FF: Pyaar Ki Manzil (Part 50 & Epi Pg 158) 04/06

*Guli* thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago
Hello Maneet Fans!!!!!! So i Have posted many many FFs on IF but not for Maan and Geet!!!!!!! So please comment!!! If u guys dont like it let me know i wont continue!!!!!!!! Enjoy!!!!

Part 1: Pg. 1
Part 2: Pg. 3
Part 3: Pg. 5
Part 4:
Pg. 7
Part 5: Pg. 12
Part 6: Pg. 15
Part 7: Pg. 17
Part 8:Pg. 20
Part 9: Pg. 9
Part 10: Pg. 26
Part 11: Pg. 29
Part 12: Pg. 31
 Part: 13: Pg. 35
Part 14: Pg.39
Part 15: Pg. 43
Part 16: Pg. 46
Part 17: Pg. 49
Part 18: Pg. 52
Part 19: Pg.  55
Part 20: Pg. 59
Part 21: Pg. 62
Part 22: Pg. 67
Part 23: Pg. 71
Part 24: Pg. 74
Part 25: Pg. 78
Part 26: Pg. 82
Part 27: Pg. 86
Part 28: Pg. 89
Part 29: Pg. 93
Part 30: Pg. 96
Part 31: Pg. 101
Part 32: Pg. 104
Part 33: Pg. 107
Part 34: Pg. 110
Part 35: Pg. 112
Part 36: Pg. 114
Part 37: Pg. 117
Part 38: Pg. 119
Part 39: Pg. 122
Part 40: Pg. 127
Part 41: Pg. 130
Part 42: Pg. 133
Part 43: Pg. 136
Part 44: Pg. 140
Part 45: Pg. 143
Part 46: Pg. 145
Part 47: Pg. 148
Part 48: Pg. 151
Part 49: Pg. 155
Part 50 & Epi: Pg. 158

Part 1

Starts off in a big mansion'. All the servants  are cleaning around, they are cleaning the tables and the making sure the flowers look fresh and what not. the KM was huge.. but because of the size there was only one person who lived there.. the owner Maan Singh Khurana' he was a very well known'..

How can you not know him' he was all over the newspaper and magazines and was very popular amogst the females. He had come home from a long day at work' the servants were there.. they took his bag and he gave them his coat.. and he made his way up'.

His phone had rung and he had picked it up.. he walked inside his study room.. the place where everyone knew that if he was in there don't come in unless you are called for.

He had come to his desk and he sat on his large chair and he just leaned back and was very comfortable!!!!

Maan: Yes Dadi!!! I will be leaving the day after tomorrow''. I will be there most likely on Sunday! The bus will be leaving at 1 pm and will arrive the next day in the afternoon!!!

Dadi: Did you bring everything I asked you to?

Maan: Yes I have, and I will be bringing it. I know how much this wedding means to you! 

Dadi: When will you bring me good news?? 

Maan: Dadi you know I don't have time for any of this stuff and besides it bothers me how all these women don't want to marry me for me.. they want to marry me for my money!! 

Dadi: well don't you worry I am sure there is a person out there that will not!!

Maan: I told you why didn't you have her get married here??? I mean whatever you want we can arrange it

Dadi: Yes but it was her choice!

Maan: Okay fine but I just hope this bus ride I sit alone because I don't want some weird girl sitting next to me and tries to flirt with me! I hate those! 

Dadi was just laughing! They were talking a little longer and then they had both hung up the phone! Maan had packed for the wedding! It was after a long time where he was going to see Dadi but he had always dreaded it. It was that bus ride that he hated. It was a 17 hour bus ride and also crazy people travel on buses! He just prayed he can go in peace! 

He had left KM and he had come to the bus stop' The bus which he was suppose to get. He had his glasses on and he wasn't looking forward to this! This bus was going to be all stuffy and what not' The bus was coming from a different location and it had made a stop. Maan had come on the bus and he was looking around for an empty seat.

There were young gals on the bus, there were couples on the bus there was women with their kids and their little toddlers and their were old couples' everyone was with someone' and even if there wasn't.. they were sitting next to someone'. Wen he had looked around' there was nothing left'.But there wasn't any except for the one in the all the way the back of the bus.

There was only one left and that to next to a woman. She was sitting by the window with a shawl over her and she had nice long black hair and she had fair skin'he had put his glasses on top of his head' Everyone was looking at him as he stepped on. They had recognized him because of course he's always all over the newspaper and magazines. 

He had made his way in the back of the bus but not by getting looks by the people on the bus. They were whispering things and he just heard it. He could care less because he knew something like this would happen

He had come all the way in the back'. There was a chair on that empty seat.. he didn't know whether he should move it or what because she wasn't doing anything'.. he had put his small bag in the compartment on top and he looked at the woman'. She had moved the bag and put it in her lap! 

Maan: Thank you! 

He had sat down and the woman next to him' she had moved closer to the window and trying not to touch him.

She was getting freaked out and thinking whether he was going to do or say anything. 

When he sat down he was like oh great! A young woman and now she will surely do something. But to his surprise, she didn't do or say anything. She was actually scared and she was shaking. She just closed her eyes and hoped that he wouldn't hurt her. She had put her bag by her leg but her bag had turned over and everything had come out. Maan had seen this and he helped her, her ID and everything had fallen out and he had gotten it and he had read her name on her ID: Geet Handa. 

He had given everything to her and she put it in her bag and placed her bag on the floor. He didn't even get a thank you from her. At least she could say something but he got nothing.

It had been 30 mins and she hadn't said anything. Maan was looking out the window and he was thinking she doesn't seem that bad to start a convo with!

Maan: Hello!!! 

Geet had looked at him and she didn't say anything. Not a smile not a word

Maan: I am Maan Singh Khurana! Well of course you probably know me as I am all over the place. This is going to be one long of a bus ride huh??? 

She didn't say anything! Maan was looking at her and he was beginning to think whether she even talks or not. She had fixed her shawl that was around her and she was a very closed person.

Maan hadn't said anything afterwards but he had noticed Geet and the rest of the females that were on the bus. The girls in the front kept on turning around and looking at him as he was sitting in the aisle seat so he was easily spotted. They would look at him and they would giggle. Maan was thinking this people have nothing else better to do.

He was thinking she had the perfect chance to flirt with him and talk to him but she definitely wasn't doing anything. She was different. But at least she could talk! He doesn't bite. He just let her be the way he was and he decided to just go to sleep. 

Maan didn't realized that he had slept for 2 hours. He had woke up and when he looked over at Geet. And she was still looking out the window with a sad face. The bus was going at its normal pace. Maan wanted to get out of it already it had been only 4 hours but for him it felt like 4 days. 

He tried to talk to Geet but he got nothing back from her.

Maan: Do you not like to talk?

Geet had looked over to him

Maan: I mean you are missing the chance to talk to me usually it is me who hates to talk but you haven't said one word since I have got on. 

She was fixing her shawl and trying to be away from him as much as possible.

Maan just gave up and he didn't want to bother with her anymore. He took out his cell phone and was making a phone and he was talking with a low voice.

When Geet was looking out the window.. There was a car that was coming and it had come right next to he bus, when she was looking, she was shocked. She was shaking and she was panicking. The person in the car was looking on the bus and before she was spotted she had turned to Maan and she hid her face in his chest.

Maan who was still on the phone he had said I have to go and he had cut the call. He was stunned she was hiding her face in his chest but why? He couldn't figure it out why? 

She had slowly looked out the window and the car had gone she was looking over carefully and found the car gone and she went back on her side. Maan was looking at her and he couldn't understand her.

Her shawl was a little messed up and she went to fix it as she was wrapped but then wen she went to cover her arms Maan had quickly glanced and he saw marks on her marks, fresh burn marks and he was shocked. And not just one arm.. both! 

Geet was covering her arm but then he had stopped her from doing so and she was scared and she was trembling and her eyes became all watery and she was thinking was he going to do something??? 

Maan: what happened to your arms??? 

She had pulled the shawl from him and made him let go covered both of her arms and just looked out the window while he was still looking at her. Maan was sensing there was something going on and it was pretty fishy. Could this woman be in trouble? 

He had slowly started to figure out on why she was acting like that! Something was bothering her and something happened to her but he didn't know what! But the other thing was that she was in trouble. It was late in the evening, the bus had to make a stop and they all had to spend the night on one of the stalls. They had all come out of the bus and they had to!

Maan and Geet were the last ones off and once he had come off she had gone passed him. The driver had told him if he had tried to talk to her.

Maan: yes I have! But she doesn't say anything!

Driver: she wont say anything!! don't even bother talking to her becuz she wont say anything. She has been on this bus for 3 days and not one word came out from her.

Maan: 3 days?

Driver: Yes! She just paid me to take her wherever.. wherever this bus goes she goes but she doesn't get off. she just looks out the window and has this sad look on his face.

Maan was thinking about this

He had gone by everyone else. They were all sitting by a bon-fire and they were eating. Everyone was sitting if they had come with someone or if they were alone they were talking with their bus buddy. He was looking around for Geet but she wasn't seen.

Someone gave him a plate of food and said here you go. He had asked for Geet's plate as well and he got it as well.

She had come out, she had gone to the bathroom and she had seen the bon fire she was stunned and she was frozen on the spot. Maan had seen her and then his face changed from a relief to a curiosity on why she was like that!

He had come to her and asked her that here is her food and she should have it. She was looking at him. he said to come and sit by the fire so that way she doesn't feel too cold, but that was the last place she wanted to be.

When she had looked to her right'. She saw a guy sitting on top of his car and was lying on his dashboard and she was shocked!!!! She dropped her plate of food and Maan looked at her. Geet was in a tight spot.. on one side there was the bon-fire and then there he was

Maan: Are you okay?? 

Geet became stiff and wasn't moving she wanted to get out from there. She had ran back onto the bus and she sat in the corner in her seat and she was crying. Maan had taken his food with him on the bus and he climbed on and looked at her.

He had come to her and she had her feet up and she was in a ball and he was looking at her. He didn't know what to do or how to approach her until he put the food on the other seat and sat next to her and he put his arms around her.

The End!!! plz comment!!! if its bad let me know!! i dont mind!

Edited by *Guli* - 13 years ago


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Frequent Posters

jnawaz thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
me! πŸ˜‰

dude...its like...i dont remember this one...but then again i do...i want to say what it think it is...but i dont want to give it away for the other members...so tomorrow...when we talk...ill ask...if i remember πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†....but omg...so good...maan didnt want the girl to talk to him...but hes just blabbering away with her...idiot! 🀣...and i agree with Niki...maan is totally full of himself...thinking ke geet is just dying to talk to him...please... a guy may be hot...but if he's arrogant...he loses the hotness factor πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰...

cont soon babe-ji! and CALL me tomorrow...dont txt cuz im gonna be knocked out! ha ha


Edited by jnawaz - 13 years ago
Posted: 13 years ago
Add me to ur pm list and update ASAP!
komlika thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
awesome.......wht happen to geet.........do PM me 😊
jnawaz thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
sorry to burst your bubble people...but this chick doesnt PM...ha ha...but she does update regularly for the most part...much more regular than i ever will be


JanuaryEmbers thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
loved the first part continue soon please!!!!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
VirIka4ever thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
Amazing story line ... Can you please add me to your PM list ... Please and Thank you

Can't wait to read the next part ... Please update soon :)
nikipuki thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago
Interesting start.....Maan is so full of himselfπŸ˜†

Please add me to your PM list.
shah10 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago
love it.
do continue plz.
add me to yr pm list.
Downhill thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

fantastic ff..

plzz add me to Pm list....
