly every way - but sadly, it was not all!  

She looked up through her doorway - across the verrandah - and at her happy picture-perfect family sitting at the other end of the hall.

Here was a man, who her family would NEVER approve of as her suitor. A man whose very mention could lead to all sorts of drama and anguish - drama that the already shooting blood-pressure of her dad could do without, anguish that her mother did not need. Here was a man whose presence at the Singh household could tear her apart from her brothers who were so rigidly proud of their clan. A man whose entry as a 'family member' would only crumble the foundations of this otherwise happy household with permanent discordance.

'I am sorry Jalal...' the young lady whispered to the touching memoir in her hand 'I'm confused...and I know I've been asking too much of you...but, I realize I have to let you go...' she paused 'You'll find another girl one day...and she's going to be very very lucky indeed... I also understand that I'm losing out on all that luck by choosing not to be her...but, I can't...I can't get into this...its no fault of yours...but, its no fault of mine either...I hope you understand!'

Just then, her tender words were interrupted - the seventh song in her playlist had begun playing a second ago

'Sun raha hai tu...'

Letting out a tired smirk in response to the odd-coincidence, she glanced up at the little picture of Baby Krishna that hung over her study desk 'You and your twisted ways of fate... laddoo Gopal!'

Gradually losing the resigned smile on her lips, she stared at the comforting possession in her hand for a good two minutes - running her fingers through its soft folds while doing so.

Then, for some reason - she went on to do something unexpected - something she shouldn't have. She sought to gently rest her cheek against the handkerchief bundled in her palm. Strangely enough, it felt liberating. She could still smell his cologne in it - the undertones were quite similar to the one he'd worn on that New Year's night!

As usual, a few voices in her head started sending her warning signals - but, this time she consciously decided to squash them. Defiantly shutting her eyes, she let her urges envision what they wanted to. She knew she was taking a risk here - but, she did it nevertheless because she wanted the answers to questions that she'd been running away from - answers to questions she'd gone on for long enough without.

In that serenely dark world behind her closed eyes, Jodha imagined the warmth of his robust hand cradling her face - his magnetic presence barely a hair's breadth apart from her. Gazing at her with those seductive eyes of his, he came closer and closer till their faces nearly touched.

At that moment - just as she'd thought - her heart skipped a beat.

She'd wanted answers? She'd got them then!

In the minutes that followed, Jodha didn't freeze or recoil her hand in alarm like she did at other times - instead, she just let herself be! She knew she was getting sucked into the moment, but she was in no hurry to overcome the temptation. For the first time in her life, she'd challenged the principles she'd always lived by and she didn't regret it or suffer from a guilt-trip - and this, despite being wholly aware that her reality was a different story altogether.

Well, she wasn't really naive. She knew that out there in the real world such a thing wasn't going to happen. Yet, she was curious to find out what it was that romantic novels spoke about - the 'woman' in her wanted to experience the fluttery sensations that Payal so often gushed about. For the first time in her life she'd begun wondering how it'd feel if she were ever allowed to be lost in the throes of a man because it was, after all - the first time in all her life that she'd started finding herself attracted to someone...



'Teen plate special lunch Biryaani bhaiyya...'

Reposing her weary forehead on her hand, Jodha leaned against the service counter - hoping the hot lunch would do the trick of calming down her brothers' frayed nerves.  

'Urgggh' - she silently yelled to herself a minute later - after all, she too had to release some of that massive resentment that'd been building up for so long.

Much like she'd feared, the scenes in the AD's office during the entire two-hour tempestuous meeting that morning had concluded not-so-fruitfully. While the senior professors hadn't entirely disbelieved her or discredited her complaints, what they DID do was no great respite either. The authorities had decided to take no action beyond issuing the rogue a general warning!

'We cannot have one student suspended or disbarred simply based on the words of another'

'You're bringing up serious insinuations...we cannot take any action without concrete proof' 

In a way, they were right too - she'd deleted all the texts, she had no way of confirming the fact that he'd spiked her drink and all the testifying witnesses were technically HER friends!

Furthermore; a host of other factors didn't really work in her favour either! Be it, Shareef's look of utter innocence that he'd managed to maintain throughout his I-didn't-do-anything, the unanticipated barging-in of his influential parents in support of their supposedly-'angelic' son or  - the final straw being - her brothers losing their cool and getting into abusive arguments with the other party!

By the end, it was pure mayhem - so much so - that Jodha had begun dreading SHE might end up paying the price for Shareef's misdeeds. Utterly flustered by the time her family had stepped out, there was no other go but to keep her offended brothers away from the office premises - lest the situation deteriorated even more.

'Thoda jaldi bhaiyya...please...' she prodded the sluggish server - before deciding to take out her mobile phone thereafter. Opening the screen, she started typing in a new message

'Nothing worked @ AD's ofc jus as we thought...am at canteen now...lets go for it!'

Rolling over the contacts, she stopped when she came to 'Jalal' and pressed send

A minute or so later, she'd received a message alert. It was from him

'Gotcha...dont worry...will be there in a sec...'


Hope you enjoyed it and Happy Holi to all 😳

Edited by lashy - 10 years ago
lashy thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago


17th February


'Hello...hello bhaiyya'

came the calm voice from behind just as they were wrapping up their lunches

The trio looked up to welcome the young man who'd just joined them at their table  

'Hello Jalal'

'Aao baito...'

'Hey Jodha' he greeted her as he dragged out his chair

She took a few moments longer than usual to glance his way

'Hey Jalal' she wished him back with a formal smile and 'Stay still' she told her heart as she did so - a futile attempt to calm its hastening beats ever since she'd sensed him approaching seconds ago. A few 'personal thoughts' from the previous evening that were playing in her head seemed to be having that strange effect on her 'How silly' she reminded herself a minute later. With much more serious issues unfolding, why was her mind was busy harping on all those pointless random thoughts?

'Thank you...' Bade bhaiyya spoke up - addressing the young man after setting down his spoon 'Jodha told us how you'd helped her out day before yesterday...'

Impressed, he cast his awkward junior a quick look - before reverting his attention to the brother 'Jalal...' bhaiyya continued with gratitude 'Its because of decent youngsters like yourself, that families like ours are able to confidently send our sisters and daughters to colleges and offices today...'

Hiding his amusement at the irony of that last statement, Jalal nodded in acknowledgement like a 'good-lad'. Decent, eh? Thankfully; the brothers knew nothing of his 'interesting' history with their kid-sister or more importantly, the mischievous ideas he had in his mind pertaining to her!

Just then, he caught her watching him - she was deciphering those sly responses of his with a part-annoyed part-amused frown. She knew what was cooking in his mind. He knew that she knew what was cooking in his mind - but, he couldn't really help his thoughts, could he?

'Jodha' Kranti bhaiyya suddenly interrupted the pair's hush hush jokes 'Chalo...lunch khatam hua...let's head back to the office again...'

Noticing the signs of panic instantly beginning to cloud her elegant features, Jalal took the cue at once 'Errr bhaiyya...' he faced them - his manner composed 'Aap kyun tension lete ho...actually, I have an idea...'

The next ten minutes, Jalal and Jodha were busy convincing the determined trio that they needn't worry themselves unnecessarily 'Twisted situations sometimes need to be handled in their own twisted ways...and students can tackle such issues skilfully bhaiyya... ' was the crux of their entire message.

Not surprisingly, a lot of 'What ifs' and 'Buts' were raised through the course of the discussions, but the compelling case presented by the Jodha-Jalal duo couldn't be overlooked after a certain point.

After all, the brothers HAD witnessed the hungama that morning - the authorities hadn't relented and their sister's name had been slandered as a result. A new strategy might not be uncalled for now!

Before long, the twosome had achieved what they'd set out to - assuring the men that they could turn over the matter to the students and leave the premises with confidence. Fifteen minutes later; Jodha was bidding her brothers adieu at the college gate!

No sooner than her family had left, she rejoined him at the canteen. 

Right away welcoming her return with a playful 'Hello again' wink, he waited for the upbeat junior to take her seat beside him so that the pair could go on to do what they had to -

They began by opening up their contact lists!  


1:20 pm

The closest circle of 'trusted' friends were the first ones to receive two different sets of SMS templates -

Have you been teased or harassed in your own campus? If so, today is the day to raise your voice! Anti EVE-Teasing rally outside the AD office building @ 3pm

 Stop Eve-Teasing! Pass on the msg to all you know

Be a MAN! Respect Women and support the men who do! Join the Anti EVE-Teasing rally outside the SRI AD office building @ 3pm. Bring your friends along.

Each group member individually understood what needed to be done.  Wasting no time, Abdul, Maan, Meera, Payal, Renu and Salim began by opening up their contact lists in their respective places!

1:40 pm

The next circle of 'trusted' friends had received the SMSes -

Most of Jalal's remaining classmates, close acquaintances from Jodha's class,  students from other courses that he was on good terms with and mates from his football-team, to name a few. The word was spreading and the message was clear!

2:00 pm

Students had started trickling onto the University grounds. Everyone was talking about the texts they'd received. 'Did you know' and 'Have you heard' were the most common whispers making the rounds. Stories had begun circulating - curiosity was rife! However, no worries - there were enough friends of Jalal's and Jodha's amongst the gathering to answer anyone's doubts.

3:00 pm

The lush campus grounds outside the main building right the way through to the AD's office now appeared more like a busy fish market rather than part of  a prestigious University.

Students who adored Jodha, students who were in awe of Jalal, students who wanted to earnestly fight for the cause, students who owed Jalal a favour, students who had scores to settle with dimwits like Shareef and the sort, students who had nothing better to do - all of them had made it to the grounds.

They'd kicked-started a rally without really giving it much thought and it was not long before the domino effect took shape.

Young ladies were beginning to discover other 'friends' - victims of similar eve-teasing incidents. Needless to say; Shareef, Anand and their good-for-nothing confederates were the most prominently featured names among the list of culprits! 

In no time; scenes of angry women demanding justice started playing out in front of the AD's office. If ladies in their college were being subjected to such harassment, it definitely called for a protest, did it not?

3:30 pm

Afternoon lectures, presentations and seminars in various wings of the college had all been abandoned. The canteen was deserted. The library was empty and so was the computer lab. The SRI office building had turned into a hotbed of mayhem. Students had no intention of budging from the now congested office premises till their complaints against the 'bullies' were taken seriously.

The administration was at its wits' end. They had no idea how it had all started and grown into a riot so large-scale. Drastic measures to control the situation were failing. Continuous announcements calling for Shareef and his mates to report to the AD's office were not being responded to - the gang had disappeared from the college grounds without a trace! Something needed to be done and urgently. If word spread, it could harm the repute of their organization gravely!

Calmly leaning against the wall, Jalal and Jodha took a long look across the packed corridors - the visuals of what they'd achieved so far weren't bad at all! They'd known all along that lodging complaints without proof was going to get her nowhere - especially not against bullies who came from influential families.

That is exactly why when Jalal had given her a casual call on Sunday - to enquire of her health AND of her plan-of-action against Shareef - they'd thought up of a 'student rally' as back-up strategy if the complaints didn't work! Fortunately, their back-up strategy was turning into a success story!

Casting a victorious smile at his partner, Jalal then held up his mobile 'Shall I step up the heat?' he signalled to a particular contact from his list 'Shall I call my friend?'

'Uh huh' she nodded somewhat skeptically

Soon after, he'd dialled the number and waited for a response from the other end

'Hello, this is Anu from the Deccan Chronicle office... is this Jalal?'

Just then, Jodha interrupted his conversation by tapping his elbow and leaning close by 'Jalal, your reporter friend's not going to publish any of this, right?'

Covering the speaker of his phone, he shook his head with a reassuring smile 'No! She's not gonna print anything...she's just coming here to support the cause...I'm sure the 'Deccan Chronicle' ID card she flashes around will help speed things up, though!'  

Jodha broke out into a grin - she understood. After all, both weren't seeking to malign the institute they were otherwise proud of - it was only the rogues that needed to be weeded out! 'Fine! Step up the heat' she winked thereafter.

5:30 pm

It was nearly two hours later that the verdict was pronounced! The authorities had ruled in favour of the mass, sending a wave of cheer through the assembled students! Shareef - who was still absconding - had been publicly named and shamed. The rascal had been permanently dismissed from SRI based on grounds of gross misconduct. His entire course fees was to be forfeited. Anand and a few other bullies had been temporarily suspended. The administration had finally reached a wise decision - after all, dealing with a couple of angry influential parents was easier than dealing with hordes of big-wigs, the media and women's groups in unison!

'Yesss' Jodha held up her palm - breathing a sigh of relief as soon the announcement came

'We did it' the elated Jalal hi-fived her back



'Ok... Jalal...I better get going ...'

'Hey, you off already?' he enquired of the visibly exhausted junior who was starting to make her way through the now empty verrandah. What a stark contrast the dim deserted spaces in the corridors were now when compared to the noise and bustle in them barely a couple of hours ago.

'Already?' she chuckled mildly 'It's nearly 7pm Jalal...and I've been on my feet right from 9 this morning...' it'd taken their group that long to have everything organized and cleared-up following the successful rally!

He glimpsed at his watch. Oops, she was right! He hadn't realize the time fly by - how would he, when he'd been with HER for so long 'Wow...it IS late' he paused with concern 'Shall I drop you off at home...you didn't come by scooty today, right?'

Nope. She hadn't travelled by her scooty because she'd come with bhaiyya that morning.

'Hmmm' she mulled with a faint smile 'It's ok ...auto se chali jaaoongee...' she took a slow step back 'By the way...once again a BIG BIG thank you for everything!'  

'Thanks wanks chodo...are you sure you don't want me dropping you off? You look tired...'

'Errr' the offer was tempting, but she better not. Car ride? Alone with him? It only spelt trouble.

Yes, she'd spent half her day with Jalal - but, the overwhelming crowds and the thrill of the rally had temporarily buried all those subtle 'dilemmas'. Now that it was all over - now that it was only the two of them, his warm presence and caring smiles seemed to bring it all back! She knew she HAD to fight-off those 'fluttery' feelings - and it was a million times tougher to do so if her glances kept going back to observe those deep brown eyes of his. No wonder he'd wanted to stay away from her the past couple of months. This appearing-cool-to-hide-your-crush was no easy task!

'Nahi...' Jodha groaned in reply - acting like there was no storm brewing in her mind 'It's only 7 na... main chali jaaoogee ...but, thanks' she was nearly about to trot away, when he called out to her once more

'Wait a sec...there's something else...something I need to give you...'

'Huh?' she turned towards him curiously - there was a smallish white envelope in his hand now. On receiving it, she was startled to find neatly folded notes totalling to 1500 Rs tucked within 'What's this?'

'Don't be so surprised...its the reimbursement from the New Year's party...the one you and I had to abandon!'

'Oh...' she smiled at the confident guy 'So you DID manage to make them pay up...anyway, thanks again' she proceeded to stuff the envelope into her handbag. As she did so, she realized she had to return one of his things too

'Jalal' she spoke up - following a long sigh 'I have something of yours too...'

'Huh?' it was his turn to be curious now

Gently fishing out the crisp freshly-washed white handkerchief, she passively stared at the memoir in her hand for a second. It'd brought back all those troubling moments and personal confessions of hers in a flash!  

'Don't you dare give away any of my secrets' she playfully warned the kerchief with a quick look, before handing it over to him 'Here you go...'

He reached out to grab the kerchief - or so she thought for a moment - till she realized that it was her palm that he'd reached out to grab, with the kerchief still wrapped in it of course!

She suddenly looked up, wide-eyed 'W...what...'

'You have to give me something else too' he explained softly - peering into those alarmed doe-eyes with unflinching conviction

'Huh?' she moved back - she was starting to feel a bit odd about the situation. She'd never seen him that way. Where was the general friendliness she'd seen up until a second ago? What WAS this new form of mischief he was up to? Wriggling her wrist, she hoped to free herself from him - instead, what she could sense was his marginally tightening grip. She began panicking 'What is he doing?'

'Do you know Jo...' he made up for the distance between them by taking a step towards her 'In all of this mess, I forgot to tell you ...I'm off to Mumbai tomorrow...I'll be back only after two days... Taaya urgently needs me there... my witness signature for some official transaction...'

'Oh!' she remarked, puzzled 'Ok...safe journey then...'

'I would have just let it go and left as usual...' Jalal continued calmly 'But now suddenly, I think I can't because I've just seen something QUITE fascinating...' he shrugged 'So, I only ask one thing of you before I leave... for the sake of my own peace...'

She retracted a little - still feeling a tad bit edgy about where all this was going 'I don't understand...'

Pausing for a tense minute, he then let out a slow smile 'I want an answer Jodha...'

'What?' she went on to study his expressions for a brief spell 'Nooo...not a confrontation ...he better not ask me about my funny behaviour on Saturday... please... please... please... please...' an instant later, the defiant young lady made up her mind 'Well, if he DOES...I'm NOT gonna reply!'

He leaned forward - his fingers still fastened around her hand 'I saw a touching fondness in your expressions just before you were going to hand me this kerchief...' a playful frown made its way on his brows 'Why Jodha?'

'K...kyaa!' the startled junior didn't like where this was going 'Tum bhi na...its nothing...' noting how close his overpowering profile was getting to hers, she receded further but was limited in her retreat when her back touched the corridor wall thereafter. Swiftly glimpsing around to weigh her situation, she stared back at him 'I wanna get home...now please let go of my hand...'

Watching her escalating restlessness, he smirked gently and then released his clutch around her wrist 'There...' he signalled to her freed hands 'I've let you go...now give me my answer!'

'There's nothing to say..' she mumbled. Deciding to take advantage of the momentary lull, Jodha attempted to get away in a jiffy. However, she was abruptly stopped in her tracks when he slapped his palm against the wall to her right - thus, blocking her exit from there. Shocked by his actions she hastily spun in the opposite direction, but alas! He'd anticipated her actions well in advance and anchored his other palm on the wall to her left too - thus, trapping her in between.

'Jodha, do you think I'm so naive as to not understand what's going on in your mind...'

She darted her hijacker a long hard glare, her heart now racing like never before. Her sentiments were now a strange mixture of anger and anxiety - how dare he? How dare he try corner her this way? How dare he try breaking into her psyche? How dare he try trespassing into the privacy of her thoughts and feelings? How dare he read her better than she could read herself?

'What ARE you doing Jalal?' she questioned him thereupon 'And why do you keep hounding me like this?'

'Keep hounding?' he grimaced 'Shall I google up and show you the meaning of the word 'hounding'? If anything, I've left you all alone these days because I was under the impression that you felt nothing special for me...but now that I've realized its not so, I want to hear some answers...' he paused - a hint of longing subtly seeping into his tone 'Why wouldn't you tell me what's on your mind, Jo?

'There's NOTHING to say!' she looked away as she'd said that bit. She needed some respite from the charms of those chiselled features that were now lingering dangerously close to hers. Braving his advances and subduing her thoughts, while maintaining a look of bravado throughout - was becoming an increasingly tough battle to sustain!

'Jo, look at me' he muttered softly 'And admit that you don't have any special feelings for me...'

She could do this. She would do this. Opening her eyes at once, she rebelliously bore into his - making another half-hearted attempt to nudge him away during the course of it 'I...I DON'T have any such feelings for you...and Jalal...what's all this...I told you that we come from different backgrounds...that my family's already pushing me towards a rishtaa...'

'Not again!' he'd suddenly interrupted her by smacking the wall hard - surprising both, her AND himself with the unexpected outburst of frustration. Deliberately taking a subsequent second to calm his nerves down, he followed up his unusual flare-up with an elaboration 'Look Jodha...I don't want to know what your bua's beti  or chaachi's bhai have to say about us...I only want to know what YOU feel about 'us'!'

'God!' she sighed in vexation 'Pity you're sooo overconfident...cos, you're mistaken...'

'I'm CONFIDENT...not overconfident...' he shook his head in disbelief - unable to understand why she was still defying her own sentiments. Momentarily glancing down, he tried carefully piecing the words he'd wanted her to hear 'Do you think I haven't noticed the extra care that goes into your attire whenever you know you're going to meet me...' he glimpsed up again - gauging her reactions as he continued 'Do you think I haven't realized why such a self-respecting person like yourself swallowed her pride and kept coming back to rekindle our friendship... do you think I'd missed the evident jealousy in your manner when you asked me about my ex-girlfriends...'

'You ARE m..mistaken...' she faltered while cutting him there 'E...even Renu's jealous of our friendship...does that mean...'

'Renu's jealousy is for a whole load of other reasons...and you know that well-enough!'

'Jalal, WHAT are you trying to prove?'

'That you like me...and more than just as a friend...'

He waited for her to come back, but she'd fallen silent at this point - almost like she needed a break from persevering with so many conflicts at once. Observing the vulnerability in her expressions, Jalal couldn't help but feel immensely moved for her - a girl he so loved. He reflected on it and then picked up his hand, tenderly taking it to her cheek.

However, she stopped him midway by clutching his hand - taking out her frustrations by angrily digging her fingers into his palm 'Y...you...' she retorted 'Your content frowns reveal everything Jalal...this is all just a game for you...a competition to get me to yield...'

'A competition? How can it be a competition when the only result is either BOTH of us WIN or BOTH of us LOSE?' gently overcoming the resistance of her hold, he went on to place his palm on her cheek.

She closed her eyes - her resolute was diminishing and she could feel it, but she didn't know what to do about it anymore

Sensing the angst in her quickening breath and quivering lips, he gradually rested his forehead against hers with affection. That instant was a revelation for him - all pangs of longing he'd endured in the past days had just been quelled 'Jodha' he inched closer to hum into her ears - sending another shudder down her spine 'Can't you recognize that the very same thing is driving us both wild...the fact that we're unable to be together...'

She said nothing. Her throat and lips were now parched beyond belief.

'Sanskaar...ladki...ghar parivaar... education... marriage... rishtha... sasural...our culture...' the retaliatory voices had become inaudible now. There were too many factors muffling them - the sound of his husky voice, his intense manner, the warmth of the near embrace she was in - all emotions were wreaking havoc on her mind and body.

'What are you so afraid of, Jo?' he whispered, watching her softening expression closely 'Do you know? The girl I fell for squashed my plots and bravely got up on a stage to sing without a mike...she cleverly weaseled her way out of paying me Rs.40,000 for my Ipad...she always stood up to bullies...then, why is THAT daring girl...' he paused - before saying what he'd always wanted to 'Then, why is MY girl afraid now?'

Her eyes still shut, she silently gasped when she heard him call her that. Studying her mesmerizing responses for a moment, he gingerly began trailing his nose along the flawless profile of her face. His passions were now roused - she hadn't really resisted him all along either. She'd let herself be cradled in the confines of his hand. She'd let him rest his temple against hers. She'd let his locks brush past her eyes. She'd let their faces touch. She'd let the intimacy go on for a short while, because it meant she was ultimately free - she was finally not wrestling against any urges.

'What are you afraid of Jodha?' he asked her again, as he reached her ears 'Tell me...'

Surrendering at long last; Jodha lovingly grabbed the fingers that were resting on her cheek in bitter-sweet ecstasy 'I...I...I'm worried...Jalal' she nervously savoured the never-before feel of running her soft hands on his gruff jaw, before finally admitting her fears 'What if all this doesn't work out...'

'But how would you know if something works or not, unless you give it a try first!'

He was right! How would she know it wouldn't work if she kept running away? She had nothing else to say to that argument. Somehow, this guy had made Jodha Singh cave-in - he'd shifted her priorities in life. Strangely, this guy also had made her say things she'd never imagined she'd ever say!

After twenty minutes of near-entrancement, she eventually opened her eyes to confront him.

What Jalal discovered then wasn't what he was expecting to find - a lone teardrop clinging at the edge of her eye. It was an angry tear, a sign of her frustrations.

His spirits marginally dampened, he was about to speak up but she nudged him away - and sternly 'Jalal I have to go now... please, just let me go...'

A second later, he obliged by retracting his hands and stepping back. A minute later, he watched her leave - just like that. His intentions had been to zap her out of her frustration so she'd speak her mind out - not to push her into deeper despair.

However, he wasn't entirely dejected either because he'd gotten her answer already. It was only a matter of time before she'd come back to him.

Fortunately, his renewed optimism wasn't unjustified because, as fate would have it - he didn't have to wait too long - not long at all...


Hope you enjoyed it ðŸ˜³

Edited by lashy - 10 years ago
lashy thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago


17th February


Resting on his pillow, with his left hand casually tucked underneath his head - the silent young man subconsciously flicked the button on the remote once more. Well, his disinterest was no surprise. Relaxing on his super-king plush bed while watching programmes on his 60-inch wall plasma was not his 'usual' 9:30 pm routine - it was more of a 'distraction' routine.

He HAD tried using other more sensible modes of distraction, like packing his suitcase for the 6:45 AM flight he was to catch next morning or finishing up on another half-page of thesis work!

However when all that hadn't worked, he'd just 'ditched-it' and crashed on his bed.

It was not very often that Jalal Muhammed found himself in such a happy daze, and why not - he'd enjoyed a multitude of wins that day. He'd won against the ploys of the rogue he despised - and far more importantly, he'd almost won HER over.

'Jo' he uttered mischievously, reminiscing it all for the umpteenth time - reliving the hold she'd had upon him and the effect he'd had upon her!

The 24 year old realist needed no mirror just then to make out the amused grins and the glow of feverish excitement that were reappearing on his face - again! In fact, the grins and the glow had barely died down ever since the memorable confrontation that evening!

Nope, Jalal had not planned for any of it to happen. It'd taken HIM just as much by surprise as it'd taken HER! All he'd meant to do once they'd wrapped up with the rally was to return the refund and get going on his way. However, she'd gone on to fish out that kerchief from her bag - and my my, it'd changed the course of events drastically!

That look - the long long look of affection that she'd given his kerchief those grand five seconds, was the kind of look one would give a 'cherished' possession before parting with it. His curiosity had been roused. He wanted some proper answers this time - especially since HIS possessions seemed to have started becoming so dear to her!

From thereon; his emotions had steadily broken all barricades, heartfelt words had materialized with such effortless ease and pent-up passion had taken over!

'Ya Allah!' he chided himself a moment later, for acting like a 14 year old going through his first crush 'Get a grip on yourself...abhi tak, she hasn't even openly admitted anything..!'

Deciding to snap out of the thoughts for a few seconds in order to preserve his sanity, Jalal tossed around to grab his remote once more. No sooner than he'd changed over to another channel - the seventh one in the past twenty minutes - he heard the familiar ringtone of his mobile buzzing. With his eyes still glued on the screen, he lazily ran his fingers on the sheet to search for the instrument and cast a quick glance at the caller id

'Abdul?'  he let out a sigh and set the phone down without attending it. Yeah yeah, he wasn't being the most ideal friend right then. However had he spoken, his best bud would've caught onto the enthusiasm in his voice right away - and Jalal was in no mood to explain something even he wasn't clear about.

A minute later, the buzzing stopped.

Another minute later, a short message alert followed.

'Ab kyaa hai Abdul?' the young man leisurely perused through his inbox

'Kyaaa!' in a flash, he'd sprung up and come alive - it was an sms was from HER!

Sitting on his bed, the impatient senior hastily opened the message to read its contents. At first glances, it was a bit puzzling. He had to go through the angry words twice to decipher its subtle undertones

'Jalal...u r the most stubborn...adamant...bull-headed...egoistic...strong-willed...annoying guy I've evr met...u r a royal pain, u know that?'

'W...what?' realization steadily began dawning on him 'Is she...is she...'

The slightest hint of a smile began making its way onto his lips as he perceived her childlike frustration. Countering the sudden rush of blood so he could think clearly, his restless mind raced to find the right words to reply

'Wow Jo! Stubborn...egoistic...strong-willed AND annoying...I never realized how SIMILAR I am to u' grinning slyly, he pressed send - knowing her reactions well beforehand

The following three minute wait was possibly the most agonizing wait in his life. Then, the text alert finally arrived. Within the following second, the young man had nearly pressed all the wrong buttons in his fervour to open the new sms

'Yup Jalal! That's why I hate it when I turn out to b WRONG ... and u turn out to b RIGHT!

Now, got ur answer? Have a safe and peaceful trip!'  

WOAH! He couldn't believe it. HE - COULDN'T - BELIEVE - IT! Had she? Had she actually?

'Wait...' he suddenly paused 'It IS Jo, right' he double checked the number just to be sure. It WAS her!

So, had this 'adamant' junior really come out of her shell to say what she'd just said?

'Damnnn...' he covered his mouth in disbelief.  For a short while, it felt like the 'Yes'  in her angry confession was too good to be true! He swiftly read the words once again - slowly and carefully - just to make sure he hadn't assumed anything 'I hate it when I turn out to b WRONG ... and u turn out to b RIGHT! Now, got ur answer?'

Once convinced he wasn't imagining stuff, the first signs of an elated beam made its way.

'Wow!' he let the feeling sink in.  Jodha Singh had just admitted that HE was right about HER feelings for him - and sooner than he'd expected her to do so too! Brushing his hair excitedly, Jalal got off the bed to take a few brisk paces. Exhaling deep breaths, he tried to get a hold of the intensifying flurry of feelings he was going through

'God...God...God...' he exclaimed when he'd subsequently recalled that in all the hysteria he hadn't even sent her a reply yet. Leaping back on the bed, he grabbed his phone to type out the words, but thought better of it next second

'Ditch it' he pressed the 'call' button instead - but, her phone had been switched off. Not letting it get to him, he sent her a sweet text instead - knowing she'd have a smile on her face when she came across it next morning

'Thnks...I'll have a safe trip...will catch up once I'm back on Thu!

But till then, I love you too Jo...gd night... ;) '

He was in the best spirits of his life as those final lines had gone out. Only; the besotted young man didn't know how he was going to get by the next two days without so much as a glimpse of her.

'Abbe...' he laughed at the bitter-sweet predicament he was in 'Tu to gayaa...look at what have you gotten yourself into...'


Jalal had guessed right - she didn't get to check his response that night because she'd deliberately switched off the phone right after she'd hit 'send'. She needed time to reel from the shock of what'd just come to happen. Her fingers still numb, Jodha dropped the mobile beside her and gently fell back on her pillow in a daze

'What have I done' she gasped - her emotions a very strange mix of worry, abashment and relief. She didn't know why she'd eventually admitted her feelings but, she felt like she had to do it - at least for her sake, if not for his! There WAS still a part of her that was irked that she'd done so and for a brief spell Jodha had even wished she could retrieve the sms she'd just sent.

However, ONE significant moment that evening had managed to overrule a lot of her lingering dilemmas and doubts - a moment that'd shifted her priorities. It wasn't his outpour of heartfelt emotions or the sincere love in his eyes that'd done it alone. It was his words! Words that had been constantly playing in her mind - words that'd persuaded her to ultimately face the truth

'How would you know if something works or not, unless you give it a try first?'

'God' she closed her face in panic as the avalanche of bewildering emotions hit her again 'Ye maine kyaa kiyaa...' she paused blankly 'And wonder how Mr. Know-it-all will be reacting now' a smile slowly materialized on her face when she began visualizing what could be Jalal's expressions 'But then...' she stopped, her smile consequently disappearing 'How is all this going to work out yaar? And ghar pe kisi ko pataa chal gayaa tho, I'll be in such trouble...' her frowns deepened as she reverted to fretting about their future prospects - till, another point struck her that is 'Hey Bhagwaan' she blushed 'I didn't even think about this...how am I going to face him on Thursday? What am I supposed to say?' her eyes widened in alarm as she swiftly recognized another turning point 'Shucks...am I actually his GIRLFRIEND now?'

Stopping the music in the background, she anxiously tossed around and buried her face into the pillow 'God Jodha...what have you gotten yourself into... what HAVE you gotten yourself into...'


He's been gone
And though its not for so long
She must brave the wait with a song

In the days apart, her touch missed he
In the days apart, his smiles missed she
But not before long, one they will be!
20th February

Shielding her hand from the glaring morning sunrays, the spirited young lady strained to catch sight of a distant vehicle that appeared to be approaching the college

'Is that him? Is that him? Seems like his car... yes it is him' she paused, as the familiar silver Audi drove into the university grounds car park 'Hey Ram' she commented nervously. The butterflies that had been fluttering in her tummy so long had just morphed into something the size of dinosaurs.

Well, the 'new' pair had exchanged a couple of fleeting conversations and 30-odd flirty texts in the past couple of days that he'd been away at Mumbai. However, this was still the first time she was seeing him in two days - the FIRST time she was going to meet him face-to-face after her confession!

While the young lady was still trying to deal with the unfamiliar 'dinosaurs' in her belly, the car pulled up not far from where she was standing. In a flash, the engine had been turned off.

The car door opened 'Hi'

She glanced up at the guy who was standing beside his vehicle 'Hi' she muttered back with a mild smile

'Wow' he observed her in delight - was she really looking more beautiful than ever or was it so only because he'd missed her so much? 'Wanna get in?' he smiled, signalling to the empty-ish car park around them 'Since we're earlier than usual...we could catch up for a few minutes before everyone starts arriving for classes, maybe?'

Following a hesitant few seconds, she nodded and got into the back seat via the door he was holding open for her. He joined her in soon after.

Once inside; the awkward couple exchanged nothing but abashed smirks and sighs for a whole minute - till Jalal took it upon himself to cease the clumsy silence.

'So, Jodha' he darted her a mischievous grin 'Here we are haan... FINALLY' noticing that she was sitting at the end farthest from him, he couldn't help but be amused by her evident unease 'How have you been?'

'Oh...' she looked up in mild embarrassment, having hardly cast him a proper glimpse yet 'I'm fine, Jalal' and then her mind blanked out - she didn't knowing how to proceed 'Kuch tho bol' she told herself quickly. It was high time she said something - anything - it's not like this was the first time she was chatting with this senior of hers 'Haan' she abruptly remembered 'How was Mumbai?'

'Official trip...' he shrugged 'So nothing great...but, I'm really tired...early morning flight...then straight from the airport, I dashed home...showered...and rushed back here...' he winked 'To be with you'

'Oh' she'd nearly blushed - but, it was then that she'd noticed that his hair was still wet 'Arre... you didn't even...'

'I know...I know...' he winced, guessing what she was going to say 'My hair...'

'Dry it or you're gonna get a headache Jalal...'


Wasting no time, the lively young man leaned towards the passenger seat, grabbed his gym bag and dug out a fluffy towel from within 'I generally never step out this way' he explained 'But today was an exception...' he commenced drying his hair 'You see, I didn't have time...have...I...generally...but...before...classes...'

While the engrossed senior was still persevering with his conversation, she'd stopped paying attention at some point. Unbeknown to her, Jodha's gazes were starting to soften. She'd begun eyeing the guy sitting beside her - the one who appeared so mesmerizingly handsome AND delightfully cute at the same time! Mesmerizingly handsome because those glassy droplets in his blazing brown hair had set-off the morning-glow in his features perfectly. Delightfully cute because he was blissfully unaware of that fact that she wasn't listening to him, but checking him out instead.

'HEY!' she suddenly realized what she was doing and was about to turn away in near-guilt as usual, but stopped herself this time and continued looking. Why shouldn't she stare? He was her boyfriend, after all!

'Gosh! BOYFRIEND?' she gasped at the thought that'd just popped up. The very word was a concept alien enough to her not so long ago and now she was sitting in a car with her 'boyfriend' - gaping at him while he was busy grooming himself!


She snapped out of the transfixed state she'd been in, only to detect his curious frowns - he was obviously trying to understand the reason behind her ongoing silence!

'Errr kya?' she clumsily attempted to cover up for her wayward thoughts

Guessing from her expressions what she might have been up to, Jalal broke out into a sly frown. Nevertheless; no point in embarrassing a flustered lady further - so he pursued with the question he'd already put forth twice 'I was asking you if you spoke to our group...about 'us''

'Oh...' she paused momentarily 'They know about us, but I've been avoiding them...putting up with Meera's and Payal's teasing over the past two days has been tough enough...' an adorable frown emerged on her face 'There's no way I'm going to face Abdul, Maan and Salim all by myself too...'

'I understand' he laughed briefly - before subsequently beginning to reflect on the many little implications of their newfound relationship status 'So...we're officially dating now!' he glimpsed her way to share his thrill 'Things wouldn't be the same again...'

'Yeah...' the flushed young lady sighed 'That means everything's going to change at college...'

'Interesting texts after boring lectures...' he mused playfully 'Canteen meet ups with friends turning into neverending tease-a-thons' a dreamy haze glossed over the twinkle in his eyes 'And our late evenings together every day...just you and I...'

He fell silent, awaiting her response to that last suggestion of his.

She remained silent, a crimson colour pervading her cheeks. The whole 'dating' concept seemed both, interesting and daunting!

Just then, the pair were distracted by a message alert beep in her phone.

'Phew' she silently chuckled - this bold junior wasn't used to finding herself so 'tongue-tied' and 'shy' around anyone, so the temporary distraction was a welcome relief!

Fetching out her mobile, the upbeat young lady opened her inbox to read it! The joy, the exhilaration, the sheepish frowns and the scarlet tint that had beautified her profile so long - disappeared instantaneously. Her face now pale like never before, she immediately looked up at the man sitting next to her - not knowing what to say or how to react for a short while

'What happened' Jalal enquired, concerned by the abrupt sign of terror in her eyes. On receiving no answer, he slipped the phone off her hand and read it for himself

'You are doomed. You're hanging around with the guy who spiked your drink! Don't believe me? Think - how else did Jalal come just in time to take you home? He has evil plans. Had you gulped it all, your night would have ended differently. Anyway, you've played straight into his arms. I'm going to wait and watch your downfall now!'

Jalal felt like someone had just hit him with something. He felt humiliated. He was angry. He was hurt. He hastily called-back the anonymous number, but it had been switched off. Helpless, he rubbed his forehead frustratedly - this stalker was no amateur. He was keeping tabs on EVERY single development in their lives.

Immensely disturbed, the young man didn't know how to shake the glum-feeling off. As though the allegations weren't infuriating enough, he'd noted the slightest hint of 'suspicion' in Jodha's stares as she'd looked up at him after having read the message. Were the texts meant to draw a wedge of mistrust between them even before their set foot on this journey together? Would the stalker become successful in discrediting his character in her eyes? Nevertheless, he HAD to bury his pangs of agony so he could to deal with other more important matters first - her safety, to be precise.

Setting aside his personal anguish, he turned to her - struggling to rake up the right words 'You know Jo...I don't think it's Shareef doing this...'

'Me neither...' she muttered, evidently upset that they were back at square one with this stalking business 'This is the fifth text Jalal...I deleted the earlier ones and blocked his number...but, this is a new number he's harassing me from...'

'This is dangerous Jodha...' he remarked, still recuperating from the shock 'I can't sit peacefully knowing there's a guy out there watching you...we should lodge a complaint with the police now...'

'I understand what you're saying...' she shook her head 'But, you have no idea how my parents will react to this...after the incident last week, they were discussing about having me continue my course in correspondence...'

'Ok' empathizing with her stance, he let out a long sigh 'Jo...have you saved the rest of the texts somewhere...do you have it with you now?'

Opening her handbag, she dug deep down and fished out a small personal diary. Flipping through its pages, she arrived at one such inconspicuous page 'Didn't save these online, incase that weirdo hacks into my account or whatever' she handed the diary to him 'Here...the dates, the times, the number and the texts'

Receiving it from her, the perturbed young man went through the words carefully - trying not to appear affected by the disgusting accusations those texts had made against him. He recognized the lyrics from the pop song that'd been used in one of them 'A student who likes listening to English pop...' his eyes suddenly widened - he'd noticed something else too 'Hmmm...the f**king bas***d doesn't use typical sms language ...maybe someone who hasn't been texting for long...or he's deliberately making it all very poetic...' he paused to glance at her, as he tried piecing it all together 'Seems like a shy...nerdy...romantic... introvert kinda guy...do you know anyone like that?'

'Hmmm' her worry lines deepened as she recollected a particular face that fit the profile 'There IS one guy in our class... he's a bit weird...name's Anoop...he gives me the creep sometimes...the way he stares at me...'

'Anoop?' he grimaced for a moment 'I'll do one thing...' he began saving the anonymous numbers in his own mobile 'My family are on good terms with the DCP here...I'll get uncle to find out if there's any way he can trace the owner. It might take a few days, but I'll make sure it gets done...' he paused - still consumed by it all 'In the meanwhile, have your number changed...and reveal the new one to none other than your family and a few...' he suddenly stopped midway - when he'd felt her hand tenderly resting on his shoulder. He looked up - he hadn't even realized when she'd moved near him

'Jalal...' she spoke - her manner reflecting profound concern 'First, why don't you ask me what you want to?'

'Huh?' the preoccupied senior was briefly flummoxed - and then, it struck him. She was obviously referring to the masked 'hurt' in his expressions 'Oh...' he exhaled and faltered for a long while, as he tried to overcome his reservations 'Just tell me frankly Jo...' the disheartened senior asked at long last 'You nearly believed this stuff, right?'

She looked down for an instant and then back up at him. She needed to be earnest and yet put him out of his misery, so she chose her lines with care 'Jalal...don't take it to heart...the brief shock in my eyes was only a natural reaction ...doesn't mean I mistrust you...FAR from it...think of it this way...if I believed those messages, would I be sitting alone with you in your car here now? I know MY guy and trust him, Ok?'

Yesss! That's all he needed to hear. THAT - IS - ALL. It felt like the biggest weight had just been lifted off his shoulders. He didn't even bother hiding the relief her assurances had given him 'Thank you...' he whispered 'For being a part of my life...'

Taking the palm that was perching on his shoulder, he gradually interlocked his own fingers between hers. While she watched his invigorated smiles and gestures with a sweet frown, he gently drew her close so he could confess in a soft tone 'And this is why I love you so much Jodha...'

Studying her delicate responses, he waited for her to say something in return. However, the modest young lady stayed quiet.

'You know Jodha...' he grinned subsequently 'At this point, the girl generally replies with an 'I love you, TOO''

With that comment, she burst out into a round of giggles - she had to 'I am new at all this, Jalal...' she justified herself sheepishly 'So...give me some time'

'Ok' he joined her in laughter, as their heads lovingly rested against one another's 'I understand'

Revelling in the fond moments, the ecstatic couple continued chuckling at themselves - a mini game of powerplay going on with their fingers all throughout.

Soon after, Jalal freed his hand from hers and glided it around her waist.

The echoes of her laughter steadily died down - she'd spotted the growing ardency his eyes. Her pulse quickening with every passing second, she gently glimpsed away - his gazes were too potent to handle.  

'Jalal' she sighed on a hush note as she could feel herself being pulled closer to him 'Maybe we shouldn't...' just then, her words were cut short when she was swept into the folds of his strong embrace.

For the first minute or so, she found herself very conscious - her mind was battling out many 'What if?s' and 'Should I?s'. After all, never before had she been involved with a young man in the past - never before had she let anyone touch her this way. Uncertain, she looked up - and at the handsome face that was just beside hers. Discovering such tenderness in his reassuring glances, her rigid limbs melted into his in no time.  

As Jalal guided his fingers into her hair and drew her near him, Jodha buried her head on his chest. Calmly closing her eyes she let her hands slide onto his back. Fresh out of the shower, he smelt delectable. In the strength of his embrace, she'd forgotten all worry of the vile stalker. She could hear his hastening heartbeats - they spoke of his love for her. His soft foreplay with strands of her hair was so soothing.  The warmth of his body felt heavenly. She'd finally experienced how it felt to be lost in the arms of a man she was in love with!

Now only if they didn't have to leave for classes in the next ten minutes, eh?


Hope you enjoyed it ðŸ˜³

Edited by lashy - 10 years ago