Limerance thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago

-First True Love-


She stomped through the corridors careless of the attention her clicking stilettos were bringing. Everyone knew what the sound meant. It was a routine thing nowadays whenever Geet and Maan had a meeting together to discuss an upcoming project. Maan as usual would rile her up about something and Geet would walk out leaving Maan fuming even more. People wondered what their parents were thinking letting these two work together on multibillion dollar projects. 


Geet made her way to the only place that could relieve this anger and annoyance, the company spa. Yes, it might seem a little ridiculous to have a spa within your office but if you had to deal with Maan Singh Khurana then a spa with your own masseuse was an absolute necessity. Geet would have probably mocked anyone who would have suggested such an idea but after a few days in the office Geet realized it was the only way she could survive.


She had secluded her sanctuary on an entirely different floor from the main office for a few reasons but the main one was to be far, far away from Maan. Ever since she came home after finishing her studies in London, Geet couldn't wrap her head around why he had changed so much. It was hard enough for her in their childhood knowing he only thought of her as his best friend while she had secretly harbored feelings for him. But now even the slight camaraderie you gave an acquaintance was gone between them. She didn't understand why at every turn he was ready to chop her head off. But Geet was so fed up with his attitude she gave him back exactly what she got. If he didn't care about their friendship then why should she.


"Back so soon my dear? You were only here…what was it two days ago?" Rosie asked cheekily. She was a sweet lady about middle aged with a sense of humor Geet wouldn't take from anyone else but her.


Geet threw her blazer on the empty chair, grabbed her fluffy white towel and started to unbutton her white oxford shirt. "Rosie, I wonder at times why you do this to me. You know very well what that imbecile does to my state of mind. I don't understand what enmity he has against me."


Rosie chuckled. She knew what was going on but couldn't believe Geet was this slow.

"It's not that amusing Rosie. If only you knew what my day is like with him." She screamed over the partition while taking off her pencil skirt and wrapping the towel around herself.


"Alright I will stop laughing at your plight but I'm sure there must be a reason as to why he's treating you this way. You should ask him." Rosie said.


"Ask him? Rosie, are you forgetting who we are talking about? His ego is the size of God knows what and conscience is practically nonexistent. Plus I have better things to do than waste my time asking him questions."


"Oh and that's better than wasting your time here practically 4 days a week getting a massage to relief the stress that you always say he causes." Rosie snapped back.

"Thanks for enlightening me again on how much he pisses me off Rosie. And what exactly did you mean by those last few words? Are you implying that somehow it's all my fault I don't understand his caveman language?"


Rosie wanted to scream yes, yes it is your fault you don't understand why he does what he does to her but she held her tongue. "Geet that's not very ladylike to call your co-partner and more importantly childhood friend a caveman."


"You're right Rosie, that's an insult to the cavemen. They at least mumbled incoherently. Maan doesn't even do that."


"Geet!" Rosie smacked her arm.


 "Come on Rosie, don't Geet me. You know what he's like." Geet started to tie her hair up into bun and sat down on the massage table.


"I can't believe you haven't at least tried to figure out why Maan's acting like this Geet." Rosie said while getting all of her oils ready.


"Oh please Rosie, you know how much I prodded when I came back from London about his change. But all he did was constantly ignore me. He's like a completely different guy now but whatever can we just not talk about him anymore."


Rosie just shook her head. She couldn't believe that Geet still wasn't able to put the pieces together. "Okay fine, forget it for now. So what do you want, the usual?"


"Should that even be a question Rosie?" Geet said while lying face side down on the massage table and removing the towel that was wrapped around her. Once Geet was settled Rosie laid a towel on her lower half leaving only Geet's back and legs exposed. After Rosie massaged her with the nutty sweet almond oil she placed the hot stones along Geet's spine. A serene smile swept her face. The heat from the stones began to seep into her pores and radiated inside allowing the tension to slowly unknot and lull her to a heavenly sleep. 


Rosie could tell Geet was extra stressed today because she usually never dozed off so early in the session. She breathed a deep sigh wondering why Maan couldn't just talk and stop torturing both Geet and himself.


In the initial days of Rosie working here she was quite concerned about both of their constant combative ways and went to the only people she knew could handle it, their parents. Although Maan and Geet ran the company nowadays it was still for the most part under the reigns of their respective fathers who had jointly started it almost 30 years ago. Rosie explained her worries in regards to Maan and Geet stating if they continued to work together the business would no doubt be harmed. After listening to her both Mr. Handa and Mr. Khurana couldn't help but laugh hysterically which left Rosie shocked. Once they were done with their peals of laughter they explained to Rosie the long history the families and more importantly the relationship Maan and Geet shared. Although both Maan and Geet were unaware of how the other felt apparently their parents weren't that clueless. They decided by making them work together maybe Geet and Maan could sort out their problems sooner rather than later but things weren't looking optimistic. After reminiscencing of that day Rosie was about go back to planning a way to get the two of them on civil terms when she heard her cell phone vibrate and quickly stepped outside to pick it up before it caused Geet to wake up. 


Meanwhile Geet lay there dreaming of sweet peace on a secluded island all to herself. This wonderful alternative reality brought on the most natural smile on her lips. It was a sight that made a particular observer also smile at. 


Maan normally wouldn't go looking for anybody but that had always been an exception when it came to Geet. Since childhood it was second nature for him to make sure she was okay even if he was the one to make her upset. Maan knew he was being mean but didn't know how else to act since she still didn't realize what was wrong. He decided now was the time to give her a taste of her own medicine. 


Geet's dream was being disrupted. Rosie had been gone for quite some time and now the stones had returned to their natural temperature, cold. But then the sudden return of heat brought on my rough hands gliding across her back made her drowsy again. Geet could sense the pressure was stronger and the pleasure went much deeper than usual. She couldn't stop the moan that escaped her throat. She managed to weakly ask, "Rosie since when did your hands become so rough?" Geet heard no response but the gliding hands continued their movements but now in cyclic patterns. She muttered Rosie's name again but after still getting no response she fluttered her eyes and slowly turned towards the figure hovering above her.  Geet's breath hitched at the sight before her. It was Maan smirking at her shamelessly. 


"Hello there Geet, feeling better now or should I continue?"  He said with the devilish smirk still plastered on his face. Maan's voice immediately caused any trace of lethargy to disappear leaving her alert as if she had drunk a couple of straight shots of espresso. The only thing her mind was screaming at the moment was how she ended up naked, well almost naked with Maan massaging and oiling her back. 


She immediately started to jump up but realizing her state Geet helplessly laid back and tried to cover up the little she could by tugging the towel that lay below her. "What the hell are you doing here Maan?"


"Oh I had a few questions but you were sleeping so I thought to wake you up." He said nonchalantly as he continued to distract her with his fingers moving around her bare back. All the while mentally patting himself on the back for such a good choice. 


"Why can't you let me be in peace Maan? Why do you find it so pleasurable to torture me?" Geet glared at him.


Maan stiffened for a moment, and then started to walk around the table shamelessly gazing over her golden glistening form simply laying there. He traced a finger down her lean leg yet his eyes were glued to hers. "And what about the torture you gave me when you left?"


Geet couldn't take the sensations running through her but managed to speak in a hoarse whisper. "What are you talking about Maan?"

Realizing he said too much he moved his hand away to walk out. But Geet sensed this and shuffled her right leg off the table and in his path to stop him. "No Maan, you will have to explain what you mean right now."


He pushed her leg out of his way. "Geet I don't know what you are talking about. Please put some clothes on and get back to work. If you have forgotten let me remind you. You're not on vacation and this isn't your beauty shop."


"Maan stop diverting and acting ignorant, I'm asking you what happened. What have I done to make you so angry?"


Maan couldn't believe how clueless she could be. He knew Geet had bouts of stupidity but this was just way too much. "Geet you still don't get it do you? You left for London without even asking how I felt about it and that too for almost four years."


"Maan you think I wanted to go? I went only for our company's future. And don't act as if you didn't know I was going. I didn't even want to go and hoped you would give me a reason so stay behind but you never did. So what was I suppose to do?"


He turned away from her realizing he was equally at fault. He never had the courage to tell her how he actually felt about her but that was still no reason for her to pick up and leave. "I shouldn't have had to say anything Geet, it should have been obvious I didn't want you to go."

"Really Maan, am I now a psychic that's suppose to be able to read your mind? And what difference does it make now. There was nothing for me here then nor is there now as far as I can see."

"Are you that blind Geet that you still don't see anything?"

"I could say the same about you Maan. But forget I asked you anything because your ego is obviously too big for you to admit anything."

He walked back to her and gripped her upper arm tightly. "What did you say?"

"You heard me. You have a big ego. Need me to repeat it again?" She smiled sarcastically.

"Well here's for thinking I have a big ego." And he snaked his left hand into her hair and turned her face towards him before kissing her senseless. Geet was so lost in it all that she didn't even feel him pull the towel over her covering her up before turning her on her back. He then let go of her lips to leave kisses along her neck and shoulders. "And this is for saying I can't admit anything," then he proceeded to bite her collarbone causing Geet to wake up from the daze.

She jerked him away and slapped his arm. "What exactly do you think you were just doing right now?"

He didn't respond only lifted her off the table into his arms and walked to the sofa where he sat down with Geet on his lap and in his arms. She shrieked and said all the awful things her mind could conjure up at the moment for putting her in a situation where she could lose her only form of modestly in all of his shenanigans.

He was trying to finally lay his heart out for her and she wouldn't stop screaming. "Geet if you don't shut up this minute I'm going to make you."

"Oh really? I'd like to see you try." She then quickly covered her mouth knowing what the implication was.

Maan only laughed, "I'm sure you would and to tell you the truth I wouldn't mind either."

Geet rolled her eyes at him. "Whatever Maan, let me go. I need to get back to work." She tried to move off of him but he only held onto her tighter.

"Not before you hear me out. I understand I should have let you known earlier how I felt but I didn't and I can't change that now. But the truth is I love you and I always have so if you could, please forgive me for everything I have done."

There was no way Geet couldn't forgive him especially after knowing he loved her. She had always loved him but thought his care and protective nature towards her was nothing more than that of a friend. He showed no emotions or voiced no feelings, not even a goodbye when she left for London. She then realized you couldn't make a person fall in love with you. So her dreams of life with her first and only true love being squashed Geet hoped to forget him. She hoped to move on but despite living abroad for so long and meeting many guys it hadn't happen. So she realized you don't forget your first true love.

Maan was waiting patiently for an answer. He saw Geet staring at him with a dreamy look without blinking for the past few minutes and couldn't understand what was taking her so long. "Geet I would like an answer from you before I turn fifty. Plus you don't weigh as light as you look."

She snapped out after hearing the last part, "You're such a jerk Maan. I just hope you're not this insensitive when I'm carrying your kids."

"Whoa there sweetheart, someone's in a hurry aren't they?" He laughed while Geet immediately turned crimson after uttering that thought and dug her face into the crook of his neck. "Shut up Maan, you have no shame."

"I have no shame, really now? You are the one sitting on me mostly undressed and talking about having children."

"Oh yeah, who was the one massaging my undressed self and ogling while I was unconscious?"

"You really can't blame me sweetheart. It's your fault for being so beautiful and tempting."

Geet wanted to slap him again for admitting his mischief indirectly but she couldn't after seeing all the love in his eyes. She kissed his cheek and whispered, "I love you Maan."

Saying he was ecstatic was an understatement. He knew she had always loved him and only him but hearing it for the first time from her mouth was pure bliss. He couldn't help but be carried away again in her, he kissed her with everything he had and she returned in equal measure. They would have continued had it not been for Rosie barging in. "Geet are you awake yet? You better get back to work before your caveman comes hunting for you." She then saw both of them on the sofa with Geet beetroot from embarrassment and Maan red from anger. "Oh for heaven's sake, couldn't you two at least lock the door!" Rosie quickly made her way out muttering.

"Did you call me a caveman?" Maan spurted angrily.

Geet laughed at his reaction and teased him. "Well it's the truth you know."

"No it's not Geet! And it most certainly isn't funny."

"Oh Maan, relax will you. Besides you missed the most important part of what Rosie said."

"Really what was that? Something maybe about how you think I should join the cast of the Flintstones?" Maan sneered.

Geet continued to laugh but then tried to pacify him. She tried to make him face her but he kept turning away Geet then went up to his ear and hoarsely whispered, "She said you're my caveman and frankly I agree with her." Seeing him still upset she tried to distract him with chaste kisses here and there.

Maan wasn't upset anymore but he liked this Geet and continued with the charade. "This isn't going to work Geet. There is only one way you will be forgiven for such comments."

"Fine Maan what is that I have to do to be forgiven by your highness?"Geet didn't miss the naughty glint in his eyes and then saw the smirk appear. "You will have to repay me with the same pleasure I gave you, a massage."

Geet couldn't believe the audacity of Maan. "In your dreams Maan, now stop messing around and leave so I can get dressed."

He only chuckled, "What's the big deal? You can get dressed in front of me. I have absolutely no problems with it. Besides we are getting married soon."

Geet was busy looking around for an escape route from his arms but she immediately whipped her head up to look at him. She then saw Maan move his hand inside his coat pocket and pull out a red box. Geet's eyes began to tear instantly.

"I know this isn't really romantic or the ideal way you pictured yourself being proposed to but I can't wait any longer Geet. Do you remember that time when we went to the mall looking for father's day gifts and at the jewelers you saw a ring? You said when you get engaged you wanted your ring to look like that?" Geet nodded still not able to fully comprehend his words because of her off the wall emotions. "Well I bought it that day and have been carrying it around ever since. Waiting for the perfect moment to give it to you and tell you how I felt. Now it's been far too long and I can't wait anymore. So will you marry me Geet? Will you spend the rest of your life with me?"

Geet started to cry and couldn't manage to put words together instantly and only nodded then confirmed her answer by hugging him tightly. Maan pulled away after a while and put the ring on her hand and gave her the sweetest smiles then softly kissed her. "Maan, I can't believe you bought this ring then. It was almost ten years ago, we were only teenagers. I always suspected you thought of me only as a friend but now I find out you loved me all along."

"It's true Geet that I might not have been open about it. But the fact is you were always my first true love as I have always been yours."

Hope you enjoyed it. Now you know the drill, comments and likes greatly appreciated! πŸ˜†


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sanu3108 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
πŸ‘  .. awesomely well written ... loved every bit of it .. especially their argument ...
write soon
Edited by sindu555 - 12 years ago
Newdime thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

Too engrossed with QOS...u shouldn't be torturing me like this.

hahahahaha I remembered the warning.  πŸ˜‰

It didn't bothered me.  πŸ˜³πŸ˜›

It was sweet short and simple...πŸ‘

Edited by Newdime - 12 years ago
Limerance thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: NewdimeπŸ˜”

Too engrossed with QOS...u shouldn't be torturing me like this.

Sorry! I tried to space them out for you but you're a slow reader. jk πŸ˜† 

Newdime thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: Limerance

Sorry! I tried to space them out for you but you're a slow reader. jk πŸ˜† 

I forgot??? I think you forgot that my speed of reading is under 50 per line...none life driving on almost 70 on 50 zone...shhhπŸ˜†
arabianpaki thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Shoot I missed your OS again! I really need to start ready the whole PM!!!! before hurrying to click on the QOS!!
Limerance thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: arabianpaki

Shoot I missed your OS again! I really need to start ready the whole PM!!!! before hurrying to click on the QOS!!

You and your Shaheda baji are something else. Both have issues when it comes to the OS. πŸ˜†
It's alright though Azi. I know how intently you all are waiting for an QOS update mostly because that crazy writer is so slow but I'm sure she had a valid excuse :D
saam123 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Edited by simm28 - 12 years ago
arabianpaki thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Woahhh baby! Maan massaging an almost naked Geet *hottt*☺️
I loved it!
Fab OS Minal!!

p.s: Whenever I'm searching for my potential employer, I wonna make sure there's a spa there ;) ;)

Limerance thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: arabianpaki

Woahhh baby! Maan massaging an almost naked Geet *hottt*☺️
I loved it!
Fab OS Minal!!

p.s: Whenever I'm searching for my potential employer, I wonna make sure there's a spa there ;) ;)

Thanks Azi.  I definitely kept our last conversation in mind while writing this. lol

Speaking of potential employers and spas why not also make sure the boss is hot. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜†