Chapter 14

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Yudi and Huda were going around, chatting away with the reporters gladly, happy to repeat the events everytime they were asked even the smallest questions. As the reporters calmed down slightly and some started leaving, they stepped back and watched as the rest tried to bribe the guards into letting them inside Brigadier's office. Huda sighed in content.

"Ay Yudiye, this is called life. Beat up a dozen terrorists, stop their entire group and come back to live a life of leisure, of hero-giri - I mean Huda-giri... all the girls, the reporters and the fame..." he said, resting his elbow on Yudi's shoulder. Yudi shrugged his elbow off and leaned back, spreading himself out.

"Dude, you've got so many things wrong in that sentence that I nearly lost count. NUmber one, you fought with only two terrorrists, not a dozen. I heard Rajveer Sir fought almost all of them even as you guys were; how awesome is that? Anyway, number two, WE didn't stop their entire group, forget about you doing it ALONE. Number three-" he stopped talking with his mouth hanging open as he saw something. Huda, who was ready to pounce on Yudi had an even more exaggerated reaction. There's a loud screech as a motorbike stops.

The person riding it is a girl. Off comes the helmet, cascades down her long hair and out shines a bright face with kajal accentuating her dark eyes. She swiftly pulled her hair back into a ponytail because of the heat. As she walks towards the entrance of KMA, where Huda and Yudi where sitting with mouths still hanging open, we see that every other male including the orderlies and reporters were reacting similarly. Who wouldn't, to her radiating aura and beauty?

She walked somewhat quickly yet gracefully towards the two, who tried to regain their composure and act normal. Instead of stopping in front of them as they expected, she walked swiftly towards Rajveer and Naina. He stopped walking and talking (to Naina) at the sight of her for a moment.

"Sherry! You're - oh..." he looked like he suddenly remembered something. Naina looked at the girl in surprise. This was Captain Rajveer Singh Shekhawat's sister? It felt odd standing in front of her, as if she was caught doing something wrong. Rajveer turned to look at Naina, and back at Sherry, trying to figure out what to say. By now, all the cadets (mostly male) were standing around them.

"Uhm... Nai - Cadet Singh, this is Sherry," he introduced her, then gave a hard look at the guys while continuing, "my sister." The guys backed off and some rushed out of their sight. Sherry rolled her eyes seeing this. She turned towards Naina and gave a scrutinizing look, as if summing her up. Naina felt uncomfortable under the piercing gaze though Sherry was very young.

Seeing his cadet's fidgeting, he stepped in between them and hugged Sherry. "I -"

"-don't have to explain." she cut him off. "If dad's a terrorrist, then that's none of my business. Let him be... all I know is that I'm supposed to be here, so here I am! Just wanted to let you know I'm here since you tend to lose your mind over these things... but it looks like this time is different." she commented, sneering slightly at the two. Naina looked at her in shock. No one had ever behaved in this way with Rajveer and gotten away with it.


"Don't call me that! My name is KOEL, and that's what I'm going to be referred to as! I don't want that stupid name a prosti-"

"Fine, KOEL! You can stop this drama now and follow N - Cadet Singh to the girls' hostel." he said calmly, though it was clear that he sounded calm due to the effort he put in it.

"I'm not 'following' ANYONE... I'll find my own way. You and your precious Cadet Naina Singh Ahluwalia can go on to your date - oh sorry, wasn't I supposed to say that?" she sneered again before walking off in her unique gait and leaving a trail of hostility behind.


"Here." a guard handed a glass of water carelessly to a shaky hand. The scene moves up the hand to reveal a distraught and helpless Major Nair. He hears the guard say to another guard, "I don't get why he's even allowed to get anything at all! I mean, if I was in his place, I would commit suicide or hand myself in before going against my homeland..."

"Arre not many people have had the luck of getting such great parents as yours you know. Your father has taught you the right ways in life; he probably doesn't have a family to help him be on track! And he needs some care," Nair's face lifts up in surprise and hope, but falls as he hears the rest, "after all, he needs energy to clarify everything and give us the information on the cult in court!"

"Shut up! Shut up I said! You two have been going on about things you don't even know! Just shut up!" he yelled, throwing the platter with an untouched dry roti away. The guards just gave him a short glance before looking away and continuing chatting.

"They're framing me!" he yelled again, but no response from anyone. He helplessly looked around, but slumps down in defeat as he realized that he was truly trapped for good this time.


Rajveer is riding a motorbike with Naina behind him. Her arms are around him; the wind blows against them as he speeds through the empty roads of Ambala. They rode through the shadowed tunnel of trees looming over as if to protect them. After some time, Naina eased up a bit and relaxed against Rajveer's body. He glanced at the mirror to see her face full of content as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Where are we going S - Raj? Are we allowed to? What if we get into tr-" she bumped into him even more when the bike abruptly stopped. He got off, indicating that she should too. Conufsed, she was about to ask him something when he cut her off.

"Why are you always so tensed? Relax, Naina. Why bother about problems and worry about things that probably aren't important when you're away from all those things?" he asked warmly. She thought about it, looking startled at the sudden questions. Rajveer sighed and grabbed her arms lightly, pulling her forward.

"Close your eyes." she started to protest again but stopped and did what she was told to do. "Good... now just stay as you are..." he said softly as he went behind her. Seeing her still tensed form, he commented, "you might as well relax; I'm going to keep you here for a long time... or at least till I get the result I want!"

Slowly, her taut form loosened up slightly. The muscles in her face relaxed, making the glow more visible. Rajveer had looked away after his last comment, feeling a need to give her some privacy as she took a big step towards an aspect of life. He heard the deep, steady breathing and turned around. Spinning her slightly towards the direction of the open view of the sky, he told her to open her eyes.

Her breath caught at her throat; she watched as the fiery hues of red, orange, yellow, and purple spread themselves across the seemingly endless sky. She gazed in awe at the view in front of her, while he watched the hues reflecting off her face, giving her an even more visible glow, especially in her eyes. The scene ends with Rajveer's eyes full of love.

Precap - Koel has a cadet (male) by his collar against the wall fiercely. A hand on her shoulder stops her from beating him and she turns around in surprise.

All the faculty members and Nandini are at a staff meeting, where Brigadier Chandokh announces that there are orders that Rajveer, Abhimanyu and Nandini will be promoted.

Well our wonderful viewers, another weekend full of fabulous and exciting episodes of Alternate Left Right Left by RJ has resumed! So please leave those fantastic comments behind, and of course, stay tuned for tomorrow's episode!

Note from RJ: One request; please refrain yourselves from calling her 'Sherry'... you never know, she might hunt you down for it! So Koel it is!

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Comments (3)

But if she herself doesn't accept that name, I don't think it will be something that can be used to referred to her... so you'll probably be referring to someone else named 'Sherry'! Lol... I actually want to show her as Koel because not everything is as they seem...

16 years ago

OMG Sherry (i'll call her that i m not afraid of her) is so rude to Raj loved the scene b/w RN plz continue soon

16 years ago

well great update Koel's entry was a surprise to me . may be huda is benifitted what say dear?

16 years ago