Part 48 FF: Bondita Vs Dheeraj court arguments, Bondita's masterplan

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Posted: 2 years ago

Friends, this chapter is very bold and I tried my level best to justify the case. My intention is only to prove that man and woman are equal and are Mutually dependent on each other . Hope you all liked it and if you feel anything ackward please forgive me.🙏 

Continuation from previous part.

Before day of court sessions, Aruna made cake and cookies and sent to Catherine friends. They all appreciated it and came to meet the person who made it  Catherine introduced Aruna to them . They asked her to make more for the next week for a birthday party and gave money  to Aruna. Catherine also interacted with Aruna, shared her marriage experience with her, to which latter is surprised to know that catherine has got beautiful family now in this late middle age even being unable to give child to her second husband Binoy. 

 Bondita made Aruna understand everything the important of self respect for women, harassment in sasural ,her involvement in upbringing of child depending on gender of child or completely being left carelessly of child growth. She never hid anything and clearly discussed pros and cons in the upcoming situation , and asked Aruna to think from all sides and take wise decision.  

Aruna is in deep thoughts, she is hardly 16 years of age carrying her child she has more life . If Srijit deceit is exposed also will he change! Certainly no. His parents won't let him to change. If she goes to sasural with victory in court still they will fail her and break her heart in their home. Moreover Srijit father is Highly aggressive he won't step back to raise hand on anyone irrespective of age, gender and respect use bad words to make women keep quiet, if his ego is hurt. If not gone to her sasural also she is answerable to her child. It is her moral responsibility to show her child his/her father and his family. She took a deep breath and took a very hard decision. 

She decided to give Srijit his time after court sessions. If he can  raise his voice to stand for her and if Bondita Anirudh approve that his change is natural and satisfactory then she will give him a chance else she will stay separately raise her child and as her duty she will show the father next everything will decided by child only. But she is not going to give up her self employment and will stand on her feet at any cost.  

She expressed her decision infront of Anirudh and Bondita and they too appreciated her.

Next day Bondita got ready to leave for court with Aruna. Catherine fed her curd and sugar as shagun. Bondita took blessings of Anirudh, Binoy and Catherine. 

Later Anirudh Bondita left to court with Aruna..

Dheeraj came with Srijit and his family. Aruna saw him sadly but he is not meeting eyes with Aruna. Bondita clearly saw it. She assured Aruna by holding her hand and went inside. 

 Anirudh also came and sat in his seat.He wished all the best for Bondita.  Srijit and Aruna are in bones standing opposite to eachother. Judge came and everyone stood as respect.

He asked to sit down and start the case hearing. Dheeraj started explaining the case that Srijit and Aruna got married last year but Aruna parents didn't send their daughter to sasural despite of how many times Srijit parents requested to send their bahu. They kept on giving excuses and recently our clients came to know the real reason is Aruna is a lose character have affairs with many men and she became pregnant also So my client Srijit is heart broken, shattered and wants divorce.

Dheeraj words are piercing Aruna and her parents hearts into pieces mercilessly. Bondita had already informed them  that opponent lawyer will assault them especially Aruna, he will stab her with words and go to any extent to get their clients win. He will keep on blaming, mocking but they and she have to be strong, brave enough. She should answer very bravely in the court.  

Aruna looked into her husband's face when Dheeraj is accusing her, but he is avoiding her gaze. 

Bondita stood and explained that whatever Dheeraj told is absolutely wrong, Aruna has an elder sister Savitha who is in her sasural, living with her husband and she had children. Then how come Aruna parents behave differently in the case of their younger daughter? It is because of dowry issue. 

Srijit and his parents are greedy and they forcefully kept Aruna in her mayka and asked her to step in sasural only if she gets the due amount of dowry. 

Dheeraj interrupted and said that during Marriage rituals there will be fun oriented rituals and among those it is quite natural to ask what all they can give for their  daughter and son in law in those occasions as an ashirwad to their jamayibabu but it is not serious. Srijit parents are quite liberal and if Aruna father in private have expressed his inability to give dowry then Srijit father will be ok with it. He won't make it an issue and happily accept Aruna as his bahu. But Aruna father wants to keep his false prestige infront of his samdhis so he kept on postponing it . 

But Bondita cleverly brought one marriage mediator especially Pandit who fixed this alliance for both families. She asked him to come into witness bone and asked him to tell what are the specifications and expectations of Srijit father from his would be bahu family. 

He stammered and said that Srijit father wants his bahu from good family, good mannered girl. But he purposefully hidden the dowry fact. Bondita insisted him to tell his demands about dowry but he lied that Srijit father is not a greedy person. 

But Bondita also produced another Pandit who brought matches for Srijit brother and he said that Srijit father is highly greedy and pure money minded. He only respects persons who are financially sound else he won't hesitate to Ill treat them. 

Dheeraj told that Bondita bribed the second pandit and Bondita too  mocked that Dheeraj bribed first pandit which made Dheeraj to keep quiet. Judge asked both of them to focus on case.

Bondita also submitted another witness of Srijit father village head who also wants to fix alliance with Srijit before Aruna alliance came ( Bondita gathered this information from Parimala) even he emphasized that Srijit parents are money minded people and they mercilessly cancelled match with his daughter which came upto engagement because I have lacked in paying dowry as per their greed and I sincerely agreed infront of them.  

Dheeraj then brought Aruna father in witness bone and asked if he know that Srijit father is highly money minded then why did he fall for their match. Why didn't he cancel it before only. 

Ofcourse the same questions Bondita also asked him. He replied that mediator Between their families told that Srijit family status is better than their family status so as a girl's father he wished that his daughter could settle in Better family. 

Dheeraj proved him to be greedy and selfish. He also added that Aruna father wants Srijit to be their Ghar jamayi so that Aruna and her parents wants to enjoy Srijit family property. 

Bondita tried to interrupt it but couldn't prove at that minute that Aruna father is not greedy , because it is true to some extent.  

Judge postponed the case to next week.Dheeraj tried to provoke Bondita that she can't win over him in this case but she asked him to keep quiet as it's starting only but not final judgement day. 

 Bondita took Aruna with her for some more days with her and she had successfully completed her birthday catering order. The guests in the party asked her to cook the next day which their house have puja and Aruna agreed. But Dheeraj taunts and her husband's silence are eating her mind. 

She had also completed catering order of puja the next day and came to Bondita house. She told Bondita that she want to leave from this place to some other place as it is very suffocating for her. Bondita asked her to be brave , can't go away from court sessions and wait till the final judgement comes. 

Next court session starts...

Bondita called Srijit parents into witness bone and asked if they like Aruna or not. They replied that how can they like her when she crossed her limits and became pregnant with someone. She interrupted and asked that 'I am asking at the time of marriage did you like Aruna as bride to your son or not.' they hesitatingly said haa..ha..we like her and that's why we selected her as our Srijit wife.

Bondita : So you both only selected as his wife and he obeyed you. Right?

Srijit parents: Haa..but now..

Bondita: Whatever happened is now, then what about then..that time at the time of marriage. Did you perform their post marriage rituals?

Srijit parents: Yes we have done her grihapravesh, kaalratri and next day baubaat rasam.

Bondita: Then what about their phoolsojja rasam?

Dheeraj tried to say Objection your honour, but Bondita said it is important and  related to case. Judge asked Dheeraj to sit. He sat impatiently.

Srijit mother: Aren't you ashamed to talk like this infront of everyone about Phoolsojja rasam?

Bondita: Even you aren't ashamed to blemish your Ghar ki Lakshmi your bahu Aruna's character in society and abandoning your heir and dragged her to court. So what's wrong if I question you boldly?

They both are unable to say anything, but she insisted them to say that why didn't they perform phoolsojja rasam to Srijit and Aruna? 

Srijit father covered that Aruna father came and took her to their house.

Bondita: And you being sasur, father in her sasural didn't stop your bahu? Didn't you convince her father? In this last 1 year you didn't even attempt to mend their relationship? Why didn't you take initiative?

Srijit father: Haa, I tried to talk to Aruna father, but he avoided me.

Bondita: Why did he avoid you? 

Aruna father stood up from audience bench and said that he didn't avoid his samdhi at all. 

Judge asked him to sit and he will be called whenever needed. Aruna father sat sadly and shedding tears for these accusations. 

Bondita continued and asked that why did he avoid you? 

Srijit father said that his samdhi Aruna father demanded to send their son Srijit to their house as Ghar jamayi else he won't send his daughter to sasural.. perhaps he don't have sons right? So he want Srijit to replace their son's position.

Bondita: Then what is wrong in it? Son in law becoming son to saas sasur is a good thing, right? If  your son Srijit takes care of Aruna's parents then may be Aruna may also come to your house to take care of you. In this way they both may shuffle their responsibilities towards both of their parents. What's wrong in it?what is there necessity to take Ghar jamayi as a wrong word? 

Srijit parents face colour is blackened and couldn't say anything. 

She continued with them that what is their son doing? Is he working or any business. Srijit father said that he is looking after their daily chores shop, they actually have 2 shops and one transport business.

Bondita asked at what time will he leave and at what time will he come? 

They told that he will go and come in time he is very punctual and don't have any bad habits. 

Then she produced one of the Srijit friend and he gave confession that Srijit has bad habit of alcohol and have lust on woman. His mother tried her level best and his father always came in searching him before marriage to stop him visiting any dancers bungalow. This is the reason they have been eager to get him married. He also told that Srijit sharing his feelings about Aruna's beauty with him. But he is not sure whether Srijit visited his wife or not.

Dheeraj also proved that Srijit friend confession will not prove that Srijit and  Aruna have moved to next level or not.  

Bondita produced Aruna's sister Savitha and her husband in court. Even they are also financially better. 

Bondita asked Savitha husband that if their father in law demanded him to become Ghar jamayi or demanded any money from him. 

He is a kind hearted person and said no. He actually explained his unexpected financial crisis which arose during Aruna's marriage and now he recovered. His father in law helped him with the amount he saved for dowry for Aruna's marriage. 

He told that he recovered from financial crisis and one month back only he returned money back to his father in law. 

Bondita proved through Savitha husband that Aruna father doesn't want Srijit to be Ghar jamayi because Savita husband is also not made as Ghar jamayi and it is the fault in perspective of Srijit and his parents. She finally concluded that Dheeraj accusations are wrong. 

Dheeraj tried to cross examine Savita husband once again and when he sympathises Aruna he tried to prove his sympathy as lust on Aruna but Bondita immediately interrupted and proved with her arguments that Dheeraj is going out of line and it is his ugly perspective to see that a man's sympathy towards a woman means only having lust. Judge also gave warning to Dheeraj to mind hos language and behave properly in court Premises. Dheeraj reluctantly apologized to judge.

Later Bondita produced Parimala Srijit bua as witness and she told that Srijit parents are money minded, despite of her suggestions to keep bahu in their house they didn't pay attention to her words. She also witnessed Srijit once secretly going to Aruna's house.

Dheeraj came with a point to  Parimala that how long back has she seen her nephew Srijit going to Aruna's house?

Parimala :About 7 months before.

Dheeraj: Did she see him going 3- 4 months before?

Parimala: She said no, because she too is busy in her house works.

Dheeraj: Then how can you surely say that something happened between Srijit and Aruna? There may be chances that he just causally met her and went back. 

Bondita: Then how can you also be sure that something not happened between Srijit and Aruna? 

Parimala also gave her statement that she have clearly seen Srijit admiring Aruna and he himself expressed his desparation to be with his wife infront of his bua.

Srijit changed his word that he thought that Aruna is a good charactered girl but now she is not. 

Aruna felt disgusted with her husband. 

Judge postponed to other day and most probably that could be the final hearing. Meanwhile Bondita found about the family who actually planning to give their daughter to Srijit as second wife and went to meet them. But to her astonishment Srijit father and girl's father are there discussing about Ashirwad rasam to be fixed after the day of final verdict. Srijit father is assuring his would be samdhi that their advocate Dheeraj is clever and he will make sure that judge will give final verdict on the given day. 

Bondita tried to talk to the girl's father but he didn't pay attention. She tried to explain that Srijit is already married and he said he know that already. He tried to blame Aruna that she stooped low in her character. Bondita threatened not to say anything against Aruna as he also have a daughter. 

Srijit father smirked at Bondita and she asked girl's father to come to the court for listening final judgement if he has so much confidence on his would be son in law and should not skip it at any cost. 

The girl's father said that yes, he will come to the court for final hearing and Bondita left. Srijit father is highly tensed. He immediately met Dheeraj and asked him to save their family prestige either by hook or crook. If possible threaten that Aruna.

Dheeraj told that threatening Aruna is impossible, because recently Anirudh Bondita have started recording the convict confession through tape recorder and video recorder. They have police department also. Everyone knew that they won't misutilize it. Srijit father asked then what are you going to do. 

Dheeraj said I have other plan, I will make that Aruna shatter and even Bondita also can't easily prove that I am wrong and smirked. 

Bondita went to home, told Anirudh about her encounter with the would be father in law of Srijit and she instigated him to come for final court hearing. At that time Srijit father is also there.

Anirudh thought for a while deeply and said that may be they may go to any extent to win, Bondita. 

She nodded as acceptance and went to their black board and started writing the possibilities in blackboard. It is their natural habit to discuss and write about their every case details on black board which is kept in study room. 

Possibilities are: Targeting Aruna's confidence, making her shiver through his loud voice, abusive words and tantrums, targeting Aruna parents.or bring any false witnesses as boy friends to Aruna to pretend that she may have affair. Or... Bondita is in deep thoughts. 

Suddenly something striked in Anirudh's mind and asked Bondita to know from  Aruna if she had any clash with any eveteaser or any nearby neighbour or any relative whomever it may be irrespective of age. Dheeraj may bring that person as a witness against Aruna.

Bonditha agreed and went and spoke with Aruna. She asked Aruna to tell if she faced any harrasment previously and don't hesitate to share it with her. 

Aruna told about an eve teaser in their area who used to fall behind her two years before when she had hit her puberty that time, but  later step back when her father gave warning to him. He is also scared of his mother's voice. Bondita nodded and took his address from Aruna. She asked if any nasty incidents with anyone. She said nothing more.

Bondita went to check that eveteaser and her Patibabu doubt came true. She also planned something against it.



Final day court sessions:

Dheeraj came with Srijit family whereas Bondita came with Aruna and her parents followed by Anirudh. 

The arguments started again. Bondita Targeted Srijit about his daily timings at what time he used to come, where he used to spend and all. Dheeraj also gave proper training of how to manipulate, how to give answers confidently in court. So Bondita couldn't find any loopholes in his answers.

Dheeraj targeted Aruna and brought the eveteaser there and he also started telling that he had affair with Aruna, probably it could be their child..

Bondita immediately came and cross examined him.she asked since how long are you with Aruna. When is your last meeting. Bondita knew it is very disgusting to ask all these but she mentally prepared Aruna and her parents.

The eve teaser got confused with her questions and out of confusion he blurted that his mother kept on contract work of house constructions in another state he recently came back to his house just a month before and will leave. 

Bondita: Then why did you lie in court infront of judge? Do you know you will be punished vigorously for this and may sentenced to jail.

Eve teaser stammering and said: This is because I have grudge on Aruna. 

He couldn't blurt out Dheeraj name because he gave deadly warning that if he takes his name he will be killed. So the eve teaser kept quiet.  

Bondita brought his mother and she told that her son is jobless and used to go beyond girls.In this matter Aruna is a plain person and her son is at fault and requested Judge to leave him..

Judge threatened the eve teaser and told him to wait outside he ordered police to take him to custody.  He warned Dheeraj to check the authenticity of witnesses before producing. 

Dheeraj reluctantly said sorry. He finally attacked Aruna with his words, made her confuse and clearly proved that. Srijit is busy in developing his father's business then how come she had relationship with her husband. So he is not the father of Aruna's child. Even Srijit also gathered courage, shouted and said that he met her only once when his bua saw, but not later and moreover he didn't touch his wife.

This made Aruna lose her patience completely, and Bondita nodded to her to use the main weapon (her bold point).

Aruna shouted in court: ' Yes  I am pregnant but Srijit is not the father of my child. Is it enough?'

Srijit looked at her confused. 

Dheeraj face is glowing thinking that Bondita lost the case. Srijit parents and his would be father in law also felt happy that she confessed her mistake and victory is theirs.  Dheeraj told judge that look at her audacity finally she concluded and confessed the truth.

But Aruna interrupted and said 'Yes I went through wrong methods to fulfill my desires because Srijit doesn't have masculinity.'

Dheeraj, Srijit and his family faces lost its colour and Srijit just shouted by stammering 'Aruna what are you blabbering?'

Aruna took courage and said 'yes whatever I am telling is truth. You are no where related to me and you are not the father of my child. Because don't you remember we tried once to come close but your defect came infront of me and you just slipped from there. 

Dheeraj tried to  interrupt that till now she kept quiet and now she is telling this that means it is a lie..

Aruna: No it's not a lie, till now I thought that my lawyer madam will win the case but you proved that I am wrong so I am telling the real fact hidden behind it. Every of your accusation is correct,we didn't move to next level only because of his incapability and  you also didn't reveal that Srijit is not a man. Right, sir?

Before entering the court only you requested me to keep quiet hide this secret and so I did sir. But you kept on blaming me and not stopping anywhere. This is not correct sir.

Dheeraj is taken aback for her false accusations in him, his mind became blank  because if the arguments from his side continue Bondita will trap him in his words and make him only reveal the truth. 

(At this stage it is not fair on Bondita's side to argue on behalf of Aruna in this delicate point so she motivated her client from last 2 days onwards) 

Aruna turned to judge and said Judge sir, I don't want to live with him. Soon I am going to marry another person who is the father of my child. I can announce it to everyone that don't believe this Srijit, he is not a real man who just appear as a man. (Turning to Srijit she said) You are going to marry another girl right? Marry her. But soon she will also learn about it. How many girl's lives will you spoil by hiding your defect?  Poor girl, she will be taunted as barren woman in society for your defect and she can't become mother if she's stuck  on with you.:

Dheeraj understood Bondita's move and gritted his teeth with anger. But Aruna is not giving any chance to speak or request judge to do medical tests for Srijit. 

Srijit would be father in law face is blackened looking at Srijit father as if it is true and Srijit father became cat infront of former and trying to convince him slowly that it's not truth

She turned to Srijit mother and said : sasuma, oh sorry you are no more my saasuma but I will stop calling you after judge give us divorce and my parents get me married again to the father of my child and we live ever happily. You know our mother side jyotish told that I may give birth to boy my would be husband will be very happy.

Aruna is not giving chance to Dheeraj at all. She went on blabbering and making Srijit irritated. Still Dheeraj trying to argue by staying in safezone making sure his accusations shouldn't turn false infront of judge. 

Aruna looking at Srijit: only he can say words he is incapable to prove his desparation in actions. 

Both sides parents minds are blown away by these bold statements. They are not able to catch where it is going. 

Srijit face has already turned into dark. Bondita knew that he may now come closer to Aruna and she made her get prepared to it. 

Bondita also purposefully instigated Srijit by asking:  So Aruna is it true.

Aruna: yes madam it is true. Srijit is not a man. I myself is the only evidence. This is the reason my saas sasur have done all the rituals except phoolsojja ritual.Because their son's defect will be exposed to outside world. This is the hidden secret but real reason. 

Aruna really took more courage for giving these bold statements. Bondita has really empowered her alot. Anirudh can't take off his eyes from his wife's bravery and the way she counseled her client. There is a lot of difference in Aruna's attitude right from starting to now. She became strong enough to take a stand. All because of Bondita empowering her.

Srijit can't take these accusations anymore, lost his cool came out of bone and forcedly hold Aruna's shoulders , pinned her to wall nearby almost kept her in his embrace despite of judge and police warnings, his parents, Dheeraj screams at back and said darkly to Aruna  that  'what the hell are you blabbering Aruna? Don't you know that I have masculinity or not. You are the person who nearly took more than 6 months to lose your complete shy and embarrassment infront of me, when we did that for the first time you  became weak and needed to take nearly 4  days to recover from my marks on your body, did you forget that we used to do for nearly 2-3 times Whenever we meet,all of a  Sudden you are confessing that I am not the father of your child and someone else. Who the hell could be the father of our child other than me?. Did you forget so easily our secret meetings, my hugs and kisses, my special touches, my and my sweet surprises. ... 

Suddenly it striked Srijit mind that he is tricked by Aruna and her lawyer Bondita and left Aruna with horror on his face and looked around. 

Judge is looking at him with utmost disgust. His father is erupting like a volcano.. everyone are looking stunned with a dangerous silence.

Dheeraj slammed his head and sat on his chair fuming with anger on Srijit. Anirudh happiness has no limits.

Judge ordered police to take Srijit to convict bone. Bondita came and asked Aruna if she is fine. Latter nodded. 

Bondita continued and told judge that : Your honour, For any child mother is truth and father is belief  A man not only depends on mother to give birth, his sister to play with but also depends more on his wife than anyone in the world not only for his pleasures, but she makes him father. She bearing his  child in her womb gives the post of father and it is an indirect certificate to his masculinity. 

This Srijit and his parents has harrased my client brutally. They almost killed her with their lashing words. Now everything is infront of your eyes your honour. It's up to you. 

Srijit, his parents, Dheeraj hung their heads with shame. Aruna parents are sobbing silently that atleast truth is confessed out by their son in law. Bondita kept her promise that she told them on first day itself that Srijit will scream on top of his lungs and reveal the truth.

Judge tried to say that divorce won't happen but Aruna interrupted with folded hands and trembled voice and said that : don't ask me to stay with him Janab, I can't. He made a big wound to my heart. I don't know if it could be healed in this life or not. Also please don't snatch my child from me after I give birth. They have killed me more than once with their words. I can't take it anymore. I don't want that male prostitute   Pointing to Srijit, she said I will show him as father to my child and my child will decide whether to keep relationship with him or not. (She bursted into tears) It's enough for me sir, it's enough. Not any more sir. My husband and in laws are so money minded, they  played these many games , tainted my character, my parents character, tainted the relationship with my brother in law who is equal to my brother. What not have they done to me Janab. Will they carry these rupee notes and go when they die? ( This hit them hard and felt utmost insult.)

I shall stand on my feet, struggle hard for me and my child's survival, but please don't send me with him. I don't have any Guarantee that I will be able to survive and be alive  in their house.'

Judge granted divorce and gave warning to Dheeraj that he should not produce any false evidences for his success. 

Srijit would be father in law is moved away by Aruna's words, reprimanded Srijit parents and announced that their son is really not a man because he can't take a  stand for his wife. He too doesn't want his daughter to suffer in their house. 

Srijit started following Aruna, pleading her at her back to stop he will change his behaviour, he will become completely loyal but Aruna told him that you are a costly groom I don't have money to buy you. If I earn also I don't want to buy a spineless groom for me. She started walking with her parents, Anirudh and Bondita. 

Srijit came and held Dheeraj collar and asked why did you blame my wife. Why did you use such a bad words for her.

Dheeraj: Because your parents asked me to do so. Why are you asking now? Don't you know when I took up your case? Now only you got remembered that she is your wife? Just get lost because of you I got defeated and stood as lost person instead of that Bondita.  

Srijit father ego is gradually melting away and he started sobbing. Srijit became mad and started tearing his shirt in court premises and blabbering non sense and shouted on his parents that 'Are you happy, are you happy now. You made me my wife away and she is going away from me, with our child. Enjoy yourselves and sell me in the market. Whoever buys me for Higher price sell me, but don't bring that girl to your house. You will not let her live. I am a fool to let you harm my wife.' His parents felt their son's words as tight slap and they too started running to catch him. The same premises which Aruna begged once right now he is begging for her mercy. 

He almost became mad , tearing his clothes, beating himself with his slippers, pouring dust on his face, running on roads going to every young man and warning that not let their parents sell them to brides on the name of dowry , stand for their wives, Don't leave wife and child.. Don't let your parents torture your wife. 

Aruna saw his condition when going with Anirudh Bondita and her parents in car. Aruna mother is moved away asked her to reconsider her decision but she didn't relent. 

Anirudh Bondita dropped Aruna and her parents in their house gave some amount to start a small scale business of Hotel and catering in Hooghly . Aruna tried to bend to take their blessings but Bondita stopped and asked her to start a fresh life in Hooghly they also arranged a secured accommodation with a nurse and doctor taking care of her. She thanked them with tears and  told that she will start there after 2 days. 

When Aruna went inside her parents asked Bondita if she had to live alone throughout her life. Bondita told that Time is required for her  to heal from this pain. We will be tracking about Srijit welfare we will try to counsel him if we find his behaviour is really changed for good  in future and that too if Aruna is not moved with anyone then only we will bring him to her. Till then you also visit her regularly and find another welfare. This is Aruna's decision only which she took in starting days of  court sessions. 

They agreed with her. Later  Anirudh Bondita both took leave from them and left to their house.

Note: This is part 48 of my FF. Please read in your free time and let me know your views. Thankyou 🙏


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Remaining friends.. extremely sorry if I forget anyone🤗

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Posted: 2 years ago

Loved It.

Yes It Was Bold But Wonderfully Written.

Bondita Won Her First Case.

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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: SilverBell

Loved It.

Yes It Was Bold But Wonderfully Written.

Bondita Won Her First Case.

Thankyou Nicita😳