Chapter 13

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The cadets pushed Gehlot and his men off the bus. There were about 3 police cars with about 6 cops, 10 to 15 army jeeps with 20 to 25 Army Officials and many more civillians gathered around the bus and the jeep Abhimanyu initially travelled with. Soon the cadets noticed that all the students and faculty of KMA were there as well. They all cheered when the first-year batch came down, and the sound became ten times when Rajveer came out. There were even some whistles for Nandini.

"Captain Shekhawat! How do you feel that your mentor and adoptive father is the one who had framed your best friend and tried to frame you while doing illegal transactions?" one of the energetic female reporters asked bravely, determined to get a good scoop for her article. Rajveer paused on his way to Brigadier Chandokh and looked at her. Everyone quietened at once, holding their breaths.

"There is a severely injured Officer, an entire group of terrorrists with their leader who were caught red-handed and ahs to be taken for trial and a batch of first-year cadets who managed to handle themselves better than any beginners. All you have to ask is what a mere Captain feels about being used and betrayed? I serve my country, but if my country doesn't look at the important things what would be left to be proud of?" He moved on without waiting for an answer.

His cadets, friends and colleagues smiled proudly at his answer. Ali started clapping, and everyone else followed. Rajveer looked around in surprise. He was speechless. Many Officers, including Abhimanyu, Nandini and Brigadier Chandokh took their hats off out of respect for him.

This time, Naina gave him a thumbs up proudly. Gehlot merely watched. It seemed like there was a conflict within him. Major Nair's anger was very evident though he tried to appear indifferent. He looked at Gehlot for directions but found his Boss confused himself.

"-Nair can save us-" Pooja heard one of the terrorists muttering to the one beside him. She looked back and forth them and Major Nair in surprise. She whispered something to the five and they stopped the guards from taking the men away.

"What did you just say?" Yudi asked threateningly. They cowered in horror and shook their heads violently.

"N-nothing! Wh-what did we say?" one of them asked, immediately being slapped by the other. Huda and Aalekh came forward menacingly. They took them by the collar and got ready to punch them when they started yelling something about Major Nair.

"Repeat that slowly, loudly and clearly." Aalekh himself ordered slowly, but with fire in his eyes.

"W-woh M-Major Nair-"

"What's this nonsense? How dare you indicate that I'm involved?" Major Nair angrily stuttered.

"Major, are you a psychic?" Abhimanyu asked. Seeing his confused face, he explained. "Because I didn't hear him say in any way that you are involved... maybe you read his thoughts. If so, enlighten us. Are you really involved?"

"Captain Abhimanyu! Watch what you say!" Nair growled. Nandini stepped forward.

"Watch what you say yourself, Major. And Captain Abhimanyu, you did go a bit far. Now, tell us clearly what you were going to say. All of you will have life-sentence or be executed, but if you give tell us everything it will be cut short; plus, what's the point of holding up an illegal and harmful activity?"

The men looked at Nair in fear. Then one of their other partners started speaking from the back.

"Major Nair has been following orders from Boss - Gehlot Saab - since he was promoted to a Major."

"That's only a year after he joined KMA as a faculty member!" Brigadier Chandokh exclaimed in shock and betrayal. "How could you?! How could you work against your own country, your motherland?"

"Sir they're making up this rubbish! Don't believe them... they - they're just trying to frame me!" He tried to defend himself, trying to move away from the crowd. Two gaurds came over and caught him by the arms tightly. "Let go of me at once! I'm a Major, and that's the respect I get for it? They're lying! Why do you believe them?!"

"We'll hear everything you have to say for yourself in court Major. Take them away." Abhimanyu ordered. The six joined hands secretly and grinned at each other.


"Rajveer Sir-" Naina began as she entered his room. He was sitting on the couch, looking through some papers. He looked up and shook his head.

"Uh hn... Raj." he told her, going up to her and held his arms around her. She looked at him in shock and blushed. He grinned and closed the door, and she just smiled embarrassedly at her reaction. He placed a hand on her back and guided her towards the couch. "Sit. After all we've been through - together - how can you still refer to me so formally, even when we're... alone... Cadet Naina 'Ah' Singh?" he asked, pressurising the word 'alone' instead of her name.

"How can you still refer to me so formally after what we've been through together even when..." she left off, blushing, but still determined not to let the shyness take over. He smiled at her, nearly sending her to the ninth cloud.

"Thik hai 'Nainajee'... your wish is my command." he nearly whispered. "Now, what made my star cadet visit my humble home?" he asked in a filmy way, making her laugh. Her laugh soon ended though, when she realised she left the mess in such a hurry to meet him that she forgot to make up an excuse.

Rajveer watched lovingly yet quite amused as she tried to think of an explanation.

"One thing I should make very, very clear 'Nainajee'-"

"Naina." He smiled widely at her comment.

"Naina, I think it's about time that you stop trying to have excuses or explanations of meeting me. Can't we meet just to have a chat or..."

"Or what Si-Raj?" she looked at him expectantly to finish his sentence, but instead he stood up.

"I'll show you. Come on." He held out his hand. The scene ends with Naina looking at it in confusion.

Precap - Yudi and Huda are open mouthedly staring at something, or rather someone, passing by.

"They're framing me!" Major Nair yells, but no response from anyone.

Rajveer is riding a bike with Naina behind him.

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Comments (2)

awesome part Continue soon.............

16 years ago

awesome cant believe have to wait for a week for next part

16 years ago