Maneet FF: You are always on my mind. AN on P 150

Poli.Geek thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago
Please don't judge a book by its cover. That is all I ask. Give it a chance, you may be pleasantly surprised.

Dear Maaneetians,

Welcome to my first FF, it is set in the future way into the future exactly 18 years into the future. I thought I would take a different approach and hope you all enjoy it.

The concept is that Geet's baby is all grown up and is ready to go to University and the story is narrated through her, Geet and Maan's perspective.

Please don't kill me as Geet and Maan are not together, however they still love each other, we just have to see what happens next and will they ever be together.

There are few new characters in the future but the character's in the present are all the same so it is easy to follow.   

Just to clear up any miss-understandings, it is a story of Maaneet but from a different perspective. Geeta is the baby Geet is pregnant with in the present and now that she is all grown up she is going to get curious about her mom's past. That is all I can say...the rest you will have to read the FF.

Index (just click on the respective parts to get to them)
Parts 1 & 2 Part 3 Part 4 Parts 5 & 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22

Part 23 on Page 67
Part 24 on Page 72
Part 25 on Page 76
Part 26 on Page 84
Part 27 on Page 90
Part 28 on Page 98
Part 29 on Page 108
Part 30 on Page 113
Part 31 on Page 120
Part 32 on Page 133
Part 33 on Page 144



IMPORTANT:  Thread # 2 for this FF can be found here:  

Edited by Poli.Geek - 13 years ago


Last reply









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Poli.Geek thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago
Part 1

She saw her sleeping, she looked like a little angel when she slept only to turn into a tornado when she opened her eyes. She knew that as soon as she woke up today she was going to start asking her for the envelope, she shut the door and let her sleep some more.

Geeta opened her eyes, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping (or at least they would have been if there were birds in New York City) and no pigeons didn't count as birds; they were rodents with wings that's all. She had a feeling that today was the day, today was the day that would decide her entire life. She got out of bed, put on her robe, went and freshened up and ran down the stairs where she saw her mom going through the days post at the kitchen table.

What she didn't know that her mom had already gone through it and was only pretending to see what her daughter did when she came down to the kitchen.

"Good Morning, mera baccha, what are your plans for today?"

"Mamma, you too na, how can you torture me like this, you know what I am waiting for and yet you ask me what my plans are for today, come on, tell, did it come in the post today, did it, huh did it? Come on mamma don't keep me waiting."

When she realized that her mom was taking a lot of joy in seeing her squirm and wasn't going to tell her what she wanted to know she decided to approach the subject another way,

"Meri pyari mamma, please mujeh bakshado" she knew that as soon as she said that magic word her mom would give in. She never knew why her mom always responded to that word but she had realized that it was a last resort option in her 18 years. She used it sparingly.

"Tuje assi kya afati padi hain, ki mein tuje bakshdoo" seeing her daughters face she couldn't take it anymore and gave in, she passed the big envelope that her daughter had been waiting for so impatiently. It was the letter that would determine her entire future as she was thinking this, the loud yelling broke her train of thought.

"I got in, I got in, I can't belive it I got in, OMG I got in, I have to tell Sarah, I have to tell Isha, I have to tell...OMG who do I have to tell?" she was starting to hyperventilate, she had to come back down to earth and calm down.

Seeing her mom and the love in her eyes she decided that the first person she had to share the news with was her mom, she was sure her mom knew what she was so excited about but wanted to read the official letter out loud to make it extra special for her mom. Her mom, who had worked so hard to get her where she was today, who had encouraged her every step she took, her mom who had raised her all by herself, her pyari mamma. She looked at her mom and saw the love, taking that as a signal she started reading the letter.

'Dear Ms. Khurana,
I am delighted to inform you that the committee on Admissions and Financial Aid has voted to offer you a place in the Harvard class of 2032. Following an old Harvard tradition, a certificate of admission is enclosed. Please accept my personal congratulations for your outstanding achievements. ......'

Geet didn't hear anything else as her daughter read the letter, Geeta had gotten into Harvard and she was on her way to success. All the years of hard work and turmoil had paid off. She was extremely happy for her baccha. She took out her phone and started typing 'she got into Harvard, a dream once envisioned for me- she will full fill', she hit send and remembered him telling her a long time ago,Geet I think you should go to Harvard just like I did, you have the potential to do great things, maybe one day you will handle this empire along with me" remembering this she breathed a little sigh and focused her attention back to Geeta who was still busy reading the letter.

Geeta had noticed her mother sending the message, she never knew to whom her mother sent these messages but she knew whoever it was lived in India, she had noticed it from the country code once when she had tried to investigate but her mom had walked in on her and she had stopped. However she knew that her mom didn't send these messages everyday, only when she-Geeta had accomplished something or when she had taken any big steps. Like when she learnt how to ride a bike, she had seen her mom send a message that said,'she has taken off on two wheels to independence' The messages were always about Geeta never about her mom, they were always written with love and pride but never divulged anything personal. She never understood why her mom sent these message but she was sure that they were sent to someone really special and who meant a lot to her mom.

Once Geeta was done reading the letter, Geet told her how happy she was and wiped away a few stray tears, she told her to go get ready as she had decided they would go out and celebrate the good news.

Geeta ran upstairs and got ready and was ready in less than 30 minutes which was a record.

Geet laughed as they left, she had planned the whole day; brunch at their favorite cafe, then they would get a mani-pedi, then off to the hair-salon, then a trip to Macy's and finally ending the night at Lombardi's to have the best pizza in New York City, no wait in the entire world. Geeta had always loved the pizza at Lombardi's so Geet made sure she had booked a table for every night for the last two weeks just to be prepared for this very day. She had spoken to Paul who was the matradee at Lambardi's and explained the situation to him. She has also told him that if they weren't there by 7:55pm he could give the table to anyone waiting and since Lombardi's was such a popular spot there were no problems.

That night as they showed up, Paul on hearing their name smiled and congratulated Geeta. Geeta was taken by surprise but knowing her mom she thought to herself that she should have known better. Her mom was the best at organizing special things. No one could compete with her when it came to organizing parties. She remembered her 8th birthday when she was really interested in outerspace and rockets, her mother had built a rocket and all the planets out of paper mache and made their livingroom look like the universe; stars and all. It had all seemed so real, her mom had even bought space food to make it even more realistic.

While having dinner, they talked about the coming year, the new experiences Geeta would have, and suddenly Geet was taken aback with what Geeta asked next."Mamma, why did you name me Geeta?"

Geet had expected this question for a long time, from the very first time she had heard Geeta speak her first few syllables in baby talk, she was actually surprised that it had taken her daughter 18 years to ask her this question.

Geet looked at Geeta and said,"because you are mine, and when men can name their sons after themselves, why can't women. So I named you Geeta, because you are Geet ki Geeta. Our names mean the same yet they are slightly different so that you can stamp your own identity (independent of me) onto this wonderful world of ours"

After answering the question Geet thought, this was only one of many questions that Geeta would be asking her, the other questions were going to be more difficult and painful to answer but they would be dealt with when they were asked.

Mostly she was concerned about Geeta finding out that her last name wasn't really Khurana but Handa and she felt a shiver as she thought about how she had taken his last name legally binding her to him for the rest of her life. She had left Geet Handa in Hoshiarpur and had become Geet Khurana right before Geeta was born, she hadn't wanted Geeta to have Handa as her last name since it had brought her nothing but pain. She wanted to sheild her baby from all the pain of the world and the only name she could think of was Khurana for her baby since although it had brought her pain it had also brought her happiness and security. She had gone to the court house and changed her name legally the day she had left the Khurana compound. It was a free world after all and you were allowed to make your own identity, She had chosen to become Geet Khurana. As she had changed her name she thought of him and the love she had for him, too bad fate had something else in store for them, but she wouldn't forget the good times.

She had never told Geeta about her past, when asked about where she was from she always said from Delhi, that is the place she had considered home. Even after all these years living in America she still considered home where he was...

Geeta loved her mom's answer, everything she had said was true. She loved how her mom was so strong and had a very unique way of thinking. She guessed that is what made her special and loved by everyone who met her. However she also heard a little pain in her mother's voice as she had answered the question, but she didn't want to push the topic any further at least not today and ruin all the joy her mother was experiencing. So she changed the topic and continued having a good time with her mom.

Hope you all like the beginning of the FF, please do leave your comments- good or bad. If you don't want to leave a comment at least press the LIKE button so that I know if I should continue
Edited by Poli.Geek - 13 years ago
bluedreamz953 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago
Omg....this is great
love it
nowadays i cry a lot,mainly because of the ff i read...
Love urs
it is so nice
when i saw "miss khurana" i thought geet really married maan
anyways,just one this ff about geet and geeta or maneet
add me to the pm list and please continue
Poli.Geek thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: desigurl953

Omg....this is great
love it
nowadays i cry a lot,mainly because of the ff i read...
Love urs
it is so nice
when i saw "miss khurana" i thought geet really married maan
anyways,just one this ff about geet and geeta or maneet
add me to the pm list and please continue

It is Geet and Maan's story but in a totally different way. Of course since now Geeta is all grown up there will be a parallel track running with her story at the same time. hope that clears up any confusion.

Please keep reading and commenting.
Poli.Geek thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago

Part 2

In India he heard a little beep off his cellphone and noticed that he had received a message, he noticed the number and closed his eyes visioning her sending the message, he opened it and read,'she got into Harvard, a dream once envisioned for me- she will full fill', he smiled and thought to himself- their Geeta had gotten into Harvard.

He was sure if Geet had heard his thought she would have said, "our Geeta? No Geet ki Geeta had gotten into Harvard." He remember when Geeta was born, and when it was time to name her, Geet had insisted on naming her Geeta, it had sounded crazy, (everything about Geet was crazy and she had managed to drive him crazy too), but she had said "when men can name their sons after themselves why can't women and since she is mine, she is going to be Geet's Geeta." He had wanted to yell at her and tell her that she wasn't just her baby she was his daughter too but hadn't had the ability to argue.. She was going to spend the rest of her life taking care of this little baby, making sacrifices and she had the right to name her whatever she wanted. Geet and he loved each other but after what Dev had done and with Dadima being extremely sick, Geet had decided that there was no future for them. She couldn't stay in the same house as Dev and she couldn't bring the truth out since that would have hurt Dadi, so she had taken the decision to leave.

He had been very lucky to have been there for Geeta's birth too. He he managed to keep tabs on Geet once she had left, he kept on receiving regular updates on her whereabouts and he had gotten the news that she had gone into he hospital to give birth, he had gotten on the next flight to Mumbai to make sure she was well taken care off, she was all alone and he had to be there for her. Geet had been suprised to see him there, he could read her eyes, they were asking him questions. He had taken her hand in his and said, "you know me, I could have never let you just leave, I love you too much, lets not talk about it and enjoy this moment." She had been too tired to say anything, she had just nodded and let him take care of her as she had given birth to her little baby girl. Once the baby had been born, it came time to name her, and Geet had decided she wanted the child to be as close as possible to her and had named her Geeta. Maan had objected but he had given up, she wondered why, it was never his nature to give up. But she had forgotten to ask any questions once Geeta had been placed into her arms once again, all cleaned up looking like an angel. She looked so much like Maan, which was a relief to her, cause she didn't know how she could have lived seeing Dev's face everyday. Maan on the other hand thought Geeta looked exactly like her mother. She had the big eyes, the little nose even at a few hours old her face seemed to have a million expressions.

Geet had also been happy that Maan was overjoyed to hear that the last name was going to be Khurana. After all he had said before she left that it was his baby that she was carrying. He was glad though that Geeta was going to have his family name, Geeta was after-all the rightful heir to all that he and his Dadima had worked so hard for. She was not to be held responsible for the mistakes made by his family. If only Dev hadn't been his brother they would have been a happy family and her baby would have had a mom and dad. He had insisted that she return but she had declined, she wanted to go as far away as possible, from the hurt and especially from him. It hurt too much to not be close to him and she couldn't take it anymore. They had argued for hours but finally had come to a one-sided compromise, Geet would go where-ever she wanted as long as she kept in touch with him. She could choose the method off keeping in touch but he wanted to know always that she was safe and okay. She had accepted the terms and after a day they had parted ways.

But all that didn't matter to him in the present , they were his family and were always going to be his family. Suddenly he was brought back to reality when he heard someone call his name,"Maan, I have been looking all over for you, Mr. Patil is waiting for you in the conference room, the meeting was supposed to have already started, are you ready?"

He turned and saw Adi , the VP of his company and above all his best friend, standing in the doorway and smiled,"yes I am ready, once the meeting is over could you please call Pinky and have her meet us for dinner." Adi nodded a yes and told him he would talk to Pinky after the meeting.

By the time the meeting was over it was already 7:30 pm, Adi looked at his watch and frowned, He was sure that Pinky would have already finished cooking dinner at home and would be extremely upset if he called her now telling her that they were going to go out for dinner. So he decided to invite Maan over for dinner instead, he was sure that there would be enough food for everyone since Pinky loved food and always made a ton. He smiled when he thought of her, who would have known all those years ago that they would have married. 18 years was a long time, in all those years so much had happened, they had seen so much heartache and they felt helpless on their inability to do anything for their best friends. It hurt to see them so lonely without each other to a point where they actually felt guilty for having each other to be happy with. He shook himself out of those thoughts and went to Maan.

Adi- "Maan, the meeting ran late so I couldn't call Pinky about the dinner plans, you know her well, she will kill me if I tell her know. I am sure since you know her so well, you know she probably has already made dinner to feed an army why don't you come over to our place instead for dinner."

Maan nodded yes and replied, "No, problem, I sure don't want to face the wrath of your wife, plus it doesn't really matter where we have dinner as long as the three of us are together. There is something we need to celebrate." and smiled at Adi.

Adi looked a little confused but he was sure that it had something to do with Geeta, since her achievements were the only things the three of them celebrated in private. They had celebrated her first tooth, he first steps, her first day at kindergarten, her pre-school graduation, every birthday and so on and so on. Every little thing related to her was celebrated. And he looked forward to these celebrations as these were the only times he saw Maan truly happy. He wasn't sure what made Maan happier, getting messages from Geet or about Geeta. Maan acted like a proud father every time Geeta achieved something. He was going to ask what the celebration was for, but before he could, Maan shook his head and said,"I am not saying anything until the three of us are together."

They left the office at around 8pm once everything was done and arrived at Adi and Pinky's at 8:30pm.

It had been a long day and Pinky was suprised to see Maan with Adi. Or as she would say pleasantly surprised,"Jiju, you here? something special? are you hungry? what do you want to eat?"she kept on asking questions without giving Maan a chance to answer them. And her questions always revolved around food, Maan never understood how she managed to always have food on her person. He had gotten annoyed initially when she started working for his company as a receptionist, but had gotten used to it over the years and now it seemed comical.

She had called him Jiju from the first time she had found out about him and Geet, how they were in love and how they were going to be together, she had never seen what was going to happen- them getting separated, her heart ached seeing them in pain, but Geet had been stuburn. However she had continued to call Maan, Jiju and he had never corrected her all these years. He in-fact liked it cause it gave some normalcy to the relationship he had with Geet. Only Adi and Pinky understood why he never got married.

"So what is going on? What is the good news that jiju you came here to give us, come on tell us" Pinky said.

"Our Geeta got into Harvard"he exclaimed. His chest seemed to double in size with the pride he felt for her.

Pinky started to cry tears of joy and hurt. She missed Geet. She would receive calls and letters every now and then from Geet, but it wasn't the same. She wasn't here.

"No, no today is not a day to cry, we need to celebrate"Maan went to Pinky and put his hand on her head, she was like his little sister.

"Adi, why don't you take care of Pinky and I will serve us all food, by the where is Sameer?"

"Oh! Sameer went out with some friends today, he didn't know you were coming over, or else he would have stayed home" Pinky replied.

Sameer was Pinky and Adi's son. He seemed to have all the qualities of Pinky and Adi, he was caring, smart and above all he loved food. Maan Uncle seemed to have a really huge space in his heart. Since Maan couldn't shower his love on Geeta, he had papmered Sameer instead. Neither Pinky nor Adi seemed to mind.

"He is a grownup kid now, its good he has a social life. Be proud that he has friends else he would turn out like me, you don't want that happening trust me" Maan replied with just a strain of sadness in his voice. He quickly changed his mood and went to the kitchen.

Adi looked at Pinky and made sure she was okay."Pinky do you think that Maan and Geet will ever get back together? It's been so many years yet they live like they are married to each other only without each other"he asked her.

"I don't know Adi, but I pray everyday that they find happiness once again. They are meant to be together, I just hope one day Babaji hears my prayers, lets not have long faces else it will affect Maan too and today is a really happy day for him, lets enjoy ourselves." Pinky said to her husband.

Adi nodded and they went to the dining table, Maan had already served the food and drink. The started talking and reminiscing about the good times. They celebrated long into the night.

Hope you all like it, please leave comments. Please let me know what you liked and what you didn't. The first few parts are just going to introduce you all to the main characters lives. So please be patient.

Edited by Poli.Geek - 13 years ago
bluedreamz953 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago
your story is really realistic
love it for that
i am in a great fix...on one hand,i am glad that ur story is not cliche(not offend anyone) with maneet happily married but on the other hand i am sad that they are so like sad without each other

when i was reading the part when you were describing about their past when geeta was born,i felt what she did was completely right...i mean the part when geet decided not to marry maan

i felt so bad when you said that maan was so sad
maan seems so incomplete

i mean 18 years of their life,they spent away from each other
they sacrificed their entire jawani for dadi

i hope they can finally live together..
your story truly touches my heart...i am serious this is so not cliche for me.....

i feel my heart crying,tears brimming up in my eyes at your every sentence that you have written thinking how it would feel to be in their shoes...especially maan's situation

okay i should stop before i start crying

thanks and please update soon and please add me to the pm list

i love you

okay i should stop before i start cryingEdited by desigurl953 - 13 years ago
Poli.Geek thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago
dear desigurl,

Please don't cry, I promise the story will get a little better. Geeta is going to start acting like a Private detective in the coming parts, however we can't just bring back Maan and Geet together right away else the story will end.   However above all, it is a love story, Love story of Geet and Geeta, Geet and Maan, and Maan and Geeta. This is just the beginning, age age dekho hota hain kya....

Thanks for liking my FF, since everyone's story is in the present I decided mine would be in the future. Ha ha, I couldn't help myself.

Keep reading and commenting and I will keep updating as regularly as possible.
bluedreamz953 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: Poli.Geek

dear desigurl,

Please don't cry, I promise the story will get a little better. Geeta is going to start acting like a Private detective in the coming parts, however we can't just bring back Maan and Geet together right away else the story will end.   However above all, it is a love story, Love story of Geet and Geeta, Geet and Maan, and Maan and Geeta. This is just the beginning, age age dekho hota hain kya....

Thanks for liking my FF, since everyone's story is in the present I decided mine would be in the future. Ha ha, I couldn't help myself.

Keep reading and commenting and I will keep updating as regularly as possible.

Thanks a lot for replying....hoping to see more happy and fun-filled parts....

Love your story

Thanks again

I just want to say that I am EXTREMELY TOUCHED by the story.....
Please continue
swetha10 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago
Wow nice concept.. story is so realistic.... looking forward to the next part.. do continue soon... n plzz do pm me
Thumari_Mahi thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
Hey .. I'm mahi 😊
I just love the beginning of your FF!! it's so original and I really like it.
please continue with your story and add me to your pm list.
by the way, just a small request for the story, don't you think geet n geeta should finally take a trip to delhi? i mean just imagine it 😆 .. it was just a suggestion 😊
really liked it n plz continue! 😉
-Mahi ❤️