Shivika FF: Ordinary!! Chp 38 update 8/31 page 100 - Page 32


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writerff thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 6 years ago

Chapter 24: Food for thought, friendship and love.

"So girls, don't you agree that the movie was great! the love between Tita and Pedro!!" sighed Tia. "Yes! their love was indeed mystical. But what sense is there is staying so close yet so apart?" asked Prinku. "Well sometimes, that is the best way out. We can't be there, but we can't give up either" said Saumya rather dreamily and added, "At least Tita loved Pedro and Pedro loved her back. It would have been really sad if they had to live under the same roof and have only one of them love the other." "Yes, but Tia what do you think about Rosaura? She could so well clearly see Pedro didn't love her and knew he loved Tita, do you think it was right for her to keep him bound to her?" asked Mallika, shooting Tia a rather meaningful look. "Umm,.." hesitated Tia for an instant and then said "Rosaura should have stepped back. I agree. But most of Tita's and Pedro's moments were so private, how could she have known they love each other?" asked Tia. "Come on Tia, was it not evident?" asked Mallika. "Well.." began Prinku, "The whole thing about passing each other looks, like that line where he looks at her with so much desire that Tita knows how it feels when flour comes in contact with hot oil, don't you think that is too personal for any one else to feel?" said Prinku. But even before anyone else could speak, Anika spluttered and choked on her water. 

"Anika??are you OK?" asked Tia rushing to pat Anika on the back. "I..I am fine!just guzzled on my water rather quickly" said Anika. "Anika, tell me, did you like the movie?" asked Tia. "Yes..s, it was good!" said Anika. "What do you think Anika?" began Mallika, "Do you think Pedro could just look at Tita and fall in love with her?.""I..umm honestly don't know. Besides, it is a story, haha, why do we need to analyze it so much?" said Anika, "Besides, isn't it close to 12:00?Prinku will you be cutting your surprise birthday cake now?" she added. "Oh!We don't do mid night cake cutting here, because of all sorts of reasons. But tomorrow, I will have a breakfast feast prepared by Shivay bhaiya. Rudy bhaiya as usual will hit on my friends and then make me his special protein shake, which he will proceed to drink. Om bhaiya often makes something, either a painting or some clothing or jewelry he will commission and will proceed to recite some poetry." said Prinku. "Aww" said Tia and Anika in unison. "Well, in any case, the clock struck 12! Happy Birthday Prinku!!" yelled Saumya and hugged Prinku. With a fairly enthusiastic round of Happy Birthdays, the girls called it a night and went to bed.

Except, Anika couldn't sleep, again!Because of the Bagaad Billa, again! actually this time, it was the Bagaad Billa's Tia's movie as well. "These people,..huh!" was all she could think. So they watch lot of angrezi movies with angerzi pyar. "Hell, what was all that about the guy looking at her so intensely, with desire that she knew how the heat of the moment felt like? what was all that about synthesizing desire and love through sight?" she thought dismissively, till that small voice in her brain said "You know how it is like Anika. Remember when the Bagaad Billa threw you in the pool and twisted your arm?. Surely there was more than raw anger in those Kanji eyes!." Waking up and deciding that she wanted some fresh air and some water, Anika walked towards the kitchen,


Shivay lied, but that was not what disturbed him. Over the years, watching Bade papa and Badi Ma's relationship crumble and bring down heartbreak in its wake, Shivay decided that much as he loved and idolized his Bade papa, he would shield himself for his Bade papa's weaknesses. Women, were never Shivay's weakness. He surely enjoyed them and respected them too. How could he not?Dadi, Badi Ma, Ma, Prinku, Mallika and Saumya were some of the women he held really dear to his heart. But unlike Tej Sing Oberoi, Shivay never let a women charm him out of his senses. In fact he had that exact effect on women. Shivay had enjoyed the companionship of many a charming, beautiful and intelligent women from time to time. Women who were mighty creatures in their own right all bowed down to Shivay at some point or the other. Yet, after all these years of control, Shivay found himself experiencing something he couldn't quite place a finger on. What was it that Anika was doing to him? What previously unheard game was she playing with him? She was not fawning and throwing herself at him. No that was not so. Nor was she appearing to be disinterested and dismissive of him. No that was not the case either. She did not fear him either. Was he going soft?. God! What would people say if they found out?. Frustrated, Shivay decided to make his way down to the kitchen to look over few details of the breakfast he planned.


As Shivay approached the kitchen, he felt something. Something that alerted his mind, the same feeling he got when he was sure he would close a deal. That feeling he got when he knew things were about to tip in his favor. Rolling his shoulders, he quickened his pace and then stopped inches away from the kitchen. Laughter, her laughter. "Oh! thank you for the chocolate, I just came down for water Hari!" he heard Anika say. Anger bubbled in Shivay and it was not because she sampled chocolate. "I can tell you the breakfast menu if you like!" said Hari. "Umm, well, ... it is a surprise for Prinku, but not me, so yeah!Whats for breakfast?" asked Anika. "We will have omelettes and eggs Benedict, summer fruit salad, greek yogurt and honey, herbed potatoes and Shivay sir's special Belgian waffles and birthday cake. Plus Shivay sir's special blend of coffee, mimosas and bloody Mary's and fresh squeezed juice." said Hari enthusiastically.

"Umm..nice...lots of angrezi khana!" said Anika without Hari's enthusiasm. "Whats wrong with this woman?" thought Shivay getting irritated. "The menu is actually perfect!" said Hari, "Ha! That's my boy!" thought Shivay, "But I see what you mean" continued Hari, "Well I can make you anything you like. What do you like for breakfast?". "Oh the perfect breakfast is hot kanda poha and adrakwali chai, or a hearty aloo paratha with butter and adrakwali chai or even a dosa with adrakwali chai. I mean whats breakfast without chai?" finished Anika with a question. "God! her tastes are so tacky and plebeian!" thought Shivay but even before he could resent her for that, Hari said "I can make something for you!Shivay sir lets me make tiny additions to his menu as long as I don't interfere with his mains!." "Bloody Hari!" thought Shivay, having had enough. 

With his typical swagger, Shivay walked into the kitchen. There they were, her with her legs swinging off the counter and Hari standing by. Oh how what a pretty sight she was!. Hair tousled, a blue kaftan clinging to and flowing from all the right curves of her body and settling a little higher up on her ankles. That charm bracelet with charms rattling from her wrists as she shook her hands. Shivay could feel something warm spread all over his insides. A small little voice in his head whispered "Isn't this a vision worth waking up to?." Once he heard that tiny voice, his irritation was back. Turning to Hari he said "Hari looks like you are getting a little to independent in my kitchen. Maybe it is time for you to move away from Oberoi Mansion. Now that you have gotten a degree of confidence in making breakfast decisions and seeing that you have a willingness to cater to all, maybe you are better off working the Oberoi corporate kitchens. I want you out of here this instant and reporting in the corporate kitchens by 8:00 am. Is that understood?." All Hari could do was nod, mentally thank his stars for having a job and get the hell out of there.

Once Hari stumbled out of the kitchen, Shivay aimed his gaze at Anika and said "And you, if you need something else for breakfast, have breakfast elsewhere. Don't you dare get comfortable in my home!." While Anika's temper rose, she decided to mask it with sarcasm. Crossing her arms and continuing to swing her legs she said "So I see cranky is a personality trait independent of the time of the day. Billuji trust me when I say this, I have no intentions to get comfortable in your home. Your overgrown palace holds no fancy to me. As far as breakfast goes, I can survive without any." Saying so Anika hopped off the counter and made a move to walk past Shivay. "No!she doesn't walk away!" his mind yelled willing his hands into action. Swiftly, Shivay placed both his arms on the counter Anika just hopped off and caged her in. "What is your problem with the menu?" he demanded with a hint of petulance. "Well nothing, it is angerzi khana, I just prefer my breakfast desi. Plus so much of your kaali coffee, no wonder you are a crank" faltered Anika. Shivay was a little too close for her comfort, but he was not really making her uncomfortable either. "Oh please, my Colombian blend is among the best money can buy. What do you drink instead? Tea?" he sneered. "Well its adrak chai, well anyway, bandar kyat jaane adrak ka swaad" mumbled Anika. "What was that?" demanded Shivay moving in closer. He moved in close enough that their noses were separated by an inch of air. Her perfume began to cloud his mind and his began to cloud hers. Entranced, Shivay made a move to touch those stray curls that swept across her forehead. "Well" began Anika, "I should say Billu kya jaane adrak ka swaad." His hand froze, instead of lightly caressing those curls, he gripped her arm, "Don't you call me Billu, only dadi gets to call me that!" he yelled. 

"Umm guys??" said Mallika clearing her throat loudly. Shivay dropped Anika's arm as though it was a live wire and jerked back, while Anika turned beetroot red. "Whats happening here?" asked Mallika making little effort to conceal her amusement. "Oh Mallika, I came down to get some water and got chatting with Hari. Then Billuji, the crank that he is, came in and fired Hari." stated Anika. "For the last time, don't you dare call me Billu or Billuji" said Shivay and added, "Whats with you and water anyway Panika??" he asked. "Hey no messing up my name.." began Anika. "Yes Shivay, don't call her names" chimed in Mallika. "What about every time she calls me Billuji?" demanded Shivay not bothered to conceal any traces of petulance. "Wow, Shivay, from when have you started complaining like a little kid does?" teased Mallika. "You girls seriously!" exclaimed Shivay and made his way out of the kitchen. He would not deal with them now, besides Mallika knew him a little too well.

"What was that about?" asked Mallika turning to Anika once Shivay left. "Ah nothing, Billuji and his many peeves!" laughed Anika. "Why do you guys always get so physical when you talk?" asked Mallika innocently. "Wh What? Ah nothing, Billuji, know!" spluttered Anika. "Yeah, yeah, Shivay grabs all of us rather tightly when we talk to him. Come on, let us get back in bed. We can wake up in two hours." said Mallika.


"Happy Birthday Prinku! See I made you my special protein shake!" said Rudy hugging Prinku and scowling back at Saumya. "Thank you Rudy bhai!" said Prinku. "Here you go Prinku, Happy Birthday!" said Om, handing her a small box. "Wow Om bhaiya, this is great!" said Prinku, taking out a small bejeweled hair comb out of the box. "This will go great with your updo!" gushed Mallika. "And.. here is the best surprise of them all" announced Saumya walking in with Shivay. On the trolley they were wheeling in stood a magnificent cake. It was a beautiful chocolate and gold recreation of Cinderella's coach that held a chocolate card that said "To our beautiful princess Prinku, Happy Birthday!". "Oh wow!" said Prinku, "Aww" chorused Anika, Mallika and Saumya as a teary eyed Prinku hugged Shivay. "Bhaiya, you guys are simply the best!." 

"Shivay bhaiya, you made Prinku a better cake than the one I got this year!" pouted Rudy, "She is just a year and few months younger!" he added. "Cry Baby, stop whining!" said Saumya and jabbed him in the arm. "Bhaiya makes sure everyone gets a good present." said Saumya. "Speaking of birthdays" started Om, "When is yours Anika?" he asked. "Umm,...well.." began Anika. "Oh so you are that dumb, that you can't right away recollect your birthday?" sneered Shivay. "Oh come one you two!" began Mallika. "Well Billuji, not everyone is an Organizer Singh Oberoi!" began Anika, "besides, I can choose any of the 365 days of the year to be my birthday." added Anika. "What do you mean didi?" asked Saumya and Rudy. "Well, its just that, no one in the orphanage remember my birthday. There was a record of when I was found, but that is not really a birthday right?. When I got adopted, I was asked if I wanted to make that day my legal birthday. We did that for official records, but it never felt like a birthday. Sure Kishen bhai and Mira didi did everything they could to make my 'birthday' feel special, but we never had much to start with. So, I never bothered to celebrate my birthday given that we don't know the actual date anyway. " said Anika. 

Silence ensued, "Well guys come on, I didn't mean to tell you this to make it awkward." said Anika as Rudy rushed to hug her tight. "R..Rudy, I need to breath sweetie, let me go!" said Anika patting Rudy's back. "Yeah, lets eat!" said Om and Mallika together looking at each other and then at Shivay who looked quickly away from Rudy and Anika. 

"Wow Shivay, the eggs are great!" said Mallika. "Waffles are perfect!" chimed in Saumya between mouthfuls. "Mimosas are on point!" said Om. "A perfect breakfast isn't it?" asked Shivay shooting Anika a mocking glare. "Didi, how come you just took a banana and some juice?" asked Rudy. "Oh! I am just not hungry, besides I always have a small breakfast, you know given that I have to rush to work and all!" said Anika brightly. "Oh!" said Mallika suddenly, "You need chai to get your system started isn't it?" asked Mallika. "Oh no, no!" said Anika quickly, "I am fine. Just not hungry." she added. "Wait," said Prinku "I asked the kitchen staff to send some of Dadi's breakfast too, why isn't it here?." "Oh come on!Whats the huge fuss, Anika said she is fine and eats little breakfast right?. Don't worry about this Prinku, you enjoy yourself!" said Shivay getting up and making his way out. "But Bhaiya" started Prinku, "Why are you leaving?." Looking at her forlorn face Shivay said, "There, there Prinku, I will be back in a bit. Why don't you guys eat, I will be back in few minutes. Just remembered a call I had to make" said Shivay hugging Prinku and quickly heading out.

"Let us follow him!. Will call you, use that as a ruse to leave." texted Mallika to Om. "Guys, I need to call Sid! be back in a bit!" said Mallika rushing out. Within minutes Om's phone rang. "Dang it! I need to take this!" said Om rushing out before Saumya could catch the display. Waiting for few minutes after Om left, Saumya texted Rudy "Something is up!." 

P.S I love Food! Also Like water for chocolate is a nice movie, in case any of you want to watch it. It is a little explicit, so viewer discretion advised.

Edited by writerff - 6 years ago
vivacious_gurl thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 6 years ago
Wow ...loved loved loved the update...ur shivaay is as muphat as initial days sso of the show... Who Wud say sadak ke kude ko sadak par hi rehene Dena chahiye ... So nice to see that in ur story the dude knows it well before the relationship proceeds that Annika is an orphan ... Ur reference to movie and their pool moment was awesome ... shivaay felt guilty for lying that he dint realise it was Annika n thot it to be Tia at terrace ..this shivaay's thinking that Annika is doing something to him itself is so diff from show ka shivaay...coz use to koi farak nahi padta tha...waiting for the next update already

Girl can u please write the page no too in ur header 
kaavya009 thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Awesome update 👏 👏. Can't wait for the next 😃
cestlavie thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Omg omg omg I've been waiting! This was awesome!! Can't wait for the next! Please update soon!
writerff thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: vivacious_gurl

Wow ...loved loved loved the update...ur shivaay is as muphat as initial days sso of the show... Who Wud say sadak ke kude ko sadak par hi rehene Dena chahiye ... So nice to see that in ur story the dude knows it well before the relationship proceeds that Annika is an orphan ... Ur reference to movie and their pool moment was awesome ... shivaay felt guilty for lying that he dint realise it was Annika n thot it to be Tia at terrace ..this shivaay's thinking that Annika is doing something to him itself is so diff from show ka shivaay...coz use to koi farak nahi padta tha...waiting for the next update already

Girl can u please write the page no too in ur header 

Glad you enjoyed it. Shivay in my story is also going to do the farak nahi padta jaap. But 
a little later on.
Next update onwards will add the page number as well. THank you
for your comments :)
Gurveen thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Superb fantastic update
Shivay's world revolves around Anikabe it his Anger, his irritation just everything
Every time Shivay is moved by knowing some of Anika's past
I think he will make desi breakfast for Anika
Update soon please
Divya_18 thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Fabulous.  The arrogant SSO. Bet shivaay has gone to arrange for anni's tea and desi khana. Please write soon the next update.
P.S : The way you described the movie wanted to watch it. Thanks for sharing the name.
AnonMSK thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
You are so so so amazing!!!!
Loved the update.
Wish it never ended.

It is going to be an awesome journey to see sadu Singh oeroi turning into sweet Singh oberoi

Please update soon
Nivedita28 thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Love this update 😊
Can't for the next one

writerff thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: Gurveen

Superb fantastic update
Shivay's world revolves around Anikabe it his Anger, his irritation just everything
Every time Shivay is moved by knowing some of Anika's past
I think he will make desi breakfast for Anika
Update soon please

Let us wait and see what Shivay does!