Chapter 6

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[Chapter 6]


Maan placed the music on his phone, forwarded his hand for Geet. Geet placed her hand on his. He pulled her to him in a jerk, making her head fall on his shoulder as her hair covered her face. She smiled. Dancing with Maan, she cherished and never hesitated to let him know this. He placed his hand on her waist over her shirt elegantly. It was very soft but still she was filled with an electrifying feeling. Maan never made any indecent or sensual touch on her, but still being in his arms, took her to a different world of sensation and comfort. He twirled her, they moved their feet front and back, with his one hand on her waist and other on her hand, supporting her, while Geet’s one hand was on his shoulder over his shirt. 

Later they did a very slow dance, Maan’s whole intention was to comfort her and bring a smile to her face.

“Thanks for everything and dancing,” she said with a smile. He bowed down accepting her thanks

“My pleasure dear. Don’t hesitate to drop me a message or give me a missed call anytime. I will call back for sure” she smiled and nodded yes.

Geet was on her way back home. Her heart was heavy, he will not be here for next 2 months. But then she knew, somewhere deep down, She has to be strong and take on this world on her own. She somehow, deep within had confidence, even in his busy life of traveling all around the world, her wellbeing will be somewhere in his mind. And that was enough for her. She was not alone in this world, she has a true friend now. 

It was evening when Geet reached home, soon to be not her home.

“Where were you Geet, the whole day.” Nina jumped on Geet.

“With a friend Mom. My friend was here specially to spend time with me, so” Geet was cool and Calm. Spending a day with Maan has given her some sort of strength. She knows she has to take on the world alone now, so she can’t afford to be timid.

“What? A Friend?” Nina laughed

“Which friend do you have Geet other than Megha? As if I don’t know? And you left the office abandoned for the whole day to be with a friend. What a waste of time.”

“It was a refreshing day for me Mom. I needed this break” She said with all calmness but affirmation. She looked at Dev

“Mom, don’t you think you are being a little too much of a control freak” Dev was not liking his mother’s anxiety on Geet’s disappearance. If she was so hyper for one day then how is she going to react to their divorce news and Geet leaving the company. 

He has now decided of divorce and feels a sense of freedom. He wanted to get out of this compromising relationship soon. Geet could now clearly see his reason for supporting her, earlier she had missed reading.


In the room, they still shared the same bed but took far corners. 

“Dev, we need to talk to Mom. When are you planning to talk to her” 

“Geet, do you want me to look into your future setups? I don’t want to be a culprit and leave you in mid of nowhere”

Geet laughed to herself - He has already decided to leave her in mid. She would have been all lost, had she not figured out Maan. Now he wants to help her as he wants the things to settle fast. Once things are settled he will slowly slip his hand away. Geet did not want that kind of hand now.

“I will figure out Dev. You don’t need to worry.”

“You may need a financial consultant and advocate. Do you want me to give you some contacts?” Dev was not sure from where she would find these contacts? and it would only delay the process. 

“I will figure out Dev. And don’t worry, the process won’t be delayed due to me” she added. Dev felt caught

“No Geet. I know you don’t have such contacts. This was just to help you” Geet did not want to place any taunt and make him feel that she was at a loss due to divorce. It will only weaken her.

“I will manage Dev. You talk to Mom. That will be the biggest hurdle in your way.” Geet said straight and ended it there.


In Nina’s elegant office room, which she had made sure was best and most presentable. “Mom”

“Dev I am busy. We can talk later”

“It’s very important, Mom. Later you don’t blame me for not making you aware of the situation.”

“Situation? What Situation?”

“Mom, you should not be this dependent on Geet.”

“What rubbish? Why would I be dependent on Geet. Her career in fact is dependent on this company.” She then gave him a sharp look

“And where is Geet going that you need to warn me. This is her family business as well and she has invested her hard work into it. She loves this place. What gives you the idea that your wife will leave this place? You are out of mind and wasting my time.”

“Mom” “Dev Leave, I am busy now.”


Days kept passing by and Dev could not gather courage to speak to his mom about divorce. 

Geet on other hand was taking leaves and keeping busy with the Financial advisor and advocate that Maan had assigned for her. 

Maan had suggested that he will pay for her now and she can repay him in parts later. But Geet had politely declined. One she wanted to handle as much on her own self, this will give her a feeling of individuality that he was teaching her and second, she did not want to use his good gesture of friendship. When needed she would take his help and she knew, in those situations, even if she denied he would help her. 

How strange, she thought to herself. It does not matter how long you stay with people. Building true trust and confidence just needs a few genuine meetings and conversations.

But both these associates came with high fees. Maan had insisted on them and also helped her with their lowest fee. Still it was high when she was looking to save each penny but If she says no to them, he will come out with monetary help.

“It is worth it. Trust me” and she had to trust


The other day:

Geet was in her office, checking a few design recommendations when an attendant came and gave her an envelope. Geet opened the envelope and tears came down falling. It had to come, but when it came in reality, it was not easy to sink in. Even though she had prepared for it and was working on it, Geet felt suffocated. Dev was in such a hurry to get rid of her. She could feel how she was now only a hurdle in his way. 

Geet ordered coffee for herself and got lost analyzing things. What is she doing staying with Dev still? He so wants to get rid of her, she can clearly see. She now literally wants to stay anywhere but in that house with him. It is so awkward, he wants to get rid of her but she is still staying in his room. Why? Why to be in the old safe zone she is losing her self respect. No, she should move out from there, let Dev explain to his Mom. If she is asked then she will talk to Nina about Divorce. 

She felt broken and felt the need to talk to Maan. Why she felt he would say something to show her further path.

Geet first called a few property agents and gave her a requirement for a house to rent. Then she looked at Maan’s number and dialed.

Same day on other side, Nina was again ready to head for a meeting when Dev entered 

“Dev do you really have less work as Marketing head”

Dev knew now, hitting around the corner won’t work.

“Geet and myself, we have decided to part our ways in life”

Nina looked at him “ Is this the time to crack jokes Dev.Leave, I have an urgent meeting to attend “

“Mom, seriously we have decided to get divorce. It’s been almost 2 months to it”

“And none of you decided to inform me?”

“We wanted to let things sink in first between us.”

Dev left and Nina was all restless. How strange, more than worrying about Kids life, she was worried if Geet would decide to leave her firm. No, she will talk to Geet. That cannot happen.


Maan was in Paris again. These days he was more into Paris as they were planning into some new business venture, to combine something from India and France so as to capture both the market. Clothing was not Maan’s area at all. He had nothing to do with it other than investing in Nina’s firm that too he was continuing because of Geet’s creative work. 

He was in his meeting with Rick, Rick’s wife Angelina, and a few more from Rick’s office. They were deciding on ranges of clothing to target, looking into global surveys, age wise trends etc. Maan was deeply engrossed in the meeting when his cell rang. He saw it was Geet’s number

“At this hour?” he knew she would only call when it's actually needed. 

“Hello Geet. All good?”

“I don’t know, Dev sent me Divorce notice. He didn’t even come on his own, and sent it via an attendant. ”

“Geet, you knew it was coming. It has already been two months now. The way he is going, looks like he is little too much in hurry”

“Am I that burden Maan”?

“He does not know, he is inviting his own loss. But that’s his worry.”

“Maan now I don’t feel like staying in that home even for a day. If he is in such a hurry to get rid of me, why do I stay there?”

“Then don’t stay, who is stopping you. And no one has any right to stop you now. ”

Then something struck him. “Geet I want you to move forward with positivity, not like a doomed one. Stop feeling pathetic”

“Hmmm” “Are you ready to take life with all it’s positivity”

“I don’t know but I want to. With Divc. Paper in my hand, I am not in situation to think”

“You know, something struck me now. It will sound crazy to you but I can see new opportunity opening for you and you will get a much needed break”

“What? Maan, for now first thing I want to discuss with you is, this Divorce notice”

“I am in Paris. Getting your ticket for Paris. You come to Paris for a week. Do you have a Visa here?”

“Yes I have? Our firm was part of one show there a few months back. But what Maan?, That’s crazy”

“I insist you do it. Do you trust me Geet?”

“Maan… why else would you be the only and first person I call with my issue?”

“Geet I actually have something really nice for you here. It just struck me but I can't explain it all in detail on the phone. And to allure you further, let me tell you, Nyra will be staying with me for four days this week.”

“Nyra? Wow. but how?”

“For now, think of it as a miracle, details I will tell you once you are here. Do you want to see me spend time with her?”

“I don’t want to cry over divorce which Dev sent to get rid of me.”


“You offer seems tempting. I want to go anywhere far from here, I cannot stay here at this moment. It's so suffocating." She paused, thinking is she doing crazy but why it felt right thing to do. Did not have it in her to face those people and Maan on other hand was biggest relief.  "Okay, Let me check the tickets”

“This trip is on me. I am inviting you”

“Maan No” “Yes and it’s final” and he disconnected to not listen to her further. 

Geet was smiling, forgetting all her worries of receiving the divorce notice. What was it with Maan that he brought that level of positivity in her world? His own personal life was troubled, still he made her problems look so easy. 


Nina left all her work and left for home. She had to be home to talk to Geet. 

Geet got an email from the flight agency with her flight ticket. How weird it was, she actually did not want to sit and cry on Dev’s D notice. As Maan said, she needed to get out for a week and she needed this break to be in Maan’s company now. She knew it was needed for her mind to get straight and make the correct decision. It may sound weird to the world, but as Maan has suggested to her, she will at least for now, think only of what she wants. She was getting courageous for the first time in life. She was feeling good about it.

By the time she reached home, her mind was flooded with what all to pack as her flight was early morning tomorrow and she will have to leave home by 4 am at night.

As Geet entered the house in her own flow, Dev and Nina both were shocked to see a normal Geet. 

“Geet” Nina stopped her “I need to talk to you”

“Mom, I have to talk to you too but not today” Geet said casually, again surprising both who were expecting disheveled Geet

“I am leaving for Paris early morning for a week”

“Paris??” both said in unison. 

Geet looked at Dev “Any problem Dev?”

“No, nothing. It’s your life, your decision. I am just concerned, are you going alone?”

Wow, he was concerned of her being alone and he was in hurry for divorce to leave her all alone in life.

“Dev I will be fine.” and she left. NIna was surprised with Geet’s confidence. All the while she thought that Geet was dependent on this family and thus she could use Geet the way she wanted. But Geet’s confidence was scaring her.

Geet was almost done with her packing. Maan had also sent her the list of documents she should keep. Few she did not know why he wanted her to carry. But if Maan has taken effort to send her list, she will respect and carry them with her.

Nina knocked the door of her room “So Geet, you are going to Paris” she said ever so sweetly. Geet was surprised to hear the sweet tone from her up front Mom-in-law, she smiled at her.

“Nice. Why don’t Dev and you both go to Paris? It is good place to rekindle your relation with your spouse”

“Mom, this trip is organized by my friend. I am going there for some work”

“But there is no office work for Paris Geet. And why your friend? I will sponsor a trip for both of you. I have, anyways, never earlier thought of sending you both to such a trip, but now I want to do it?”

“I am going for my personal work Mom. And Dev is busy as of now.” she looked at Dev

“Right Dev?”

“Yes Mom, I cannot accompany Geet now, I have lined up meetings.” Dev was himself not sure, Geet did not mention a word about the Divorce notice, not that he wanted her to. It was good for him if she was taking it positively, but still this Geet was shocking for him. She was a new girl all together. But how come?

Thanks to all for your love and acceptance to this story. Please give some detailed comment to let me know how it's going.smiley31

Hope it came out well.


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