jnawaz thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

hello everyone!! so...another random idea from another random incident...i was watching tv and someone on some show (cant even remember) said..."good boy"...and i was thinking...how come they never say "good girl"...and well...then this idea hit me and i went with it...hope you all enjoy this OS...cant wait to see what you think...

Maan, Adi, Romeo, Dev Yash and Arjun all went to college together...they were all in the same fraternity so they have a very close bond with each other...except for Arjun (read on to find out why)...so after graduating they made a pact to basically meet up at least once a year to get together and just hang out...the couples goes as follows

Maan & Geet
Adi & Pinky
Romeo & Sasha
Dev & Anne
Yash & Meera

Arjun is a loser..he he...
and he's really not important to the story..i just needed him to get the story started...he he..

Hope you all enjoy it...cuz i had a blast writing it

Edited by jnawaz - 13 years ago


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jnawaz thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
A Good Girl

Geet was in the kitchen cutting up vegetables and preparing for a dinner party tomorrow night. Everything had to be perfect for this dinner party, just perfect, because if it wasn't, she was going to have one hell of a grumpy husband on her hands.

Geet couldn't help but smile as she thought about how high school this entire situation was. Her husband, Maan Singh Khurana, was hell bent on impressing some member of his old college fraternity.


Up until the guys had gotten married, they had usually met for dinner at a restaurant or for drinks at a bar. Soon, Arjun had moved to London to help with his father's business leaving only the four of them behind. Once the guys were all married, they had started having annual dinners at one persons house, and it just rotated.


Not only was this the first year that Maan was hosting, but it was also the first year that Arjun was coming back to the States. Now, Maan was on a mission to prove to Arjun that he, Maan Singh Khurana, had it all. Not that Geet could blame him.


From the stories she's heard about Arjun, he seemed like a pompous jerk. It was no secret that Maan had come from a lower class family, only making it to USC thanks to a scholarship which paid his full tuition and boarding. Everyone else in the group came from some sort of money background. Everyone however, had been gracious to not see Maan for the background he represented, but the person that he was. Everyone, except Arjun. Arjun constantly pointed out that Maan came from a lower class level and that Maan didn't have money like they all did.


Now, it was Maan's perfect chance to show off to that jerk that he had made it. Not only was Maan running one of the most successful businesses, but he had a huge house and a beautiful wife. A wife, that was perfect in every way. One who could manage the house with ease all the while maintaining a career with finesse. Basically, he wanted to show her off, and in all honesty, Geet didn't mind.


She knew that Maan wasn't ashamed of his background or where he came from, because it shaped him into the man that he was today. But there was something about Arjun that made him feel ashamed of it all. So this weekend, this dinner would be like a slap in Arjun face. It would prove that Maan had made it, bigger and better than Arjun had at this point.


Like she said, it was utterly childish.


"Where's your head Geet?" she heard someone ask.


Turning she saw Anne looking at her. Geet simply smiled.


Even though they all lived within ten miles of each other, everyone had descended on Khurana Mansion for the weekend because of Arjuns' return. The ladies all worked in the kitchen, along with Dadi Maa, while the men were all upstairs getting ready – it was boys night out. Just a night for the guys to go and be guys and reminisce over old memories before Arjun made his appearance.


"No where," Geet answered, "Just thinking about how childish the guys are being."


At that, all the girls chuckled.


"I second that," Meera said as she stirred one of the pots on the stove, "Sometimes I forget they are full grown men and not high school cheerleaders."


"I say they're cheerleaders," Sasha said, "I mean, they are all up in a room getting ready for guys night out…come on…doesn't that sound a little to familiar…like girls getting ready for prom!"


At that comment, everyone fell into a fit of laughter.


"Come to think of it, you're right Sasha," Anne said. "Remember how we all met up at your house to get ready for Maan and Geet's wedding."


"Its official," Pinky said as she poured lemonade for the girls, "We are married to fruits."


"You girls are horrible," Dadi said in a serious tone.


They all fell silent and turned to look at Dadi who was sitting at the breakfast table sorting through some string beans.


Geet narrowed her eyes and said, "Oh come on Dadi Maa, you are thinking the same thing."


"Yes, admit it Dadi," Meera asked as she sat down next to Dadi while handing her a glass of lemonade.


After a few seconds of silence, Dadi too fell into a fit of laughter, as did the other girls.


They all moved to the table to take a break from all the cooking that had been going on. Everyone sat with their lemonade and Geet brought some pastries for them to snack on for the time being. They were chatting about random things here and there.


Suddenly there was commotion on the stairs behind them. Turning back, they watched as the guys came downstairs.


"Well hello," Anne said.


"Wow," Meera said.


Sasha added some more spice by whistling at the guys.


"Looking good boys," Geet said.


They were all dressed in jeans, collared shirts and blazers. Their hair set and gelled back, watches on their wrists, shoes shined and killed smile in place.


"Guys night out huh," Meera said. "Should we trust them ladies?"


"I don't think so," Pinky said, as she narrowed her eyes at Adi who nervously pushed up his glasses.


"Oh come on, we will behave," Adi said, "Promise."


"Hmm…something about those lopsided smiles just isn't convincing," Sasha said as she looked at her husband, Romeo, as he grinned at her.


The guys walked over to the ladies and kissed their respective wives on the cheeks.


"You know how much we love you ladies," Maan said as he smiled down at Geet.


"Yes, don't you forget that you have wives at home," Geet said.


"Wives that won't hesitate to kick you butts," Anne added.


The group laughed.


"I'm still not sure we should trust them," Sasha said.


"Dadi, help…pls," Romeo encouraged.


Dadi looked at them, head to toe.


"If I were you…I'd completely trust them," Dadi said.


The girls groaned while the guys gave each other high-fives. Then one by one they went over and kissed Dadi on the cheek. They were just about to head out when Anne spoke.


"I think if the guys can have a guy's night out, we can have a girl's night out too," she said.


"Oooo…" Meera said as she sat up in anticipation and clapped.


That had everyone attention.


"I agree!" Sasha said.


"No, you guys have so much to do at home," Romeo said.


"Ya, so much work has to be done before tomorrow," Dev added.


"We have to make sure that Arjun is put in his place," Yash added.


The girls simply rolled their eyes and recalled the conversation they had not long ago about the guys being high school cheerleaders.


"Whatever," Meera said. "What do you think Geet?"


Geet hated being put on the spot – all eyes were on her. She looked at the girls who had sparks of hope in their eyes because they wanted to go out. She looked at the boys and then she looked at Maan. He had that look on his face, the look that could get her to do anything. Damned his puppy dog eyes! As much as she could use a girls night out, she knew how much this dinner meant to Maan.


"No, I think the guys are right, there is too much to be done for tomorrow," Geet said. "Maybe next weekend though."


There was a collective sigh between the girls.


"Such a party pooper Geet," Pinky complained.


"That's my Geet," Maan said as he leaned in and kissed her on top of her head. "Good girl."


That was all he said before stepping away. The girls at the table all gasped and Geet's eyes nearly popped out of her head.


"Bye ladies," Maan called.


Without missing a beat, Geet raised her hand and said, "Bye," as she waved.


She knew the smile on her face shocked the girls.


"Geet, what are you doing?" Meera asked as she leaned in, "He just said 'good girl' to you."


"I know," Geet said under her breath.


"How could you let him do that?" Anne asked, "What does he think you are, a 6yr old little girl obeying orders from her piano teacher?"


Geet continued smiling as the guys were looking at themselves in the mirror in the hall by the main door.


"Geet, he just said 'good girl'!" Sasha repeated as if she hadn't heard it before. "Like you're some sort of obedient wife!"


"I know, just shut up and wave," Geet ordered, her smile not once faltering.


The girls, stunned, did as told and waved to the guys until they left. Once the door closed, they all began talking at once.


"The nerve of those boys," Anne said, "What do they take us women for?"


"I can't believe he said 'good girl', like Geet's some slave and he's her master," Meera roared.


"He may be my grandson, but just who does he think he is, talking to a woman like that?" Dadi asked, rather irritated herself.


Geet simply smiled as she rose from her chair.


"Dadi Maa, don't worry," Geet said, "This Bahu of yours is no less."


She gave them a smirk before turning and heading up the stairs herself. The girls looked at each other confused, but immediately followed.



**continued in next post**
Edited by jnawaz - 13 years ago
jnawaz thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago



Maan and the guys had decided to just get out of the house, and away from their wives for some guy time. After all, with the reunion dinner just around the corner, it was the perfect time to kick back and relive old memories. They had decided to go to the Edison Bar, a new hot spot in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles.


As they entered, they were greeted by a hostess who eventually lead them down to their table on the lower level. The guys hadn't been there before and were very impressed with the dcor, the ambiance and crowd. Since it wasn't a full on club, the crowd was laid back just enjoying their Friday night. The dcor was rustic with old fashioned light bulbs hanging over the main stairway that lead to the lower level where their table was. The Edison Bar used to be an old plant for the Edison power company so everything in there was fashioned from that time period.


Once seated, the guys ordered some drinks and then the stories began. The started reminiscing about their days in college. The talked about when the had, on a whip, picked up a sleeping Yash and dropped him in the pool of the dorms. They remembered cramming for tests, their midnight pizza runs, and 5am jogs courtesy of Maan.


"Remember when Romeo was dating that weird blond girl who was a biology major?" Yash asked.


"How could we forget?" Maan asked. "Every day she'd give him some sort of preserved dead animal that she found around campus…like birds and stuff."


"At one point it got so bad that I think we had to sleep in the common room of the frat house," Dev said.


"Oh yeah," Adi said as he remembered something, "That was the night Romeo flipped out because he was alone with all the animals in the jars."


They all laughed because they remembered when they came back the next morning to their room, Romeo nearly ran them down in his haste to get away from the animals.


"And then…" Yash began but quieted down.


Suddenly, the room that was buzzing with sound of music and chatter became rather quiet. All you could hear was the music being played by the dj. All eyes, or all male eyes, were focused towards the direction of the main stairs. Turning their heads, the guys saw four very sexy looking ladies descend the stairs.


"Hey guys, check out those ladies," Romeo said.


They were already looking.


"Wow, they're hot!" Dev said.


"You can say that again," Maan said.


"They're hot," Adi repeated. "But we're not supposed to be gawking at other women."


"Oh come on," Yash said as he rolled his eys. "Not like anyone is here to see what we're doing. As far as the girls will know, we were the perfect husbands on our night out."


"You're so whipped," Maan complained.


They watched from the distance as the ladies walked in their direction, towards the bar. As the got closer, something struck Maan.


"W…wait a minute," he said as he looked closely at the girls, "Are those…"


"…our wives?" Romeo finished, confusion laced in his voice.


"What?!" Adi and Dev yelled.


Now they guys really looked at the girls by the bar. As they looked closely, they were stunned. It was their wives. Each man sat there with their mouth hanging open as they took the sight in front of them in.


There they were, their wives, dresses in dresses that were too short, heels that were too high, make up that was too flawless and hair that was too perfect.


Sasha and Anne winked at them, while Meera, Geet and Pinky smiled. Yash and Romeo who were taking sips of their drinks, chocked.


Maan's jaw near hit the floor was he took in the image of Geet. She was dressed in what looked like a deep blue (a color he loved on her), silk, strapless dress that hugged her curves. He knew that she had sexy curves and he loved her curves, only one problem – now, every man at the bar could see her curves.


**NOTE: Scroll down to see their dresses**


"What the hell is she doing here dressed like that?" Maan asked.


"I'd like to know the same thing," Adi said as he got up.


As the men approached the girls at the bar, they couldn't help but notice that every single guy at the bar was looking at the girls. Even guys who were with other women, were looking at the girls.


Maan knew he had a hot wife, but he didn't want anyone else to know that he had a hot wife.


"Geet, what is this?" Maan asked as he walked up and came face to face with Geet.


She simply looked at him and smiled.


"Geet, why are you dressed like that?" Maan asked.


He looked to his right and saw someone approaching Geet, so he stepped in front blocking access.


"Geet…" Maan began.


She ignored him, and instead reached over to the bar tender who handed her a coke. Maan knew she didn't drink, she always ordered a coke or a ginger ale.


"I'm sorry, you must be mistaken," she said.


"What?" Maan asked confused, "Geet stop it…"


"I'm sorry but I think you have me mistaken, I'm not Geet," she said.


Maan stood in silence as the girls and guys in their group looked on.


"Geet…" Maan began, frustration building in him.


"Geet must be the GOOD GIRL you left at home," she said.


"Huh?" Maan asked, now utterly confused.


"The good girl, Geet…she's at home…she umm…didn't come out to play tonight," she said as the girls behind her giggled.


Maan couldn't ignore the sudden velvety, sultriness of her voice.


"Don't be foolish…" he began as he grabbed her hand but suddenly stopped talking.


Looking down, Maan was shocked to see that her ring finger stood empty – no engagement ring, no wedding band. For all the single guys at the bar, she was a single lady.


"Where's your ring?" Maan asked.


Geet stepped away from him, her drink in her hand.


"Like I said, the good girl is at home," she said.


With that, she pulled her hand out of his grasp and headed to a table with the four other girls trailing behind her.


"Ps," Anne said as she walked past Maan, "We don't know you guys tonight."


The girls all waved their left hands in the air showing that none of them were wearing their wedding bands. Then, with one final grin from them all, they followed Geet to their table.


Maan and the rest of the guys looked on as the girls took their seats at a table and began chatting away. The guys, whose table happened to be within eye shot, kept their eyes glued to the girls table. They girls were laughing, giggling and looking damned cute while doing so.


Maan knew why Geet was doing this, and he knew she'd probably been the one to instigate the girls into doing something like this. Not that they would need much instigation in the first place.


He should have never called her a 'good girl', Maan realized. If there was anything that Geet absolutely hated, it was being considered anything less than an equal to anyone around her. Of course, when he'd made that comment it wasn't to sound condescending or to make it seem like she was beneath him, it was just something that came out. Now that he thought about it, he should have seen something like this coming. As they said, everything was 20/20 in hindsight.


"Oh teri," Romeo suddenly yelled, "Look!"


The guys followed Romeo's finger that was point at the girls table. All five of them looked on in shock as a group of guys approached the girls table. Maan and the rest of them were on the edge of their seats watching. First, it seemed like small talk as they introduced themselves and shook the hands of each guy. Then, from what Maan could gather, the man standing next to Geet asked if they could join them.


This is when Geet turned to Maan, gave a smile and then he watched as the guys pulled up chairs and sat with the girls.


"Oh my God," Yash said as he nearly fell out of his chair when the guy sitting next to Meera leaned in and whispered something in her ear, causing her to laugh.


Had it not been for Dev and Adi, he'd have fallen flat on his face for sure.


Maan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the men at the girls table get up. However, his relief was short lived because from what he could tell, they were simply going to buy the girls drinks.


"That's it," Maan said as he got to his feet.


"What are you…" Dev began to ask but Maan paid no attention.


The guys, decided to follow him as he approached the girls table. Maan took the set next to Geet.


"Geet, what is the meaning of this?" he asked.


"Hmm…I'm sorry, did you say something?" she asked as she had her back turned to him.


Maan was getting frustrated.


"What would Dadi Maa say if she saw you dressed like this?" he asked.


Maan figured he could guilt her into going home.


"If you remember Maan, this dress was actually a gift from Dadi Maa on my 19st birthday while I was still in college," Geet pointed out.


Maan looked at the dress again but couldn't remember it.


"Lucky for me, I still have the body I had when I was in college," Geet said. "You fell in love with this body and its curves. Besides, Dadi Maa approved of all our dresses before we left."


Of course, how could Maan forget? Initially it had been Geet's body that had attracted him because unlike a lot of the girls he knew, Geet actually had a body that had curves.


"Geet…" Maan began but was cut off.


"Just because I'm Mrs. Khurana now doesn't mean that Geet doesn't exist any more," she said.


Before Maan could say anything else the guys that went to get drink were back.


"Are they bothering you sweetheart," one of the men asked as he handed Geet her coke.


"Sweetheart…" Maan repeated as he felt like someone punched him in the gut.


"Not at all Kevin," Geet said as she took the glass, "Thank you."


"So would you ladies like to dance," another one, standing next to Anne asked.


Maan noticed the four girls suddenly become confused and uncertain as to how to answer that question.


"Umm…" Geet thought.


Maan felt his anger rise.


"Geet…you can't," Maan said.


"Oh and why not?" she asked, innocently.


"Because…because…I forbid you," Maan said.


He bit his tongue and regretted his words the second they left his mouth. Even Dev, Yash, Adi and Romeo groaned because they knew he's messed up, while the girls gasped in shock and then giggled.


"You forbid me huh?" Geet asked. "Well in that case, we'd love to dance."


With that, Geet put her hand in that Kevin's hand as he helped her up.


Leaning down so Maan could hear she said, "Like said…the good girl didn't come out to play tonight."


With that she let Kevin lead her to the dance floor.


"Wow, foot in mouth much?" Sasha asked as she walked past Maan.


After the girls left for the dance floor, the guys sat in the empty chairs.


"You know, you could be a bit more careful with your words," Romeo said.


"Ya, thanks to you now our wives are dancing with random bar guys," Yash complained.


"You could have been nice and requested her not to dance, but no…you had to be a Neanderthal and assert your power by forbidding her," Dev said.


"Thanks a lot dude," Adi said as he patted Maan's shoulder.


Maan sighed, "Sorry guys," he said simply.


They watched for five minutes while the girls danced with the other guys, at a distance thank God.


"I haven't see Anne looking so hot in ages!" Dev said as he checked out his wife.


"I know," Adi piped in, "I haven't seen Pinky in a dress like that since we were dating."


"Did she have to wear a tube top?" Yash asked, not at all pleased with Meera's bare shoulders.


"I had forgotten how sexy Sasha's legs were, but that dress is way too short," Romeo complained.


Maan simply sat quietly trying to not burst into flames and Geet closed the gap between her and the dweeb, aka Kevin.


"I didn't even know she had a dress like that," Maan finally said.


Maan watched as Geet, his wife, continued dancing - her body swaying with the music, her hair brushing her slender shoulders as she moved, her smile brightening her beautiful face.  


The song that was playing changed and picked up a new pace. Maan eyes nearly popped out of his head as Geet put her hands on Kevin's shoulder, leaned in and whispered something before dancing again. Maan clenched the chair in front of him so hard his knuckles were turning white, as Geet got closer and closer to Kevin.


"Look at them…shameless," Adi said as he admired Pinky's dress.


"Errm…does it make me weird if all I can think about is running my hands down Sasha's legs?" Romeo asked.


The guys all turned to look at him.


"Not really…just remember…the guy she's dancing with is probably thinking the same thing," Dev said as he winked and then high fived Yash who was already laughing.


The look on Romeo's face was quite priceless.


Suddenly, the music stopped and the DJ came on the speakers.


"This next number is for the lovely couple next to me who are celebrating their engagement," he said, "Congratulations to Todd and Jenny."


A round of applause and cheers went across the room as the music suddenly changed from fast and up beat, to slow and sensual.

Maan watched horrified as Kevin drew Geet him, put his hand on her waist and began dancing with her. Maan knew, just like the other guys knew, the girls were simply testing them and tormenting them. He knew that Geet would never do anything with anyone, but just the idea of someone else touching Geet, it enraged him.


"That's it!" Maan yelled as she slammed his fist on the table and got to his feet. "Enough is enough."


"You going to show her who is the boss?" Adi asked.


"Damn right I am," Maan said, as anger flowed through his veins.


"Basically you're going to go apologize?" Dev asked.


Maan's shoulders slumped as he sighed.


"Yeah…" He said dejectedly.


"So Geet's the boss," Yash said.


"What do you think?" Maan asked harshly as he turned around to face the guys.


"I think she's the CEO of Maan Singh Khurana," Romeo said.


Instantly they all fell into a fit of laughter as Maan groaned in frustration.


He walked onto the dance floor and instantly pulled Geet way from Kevin.


"Hey dude…what the…" Kevin began.  


Maan simply put his hand up and that shut up Kevin right away.


"Ok Geet, you win," Maan said.


"I win what?" Geet asked, as if she didn't know what he was talking about.


"This…whatever this is," Maan said.


With that he dragged Geet off the dance floor while he heard Kevin complain in the back ground.


"Maan what are you…" Geet began as she tried to keep up with his fast pace.


"I'm sorry," Maan said.


Geet smiled at him knowingly.


"Oh…" she said simply.


"Yes, I'm sorry for saying 'good girl' and making you feel like you were some sort of obedient wife who does as her husband says," Maan said.


"Uh huh, I'm listening," she said as she crossed her arms across her chest.


"And I'm sorry for forbidding you to do something," Maan said, though he wasn't happy about it.


"Hmm…you call this an apology," Geet said, just to tease him.


Maan looked at the floor and once again, felt his shoulder sag.


"It's just that…that stupid, pompous Arjun," Maan said. "He always made it seem like I'd amount to nothing simply because I was from a lower economic status than he was. This is my chance to show him that I've made something of myself. That I have a career, a home and a beautiful wife."


Maan put his arm around Geet's waist and pulled her in, close.


"I wanted to show him that I'd made something of my life and that I'm the happiest man on the planet, thanks to you and your support," he said.


Geet smiled.


"Now, that was an apology," she said.


Maan finally looked into her eyes, as Geet rose to her toes and placed a soft kiss on his lips. He then leaned down and placed his forehead against hers as he took her hand.


"I really wish you had your wedding band on, I want everyone to know that you're all mine," he said.


"I think I can help with that," Geet said.


Taking his hand she pulled him to the table where they'd left their purses. Picking up her clutch, Geet pulled out a silver colored ring – her wedding band. Maan took it from her and gently slipped it back on to the finger where it belonged. Then he took her hand, brought it to his lips and placed a kiss on it.


"Perfect," he said.


He leaned down and cupped her face before placing a kiss on her lips.


"Can I have this dance Mrs. Khurana?" Maan asked as he held his hand out.


"Why of course Mr. Khurana, I'd be delighted," Geet said as she put her purse down and placed her hand in Maan's.


They found their way to the dance floor where they noticed the guys were already dancing with their respective wives. The music continued to play as Maan wrapped his arms around her waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close to her.


"I love you Geet," he said.


"I love you too Maan," Geet replied.


"I never meant to upset you by what I said. You must know that I see you as my equal, never below me in any way," Maan said. "You are one of the strongest, smartest and most loving people that I know. I never wanted to make you feel inferior or subservient."


"I know," Geet said.


"It was my mistake, and I promise, it won't happen again," Maan said.


Maan saw the glint in her eyes as she looked at him. He soon felt her hand on his cheek as she patted it.


"Good boy," Geet said, with a wink.


"What?!" Maan said shocked.


"You're such a good boy for admitting to your mistake. What else can I ask for?" Geet asked.


Maan stared at her, confused.


"You can't call me a 'good boy'," Maan complained.


"Sure I can," Geet said with a wink.


Maan stared at his mischievous wife.


"So let me get this straight," he began, "You can call me a good boy but I can't call you a good girl?"


"That's right," Geet confirmed.


"But why?" Maan asked.


There was that glint of trouble in her eyes again.


Maan stayed still as she rose to her toes again, pulled his head down and whispered in his ears.


"Haven't you heard, I'm the CEO of Maan Singh Khurana," she said wickedly.


Maan's eyes nearly popped out of his head as she then playfully bit his ear lobe. Then pulling back, she pressed her body tight against his as the continued to sway to the music. They were so close, he could feel her chest rise and fall as she breathed.


Though she may have accepted his apology, his perfect wife was still punishing him.

The End

Edited by jnawaz - 13 years ago
jnawaz thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
The Fabulous Dresses of The Fabulous Girls






Edited by jnawaz - 13 years ago
*Guli* thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago
Lmao!!!! man the name of this story.... wen i talk to u i will ask u how u came about this story!!!!! cuz u always have a back story!!!😆😆😆

dude never call a girl good girl!!!!! honestly we arent dogs training in obedient schools!! haila!!!! maan got himself in trouble!!!!!!! never say words that u will regret later on..... see look at wat happened.... ur wife was dressed up in a sexy attire.... and another man... was dancing with her!!!!!.....

but that was funny!!!😆😆 light little entertainer!!! nice!! luvin it!!!

luv u babeji!😳
Edited by *Guli* - 13 years ago
mchopra thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
jaz be ready for some tears...
but this was hilarious...GOOD GIRL..🤣
jnawaz thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
shreya...thats just a preview for your real comment right? he he...lamba comment toh banta hi hai...i did a happy peppy os for you!!


Hinal.94 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago
loved it but wanted maan to show that arjun his life n make him jealous
Tyro thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 13 years ago
🤣 y actually had tears in my eyes by laughing all the way....
this was really a rather enjoyable OS....
loved it...especially the title....A GOOD GIRL...😆
one thing is for sure....girls always get their way😉....its their way or the highway...n in this case.....getting their husband to say sorry...😆
maan surely got the shock of his life....seeing his wife in another man's arm...he will never make a mistake by saying GOOD GIRL...
in fact all the other husbands got in trouble coz of him....
loved the OS to the core...

best line -- 

You going to show her who is the boss?" Adi asked.

"Damn right I am," Maan said, as anger flowed through his veins.

"Basically you're going to go apologize?" Dev asked.

Maan's shoulders slumped as he sighed.😆

"Yeah…" He said dejectedly.🤣

you can never win with a girl...especially with ur wife...😉😆

Bul3 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago
lovely OS Jaz..loved the concept of Guys and girls night out😉..and that Arjun is such a looser😆..Dadi was awesome😊..all the couples were really cool and Maaneet were just sizzling😳..Jealous Maan even sounds freaking hot to me😆..very well written!👍🏼
PS-loved the  girl's dresses⭐️
Edited by Bul3 - 13 years ago