Chapter 7

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It was 4 am, Geet was waiting for her taxi to arrive, her bag packed. She had so many types of thoughts covering her mind. With Maan’s talk how easily she had agreed to visit Paris. It is so much unlike her, she is going to Paris on another man’s invitation. But he is her friend, right.

And there is something in the way Maan talks with her, she is convinced to agree to him.Denying him as if it is an impossible task for her, though he never forces his thoughts on her. And she trusts Maan. Why is she thinking right or wrong? What is wrong in leading life on her own terms. Why should she be bound to be right to others, who have made her lead her life as per their convenience. Now, divorce is already at doorstep and she has to start making her own decision from now onwards and not wait for anything to hit her and then act. 

She shook her head, why the hell is she thinking so much? She wants a break and needs some time out with a friend like Maan, who can clear her mind, that’s it. Geet turned to see Dev

“Geet I will accompany you till the airport. At this hour going alone is not good” Geet wanted to tell him, did he not think of her dealing with life alone when he had decided for divorce. But she does not want to argue, she is never interested in investing emotionally, especially at this juncture when they are separating.

“I will be fine, Dev. No worries” 

Taxi arrived and Geet left. Nina saw hee leaving alone.

She was all restless, Geet was leaving all alone to Paris. What’s the matter? Is there someone in Geet’s life? But how? She has always kept Geet busy in firm matters, and the girl had no time to think of anything else. But who knows? 

“You did not even have control on your wife?”

“Why would I control her now, we are separating” and he left for his room, not wanting to argue further. 

Nina was all restless and out of mind. Let them separate, Geet will never leave the job. Or will she. No no she can’t.


Geet’s flight reaches Paris, it is still morning in Paris when she reaches there. She was all worried and nervous. It’s not that she has never been on foreign trip, but not alone. Either with Nina, or with Dev or with her Firm’s team. It has always been for business purposes. It was so unlike her, landing here alone, for no solid purpose and just because a friend invited her. But somewhere within, she was having a positive feeling when she thought it was Maan who had invited her.

She got her bags for the baggage area and was coming out. Maan should have sent her address of location, but he did not. Maybe he will send someone. 

But as she came out, she was surprised to see, Maan himself was there. Ohh no, The Maan Singh Khurana was here to receive her. Smile formed on her face to see his smiling face and all her worries and confusion that she had been in all while as if vanished. She came to him, he spread his arms and she hugged him. First it was a light hug but then she tightened it, as if pouring all her confusion onto him. Maan kept holding her in his embrace

“You are not regretting coming here, right?”

“No” she nodded in his chest “Not now when you are in front of me”

“My magic” he said with pride, separating her. 

“Geet, just think about your happiness, think what is best for you. Don’t let people rule you.”

She nodded for yes “It’s my life, all alone now. I want to lead it for my happiness Maan.”

“Good. I can only help and guide you if you are clear. Keep looking back will only hurt you and you will be stuck and feel victim when all will move on.”

“I was so confused till now but I don’t want to be anymore. You coming out to help me, your trust in me, it is a big thing for me. I won’t let you down.”

“Great. So let take step towards the path of your new journey” he took her luggage

“Maan no, please”

“Let me show some act of chivalry till the gate at least'' she smiled and they moved. As Maan was walking ahead, Geet’s eye was on him. He really is magical. With him around, impossible seems approachable.

“If you are here, where’s Nyra?” he laughed and shook his head

“Ohh.. she’ll join us after two days.” “Ohh okk” Geet said thoughtfully

“Hey, my company is not that boring” he knotted his eyebrows as he looked at her, pushing the luggage trolley as they walked side by side.

Chauffeur took the luggage from Maan. He opened the door for Geet and then for Maan. Ohh gosh, class of this man and here he was to receive her.

“I cannot imagine you to be a person who would be in the airport to receive anyone” she never hesitated to confess to his class.

“And you are right in your imagination but you are here on my invitation and it was my duty to make you feel welcomed” He smiled. How mature, calm and composed he was, Geet thought.

Maan looked at Geet, what a mature woman she was yet so innocent. If anyone could see from his point of view, Dev was in big loss to lose this gem of a person from his life. But she was his friend, he respected her for all that she was and here she has landed trusting him. 

For a moment he thought, had he been in Dev’s place, he would have worked all his life to pull her towards him, impress her. Letting her go, that he knew, he would have never done. Letting go a partner like Geet, No way. But when you get a gem without any effort, you don’t know its real value. That’s what happened with Dev.


Megha was there in the Sharma house

“What do you think Megha, about your innocent friend? She had been having affair, she cheated your brother”

Megha was shocked as she thought her mother was confirming some real news to her 

“How could Geet do such Mom”

“You see, how Dev is not telling anything about Divorce. He is hiding his shame, she had an affair and she did not find him good enough and asked for Divorce.”

“Mom, it was not working between us, it is our joint decision” Dev said and left

“He is hiding his face from being rejected. They decide for divorce and Geet has no reaction, she is off to Paris on friend’s invitation. Can you imagine?”

Megha was mad. Her friend showed her down. How could she cheat her Bhai. Bhai is hiding his face as she had an affair and she decided to leave him. How could she go to Paris and be so cool after their divorce decision? 

That’s what’s the world is; till the time you play victim, they will be in all praise for you; till you are not doing anything for yourself and just busy making others happy they will suggest you to live for yourself But the moment one actually does not play victim and start living for themself, It gets hard to digest by same world and judge you for your selfishness. 


Geet was looking outside when Maan intervened “All ok?” he confirmed in his strong yet calm voice. She looked at him “hmmm” she nodded. 

Her cell buzzed and it was Megha. There was excitement in Geet’s eye 

“Megha” she looked at Maan with excitement “Pick it up.” he signaled form his eyes.

But the moment Geet picked the call, unexpected to her Megha bombarde her with allegations

“Hi Megha”

“Never ever have I thought Geet, you could cheat on Bhai. You had your boyfriend and thus just after divorce decision you had no regret, no pain and you flew to Paris to meet your boyfriend.How cheap?”

“Megha” tears were rolling down Geet’s cheek. 

“And my decent Bhai is just bearing all.”

“Megha” “I don’t want to listen to you Geet.” and she disconnected. Tears simply flowing down Geet’s eyes, she looked at Maan. 

He, as if understood, pulled her to him and she snuggled in his chest. Tears just kept rolling down, she felt broken and could shatter any moment. Maan, as if, felt her and brought her closer and in a tight embrace.

Geet, without any movement, stayed snuggled to Maan’s chest for long, once again wetting his shirt with her tears, he let her pour her heart out. After long she separated , wiped her tears and looked at him

“You are not taking any call from India for all you stay here” he simply declared and she nodded.

Then on the way “Geet I have booked hotel for you but just wanted to ask one thing from you, only if you agree”

“Maan, you can ask anything from me”

“I don’t feel like leaving you alone in a hotel especially in this state of yours. You are strong but this is all so fresh.”

“Do I have any option?” 

 “I mean, I have a three Bedroom apartment here. Nyra is coming for four days as well. I was thinking, if you spend time with Nyra, you will get needed change” Geet kept looking at Maan

“Maan, ideally I should deny your offer but I really don’t have it in me now to stay alone.”

She then smiled  “And who gets chance to share living with The MSK”

“GEET” he showed his typical big stern eyes to her

“If you won’t  judge my character, I want to spend most of my time here with you rather than staying alone”

“Geet, you know I am last person to judge you” 

“What will the world say?” she asked in a low voice knowing very well he is gonna be scolding.

“Geet!!!” “Sorry”

He gave her the keys to his apartment as they approached the entrance of the Posh apartment. What was she thinking, he is The Maan Sigh Khurana, even his holiday home was beyond her imagination. Whole lobby had the feel of elegance.She opened the door and they went in. The feel was whole different for Geet; the way he handed her the keys, making her feel at home and not a guest.

“Wow” Geet turned around to see the affluence. Then she looked at Maan, the man in all his elegance and glory, yet was capable of making her feel like a friend, equal to him.

Living Area

“It’s beautiful”

“Thanks. I have regular trips here and lots of my investment here, so I decided to keep my own establishment. So I just settled on this apartment.”

“You just settled on this apartment. Wow. But then who am I talking too”

“And that’s the room for you, hope you like it.”

 He shrugged. But when Geet looked at the room, she was awed.

“This one for me?” she asked with surprise. When he had said three bedroom apartment, she thought it must be an ok one as it was just his temporary establishment. But she was thinking from the common people’s perspective. Okay, even her in-laws had a firm of their own, but it was a small pinch when compared to his huge assets and money he held.

“Of course. Now get freshen up and be ready for breakfast. We have a tight schedule today.”

“Tight Schedule?”

“Yes Ma’am. When I called you here there was a reason behind it.” She smiled, she just wanted to let her hair down and follow his lead. How comfortable it felt to give control to him, the trust that she had on him, helped her unload her own burden.

Geet  took a leisure shower in the exquisite bathroom where even the bathing products were so exclusive. She came out taking her own time and adorned herself with silk, simple yet elegant salwar Kurti. Her hair still wet, she did a quick towel dry which let water droplets fall here and there. She placed moisturized and baby pink gloss, and applied kohl on her eyes. She went out to check on Maan or see if she could do something with breakfast. As she reached the kitchen, she saw Maan working on something. She stood still for a while, seeing him for the first time in his casuals. He looked much younger than his original 35 years.

“Grilled vegetable cheese sandwich and omelet, okay for you?” he turned to be stunned by the beauty in front of him. 

Maan jerked his head. No, she was his friend and was here with some trust, he should not check her out. But with the serene beauty, his eyes were stuck

“You look so different in casuals.” She smile and seeing him looking blankly at her further commented “You look much approachable this way, at least one from my world”

This broke his trance “My casual mostly is much more casual. I like it only with my inner vest and tracks” She laughed

“So this decency for me?” “No, actually didn’t want you to lose your heart, seeing my beautiful structure” he said casually, smiled with teasing pride

“Wow really” she laughed but then she changed her tone “But you said, I can move on. So am free to lose my heart now”

“Sure dear, but not to me.” Geet did not say anything. She went ahead and helped him lay the breakfast for them on dining table

Both were quiet, lost in their own thought

Maan’s monologue: 

You are such a wonderful person Geet. The world, your own, who you have trusted have used your trust for their needs and played with your life. At the age of 27, a wonderful person like you, is struggling with divorce notice. It is all due to selfish people around you. You have now again blindly trusted me, and I will do all in my strength to keep your trust. I will never ever let you break; even if that requires me to break in anyway. My life is a mess Geet, I have custody fight going on, blames from my ex wife and I have no time for family. Even if you wish, I cannot be selfish to bring you into this messy life of mine. I will do all to make your life as wonderful as it can be, because that is what you deserve. Not a life intertwined with my messy one. 

Geet’s Monologue:

How can you even think that way Geet. He is The Maan Singh Khurana for real. Could you even imagine him to be your friend with the position that he has, but he obliged to be your friend. He is taking his time out to help you. What more are you expecting? How can you even think that far for him, even for a moment, how can you think? He has people in his class. He is helping you, take it with gratitude. Don’t even imagine extending the limit of your thoughts.

“So how is the breakfast” Maan broke the silence

“Wonderful, you cook so well.”

“Yeah, it's my way to de-stress. You cook?”

“I am a very bad cook.” she laughed

Maan’s eye then went on his watch as part of his habit “Okay, now get ready in your formals and come to that study area. We have a business meeting at 1 today, I will give you a heads up before we leave.”

“Business Meeting? Today?”

“Yes. And bring all your designs, I want to check them.”

“Sure Sir” she teased as he was ordering the list

“Not Sir, Geet. What I am planning here is a partnership, Geet. Just like we are best dance partners, I believe we are going to be best partners in business as well. And it will all be with your consent.”


Thanks dear readers for your love to this fiction. I had promised to give this one, so here it is. I am off to type Enchanted today. Once done, may be by tomorrow, will PM together. Thus no tagging.

Hope you enjoy this... do not hesitate to let me know. Take your time but please drop a comment. I take your request so you take my request as well, please pretty please.

-Anu smiley31

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Comments (2)

How easy it was for Megha and Nina to accuse Geet without knowing any facts. Why don't they ask Dev?

1 years ago

For Dev and Nina, its all about control. Geet has never really mattered.

1 years ago