Zee's Oneshot- Something More

Amongthestars89 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago

Here is my second one shot! It's longer then the first so I hope you enjoy it like you did with the first! This time I've taken into account that Geet is preggers and that Maan knows about it (thus in the future) and as usual there's misunderstandings and etc my version....so here goes!πŸ˜ƒ

Something More 

A young woman was walking quickly in the middle a quiet road, well quickly as she could considering she was roughly 6 to 7 months pregnant, and her bump could be seen, even if her dupatta tried to hide it but because it was such a sunny day with a nice cool breeze, that breeze kept blowing her dupatta off her shoulder, up in her face or even twisting around her and she was getting very angry with it. "Babaji, why are doing this to me? Please just let me get home with the shopping, before I fall down and-" and then she felt something kick against her stomach and she stopped right there in the middle of the road, holding her hand against her stomach with a smile on her face and said to her child instead, "So you want to stay out a little longer, hmmm? Enjoy this  weather?" feeling another kick, she started to walk but this time more slowly, in a dream-like walk holding her stomach and murmuring nonsense words to her child.

As Geet turned the corner onto the main road, her mobile phone rang, quickly rifling through her bag, she grabbed it and without looking at the screen, she answered it, practically squealing down the phone "PINKY! She kicked, my baby kicked at me for the first time! Oh this is so wonderful, do you know why? Why she wanted to enjoy this gorgeous behaviour and....Oh my! I've got an appointment with the doctor for a check up! Will uncle be able to drop me off or should I just get a taxi?" from being a happy, glowing mother, Geet turned into the mother who worries about the health of her unborn child and she waved her hand frantically to catch the attention of one of the passing taxi's going by. As she managed to get a taxi and gave the hospital name she had her appointment at, she totally forgot her phone was still on and only realised when the taxi started off for the destination. "Pinky? You still there?"

On the other end of the phone, a tall, handsome man was pacing up and down, one hand to his right ear with his mobile phone attached to it, and the other hand clenching and unclenching due to the rush of emotions he felt as soon as Geet started talking about her child. His face was a mixture of angry, regret yet there was something about the corners of his lips and his eyes that he was happy about what he heard of the child and wished that he "could have been there myself to feel the kick against my hand, skin to skin". He shook his head of the thought as he heard her speaking back into the phone, "Pinky? You still there?" He cleared his throat and said in is normal business tone, "Geet, if you have finished?" Geet on the other side, practically jumped in her seat and for a few seconds had a flashback of his confession for his love for her and herself finally telling the truth about Dev and what happened back in Husyarpur, she shook her head of the last image when his expression had crumbled into deep hurt before it had changed into his usual mask of anger, "Yes, sir. Sorry sir, thought you were Pinky," and she looked down at her land, seeing the scar running along her palm and remembering what Maan did for her, cleaning it and putting a bandage on, even after she told him the truth he was still there, looking after her, making sure she was healthy for both herself and her unborn child.

Maan clenched his eyes shut for one second of intense pain before opening them and in his eyes you could see such stark blankness, if anyone stared, they would have shivered due to the deadness of them. "Yes I gathered that, listen. As soon as you finished with the doctor, please could you visit the office? Remember Mr Chopra for the London project? He was really impressed with your work and would like to work with you once again on a new project, this time something for New York." Geet winced to herself, blaming herself for the breaking the friendship they both had between them and said quietly "Yes Sir, will do," and hung up on him. Not noting the tears falling down her cheeks, until the taxi driver had turned around to tell her they had arrived at the hospital and ask for his money.

An hour later

Geet was in intense pain, she didn't know what happened. One minute she was walking up the steps and the next she felt intense pain across her stomach before seeing a rush of blackness coming towards her. As she listened to her doctors, she wished Maan was with her, holding her hand, instead of the gentle, kind nurse holding her hand and telling her to breathe in and out. She cried out for her parents, she cried for her friends, and before she blacked out once again she cried out for Maan, before slumping backwards, her face pale and sweaty and her eyes, even closed, looked so big due to the shadows underneath them.

Outside the operation room, Pinky, Adi, Uncle, Dadimaa were pacing up and down, more like Pinky and Adi were pacing up and down, always bumping into each when they turned to face the other way and giving each other angry, yet worried looks and Dadimaa and uncle where sitting down looking at the door of the operation room. They all turned when they heard running steps and stared in shock at the man breathing heavily, leaning against the door frame to catch his breath again. He finally managed to say "How is she? How's the child?" He then undid his tie and undid a few buttons because it was restricting him, folded the tie up and put it in his pocket, before taking off his waistcoat and putting it on the chair beside his Dadimaa. All the others were still in shock at seeing Maan with them and he tutted angrily and rolled his eyes, "I'll explain later, just tell me-" and was cut off by an intense scream from the room and everyone shot their heads towards the door behind Pinky, who was standing in front of it.

Maan quickly shot towards the door, hearing his name being screamed and looked through the window, not seeing Geet because of the doctors and nurses running about. He leant against his head against the window and shut his eyes, remembering what Geet said to him about Dev and Naintara and what they did to her. He opened his eyes when he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around to see his Dadimaa, "How can you still love Dev, after what he did to her?" Nodding his head towards the direction of where Geet was and Dadimaa shook her head, "I don't love him persay, just really disappointed in him and angry for what he and bahu did to this innocent, sweet child," looking lovingly towards Geet, who was now clearly seen in the window. She saw the doctor move towards the door and moved backwards, gently grabbing Maan to move him backwards as well. The doctor stepped out of the door and said quite gently, "The placenta of the baby attached to the womb had started tearing away from the wall of the womb, if we hadn't got to her in time, she would have lost the baby. We've managed to reattach it to the wall, and both she and her daughter are doing well. We'll be observing her for 48 hours and if all is well she could go home afterwards," smiling at them all he walked back into the theatre room to prepare Geet to go into her own room.

Pinky and Adi cheered before going towards Pinky's dad, excitedly chattering "Didn't she always say her child was a girl?" uncle said, a proud smile on his face, "What about all the things bought? Some of them are for a boy!" Pinky said a bit worryingly, and Adi smacked his hand to his forehead and said quite exasperatedly, "Geet can always take them back, duh" and Pinky nodded slowly, with her mouth open slightly, as if she just found out that the Earth was round and not flat. Maan smiled at his Dadimaa and then looking slightly nervous, he moved his Dadimaa away from the other three and whispered, "I love Geet, Dadimaa I really do, but after what she told me and me blaming her and not believing in the truth I ruined the relationship we had. I want to marry her Dadimaa, what do I do?" Dadimaa who was smiling happily, looked at his face and remembered the time when he was only a young boy, crying his eyes out after hearing what his parents had done and wanting a divorce. She smiled at him more gently and said, "I'm here, aren't I? Don't you worry about a thing, just-" and was cut off again by the door opening.

A nurse came out, staring at Maan and then Adi and said, "Which one of you is the father?" Maan and Adi both glanced at each other before looking away and Maan stepped forward and said "I am" not noticing that Pinky had fainted in Adi's arms after hearing that or uncle had gone into shock, sitting back down in the chair beside him. "Well, you can see her for a few minutes, before we move her to her own room," smiling gently before leaving for her other duties. As Maan entered the room, he could hear his Dadimaa take control, and for the first time since the news of Dev's betrayal came out, smiled a small happy smile.

Inside operation  room

He stopped when he saw Geet, lying there so pale and small under her covers, and he clenched his hands to fight the urge to gather her up in his arms and hold her close next to him, protecting her from the world. He sat down in the chair next to Geet's bed, and grabbing her right hand gently, started caressing her fingers and whispering soothing words to her, "As soon as you leave here, you are going to live with me and Dadimaa and we'll find out what your feelings are and get married and I could be a father to your daughter..."

Geet shifted on the bed, coming out of the darkness, hearing a familiar voice in the distance and fighting the darkness, blinked her eyes slowly to open them and saw Maan's face. She smiled at him so honestly, Maan heard his heart skip a beat or two before beating very rapidly. Tightening her grip in his hand, she whispered "Maan" so lovingly, that Maan had to lean forward to hear her, so close that their faces where inches apart. "It's okay Geet, your fine and your daughter is fine," smiling at her expression of wonder, "A daughter?" she whispered excitedly before dragging her hand with Maan's to her stomach and laying it there, feeling a small kick against her hand and Maan sucked in a breath in wonderment after feeling the kick. He stared at their joint hands, before slowly turning his head to face Geet, and leaned just a little bit closer then before and whispered, "I believe you Geet, about Dev and Naintara. Do you want to be friends or...?" looking hopefully at Geet.

Geet looked into his eyes, knowing that unnamed emotion she couldn't describe before in his eyes was actually love for her and it took her back to all those times he saved her, all the times he looked after her, all the times he helped her and nodded her head ever so slowly, "If you want to?", not realising it came out more as a question and said quite eagerly, as she was looking deeply into his eyes, which shined very brightly with happiness and he leaned forward, a breath away and whispered against her lips "May I?" and Geet nodded ever so minutely and at first Maan puts his lips on hers ever so gently, but then it quickly turned heated. As his lips pressed harder against hers, and his tongue peeked out to trace the seam of Geet's lips, his left hand slowly stroked up Geet's body from her thigh before resting on the left hand side of her neck, caressing it, while his tongue went inside Geet's mouth before going back into his own. This happened a for few minutes, before he started moving down her chin, licking her neck and nibbling at it before stopping at where the neck and shoulder joined and stayed there, licking and biting before moving away slowly taking a glance at the reddened area and smiling like a wolf had marked his mate. His left hand slowly stroked down Geet's body, staring intensely at her face, seeing her happy, yet embarrassed expression and took his left hand away before looking back at their joint hands laying on top of her stomach and smiling softly. 

So there you have it! My second oneshot FF!
If you like it, please press the like button!πŸ˜ƒ
Edited by Zee89-Maneetfan - 13 years ago


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Sadaf.B thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
Damn good yaar, very nice, lovely! πŸ‘  πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒEdited by Tania.k - 13 years ago
-Destiny- thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago
Hi dear You have done an awesome job : )

sweet_chilly thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
πŸ˜ƒi enjoyed reading it a lot...specially the last part..thanx a lot..!
cacoethes thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago
wow....really good!
and the ending 😳 too hot to handle☺️
hapinezz13 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 13 years ago

Loved how she screamed his name all thru her pain!!!
cooldude10 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago
OMG OMG OMG. the ending part was sp 😳 OMFG. the whole thing was amazing 😍 i could imagine it happening! please please update soon πŸ˜ƒ
desigirl_18 thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
OMG this was really awesome Zahra!!! very well written...and the last part soo intense😳!!! Keep it up, love the way u write!!
Sarahwahid thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago

wow its nyc...πŸ˜ƒ

Keep goingπŸ˜‰

starchase thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago
oye hoye wat a oneshot. amazin zahra. the last bit was soo xrated but a pleasure to read πŸ˜‰ keep it up girl!!!