One-Shot World: Adi~Pinky: Pg.1; Maan~Geet: Pg.4

tes_v1 thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

True love starts somewhere~Adi-Pinky

Aditya Mehra, cheif accountant at Khurana constructions, fell in love with co-worker, Pinky Manchanda but never had the guts to voice out his feelings for her. Now, however, seeing Pinky in trouble with their boss, Adi suddenly discovers he has a voice; one that wants to be heard. But speaking up for Pinky means putting both their jobs at stake. Will Adi choose love or money?

Playing it even ;) ~Maan-Geet

What happens when egos clash in a relationship? Does love survive or is it the end before the beginning? Maan Singh Khurana is a man of few words and always believes in having the upper hand -be it in business or in a relationship. Geet Handa is a woman who's only learnt to win. The word defeat doesn't exist in her dictionary. So when Maan ditches Geet, making explicit his hatred of her, Geet strikes back with a vengeance. When two arrogant souls fight, can love win?


Hey guys!πŸ€—

Here I am, once again, presenting to you a new thread where I'll be putting up random one-shots as and when I come up with one. But the different thing about this thread is that you guys can send your requests and I'll try to write 'em for you! πŸ˜•


Well, it's pretty simple. Say your fav couple is MaanEet and you want to read a one-shot on them in a particular setting, with a particular mood/scenario, then you make a request specifying your fav couple, the setting you wanna see them in -say romance, comedy, mystery, etc- and any other specifics that you want. And I'll try to write it up for you! So how does that sound?

Anyone's interested?

If yes, then put up your requests on this thread or PM them to me with 'One-shot request' as the title. And the details of what you wanna read and I'll try to fulfill your demands!

But, but, but! Lemme make one thing clear, I'm not active on IF everyday but rather once a week or once in two weeks, so it might take a while before your requests are processed!😳


Edited by tes_v1 - 12 years ago


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tes_v1 thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago



True Love Starts Somewhere ~ Adi & Pinky

Playing It Even ;) ~ Maan & Geet
Edited by tes_v1 - 13 years ago
tes_v1 thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

True Love Starts Somewhere ~ Adi& Pinky

It was after office hours and silence reigned the offices of Khurana Constructions. All the cubicles were vacant of people and the desks were cluttered with office stationary-files, folders, pens, paper-weights and pencil holders, while the erect back, leather swivel chairs stood strictly in place. It was dark except for a dim glow that seemed to emanate from an office in the far corner of the floor. A man of medium-built, tall, with dark black hair slicked back from his forehead and black-rimmed spectacles sitting snugly on his nose, was working furiously on a file, his attention moving from the laptop before him to the file in hand and back to the laptop again. The name on his desk read: Aditya Mehra, Cheif Accountant.


Aditya, or Adi as friends and collegues liked to call him, was working on the quarterly reports of the company which were due before his boss, Maan Singh Khurana, tomorrow. Lately, with Nayantara Rathod bustling around the office looking for oppurtunities to weaken Maan's power and strengthen her grip on the management of the company, their boss, Maan, wanted to ensure that there was no carelessness on part of the employees and thus the standards of efficiency had been raised.


He finished tallying the last of figures and put away the file in a drawer and locked it. Shutting his laptop, he checked the time. It was two hours since everybody had left and he'd been working on the file. But at last, after hours of tedious effort, it now lay complete and he didn't have to fear facing the wrath of Maan Sir. Maan Sir's wrath was something that not even the bravest of men at Khurana Constructions dared to face. Precise perfection was what he seeked in the work of his employees. Compromise was not a word that existed in his dictionary. Lack of efficiency meant farewell from Khurana Constructions forever and opposing the decision of the boss could as well reward one with the same.


Happy that he had no reason to fear whatsoever, Adi picked his shoulder bag, locked his cabin and left with a cheery smile. His affable nature and cheery smile was something that not even a day's exhaustion or hours of extra work could steal. Jangling the keys and whistling on his way out, he suddenly came to an abrupt halt near Maan Sir's cabin.


Was that someone sobbing?


He stood in silence for a moment and strained his ears. Yes, someone was sobbing. But Maan Sir's cabin? His heart slammed in his chest. The lights were out and it was dark in the cabin. Was someone in there? Being subject to some kind of torture?




However cold or ruthless Maan Sir was he was not a person who believed in meting out physical punishment irrespective of however huge the crime (mistake) was. And as far as he was aware, most of the staff and Maan Sir was at the music launch party of their new client, the Pindi Queen. Shunning any irrational thoughts away he hesitantly tried turning the door knob. It didn't budge!


He could have wept with relief! Once anxiety was splashed with relief, curiosity again raised its head. Where was the noise coming from if not Maan Sir's cabin?


The adjacent cabin!


But that was Geet's cabin and Geet, too, was with Maan Sir. Then who?


Half hoping that he was hearing the noises in his mind out of weariness and exhaustion and not actually in the office, he turned the knob to Geet's cabin. It wasn't locked so he pushed open the door. The sobs did grow loud. He scanned around in the darkness and saw a human form huddled in the far corner of the cabin, arms locked around knees, head bent. Her hair veiled her face from view.


He tiptoed in cautiously and called out, "Geet?"


She jerked her head up and swiped at her cheeks. "Aa.. Adi Sir?"


"Pinky?" His voice mirrored his surprise.


What was Pinky doing in Geet's cabin at this hour? And why was she so sobbing?


Pinky was a receptionist at Khurana Constructions. With a round face, hair that fell just below her shoulders and a decently generous figure, she was a bubbly, vivacious girl who loved to eat. She was called foodie by her friends. Pinky was hardly affected by petty matters and seeing her sobbing like this didn't go down well with Adi. She still sat there unmoved. He flicked on the lights and she squealed, "Aow!" and sheilded her eyes.


"I'm... I'm sorry," he said and turned them off again. He went to the window and adjusted the blinds so that a faint glow from the lights in the lobby filled the cabin and then came to sit beside her. Her eyes were bloodshot red and her cheeks were stained with tears. Seeing her wiping her cheeks with her shirtsleeves, he offered her his handkercheif.


"Pinky, what happened? What're you doing here? Weren't you entrusted by Maan Sir to care for Geet at Pindi Queen's party?" he asked.


She gratefully took his handkercheif and dabbed at her cheeks and eyes, nodding as she sniffed.


"I'm doomed, Adi Sir. I'm doomed," she said amidst sobs.


"Hush Pinky," Adi tried to calm her in vain as he hesitantly placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.


"Pinky, shh.. Pinky, will you tell me what's  the matter?"


"Khurana Constructions no longer requires my services," she said meekly.


"You've been fired?" he asked incredulously. He couldn't understand what reason did Maan Sir have beyond the dismissal of a harmless creature like Pinky. She was a person who seldom interfered in others' matters but believed in enjoying her own life full on.


"Yes," she whispered.


"But why?"




"Geet fired you?"




Adi raised his brows. Pinky sighed and launched into the story of what went wrong, where and how.


"Maan Sir had entrusted Geet to my care before we left for the venue of the party and I was happy to be trusted with such a responsibilty. We left for the venue with the other staff including Sasha ma'm, Tasha, Manisha, Romeo and Pandey ji. When we reached there a few tasks were yet to be done and due to lack of workers, Pindi Queen,  Sweety was already panicking. She was afraid the venue wouldn't be ready on time for the party. Geet offered to help and so did others. We were entrusted with our respective duties by Sweety. I was hovering around Geet to ensure that things ran smooth. Everything was going well until Sweety ordered Geet to the store room to fetch the festoon boxes. I tried talking Geet out of it but she just refused to listen," Pinky explained.


"But Geet is not supposed to be lifting heavy objects. It could cause complications in her pregnancy," Adi intervened.


"Exactly! But that silly Sweety ordered and Geet, Ms. I-can-do-anything, readily agreed! Oh, sometimes I feel, if it weren't for Maan Sir and his tight reined hold on her then Geet would've turned into a psycho workaholic. You know, she deserves that man!"


True, thought Adi.


"Now it so happened that when Geet was working in the storeroom, an accident occured," Pinky continued. Adi's eyebrows shot up.


"An old chandelier which hung from the ceilings came crashing down an-"


"Is Geet alright?" Adi gasped. Geet, apart from being their colleague at work had also come to become a close friend of Adi and Pinky due to her sweet nature.


"Thankfully yes. Fortunately for Geet and me -I don't know how but- Maan Sir, Geet's knight in shining armour, happened to be present in the storeroom at that moment and was quick to push her out of harm's way. But then, it was hell on earth," Pinky shuddered.


Adi couldn't help but smile at Pinky's choice of words. She was a silly romantic at heart and he also knew exactly what she meant by 'hell on earth'. Maan Sir, due to some twist of fate, had come to love the simple, sweet Geet. And the protective streak of their cold, ruthless boss came to the fore solely for Geet. People used adjectives like harsh, ruthless, cold, cruel, heartless, etc to describe him but Adi knew better. These qualities only formed the outer shell, a hard cover for the soft man within. He was a man like any other. A man with a heart that beat for Geet. And it was Geet due to whom Adi had managed to glimpse that soft man within. He was happy for his friend. Geet and Maan Sir made a happy couple.


"Adi! You're smiling! You're happy that I've been kicked out, ain't you? You'd be happy to replace me, wouldn't you?"


Adi was jerked out of his thoughts by Pinky's shrill voice and he also didn't fail to notice that for the first time ever, Pinky had addressed him by his name and not as Adi Sir. He hoped that was progress.


"Now you're talking like Tasha," he said.




"Mindless chatter. Do I have the make and looks of a pretty receptionist?" Adi teased.


Pinky blushed at the discreet compliment. A moment later she was brought back to reality as she realised that the rising sun would see her jobless and homeless. She still had two months' rent due to her landlady and if she lost her job, she'd also have to vacate the house and she had nowhere to go.


"What difference does it make? I'm fired. I'm sure my termination letter along with my due salary cheque shall arrive along with the morning paper," she sighed wistfully. A lone tear trickled down her cheek and she looked away.


"Pinky," Adi called, urging her to look at him but she didn't move.


He held her shoulders and turned her to face him. In the dim glow of the light, her tear stained face showed a pained look and downcast eyes. He gently wiped away her tears with a finger and said, "Pinky, look at me." She obeyed.


"Did you talk to Maan Sir?"


"I tried but you know him. He doesn't listen to anyone when he's angry and when it's Geet who's concerned..."


Pinky closed her eyes and shook her head.


"Didn't Geet pledge innocence on your behalf? Or anyone else for that matter?" Adi asked hopefully.

"Geet tried to but Maan Sir refused outright. He was angry with her too for being so careless about her own safety. As to anyone else, I doubt anyone has the guts to challenge his decision and incur his wrath," she replied and looked away again.


Isn't it just so unfair, Babaji? My best friend is in love with a man whose love and care for her takes him to hire-and-fire people with the snap of a finger. But there's not even a single guy who can stand up to that man for me. I'm not jealous of Geet, rather I'm happy for her. But isn't it just so unfair for me? thought Pinky.


"Apparently, it is."


She spun around and the amused look on Adi's face told her that she'd just voiced her thoughts aloud! She silently groaned.


"Adi Sir, I... I..-" Pinky stammered searching for words.


"Pinky, you won't lose your job. I'll talk to Maan Sir," he said shutting her up.


Pinky's jaw dropped. Had she heard it right?


"But.. But you could lose your job, too!"


"It would be for a worth cause, then," Adi winked. "And, if I'm fired too, you can move in to my place and take up the spare room, then we'd look for jobs together."


Pinky stared at him stunned and then broke into laughter.


"Adi, would you really talk to him?"


"Yeah," he smiled.


"Oh Adi, thank you so much!" Pinky was overwhelmed. She threw her arms around him and enveloped him in a hug. Now it was Adi's turn to be stunned.


"That's so sweet of you!"


"Thanks," he said and hugged her back.


When joy subsided and excitement evaporated, Pinky realised that she was in Adi's arms! She drew back in embarrasment and looked away thinking of words to fill the awkward silence.


"Aa.. Adi, I.."


"Pinky, let's drop you home," Adi said saving her from saying something foolish and embarrassing herself any further. She gave him a grateful smile and jumping up, quickly left the cabin. Adi smiled and followed.


The ride home was spelled by silence. Adi brought his car to a smooth halt before Pinky's house and said, "Here we are. Home, sweet home."


Pinky smiled, "Thanks."


As she got down and closed the door behind her, Adi said, "Good night."


She leaned near the window and said, "Erm, Adi?"




"You sure you want to do this? Talk to Maan Sir for me, I mean? I wouldn't mind if you want to think about it once more or take back your words," Pinky said, though in her heart she wished Adi wouldn't back out. Not now...


"And leave a damsel in distress?" Adi raised a brow. "Never. I want to do it, Pinky. For you..."


She merely smiled and said, "Good night, Adi."


She was a couple of blocks away when Adi called out, "Pinky!"


Heart thudding, she spun around. Had he changed his decision?




"I'll pick you up at eight for office."


She blushed and ran. Adi waved as he saw her disappear in the house and then smiling, drove off.


If speaking up for Pinky meant getting fired from Khurana Constructions, then maybe, getting fired wasn't such a bad thing after all. He would talk to Maan Sir.


For Pinky, he would.


This one-shot has been written as a gift for Sana (1karzoo). Hope you like this one dear! Do lemme know what you think of it!

And needless to say, all my readers are to leave their say on this bit of work. Would appreciate your criticisms and comments.

Edited by tes_v1 - 12 years ago
JanuaryEmbers thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
a sweet oneshot of adi and pinky! that was awesome! I have a request: funny  with  Maaneet, Manish(a) and Romeo in an office or party setting!  I can't wait to read more of your writing continue soon please!
bhakbhartifan thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
can you make one for yash and meera?
-afsha- thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago
Nice Pinky Adi OS
Liked it
Thanx for OS world
lil_desi_goddes thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago
fantastic idea, i have one, can you please write it on KaSh (Karan Singh Grover-Shilpa Anand), a romantic one, say like Karan realising Shilpa's the one at say the last day of shoot of DMG,.. something on this would be brilliant...
spvd thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago
sweet OS on 2 sweet people.....................
thanks for the pm.................
Posted: 13 years ago
                                             brilliant update!                                                           
Posted: 13 years ago

                       part!!!!!!!!!!!!! loved it!! please       continue       soon!