Pretty Woman (ADAPTATION) Maneet FF...ON HIATUS :'( Note:Pg 87 - Page 5


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.Tulip. thumbnail
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Posted: 10 years ago
jst wow ...awesome description ...luvd it 
so she's a frst tymr here bt bold as hell πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜†
waiting fr nxt
AnonymousMG thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail Fascinator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Chapter 3

The big pompous board of the upmarket Regent Beverly Wilshire was glowing to its full glory in an otherwise pitch dark light. As soon as their car stopped by, a bell boy comes running down to them. Maan and Geet got out of the doors.

Good evening, Mr. Khurana, he bowed down to greet Maan.

Will you be needing the car anymore tonight?

I- I hope not! Maan stated. The bell boy took Maan's briefcase along with him moving inside leaving them two alone to bid good byes.

Ah. We're here. Maan started.

Yeah. Geet barely managed to squeal, lost in the grandeur of place she was standing outside. The place was exquisite. It seemed to be from 17th century carved in hotel. More like a monument that people should pay to have a look at rather than being a hotel. Well that is the power of rich men, they can own anything they want.

So you'll be all right? His tone became too soft all of a sudden, not wanting to startle her lost form.

Geet averted her gaze from the hotel and replied Yeah, I'm...gonna grab a cab with my twenty bucks, she added after a pause.

And go back to your...umm... office. Maan tried to lighten up the environment.

Yeah.My office. Yeah. Geet smiled bitterly.

Well, thanks for the ride Geet.

Hmm See you. He could clearly see she wanted to tag along him but was not sure of what he wanted.

Good-bye! Saying this Geet turned on her heels and moved to sit at bus stop just in front of his hotel.

The moment Maan turned his back, he could not help but feel a soaring pain rising in his heart. He felt as if he is leaving behing his most cherished belonging. The thought that he may not see her again made him restless. His brain barked "For God's sake, she is a hooker. Walk straight, enter your den and forget her'. At the same time is heart shrieked 'Stop her before she disappears. She brougt solace to me. Just for an hour if not long. Just give her a better farewell if nothing else'

Tired of the turmoil between his head and heart Maan turned on his heels and neared Geet who was still sitting there, trying desperately to cover herself off the chill in air.

Maan cleared his throat No taxis?

Geet was surprised to hear his sudden voice. She smiled embarrassed and answered No, I like the bus.

Unsure of how to frame his next words, Maan directly jumped on to the question I was thinking- ...Did you really say $100 an hour?


Yeah. Well, if you don't have any prior engagements, I'd be very pleased if you would accompany me into the hotel. Maan gave a small nervous smile. 'Whats wrong with you Maan. This is her profession. Stop behaving as you are making an advance on a poor girl' he said to himself.

Geet quickly jumped on her feet at the offer and grinned back at him. You got it. She mentally thanked her Babaji. Thanks to this man she may pay their rent by tomorrow.

So!! What is your name? Geet enquired as she joined Maan into the lobby of the hotel.

Maan!! He questioned himself for nth time in the night, 'What 's wrong with you man'. When was the last time he introduced himself by his first name and not by the pompous legacy of 'The Khurana', he couldn't think of any .'I tend to behave strange around this girl' he sighed thinking to himself.

Hmmm..Maan!!! That's my favorite name in the whole-whole world! Giving him a slight push with her shoulder playfully she lied through her teeth and gained a smirk from Maan in response.

'You need not try that much', he winked.

'Okie dokie' she made a face of hurt puppy. In just the next minute she chirped 'I tell you what Maan, this is fate! That's what this is.'

By now every one in the hotel lobby was giving Geet a weird look. Her s**tty dress and gaudy make up in no way was a match to a place so high end as Beverly Wilshire Hotel. Moreover her creaky high pitched loud voice and sound of dragging her boots on the marble floor disturbed everyone present in the lobby gaining her some very disgusted looks. Even the hookers who generally accompanied their customer's for one night fantasy trip were trained on how to conduct themselves and had an elite-ness to them. She had no idea how every single person around them was seeing her as she was some filth, a dirt. Maan, unlike Geet was well aware of the looks they were garnering making him damn uncomfortable.

He pulled geet harshly towards him as she kept moving forward lost in her blaring loud talks. He snaked his hands around her bare waist. Geet shuddered at this unexpected sudden contact as his knuckles grazed her satin smooth waist. However Maan was oblivious to the passing undercurrents between them as his sole focus was at the task at hand. As his body rubbed to hers dangerously, his hands moved,caressing her waist at what Geet thought was an agonizingly slow speed, he pulled out her overcoat that was loosely hanging out of her tattered purse.

Here, take this and wear it. His harsh voice broke the momentary intoxicated state Geet had flown into.

She looked up at his face confused, wondering what is so wrong with him all of a sudden . He may not have been 'real sweet' to her but he was gentle and soft spoken at most of the times. As if reading the question floating in her big brown hazels, he softly whispered 'Look Geet,umm..he did not know how to tell her this without being too inappropriate.. Well, this hotel is not the kind of establishment that rents rooms by the hour. He cocked an eyebrow wondering if she understands what he means...or he needs to try a bit harder.


Wow! Geet suddenly understood his subtle indication.

It's all right. You're gonna be fine. Maan tried to sooth her before she displays another inappropriate behaviour.

Nodding in understanding,Geet quickly wore the overcoat. Though she herself felt uncomfortable in those skimpy outfits, she had to wear them to attract the customers. 'This man behaves's nothing like what Meer told me. Probably he is one of those white collar men who act as decent fellows to society but show their real self behind the closed doors. Chodd na geet, tenu ki, wo jaisa bhi insaan ho. Tune kaun si shaadi krni h is sey'. Though the thought of marriage brought a sadness on her features momentarily, she brushed it off and thought.'.Jaldi se ek ghanta finish kr aur kat le yaha se. Wrna Meer and I will be on roads by tomorrow night'.

Suddenly realizing that Geet wasn't with him, Maan looked back to see her, still standing ther lost in her reverie.

Irritated he yelled 'Come with me'. Already Geet was uncomfortable with people around staring and now Maan's sudden temper, she was totally a wreck now.

'And stop fidgeting' Maan added trying hard to supress his anguish...which in turn made her to falter even more in her steps. He sighed and waited her to reach him. What Maan could not understand was...It wasn't her who was embarrasing him but it was the fact that others could see her like this troubled him to no extent without his knowledge.

Good evening, Mr. Khurana. A man called out to him from behind.

Maan turned to see the hotel's receptionist smiling politely at the two.

Hello Mr. Lewis..Any messages for me?

Yes sir, we have several. We have transferred them to your suite.

Thank you.

Lewis glanced at the women standing behind Maan and smiled politely at her. Though one look at her and he knew 'to what' she belonged to, he did not show any aversion like other guests clearly did. That was how he was taught to behave.

Following his gaze, Maan quickly guarded Geet from the receptionist's eyes by standing right in front of her. He gave him a stern look to him and ordered.

Send up some champagne and strawberries to my suite, please?

Of course sir. He quickly understood his client didn't like his demeanour. 'Room service for Mr. Khurana please', he ordered a bell boy.

Maan held her hand and quickly moved towards the elevator.

As soon as the lift's door opened, Geet's eyes grew wide in surprise. She freed her hand from that of Maan's and literally jumped inside the luxurious elevator and shrieked there's a sofa in here for two. She quickly settled herself in there assuming it to be his room. The lift man gave her a shocked expression. Maan quickly jumped in and smiled to him muttering First time in an elevator.

Ah Sir. He smiled wickedly clearly understanding who Geet was. Maan simply wanted to punch him in the face but somehow controlled himself not willing to create a scene. He moved to Geet and whispered Close your mouth.

Geet complied quickly Sorry, I couldn't help it.

Maan turned to the lift man and instructed Penthouse.

Geet knew better now. She has to keep her big mouth shut if she wanted to save Maan from any further embarrasement for the night.

As the lift door opened and they got out, She cajoled to him..'The penthouse, haan'



To the left.Maan guided her. Within a few seconds they were at the door of his opulent penthouse. He pushed in his card and they both entered. Geet was awestruck. Her mouth opened and she was lost in the magnanimous place.

Impressed? Maan smirked.

You kidding me? I come here all the time. Geet tried to not show him how intimidated she was.

She turned to him and snorted and As a matter of fact, they do rent this room by the hour.

Maan gave his lop sided sarcastic smile Sure they do.

Geet saw a door leading to the balcony. She lunged forward to it. Though Maan was tempted to follow her, he chose to stick inside. After a while she came back and exclaimed. Wow, great view from there! I bet you can see all the way to the ocean from out here.

Maan who by now had taken up to a file and was sitting comfortably in his study table, nonchalantly replied I'll take your word for it. I don't go out there.

Why don't you go out there? Geet was genuinely surprised. Why would anyone spend a fortune at hiring such a palace and not live it up.

I'm afraid of heights. Maan answered coolly. He had never shared his personal bit with anyone. He never wanted anyone to know about his fears. He liked the world to consider him invincible But here he was dropping all the barriers in front of a girl he knew for barely last one hour. And instead of feeling bad about opening up, he was strangely calm. This girl has surely got something.

You are? Geet was finding it hard to believe that a grown up man can have such childish fears as well. So how come you rented the penthouse? She asked what was troubling her.

Maan smiled answering her It's the best. Maan Singh Khurana always wants the best. I looked all around for penthouses on the first floor, but I couldn't find one.

Hmm..satisfied with his reply, totally ignoring 'The MSK' rant much to his dismay, Geet asked the next one  Well, now that you have me here, what are you going to do with me? She fidgeted uncomfortably in her boots expecting the 'certain' to follow. She wanted to get over with it as soon as possible.

Maan kept looking into her eyes and replied after some time 'Want to know something? I don't have a clue.'

No? Geet wondered what was happening.

I hadn't exactly planned this. He stated the truth.

Well, do you plan everything?

Always. He replied with a warm smile.

Yeah. Me too. Not now yeah, but used to at some point of time. Again that familiar gloom marred her features.

Shaking her head slightly she came back to present. But now You know, moment to moment. That's me. That's- Yeah. Maan colud not help but notice the plethora of emotions that played on her face in last few seconds. She intrigued him.

As she noticed him staring, she shifted from her place and sat atop his table seductively. After all thats what she is supposed to do.

Mm-hmm. You know, you could pay me now. The only thing she had on her mind was the rent.That's one way to maybe break the ice. She drawled moving a finger across his arm.

Her closeness brought him out of his reverie. Oh, yeah. I'm sorry. He fidgeted to find his wallet. Here..Uh, I assume cash is acceptable.

Cash works for me, yeah. She grinned.

By the way, your as* is on my fax. His voice had a naughtiness within, he never knew existed in him.

She looked down embarrased and lifted herself just a bit up so that he could pull it down from her. Her baby face made Maan wonder 'Cute. She's very cute.'

As Maan touched her derriere softly while trying to pull out his fax, both could feel a sudden rush of blood in their bodies. A mere touch and their heartbeats escelated twice the normal.

'Geet what's wrong with you, you aren't supposed to feel like this, Now when you have already got the money, do your work and get your as* outta here asap'. She mentally chided herself.

All right. Here we go. She spoke pulling herself out of the spell he had cast on her with a mere touch. Unzipping a pocket in her boots, she picked out a few colorful packed condoms.

Pick one. I got red, I got green, I got yellow. I'm out of purple, but I do have one gold circle coin left, the condom of champions. The one and only. Nothing is gettin' through this sucker. I'm a safety girl. A buffet of safety. She spoke in a breath as Meera taught her,  trying her best to act bold and experienced as if she had been out there doing this all her life. All she had on her mind after getting her charge was to  get out of his room after fulfilling what she is paid for. This man was affecting her strangely and she feared only that..

Gaining no response from him on his choice of condoms, she tilted herself ahead and grabbed his shirt opening the top button up...All right, let's get one of these on you. She moaned.


So that's it fellas for Chapter 3. I actually wanted to add Maan and Geet's first togetherness in this part itself. But with the kind of detailing I prefer, it was becoming too long...almost double the size of a standard chapter.  So I winded it up here only. Rest in next Chapter.

Stay tuned.

PMs to buddys only 😳 Its a lot of hassle to PM all otherwise. So yep add me if you want a PM in your inbox and don't if you would not.πŸ˜†

Over to you now .😊

Edited by AnonymousMG - 10 years ago
AnonymousMG thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail Fascinator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: thendral_111

lovely story😊😊😊

AnonymousMG thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail Fascinator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: preeti.1

enjoying reading it ...plz update fast

AnonymousMG thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail Fascinator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: maanland

type fast

waiting eagerly

AnonymousMG thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail Fascinator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: .Tulip.

jst wow ...awesome description ...luvd it 

so she's a frst tymr here bt bold as hell πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜†
waiting fr nxt

Thanks. Glad you liked. Yes she is a first timer. Updated the next.
sporthy_smile28 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
Now that's something! !!
Good yaar I actually liked ur narration! !
must say as all the parts were written near 2 perfection! !
Good going πŸ‘πŸΌ
Edited by sporthy_smile28 - 10 years ago
gurti30 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
lovely update dear
loving the story very much😊
punam2712 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Kartikan91 thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
nice maan will be her first...hope he is her last and continue soon.