Part 34 FF: Career and love to go hand in hand

mprvn36 thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Continuation from previous part.....

Both the couples have reached Calcutta and back to their home. Catherine made a grand welcome to them praising that they became big shots of entire Bangal. 

Binoy also came and happily greeted them. Reformers from Brahmo samaj and 3 journalists ( who had done coverage in Bhano case) from Bangal khabar have arrived there and adorned Anirudh with garlands. But Anirudh politely refused and told that it is not his sole credit but his wife Bondita, Tapur and Bhatuk, Krishnanagar village head Devnath and Jogi,our journalists along with my friend Gagan and his team has contributed alot in reforming Krishnanagar. They praised him and raised doubt that why detailed coverage is not given in all newspapers, also we feel that  there is something is missing in this news. How can Bhano get some vigorous punishment for just harrassing and false imposition of cases against innocent people. I think there is something more in this.  Are there any other atrocities done by him which you are not willing to reveal to the outside world.

One Journalist named Palash is about to reveal something 'Sir, what actually happened is, he not only...'

Bondita is tensed that if he mentions about Bhano harrased Krishnanagar women then their respect will be in stake. 

Anirudh immediately realised what he is going to say and stopped him in between. He told social reformers that "Actually special article is going to come tomorrow and we will publish in detail. Will we consider a loss only if he takes life of a person. Bhano has given immense psychological torture to many families. He made many of them as his slaves, imposed false cases. Is it not enough.  He is also punished for doing illegal business which includes illegal weapons, food adulteration godowns.  That's it. You all please leave now. We shall meet soon on conducting awareness programmes about education, stopping child marriages in Krishnanagar and surrounding villages."

Social reformers folded hands and left. He asked Palash and other journalists to come to his study  room. 

Anirudh shouted on Palash : 'What are you going to do Palash? Are you trying to reveal that Bhano harrased women in Krishnanagar? Didn't I warn you all previously that we are not going to mention about their names in this case?'

Palash: Sir, when did I say that we shall mention their names? Who will come to know that who are actually harrased by Bhano ? If we make special article about women harrasment, our paper will get more fame, become top newspaper, sponsors will come forward and business will expand ...

Before he is about to complete,.. Anirudh screamed on top of his lungs.. Everyone came there.

Anirudh in dj voice: Palash, have some sense before talking. Do you want to make money by publishing sensitive topics in paper and disrespect all women. Neither Mukeshji nor I will support this unethical thing.  If you try to do any such thing I will not spare any of you at any cost Palash. Remember that you are not only speaking with your boss but also with a Barrister. 

(With little tremble  in voice he continued..)

Don't you know that Women harrasment is a sensitive topic. Even though we don't mention their names, if outside world come to know something like this has happened with Krishnanagar women nobody from outside the village will come to fix alliances with them.  Society and surrounding villages, their relatives whomever don't know about this will come to know and will pass either sympathy glimpses or lustful or disgusting glimpses to women, keep on recollecting their traumatic incidents. Will not let them move forward towards progression.  Have you not seen that with much difficult many of them have promised to encourage women education, abolish child marriages, sati practice. Don't you try to spoil our and especially their  attempts. If we do so, entire Krishnanagar women's respect will be in stake irrespective of any mishap happened or not.  Their courage to reform themselves will be shattered.

   Days are not so developed and society thinking process is also not progressed to the level that they think molestation or sexual abuse is also similar to an accident happened to body and mind of women and society will not make them to move on in their life forgetting the painful past. If we publish this it will be a big problem. So better forget about it and I strictly warn you to remove from all your minds about Krishnanagar women harrasment. This is the article I have prepared already. ( He handed over the papers to journalists). Go to office and publish the article with what all the points I mentioned before without taking any woman name."


Palash and his colleagues with disappointment bent their heads and said sorry and about to leave. Anirudh again called them and announced that they (3 journalists)will receive incentives in their salaries for their hardwork, will be given promotion soon. Their faces have glowed listening to this. 

Anirudh kept hand on his shoulder and spoke softly 'I am not telling that you have not done any hardwork. But a journalist job should not be bound only to reveal the facts to society but also should contribute for reformation. Try to understand the delicacy in this matter and never forget to have mercy and humanity'


They realised their mistake and sincerely apologized him and left. 

Anirudh immediately went and made phone call to the paper office and spoke with chief editor and also with Mukesh about the recent conversation with Palash and made sure that  no Krishnanagar woman name should be published in newspaper and should maintain this as a top secrecy for a good reformation. They all agreed with him wholeheartedly.

To ease the tension environment, Bondita placed her hand on shoulder and gestured him to calm down. He too took a deep breath and smiled at her holding her hand. 

Tapur folded hands infront of Anirudh and thanked for doing justice to her mother Rimjhim. Anirudh patted her head as he is fond of her as his little sister,  asked her not to fold hands and Rimjhim kaki is also their mother and they have paid their respect back to her. Moreover nothing is important for me than women self respect in society. 

Bhatuk mocked "Dekha apne dada, she didn't thank me"

Tapur huffed and complained to Anirudh that 'see jethji, I already fulfilled in Krishnanagar  his .. (Tapur blushed to speak her husband's naughty behaviour in front of Anirudh, kept silent for a while and turned to her Bondita didi leaning on her shoulder and told) 

see didi, your devar is really naughty.  Always complaining about me,.huh'.

Even Anirudh Bondita can't stop themselves from giggling..

Anirudh pulled Bhatuk ears and asked his brother not to give false complaints against Tapur, else I won't spare you.  

Bondita chuckled, patting her sister's cheeks and said "Meri pyari behen, make him remember your thanks. Don't forget that my devar has named you sherni.  Do justice to your name. Just show your charm and power. "

Just then Catherine came and asked them to go and get ready, come  to puja as Trilochan jethji ordered on phone for you new couples  to perform puja after oushtmangla rasam and Bondita, Tapur to cook Prasad. 

Bhatuk felt sad that for more than 10 days he had not spent time with Tapur and now this puja. He sighed out of irritation. Catherine understood and pulled his cheeks and told : " Oho Bhatuk, it is a matter of 2 hours. Later on you both brothers can have great time with your wives. Me and  your father are also going out today for important meeting in afternoon and officials party in evening, and will be back in late night. "

He cannot hide his glow in face which Tapur felt so embarrassed and Catherine mocked that now we parents became hindrance to him. Bhatuk embraced her and told her love you mom. Everyone laughed at him. She asked the boys to get ready in one room and girls in other room because Panditji will be coming in 1 hour. If they go into their rooms as couples they will be busy in doing romance and will not be on time. 

Bhatuk felt disappointed but Anirudh kept a condition that ' Catherine maa, I agree with you but you too should agree with my request.'

Catherine: what is that Anirudh?

Anirudh: maa you should allow me and Bhatuk also to cook Prasad. As both Bondita and Tapur have really worked hard more than my expectations and planning. Also they didn't sleep well there. They are completely tired. 

Catherine is amazed and Bondita also felt happy and shy for her husband's love and Caring nature. 

She giggled and pulled the brothers legs and told that "oho Anirudh, so you both brothers will work on behalf of your wives and want to restore their energy. for...hmmmmm.. I understood it ( looking at her daughter in laws and smiled).ok"

Bondita cheeks turned into red and he whispered in her ears as  Gulab roshogulla  and asked her to maintain the same colour in her face till all the puja is done and our parents are left.

She felt shy and ran into room to get ready.

Anirudh and Bhatuk got quickly ready and came into kitchen for cooking Prasad. 

Bhatuk too got expert in cooking after returning from Italy with his brother's influence and they finished cooking Prasad quickly. 

Bondita and Tapur have decked up well and joined their husbands in puja, which  is done  smoothly and Panditji left. 

Just then Binoy received a phone call and he spoke happily with the other person, expressing his joy, congratulating him for working efficiently in short span. Everyone are looking at him and after disconnecting the call, Binoy happily announced that their engineer finished their guesthouse construction in city outskirts well and arranged the entire furniture. He want any of our family members to spend for 2 days  there and want to know the review. If any changes are required he is ready to do it. 

So who among you both couples are willing to go. You can spend there 2 days happily and can come back. Watchman and maid will be there for your services. 

Bhatuk told that Anirudh dada had worked hard day and night in Krishnanagar. He and Bondita boudi should go and rest there.

Tapur too agreed with her husband. 

Anirudh felt happy for his brother's concern but he too told : "No baba, recently I am busy in my cases as well as my journals.  Guesthouse is constructed for clients. Bhatuk Tapur are majorly involved in managing all your businesses more than me in recent years. They will be knowing what all required and clients demands if they stay in our guesthouse. So it is better if Tapur and Bhatuk go and have a great time. They can give better review than me. "

Binoy felt happy how his sons are ready to sacrifice their happiness for other. They both are arguing for eachother and Bondita suggested that 'Bhatuk you both first go. Giving review to sasurji is also important. After some days when we get free time we will go there.'

Bhatuk tried to argue but Anirudh too firmly told that he is having important work and Bondita too should start studying her final year subjects. 

Bhatuk: What! 😲Are you going to make her read today?

Anirudh: of course! One more year is left in her course and that too a very crucial year. 

Bondita felt disappointed as she is willing to spend time with him but controlled and convinced herself in mind:  'No no! Bondita! Don't get upset! He is your husband and will be staying with you forever. Isn't it enough for you. Studies are also important and it is your final year By next year you will be achieving their dream.' 

Binoy: Anirudh, Bondita is smart in studies. She will cover up the syllabus once college is opened. Spend some time happily with her.

Anirudh: but Baba,  will studies create obstacle in our happiness? Not at all. Moreover a barrister should keep on refering law books daily to keep their brain sharp. 

Catherine: Anirudh, you only told that she has done hardwork in Krishnanagar. Then just allow her to rest for 2 days. 

Bondita: It's ok catherine maa, my shikshak babu has taught me that education is our friend and every student should love it, make a part of our life similar to their daily necessities. I will study for a while and take rest. 

Catherine just sighed: Jaisa Guru, waisa shishya. 

Binoy Catherine are about to say something. But Anirudh cut it off and said no more discussions, baba, maa, Bhatuk you all 4 of you go on your works and asked Bondita to come to study room. She nodded silently and went into their rooms to get ready. 

Anirudh felt proud of Bondita agreeing with him infront of all, but could also sense that she is little upset with him and  when she is leaving he whispered in her ears: "Bondita, don't get upset with me. I am not going to disappoint you as a teacher as well as your husband. We will come closer and make sure that you we both will Balance our dreams and love efficiently."

She looked at him amazingly and didn't say anything. 

Anirudh: Didn't I ask you in morning to maintain Gulab shade in face. Then why did my gulab roshogulla turned into colourless.

Bondita didn't say anything.

He continued..

Bondita! Did you feel bad that I asked you to study rather than spending time with you. 

Bondita: Are you thinking that I will behave as a typical teenager who cannot balance Career and married life, will neglect studies. Do you know that I have written   running notes for all my upcoming subjects and I brought it to Krishnanagar and studied there even in night times. 

Anirudh cupping her face: when did I say that my Bondita don't know to balance love and studies. You need not give me explanation for anything. I know that you will be noting points regularly and have a practice daily.  Don't feel bad. It's our new phase we both should maintain and balance our career and love efficiently .

Moreover I am doing as per your suggestion on our suhaagraat day . (She didn't get his point and looked at him confused). you only told that we should get habituated to eachother proximity. Do you forget it?

Bondita smiled blushingly , hit her forehead with her hand lightly, embraced him and told that my mistake, I will get back to study room with my books.and ran to her room to get her books. Anirudh looking at her lovingly.

All family members went outside and they got back to study room and sat on couch with their backs leaning to each other and carried on with her studies under his supervision and he looking after paper office files. 

Later she is asked to go through a case and write points for his upcoming hearing case by maintaining their proximity. She felt so shy initially but he asked her not to feel so and we should get habituated to eachother proximity. 

(Although they have freedom before marriage, but never sat in such closer to each other. )

As suggested by him, she started  involving in the case, discussing the points with him,  referring the books and started noting the points. This went on for hours. This is the first time she is working with him almost as a junior because before their marriage Anirudh compelled her to work under Dheeraj.   

She felt so excited to find that if they start discussion on any case it is going on for most of the time and they are  bringing the best points in cases without having any boredom. Anirudh too encouraging her to express her ideas without any inferiority feeling. 

  Later he also helped her in kitchen for their dinner, and all the house chores , both are enjoying this responsible and balance  proximity which had pure love , respect and caring nature.


Note: This is part 34 of my FF. I apologise if anyone of you felt bad that Anirudh behaviour with journalist. I have expressed my view as per the time period running in story. I request you to forgive me if anyone of you felt bad, sorry. Please read in your free time and let me know your views. Thank you πŸ™




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Posted: 2 years ago

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mprvn36 thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

To all the other friends, extremely sorry if I forget anyone..πŸ€—

SilverBell thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 2 years ago

That Was Well Written I Loved Anirudhi Here. Yes Study Is Important And Career Too.

How Many More Chapters Until The End Of Your Story?

I Really Enjoy Reading It.

Maybe After This You Can Write An Something Else.


mprvn36 thumbnail
Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Anniversary 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: SilverBell

That Was Well Written I Loved Anirudhi Here. Yes Study Is Important And Career Too.

How Many More Chapters Until The End Of Your Story?

I Really Enjoy Reading It.

Maybe After This You Can Write An Something Else.


thankyou friend, πŸ˜³ so far not yet planned. May be it will finish before or upto 40  - 45 chapters. I am trying to cover their maximum journey together with some Major issues still facing in society. 

SilverBell thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: mprvn36

thankyou friend, πŸ˜³ so far not yet planned. May be it will finish before or upto 40  - 45 chapters. I am trying to cover their maximum journey together with some Major issues still facing in society. 

Your Welcome.

Sure You Can Continue To Write

I Will Keep Reading As Long Your Beautiful Story Continues.

mprvn36 thumbnail
Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Anniversary 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: SilverBell

Your Welcome.

Sure You Can Continue To Write

I Will Keep Reading As Long Your Beautiful Story Continues.

Thankyou once again πŸ‘