-Crayon- thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

Hello 🤗...It has been a long time, since I posted something on this forum, actually not so long.😆 Ok..this is something I don't even know if it makes sense, yet I feel like posting it here. ðŸ˜†


Frustrated, was the word. She was tired of cribbing, she would simply start and nothing around her was spared. Design of the carpet, colour of the dustbin, scattered pile of books, dancing toffee wrapper, paper weight which stopped the papers from flying. Everything around, irritated her. 

She wanted the wrapper to stop dancing aimlessly; she wanted the papers to fly without bearing the weight of the paper weight, she wanted the books to be neatly settled, she wanted to remove the carpet and lie on the floor. However, she did nothing that would reduce her irritation. Neither did she remove the paper weight, nor did she throw the crushed wrapper in the dustbin.  

All she did was, close her eyes and lie on the couch with her hair touching the carpet and the dust on it. She ran her hands through her hair, she could feel the sweat. Her hair had to be cleaned, she badly needed a shower. It was scorching heat outside and she wondered how she travelled continuously in the heat all these days. No wonder, she reacted very violently at matters that weren't even huge. She slowly moved her hands towards her neck and started massaging them. 

At times, she felt that she was a wonderful masseuse and could give the ones in the market a run for their money. But little did she know that it was just her illusion that she was the best. She didn't even know how good the best ones were. Or she probably guessed that they would be far better than her but she was happy thinking that she was very good. Big deal. She sighed, how ignorant could she be? She somehow tried to sleep but she couldn't. She needed something relaxing to do; she needed to take a shower. So that, she could think about everything peacefully and philosophically. It was a peaceful escapism. She quickly went to take a shower.

 He sat on the couch of the expensive restaurant, looking at the tree outside the window with an open mouth. It was unbearably hot outside, so much that he couldn't walk for one more minute. He had no option but to rush to the super expensive restaurant in a desert like place only filled with houses. A desert filled with houses, with not even a single living being roaming on the road. 

He opened his wallet and counted his money. It was less, and he couldn't even afford a cup of cold coffee. But he couldn't even sit there for long without ordering anything, it wouldn't look good. He again checked his wallet, he was poor and he could afford to be a bit shameless, by not buying anything yet sitting below the AC. What if, they humiliate him and throw him away? Would that look so bad? He checked his pockets, to see if he had some extra notes or even coins. He tapped his pockets and found some coins. Lucky, he was. He could now probably buy the cheapest thing and yet could save some money to take a rickshaw at some point, when he would actually be on the verge of fainting or vomiting. He opened the menu and started to look for the cheapest thing on it. It was the first entry, Lime soda. The price was enough to make his jaws drop. Yet, it was somehow affordable. He ordered a glass without looking into the eyes of the waiter. He was sure the waiter would have laughed at him, at his situation. The waiter himself looked so rich. He felt like swapping places with him. He quickly ordered and again kept looking at the tree outside.


She was dressed in a loose t-shirt and shapeless jeans; she dried her hair with the help of a hair drier and quickly moved outside her house. She finally found a temporary solution for her irritating problem. She needed a haircut. Not that her hair was shapeless, but she simply needed it, just for the heck of it.

He completed the lime soda in less than a minute, he thought he would drink it slowly and steadily but the thirsty him just fell on the cold lime soda and drank it as if it was nectar. He looked around and didn't want to leave the place so soon but ordering something else was out of the question. 

He chewed the straw for some time and again looked around. He was uncomfortable and was tired of everything he was doing. Tired of adjusting to the place. He would be lying if he said that his trails to not look very poor were more troubling than the sun. He enjoyed the AC inside, but now he decided to leave. It was time for him to leave. 

He came out and suddenly everything was hotter, hotter than before. He checked his wallet once again; he then looked at the tree. What if he had simply sat under the tree? He would have saved the money that he spent on 1 Lime Soda. If he drank it on a roadside stall, he would have bought 4 glasses for the same price. He never planned things in a right manner, he wasted both his money and now everything was much hotter.

She sat in front of the mirror in the parlor. She looked at herself, her hair was cut short, extremely short, it was the first time, and she had a boy cut. She didn't look very good, beautiful was a distant word. 

She looked totally new, totally different. She didn't know how would look in a salwar or some other Indian wear. She ran her hands through her hair and it was wet, she somehow felt good. Now she could think less about her hair. Now she wouldn't have to comb it so many times, in order to avoid the clumsy, unhygienic look of it. Now she wouldn't have to care about the hair bands. Now she wouldn't be able to touch the dust of the carpet with her hair but it wasn't that bad. She smiled and she felt nice. It was a nice change from the usual boring arrangement of her hair. Yes, she looked weird, but she would get used to this too and she would enjoy the time between feeling weird and getting used to it. 

He wiped the sweat on his forehead with his kerchief and knocked the door.

She continued to think about her hair and various changes that her new hair would bring.

"Thanks a lot Geet. I love my new hair." She smiled at the owner of the beauty parlor and one of her good friends. It wasn't a very busy or famous place, yet she liked it. She was always satisfied with Geet's work. Geet didn't expect her regular customer, who loved her hair and was very particular about the length that was cut every time, to suddenly ask for this new style but however, such unexpected demands were not new for her. Geet smiled back at her and checked her watch. He wasn't back yet.

Geet suddenly heard the knock on the door; she excused herself and quickly went out.

"Maan, what took you so long?" 

Maan looked absolutely tired, "Don't ask. It's extremely hot outside and I drank something, on my way and it left a bad taste in my mouth somehow, I puked on the road."

"What? Why do you go to such cheap places always? They aren't hygienic at all." She was worried. 

"Geet, it was soda, One doesn't simply vomit after drinking a lime soda, Hai na? And moreover, It was not roadside. It was expensive enough to put a hole in my pockets."

Geet shook her head worriedly and rubbed Maan's hair. Maan smiled and he saw a customer coming out of Geet's parlor.The customer with her brand new hair cut handed the money to Geet and left the place with a smile. 

Geet sighed and looked at Maan, "First customer in two days. Finally, some money in hands."

Maan smiled and thought about the notes he spent due to his instant and useless decision of running into an AC restaurant.

She smiled, thinking about her quick decision of getting a new hair cut. It definitely removed her irritation temporarily. All with a simple hair cut.

Geet kissed the money and put them in her drawer.

Edited by -Crayon- - 11 years ago


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ChandlerBing thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
When are you going for a hair cut? When you do, take me so that I can give him an earful of how Lime Sodas taste excellent when home made.

I like the results of your boredom you know? Now I understand why you wanted me to change my DP. Rofl. Still I am not going to change it because... I wanted to change it when there comes a big change in my life... which isn't yet here.

Yeah yeah weird me. I know.

Nice OS Nams. Me enjoyed it. Felt like I was reading my Diary😆
Edited by .Maggie. - 11 years ago
bhanu_rekhag thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago
It's completely random but unique...loved it dear
Downhill thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
that was lovely OS... the mantra for ur OS..is expect the unexpected and be pleasantly surprised😳
DevilClan thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Lovely OS. Its unique and different one.
Donnaa thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
nice n different...
like is not working..