jnawaz thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
Hello everyone...i was listening to a song the other day...actually heard it a long time ago and i've been wanting to use it for sooo long because the lyrics are just BEAUTIFUL!! so...finally gathered my thoughts and put this little piece together...i hope you all enjoy it...cant wait to see your comments...


NOTE: read at your own risk...dont tell me i didnt warn you...im just saying...im attaching this disclaimer to all my ff/ss/os's now! 😆...im just saying prepare to see MSK like you've never seen him before...forget how you think he is...cuz it wont be what you expect at all 😛

oh...and PS...Geet's career in the story..is my career in real life...my exam is on the 25th of May so pray for me everyone! (pps: those questions are actually questions from our test!)

Edited by jnawaz - 13 years ago


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jnawaz thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Geet sat in the Grand Salon Banquet Hall of the Holiday Inn on Capitol Hill, Sacramento California. The hall that usually saw conferences, parties, weddings and all other sorts of occasions, was completely set up for a different purpose on this morning. Along with her, one hundred or so, other hopefuls were present to take an exam that could make or break their careers. They had all successfully completing an AIT (Administrator In Training) Program of 1000 on-the-floor, hands-on training, they had being sufficiently worked and tested to the brink of all their knowledge, after which they passed all four of their evaluations done by their Preceptor. Like Geet, many had even paid a pretty penny - $500 to be exact - to enroll themselves in an exam prep course provided by a successful, licensed and currently practicing administrator. Now, they all sat awaiting instructions on an exam, that if passed, would officially make them Nursing Home Administrators. Once they passed this test, it meant that two thirds of the battle was done and they were nearly home free. The only other battle remaining would be the US Federal Exam.


Glancing at her watch, Geet saw it read 9:15am. Registration had begun at 9:00am, and the test was scheduled to begin at 9:30am and run until about 11:30am. Geet fidgeted nervously in her seat. She'd been working - working hard - for the past nearly eight years to be where she was now. After starting as a simple receptionist, she had moved on to admissions, social work, medical records and even billing in the Skilled Nursing field. It was a field that had surprisingly interested her. It was a field that provided care for elderly patients after surgery, falls etc., when they needed to be rehabilitated. It had been a struggle getting to where she was, but she'd finally gotten there. She'd paid her dues - God knew she had paid her dues - before moving up to becoming Administrator of her own hospital. Hopefully, that would happen sooner rather than later.


"Welcome ladies and gentlemen," she heard someone said.


The test was about to begin so Geet gave her full attention to the lady dressed in the black suit at the front of the room. Within the next fifteen minutes instructions were given, testing material was passed out and the clock had been officially started. She had two hours to make sure her career started on the right path.



There were a hundred questions total on the exam.


Question #68 of 100

What is required supply of medication in the unit dose system?

a) Must have 12 hours supply, no more than 36 hours. 

b) Must have 24 hours supply, no more than 48 hours.

c) Must have 36 hours supply, no more than 48 hours.

d) Must have 48 hours supply, no more than 72 hours.


Geet had just begun circling her answer when she felt her phone vibrate. She had no idea who was calling her at this point, so she ignored it. The people that mattered in her life all knew where she was and what she was doing. Clearly whoever was calling her had no idea, and clearly it wasn't someone that was important. The call would have to wait.


Question #69 of 100

Who reviews and approves the Special Treatment Program?

a) State Department of Public Health.

b) State Department of Mental Health.

c) Local health department director or designee.

d) Local mental health director or designee.


Her phone vibrated two more times while she was reading the question and subsequent answer options. It vibrated one more time as she bubbled in her answer. And the incessant vibrating continued for the next twenty questions, then stopped but only shortly.


Question #87 of 100

What are the lighting requirements for ICF's (Intermediate Care Facilities)?

a) 40 lumens for all reading areas, 30 lumens for the rest of the room.

b) 30 lumens for all reading areas, 10 lumens for the rest of the room.

c) 20 lumens for all reading areas, 50 lumens for the rest of the room.

d) 10 lumens for all reading areas, 25 lumens for the rest of the room.


She had just lifted her pencil to mark the answer when her phone vibrated again. Now was she mad. Why wasn't the person on the other end of the line getting the hint – she was busy and couldn't talk. She ignored the vibration as she wished she'd put the phone on complete silent mode when entering the exam room, better yet, turning it off all together. And so the calls kept coming and she kept ignoring them.


Question #98 of 100

Patient's placed in restraint and/or seclusion shall be observed by qualified personnel how often?

a) At least every 2 hours

b) At least every 1.5 hour

c) At least every 1 hour

d) At least every half hour


She was almost done and home free. Geet was just moving on to question #99 when suddenly someone burst through the doors of the room.


"Can I help you Sir?" one of the exam monitors asked, in a rather irritated tone.


Geet looked up for only a second but then brought her focus back down to her exam. Only two more questions to go and she'd be done. However, her focus died the second the person who barged into the room spoke again.


"I'm looking for a Geet Khurana," he said.


Geet's hand froze as she looked up at the intruder.


"Do we have a Geet Khurana here?" the exam monitor asked.


Dying of embarrassment Geet slowly raised her hand.


"I'm Geet Khurana," she said.


All eyes in the room were now turned at looking at her, with the option of a few who were still focused on the exam.


"I'm sorry to interrupt but you have a phone call," the man announced.


Geet groaned inward.


What the hell!?


"Tell whoever it is that they have to wait, I'm kind of in the middle of something important," Geet said, glancing at her exam booklet.


"I know, I tried telling them that but they insisted that it was an emergency," he said.


"If you leave now, you'll be disqualified from the exam. You cannot leave this room or take phone calls," the monitor said.


Geet stood confused as to what to do. Obviously the person that had called, had gone through great lengths to find where she was, get the number of the hotel and then ask to speak to her.


"They said it's a family emergency," the man said.


So close…so…so close.


With a million and one different curses flowing through her mind, Geet apologized to the exam monitors and fellow test takers as she left the room. She followed the man across the hotel lobby to a phone that was sitting on the counter of the receptionist area.


"Hello," Geet said, or rather yelled. "Who the hell is this? And why are you calling me now?"


"B…bhabi…it's me Anne…" the person on the other end said.


Geet's anger grew a hundred fold as she heard the voice of her selfish, irresponsible and spoiled sister-in-law.


"Damn it Anne! You knew I was taking a test. What is wrong with you? Why would you call?" Geet asked.


Geet was about to continue her rant, but what Anne said next made her heart stop.


"He's in the hospital," Anne said, her voice shaking.



   Edited by jnawaz - 13 years ago
jnawaz thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago




Geet sat quietly on the plane as the stewards and video showed all the passengers what to do in the case of an emergency landing. Geet wasn't paying attention to anything. She simply sat and prayed, just like she had been for the past five hours. It had been beyond difficult to get a flight back home from Sacramento. But finally, after begging and pleading, she managed to get a seat on a flight. The travel time from Sacramento to Los Angeles was just about 45 minutes, not long. But Geet knew that ever passing second would seem like an hour, because while she may be sitting on the plane, her mind, her heard and her soul were all focused on him lying in a hospital bed fighting for his life.


She thought back to the last time she'd seen him. It was two days ago that she'd said goodbye to him before leaving for her flight that was to bring to Sacramento for the exam.




Geet quietly entered the room, not wanting to wake him. He was sleeping, like he always did, on his stomach, face turned towards the window, left leg bent half way and arms out stretched. Geet couldn't help but smile – there was barely any room for anyone else.


She inched her way to the side where his face was turned and sat down, careful not to shake the bed too much. He looked so peaceful. She ran a hand through his hair and down his face, before stopping to caress his cheek. This was the first time she was going to be away from him since she'd known him – needless to say, it didn't go down well with either of them. He had been adamant on not wanting her to go, which is why she was sneaking out in the middle of the night.


She smiled and tears pricked her eyes as she remembered the night he'd come into her life.


Leaning in, she placed a kiss on his cheek and then on his forehead.


"I love you," she whispered. "I'll be back soon…I promise."


With one last kiss on his forehead, she got up and turned to leave. As she faced the door, she saw a shadowy figure standing in wait. She straightened out her blouse and ran a hand through her hair, as she walked towards the figure. As she approached the door, the figure stepped aside letting her leave, but she stopped. She turned back and looked at him one last time.


"Please take care of him," she said to the figure that stood next to her. "He's my life…he's all I have."


"Of course," the figure said.


"Promise me," she demanded.


After a moments silence, the figure spoke again, "I promise."


And with the promise, that he'd be taken care of, she stepped out of that room and out of Khurana Estates, headed to LAX to board her flight.




Someone had promised her that they'd take care of him. They had promised her that he'd be fine. Then why was he in the hospital now?


*~*~*~* 4 Days Later *~*~*~*


Geet descended the stairs of a place she'd once thought of as home. She dragged behind her a suitcase, her purse slung over her shoulder, and a manila envelope in her hands. She was dressed from head to toe in black because she was mourning the loss of the one person that meant the world to her, the one person she loved. She was mourning the loss of the one person that she thought would be by her side until the day she died.


As she came off the last step of the staircase, she was greeted by Anne.


"Bhabi, please don't go," Anne pleaded, her eyes rimmed with tears.


Geet completely ignored what Anne had said. Instead, she put her suitcase down and held out the manila envelope to her.


"Give it to him when he gets back," she said.


She was about to walk out when she realized she'd forgotten something – something important. Geet rushed up to his room and tears filled her eyes as she saw what she was looking for – an album. The album held pictures for nearly every moment of their relationship together. From the day they first met, the celebration of him being in her life for three glorious years. Every single moment, every single memory was trapped in that album.


Picking up the deep maroon colored album, she gave one last look to the room and walked out before the memories became too much for her to handle. 


Back downstairs, she looked around confused because her suitcase and purse were not where she'd left them. Looking around, she saw them placed neatly in one corner of the room. Taking a deep breath, she walked to get them when she heard someone call her.


"Geet," the voice came.


She stopped in her tracks, her limbs falling cold and limp, yet her blood raged with fiery anger.


"Geet," the voice called again.


It was the velvety smooth voice she'd become accustomed to hearing for the past five years.


Turning on her heels, she saw him standing there dressed in a tailored black suit with white shirt and stripped tie, designer shoes on his feet and his hair slicked back just perfect. He was truly an image to behold. After all, he was the one, the only…


Maan Singh Khurana.


Her heart began to ache as she felt her rage begin to bubble up to the surface. She tried to calm herself as best she could. She'd managed to keep it together for these past four days, she could do it for another four minutes.


"I've given the divorce papers to Anne. Please sign them as soon as you can and get them back to my lawyers," she said coldly.


With that, she turned back with the intention of taking her things and leaving.


"Geet wait…" Maan called as he reached out and grabbed her wrist.


The second his hand touched her skin, she felt like she was going to be sick to her stomach. Her skin crawled at the feeling of his touch on her body.


"I came as soon as I could," he said in explanation.


Anger flared in Geet's eyes as she turned to face him. She violently yanked her arm out of his grasp before she spoke.


"As soon as you could? You came as soon as you COULD and not as soon as you HEARD," she said sarcastically.

"Geet, don't do this. Let's talk…we can get through this," he said. "I promise."


"Don't make promises Maan, you can never seem to keep them," she said. "You broke the last promise you made to me…and I'll never forgive you for that."


She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and began counting to ten in hopes that the tears that were brimming in her eyes wouldn't spill over.


"Don't do this Geet," he said. "This is hard for me too. It's painful for me too."


That was it, all the anger, all the rage and all the fury she had been hiding in her heart spilled over. Before she could comprehend what she was doing, the sound of her hand meeting with his face rang out in the huge room. The only other sound was that of Anne who gasped at the incident.


"This is hard for YOU, and painful for YOU?" she roared. "No…no Maan you don't know what hard is and you sure as hell don't know what painful is."


"Geet…" he called and tried to reach for her.


Geet stepped out of his grasp.


"Hard was deciding what to do with his body. Hard was trying to figure out if I wanted to donate his organs. Hard was signing the piece of paper that took him away from me forever," Geet said, tears now flowing from her eyes.


"I didn't…" Maan began.


"Pain was what I felt as I buried our SON, all by myself," she said, as her voice cracked. "What was painful, was standing there as the lowered the tiny casket that held his lifeless body into the ground, knowing that I'd never see him again."


"Geet I…" he started to say again.


"Where the hell were you?" she asked. "You're his father Maan, his father. He needed you and you weren't there!"


"I had no idea that…"


"I trusted him with you because he's your son Maan…he was your son. You said you'd take care of him, that you'd watch out for him but you didn't!" Geet yelled. "How could you pawn him off on your irresponsible, s**t of a sister who has nothing better to do than run behind her idiot of a boyfriend!?"


"What?" Maan asked. "What are you talking about? What did Anne do?"


"Conveniently left out that part didn't she," Geet said as she looked with disgust at Anne.


Geet watched as Maan listened horrified at what she said. Apparently Arjun, Anne's boyfriend was throwing an all night booze fest at his fraternity house. When he'd run out of beer, he called her to ask if she'd make a run. Being the obedient girlfriend that she was, she did as she was told. Anne took their son when she went to the liquor store to buy the beer. Then she simply left him in the car while she went to make her delivery.


"She took my three year old son with her and left him in the car while she partied at her boyfriend's frat house," Geet said.


"Anne…what…" Maan seemed to be at a loss for words.


"She left him in that car over night, cold and hungry, while she did shots and God knows what else," Geet said, "Then when she got in the car, she was so wasted that she didn't realize my son was there as she drove off."


"I thought it was an accident," Maan said.


"It was. She ran a red light and was hit by a truck. My son…my son didn't have a seatbelt on so he…" Geet suddenly stuttered as she felt her throat constrict, "…he flew out the window. He flew out the window Maan!"


Geet now saw the rage she felt, mirrored in Maan's eyes.


"How could you leave him with her? He had nearly drowned the last time you left him with her," Geet reminded. "How could you…why did you?"


"I got a call about the London project…" Maan said as if on autopilot.


She stood silently seething in anger, as he explained how the morning after she'd left he had gotten a call about a London project that he'd been trying to get for the past year. This project would take Khurana Constructions to the top of the architectural field – no one could compare. So, Maan had decided to leave their son with Anne because it was only for a few days.

Edited by jnawaz - 13 years ago
jnawaz thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Geet's irritation suddenly grew.


"I've put my career on hold for you since the day we got married. I let my dreams go just so that yours could come true. It's taken me eight years to get to where I am when it takes most people just one or two," Geet said. "All you had to do was call me…all you had to do was call me and I'd have come running so you could leave for your project."


"I didn't think you should come…" he began.


"I'd do anything for my son Maan…anything…I'd give up my whole career without thinking about it if I had to," she said.


She watched as he hung his head in shame as he looked at the floor.

"He was our son Maan…your son," Geet said. "I knew you didn't want him when I found out I was pregnant but I hoped that once he was here, you'd love him just the way I did…and it breaks my heart to realize how wrong I was about that."


"Geet I did love him…I do love him," Maan said as he took another step towards her.


Geet looked at him and scoffed.


"You may have loved him, but not like you love your career and your business. How else can you explain not coming back even though you knew what was going on?" Geet said. "Because while you were enjoying dinners and parties with colleagues, I was at the hospital debating to see if organ donation was something to be considered. While you were drinking champagne and eating caviar, I was at the hospital signing papers giving doctors the permission to take my son off of life-support so his organs could go to children whose families were about to lose them. While you were finalizing a multimillion dollar deal overseas, I was burying my son."


Silence filled the room and no one spoke, yet the tension in the room was palpable.


"Don't leave me Geet," he begged.


"What's the point of me staying Maan?" she asked. "We haven't been husband and wife in a long time. The love is gone, the intimacy is gone – everything is gone. I only stayed in this relationship for my son – he was the one thing that kept us tied to each other…and now he's gone too. There is nothing left for us…there's nothing left between us."


Geet wiped the tears with the back of her hand as she went and picked up her suitcase and her purse.


"Thank you," she said as she looked back at Maan again, "Thank you for coming when you could. But don't you dare talk to me about the pain of losing a child, because you have no idea what that's like. You have NO idea."


She traced her steps towards the doors that led outside the mansion.


"I lost my son Geet, I can't lose you too," he cried.


She stopped, but didn't look back.


"You lost me a long time ago," she said. "And you didn't lose a son, you didn't really lose anything. I'm the one that lost my life and my world…I'm the one that lost MY son."


*~*~*~* 10 months Later *~*~*~*


New Hope by Broken Iris



Geet stood like a statue simply staring at what lay ahead of her.


Aarav Singh Khurana

April 16, 2007 – July 20, 2010

Beloved Son – Mommy Misses You


"Happy birthday my sweet little boy," Geet said as tears spilled from her eyes onto the soil that covered her sons grave.


Her baby should have been four years old today. He should have been running around, laughing, playing, giggling – being a typical four year old boy. But he wasn't. Her baby lay in a tiny casket, under six feet of earth.


To Your Grave I Spoke

Holding A Red…Red…Rose

Gust of Freezing Cold Air

Whispers To Me…That You Are Gone


Geet stood over his grave with a bouquet of red roses in her hand. A smile came across her face as she remembered her son's love for red roses. In the summer, once he'd been able to walk, he would always go into the garden with their gardener and pick a red rose for her. To this day, she had every rose her son had ever given her. They were each safely tucked away in between pages of his baby book and his album.


She could almost hear his infectious giggle from when she tickled him. But she knew that wasn't real.


The sudden cold breeze that wrapped around her body and sent chills down her spine told her that her son – her baby – was dead.


Always, Always Asking Questions

My Life is Overrated But I

Never…Never Expected That I'd

Underestimated My Love For You


How could that be? It was a question that haunted her every minute of every day. She was the mother, she was his mother. She was supposed to protect him, and love him and make sure he was happy and healthy. A mother's love made everything okay. A mother's love made everything worthwhile. A mother's love triumphed over even God's will – or so it should.  Never, in a million years, did Geet think that her love for her son wouldn't be enough to keep him with her.


Always, Always Just Out Of Reach Of My

Over Frustrated, Shameful Hands

And I Never, Never Expected That I

Would Ever…No Never

Take For Granted Our Precious Time


Tears fell from her eyes as she remembered her son and all that he meant for her. Tears of joy because for three years she'd been blessed to be his mother. Tears of pain because for the rest of her life she'd never be his mother again. Tears of guilt because if she'd never left him he'd still be with her. Today, tears of success because the woman that was responsible for his death was behind bars for negligence and vehicular manslaughter.


Geet Handa was now a licensed administrator for a skilled nursing facility. She was in charge of a hospital that specialized in physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech pathology and cardio-therapy, providing services for up to 150 patients. She was a successful, independent woman but that didn't make it any easier. Achieving what she wanted in her career had been a guise to drown out the pain she felt, but that didn't mean the gaping hole in her heart had disappeared. Her heart was still incomplete because her son was gone.


Spent A Lifetime Of Holding On

Just to Let Go

I Guess I'll Spent Another Lifetime

Searching For A New Hope


She could clearly remember the day she found out she was pregnant. She could clearly remember the day he'd come into her life. With her marriage nearly non-existent, she took that child as a blessing. She took her son as a new hope in her life. He brought with him the hope that her life would be meaningful, that she'd be happy, that everything would work out for the better just like she had hoped long before he was born. He brought with him a renewed sense of wanting to life – a renewed sense of wanting to love. She had held onto him as if her life depended on him from the day he was born. He was her son, he was her life – he was her hope.


Now he was gone. With him, he took her life, her love and her hope. But now she had to move on and find a new light in her life – a new hope in her life. It had taken her an entire lifetime to find him and to love him. Geet didn't know if she could do it again.

To Your Grave I Spoke

Holding A Red…Red…Rose

Gust of Freezing Cold Air

Whispers To Me…That You Are Gone



Spent A Lifetime Of Holding On

Just to Let Go

I Guess I'll Spent Another Lifetime

Searching For A New Hope

*im running...i totally am* 
Edited by jnawaz - 13 years ago
*Guli* thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago

Okay babeji im like here!! I will see how many i can do!!!! but cant promise!!!😳

Dude... those questions were hard!! Im like huh!!! im like wait im reading not taking a test!!!!😆 thank god i wasnt taking a test i wouldve been like huh?!😆 
dude are cell phones even allowed wen ur taking a test?? i mean dont they say cell phones off... i mean at least put it on silent and not on vibrate cuz then everyone can hear!! duh!!!!!😕
dude that was sooo sad!! but it was so good!!! i mean literally... the way she told him off... dude totally deserved it!! but i think u shouldve had her yell at annie a little more i wouldve loved to see that!!!! im soo evil!😆 
shes better off alone!!!! i mean if ur son has gotten into an accident... why would u think twice?! work is more important then family?? i dont think so!!!!
i aint gonna kill u i enjoyed this one! yeah it was sad!! but it was still good!!!!!
luv u babeji!😳
Edited by *Guli* - 13 years ago
JilyPotter thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago
JAZ!!!!!!!! Im totally coming to get YOU!!!

You yelled at me killing the baby when he wasnt even born and THIS!!! MUCH MUCH WORSE!!!  

To many sad OSs...

I knew after reading that note i was going to regret this!!!! 

You truly described the mother son bond. no bound is stronger...even when death comes in between...

The atmosphere was tense the moment the phone vibrated...thought it could be Maan but it was her SON! 

i cant imagine what she went through...but Maan too. It killed, literally. 
I cant pick a side. I truly cant. They both are right. But mothers are always closer but that doesnt make the father the bad guy. This angered me. 

Divorce!!! No more love. Son gone. All the negative!!! 
The promise. the cute bed scene (swore i thought it was Maan, but it wasnt.) 
I hate that they are separated. Urgh!!

Anne is a big B. ..I frat party. Really. Inconsiderate person! 

I just felt lonely at the end. Empty basically. No Son, no Maan, no family. Only the dreams she put on hold.

You are lucky that i am crying and cant see you...so i cant get you!!!!!!!

But it was a damn good os. I sad one of that!

and good luck with the test. Hope you do beyond you wildest expectations. You will do AMAZING!!!!!! 
maankigeet4ever thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago
saddd sighsss...not because Maan and Geet didn't end up together...because a mother lost a child and that's the greatest loss in the world...because it's the strongest...the way u described the love Geet had for her son was just amazing...
Jaz...what can i say? u are just Jaz..doing what u do best...
no chappals, tomates, eggs or anything...for a piece like this u deserve 👏👏👏
MystiqueDew thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago
ll read it later
got clue from disclaimer how it gonna turn up!!!
thnx for the PM!!!
khwaishfan thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 13 years ago
that was sad n emotional... beautifully written...
amreenshameem thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
Awosome os
Sad for the baby nd geet
😭 😭 😭