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Team #SaHan

Posted: 1 months ago

Sahiba Kaur Monga stared at her phone screen in disbelief. The subject line read: "Job Offer from Brar Jewellers". With trembling fingers, she opened the email, her heart pounding in her chest. As she read through the formal letter, a rush of emotions overwhelmed her - excitement, gratitude, and a tinge of nervousness. She had been selected as a Jewellery Designer at Brar Jewellers, a dream opportunity she had been tirelessly working towards.

Unable to contain her joy, Sahiba rushed out of her room, her long braided hair swaying behind her. She found her family gathered in the living room, engaged in their evening tea ritual.

"Mummy, Papa, Tayji!" Sahiba exclaimed, waving her phone in the air. "I got the job at Brar Jewellers! I got it!"

Her mother, Santosh, dropped her tea cup in shock, her eyes widening with pride. Ajit, her father, beamed with joy, and Sukhi aunty clapped her hands in excitement.

"Congratulations, Puttar!" Santosh enveloped Sahiba in a tight hug, tears of happiness welling up in her eyes.

Ajit placed a hand on Sahiba's shoulder, his voice filled with pride. "We always knew you'd achieve great things, Sahiba."

Sukhi aunty joined in, her eyes sparkling with joy. "I'm so proud of you, Sahiba! This is just the beginning of your success."

Seerat and Keerat, Sahiba's elder and younger sisters, rushed to her side, engulfing her in a group hug. "We knew you could do it, Sahiba! You're amazing!"

Feeling overwhelmed with love and support from her family, Sahiba wiped away tears of happiness. This moment was a culmination of years of hard work, determination, and unwavering support from her loved ones.

Sahiba had always been the most hardworking child in the family. From a young age, she had shown a natural talent and passion for jewellery design, inspired by her father's craftsmanship. Watching him work on jewellery pieces in their modest home workshop had ignited a spark in her, planting the seed for her future career aspirations.

Meanwhile, in another part of town, Angad Singh Brar stood at the entrance of Brar Jewellers, his family's prestigious business that had been passed down through generations. The morning sun cast a golden hue on the sleek exterior of the building, reflecting the opulence and success associated with the Brar name.

As the CEO and heir to the Brar empire, Angad felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. His turban was perfectly tied, a symbol of his Sikh heritage and the legacy he was entrusted to uphold. Religion was a cornerstone of Angad's life, instilled in him by his loving family from a young age.

Like Sahiba, Angad had never been interested in pursuing romantic relationships. He believed in waiting for the right person, someone who shared his values and understood the importance of family and tradition. And while he had yet to find that special someone, Angad shared a close bond with everyone in his joint family, cherishing the love and support they provided.

Back at Sahiba's home, the family celebrated late into the night, sharing stories and laughter as they rejoiced in Sahiba's achievement. Seerat, Sahiba's elder sister, had recently become engaged to Karan, a school friend whom Sahiba had never quite warmed up to. Despite her reservations about the match, Seerat had agreed to the engagement, swayed by the promise of a better future in Canada, where Karan had secured a job opportunity.

As the night drew to a close, Sahiba retreated to her room, her heart full of gratitude for the blessings she had received. She knelt beside her bed, bowing her head in prayer, thanking Rab for guiding her on this journey and asking for strength and wisdom in the days ahead.

In that moment of quiet reflection, Sahiba felt a deep sense of peace wash over her. She knew that with her family's unwavering support and her faith guiding her path, she was ready to embark on this new chapter of her life at Brar Jewellers.

And little did she know, her journey would soon intersect with that of Angad Singh Brar, setting the stage for a fateful encounter that would change their lives forever.

The next morning, Sahiba stepped into the elegant foyer of Brar Jewellers, her heart fluttering with a mix of nerves and excitement. She smoothed down her kameez, adorned with intricate embroidery, and adjusted her dupatta before entering the main office area.

As she walked through the pristine corridors, Sahiba couldn't help but admire the exquisite displays of jewellery adorning the walls. Each piece seemed to tell a story of elegance and craftsmanship, igniting her passion even further.

Finally, Sahiba reached her destination - Angad Singh Brar's office. She knocked softly on the door, her palms slightly sweaty with anticipation.

"Come in," a deep voice called from inside.

Sahiba pushed the door open and stepped into the spacious office. Angad Singh Brar, clad in a tailored suit with a traditional pag atop his head, sat behind a sleek desk, engrossed in some paperwork.

"Good morning, sir," Sahiba greeted him, her voice steady despite her nerves.

Angad looked up from his work, his expression unreadable. "You must be Sahiba Kaur Monga, our newest addition to the design team," he said, his tone cool and composed.

"Yes, sir," Sahiba replied, meeting his gaze with determination.

Angad nodded, a faint hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Well then, welcome to Brar Jewellers, Sahiba. I trust you'll bring creativity and dedication to your role."

Sahiba returned his smile, feeling a surge of confidence. "Thank you, sir. I'm eager to contribute to the team."

Just then, the door burst open, and in came Garry Baweja, Angad's younger cousin, followed closely by Veer Singh Brar, another cousin of Angad.

"Hey, Angad!" Garry greeted cheerfully, his eyes landing on Sahiba. "Who's this? New recruit?"

Angad chuckled, nodding towards Sahiba. "Yes, meet Sahiba Kaur Monga. She'll be joining our design team."

Veer flashed a friendly smile at Sahiba. "Welcome aboard, Sahiba Ji. I'm Veer Singh Brar, and this troublemaker here is Garry Baweja."

Sahiba returned their greetings with a warm smile, feeling a sense of camaraderie already building among them.

Sahiba stepped into the bustling office of Brar Jewellers, her heart pounding with a mix of nerves and excitement. The air was filled with the gentle hum of activity as employees went about their tasks.

As she made her way to her designated workstation, Sahiba couldn't help but admire the elegant décor of the office, with its tasteful displays of jewellery and luxurious furnishings.

Upon reaching her desk, Sahiba was greeted by a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates, a warm welcome from her new colleagues. Grateful for the thoughtful gesture, she took a moment to savor the sweetness of the chocolates and arrange the flowers on her desk.

Feeling more at ease, Sahiba took a seat and began to familiarize herself with her allocated tasks for the day. She meticulously organized her workspace, arranging her design tools and materials with precision and care.

As she delved into her work, Sahiba made sure to greet her new colleagues with a warm smile and friendly introductions. The atmosphere in the office was welcoming, and she felt a sense of camaraderie building among her peers.

Just then, Angad approached her desk, his keen eyes observing her work with interest. "Good morning, Sahiba. I hope you're settling in well," he said, his tone encouraging.

Sahiba looked up from her task, a smile lighting up her face. "Good morning, sir. Yes, thank you. I'm eager to dive into my tasks for the day."

Angad nodded, gesturing towards her designs. "I'm glad to hear that. Would you mind showing me what you've been working on?"

Sahiba's heart skipped a beat as she presented her designs to Angad, her hands slightly trembling with nerves. She had poured her heart and soul into each design, hoping to make a good impression on her first day.

As Angad carefully examined her work, Sahiba held her breath, waiting anxiously for his reaction. To her relief and delight, a smile spread across Angad's face as he studied the intricate details and thoughtful analysis in her designs.

"These are impressive, Sahiba," Angad said, his tone filled with genuine admiration. "You have a keen eye for detail and a strong understanding of our brand aesthetic. I'm confident you'll make valuable contributions to our team."

Sahiba beamed with pride, her nerves dissipating as she soaked in Angad's praise. With a newfound sense of confidence, she felt ready to tackle any challenges that came her way, eager to make her mark in the world of jewellery design.

As she returned to her work, a sense of excitement and determination filled her heart. With the support of her colleagues and the guidance of Angad, Sahiba knew that her journey at Brar Jewellers was off to a promising start. And as she delved deeper into her tasks, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to pursue her passion in such a vibrant and welcoming environment.

As the day gradually drew to a close, Angad sat in his office, his gaze drifting towards the bustling activity outside. Through the glass walls of his office, he could see the employees wrapping up their tasks, their energy still palpable despite the approaching end of the workday.

Throughout the day, Angad had observed Sahiba's unwavering dedication to her work, her focus and commitment evident in every task she undertook. Her passion for jewellery design shone through in the meticulous attention to detail she displayed, and it brought a genuine smile to Angad's face.

Garry and Veer, noticing Angad's subtle glances towards Sahiba throughout the day, couldn't help but tease him about it. They exchanged knowing looks and playful nudges, their mischievous grins betraying their amusement.

"Looks like someone's got a soft spot for the new recruit," Garry teased, a twinkle in his eye.

Veer chuckled, joining in on the teasing. "Yeah, Angad. We've never seen you so interested in another employee before. What's so special about Sahiba Ji?"

Angad rolled his eyes playfully, though a hint of warmth lingered in his expression. "Oh, stop it, I am just observing Sahiba as she is new recruit."

But deep down, Angad couldn't deny the truth in their jesting remarks. There was something about Sahiba's passion and determination that resonated with him, something that set her apart from the others.

As he watched Sahiba tidying up her workstation with meticulous care, a sense of pride swelled within Angad. He knew that with her talent and dedication, Sahiba would go far in her career at Brar Jewellers.

With a final glance towards Sahiba, Angad couldn't help but feel grateful for her presence in the office. As the day came to an end and the employees began to depart, he couldn't shake off the feeling that Sahiba's arrival had brought a new spark of energy and enthusiasm to the team.

And as he prepared to leave his office, Angad couldn't help but look forward to the days ahead, eager to see what the future held for both Sahiba and Brar Jewellers.

After completing her first day at work, Sahiba felt a profound sense of gratitude wash over her. As she made her way to the gurudwara, her heart swelled with appreciation for the blessings she had received. Stepping inside the serene sanctuary, she bowed respectfully before the Guru Granth Sahib, feeling a sense of peace envelop her.

Sitting in front of the holy scripture, Sahiba closed her eyes and offered her heartfelt thanks to Rab, expressing her deep gratitude for the opportunity she had been given at Brar Jewellers. She prayed for guidance and strength to fulfill her responsibilities with diligence and integrity.

Her thoughts then turned to her family - her loving parents, her supportive sisters, and her dear Tayji. She prayed for their happiness, health, and prosperity, wishing for their continued blessings and protection.

Lost in her prayers, Sahiba was unaware of the presence nearby until a pair of eyes caught her attention. Opening her eyes, she was surprised to find Angad standing there, a smile spreading across his face.

For a moment, they exchanged a silent understanding, a shared moment of reverence and gratitude in the presence of the divine. And in that moment, Sahiba felt a sense of connection with Angad, as if their shared faith had brought them closer together.

As she rose to leave the gurudwara, Sahiba couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of purpose and determination. With Rab's blessings and the support of her loved ones, she knew she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

And as Angad watched her leave with a smile on his face, he couldn't shake off the feeling that Sahiba's presence in his life was a blessing in itself. With her sincerity and devotion, she had touched his heart in a way he never expected.

To be continued..... 


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Team Critic

Posted: 1 months ago

Bravo, you know whenever you write im always blushing and smiling

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Team Keerat

Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: Simiyy

Sahiba Kaur Monga stared at her phone screen in disbelief. The subject line read: "Job Offer from Brar Jewellers". With trembling fingers, she opened the email, her heart pounding in her chest. As she read through the formal letter, a rush of emotions overwhelmed her - excitement, gratitude, and a tinge of nervousness. She had been selected as a Jewellery Designer at Brar Jewellers, a dream opportunity she had been tirelessly working towards.

Unable to contain her joy, Sahiba rushed out of her room, her long braided hair swaying behind her. She found her family gathered in the living room, engaged in their evening tea ritual.

"Mummy, Papa, Tayji!" Sahiba exclaimed, waving her phone in the air. "I got the job at Brar Jewellers! I got it!"

Her mother, Santosh, dropped her tea cup in shock, her eyes widening with pride. Ajit, her father, beamed with joy, and Sukhi aunty clapped her hands in excitement.

"Congratulations, Puttar!" Santosh enveloped Sahiba in a tight hug, tears of happiness welling up in her eyes.

Ajit placed a hand on Sahiba's shoulder, his voice filled with pride. "We always knew you'd achieve great things, Sahiba."

Sukhi aunty joined in, her eyes sparkling with joy. "I'm so proud of you, Sahiba! This is just the beginning of your success."

Seerat and Keerat, Sahiba's elder and younger sisters, rushed to her side, engulfing her in a group hug. "We knew you could do it, Sahiba! You're amazing!"

Feeling overwhelmed with love and support from her family, Sahiba wiped away tears of happiness. This moment was a culmination of years of hard work, determination, and unwavering support from her loved ones.

Sahiba had always been the most hardworking child in the family. From a young age, she had shown a natural talent and passion for jewellery design, inspired by her father's craftsmanship. Watching him work on jewellery pieces in their modest home workshop had ignited a spark in her, planting the seed for her future career aspirations.

Meanwhile, in another part of town, Angad Singh Brar stood at the entrance of Brar Jewellers, his family's prestigious business that had been passed down through generations. The morning sun cast a golden hue on the sleek exterior of the building, reflecting the opulence and success associated with the Brar name.

As the CEO and heir to the Brar empire, Angad felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. His turban was perfectly tied, a symbol of his Sikh heritage and the legacy he was entrusted to uphold. Religion was a cornerstone of Angad's life, instilled in him by his loving family from a young age.

Like Sahiba, Angad had never been interested in pursuing romantic relationships. He believed in waiting for the right person, someone who shared his values and understood the importance of family and tradition. And while he had yet to find that special someone, Angad shared a close bond with everyone in his joint family, cherishing the love and support they provided.

Back at Sahiba's home, the family celebrated late into the night, sharing stories and laughter as they rejoiced in Sahiba's achievement. Seerat, Sahiba's elder sister, had recently become engaged to Karan, a school friend whom Sahiba had never quite warmed up to. Despite her reservations about the match, Seerat had agreed to the engagement, swayed by the promise of a better future in Canada, where Karan had secured a job opportunity.

As the night drew to a close, Sahiba retreated to her room, her heart full of gratitude for the blessings she had received. She knelt beside her bed, bowing her head in prayer, thanking Rab for guiding her on this journey and asking for strength and wisdom in the days ahead.

In that moment of quiet reflection, Sahiba felt a deep sense of peace wash over her. She knew that with her family's unwavering support and her faith guiding her path, she was ready to embark on this new chapter of her life at Brar Jewellers.

And little did she know, her journey would soon intersect with that of Angad Singh Brar, setting the stage for a fateful encounter that would change their lives forever.

The next morning, Sahiba stepped into the elegant foyer of Brar Jewellers, her heart fluttering with a mix of nerves and excitement. She smoothed down her kameez, adorned with intricate embroidery, and adjusted her dupatta before entering the main office area.

As she walked through the pristine corridors, Sahiba couldn't help but admire the exquisite displays of jewellery adorning the walls. Each piece seemed to tell a story of elegance and craftsmanship, igniting her passion even further.

Finally, Sahiba reached her destination - Angad Singh Brar's office. She knocked softly on the door, her palms slightly sweaty with anticipation.

"Come in," a deep voice called from inside.

Sahiba pushed the door open and stepped into the spacious office. Angad Singh Brar, clad in a tailored suit with a traditional pag atop his head, sat behind a sleek desk, engrossed in some paperwork.

"Good morning, sir," Sahiba greeted him, her voice steady despite her nerves.

Angad looked up from his work, his expression unreadable. "You must be Sahiba Kaur Monga, our newest addition to the design team," he said, his tone cool and composed.

"Yes, sir," Sahiba replied, meeting his gaze with determination.

Angad nodded, a faint hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Well then, welcome to Brar Jewellers, Sahiba. I trust you'll bring creativity and dedication to your role."

Sahiba returned his smile, feeling a surge of confidence. "Thank you, sir. I'm eager to contribute to the team."

Just then, the door burst open, and in came Garry Baweja, Angad's younger cousin, followed closely by Veer Singh Brar, another cousin of Angad.

"Hey, Angad!" Garry greeted cheerfully, his eyes landing on Sahiba. "Who's this? New recruit?"

Angad chuckled, nodding towards Sahiba. "Yes, meet Sahiba Kaur Monga. She'll be joining our design team."

Veer flashed a friendly smile at Sahiba. "Welcome aboard, Sahiba Ji. I'm Veer Singh Brar, and this troublemaker here is Garry Baweja."

Sahiba returned their greetings with a warm smile, feeling a sense of camaraderie already building among them.

Sahiba stepped into the bustling office of Brar Jewellers, her heart pounding with a mix of nerves and excitement. The air was filled with the gentle hum of activity as employees went about their tasks.

As she made her way to her designated workstation, Sahiba couldn't help but admire the elegant décor of the office, with its tasteful displays of jewellery and luxurious furnishings.

Upon reaching her desk, Sahiba was greeted by a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates, a warm welcome from her new colleagues. Grateful for the thoughtful gesture, she took a moment to savor the sweetness of the chocolates and arrange the flowers on her desk.

Feeling more at ease, Sahiba took a seat and began to familiarize herself with her allocated tasks for the day. She meticulously organized her workspace, arranging her design tools and materials with precision and care.

As she delved into her work, Sahiba made sure to greet her new colleagues with a warm smile and friendly introductions. The atmosphere in the office was welcoming, and she felt a sense of camaraderie building among her peers.

Just then, Angad approached her desk, his keen eyes observing her work with interest. "Good morning, Sahiba. I hope you're settling in well," he said, his tone encouraging.

Sahiba looked up from her task, a smile lighting up her face. "Good morning, sir. Yes, thank you. I'm eager to dive into my tasks for the day."

Angad nodded, gesturing towards her designs. "I'm glad to hear that. Would you mind showing me what you've been working on?"

Sahiba's heart skipped a beat as she presented her designs to Angad, her hands slightly trembling with nerves. She had poured her heart and soul into each design, hoping to make a good impression on her first day.

As Angad carefully examined her work, Sahiba held her breath, waiting anxiously for his reaction. To her relief and delight, a smile spread across Angad's face as he studied the intricate details and thoughtful analysis in her designs.

"These are impressive, Sahiba," Angad said, his tone filled with genuine admiration. "You have a keen eye for detail and a strong understanding of our brand aesthetic. I'm confident you'll make valuable contributions to our team."

Sahiba beamed with pride, her nerves dissipating as she soaked in Angad's praise. With a newfound sense of confidence, she felt ready to tackle any challenges that came her way, eager to make her mark in the world of jewellery design.

As she returned to her work, a sense of excitement and determination filled her heart. With the support of her colleagues and the guidance of Angad, Sahiba knew that her journey at Brar Jewellers was off to a promising start. And as she delved deeper into her tasks, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to pursue her passion in such a vibrant and welcoming environment.

As the day gradually drew to a close, Angad sat in his office, his gaze drifting towards the bustling activity outside. Through the glass walls of his office, he could see the employees wrapping up their tasks, their energy still palpable despite the approaching end of the workday.

Throughout the day, Angad had observed Sahiba's unwavering dedication to her work, her focus and commitment evident in every task she undertook. Her passion for jewellery design shone through in the meticulous attention to detail she displayed, and it brought a genuine smile to Angad's face.

Garry and Veer, noticing Angad's subtle glances towards Sahiba throughout the day, couldn't help but tease him about it. They exchanged knowing looks and playful nudges, their mischievous grins betraying their amusement.

"Looks like someone's got a soft spot for the new recruit," Garry teased, a twinkle in his eye.

Veer chuckled, joining in on the teasing. "Yeah, Angad. We've never seen you so interested in another employee before. What's so special about Sahiba Ji?"

Angad rolled his eyes playfully, though a hint of warmth lingered in his expression. "Oh, stop it, I am just observing Sahiba as she is new recruit."

But deep down, Angad couldn't deny the truth in their jesting remarks. There was something about Sahiba's passion and determination that resonated with him, something that set her apart from the others.

As he watched Sahiba tidying up her workstation with meticulous care, a sense of pride swelled within Angad. He knew that with her talent and dedication, Sahiba would go far in her career at Brar Jewellers.

With a final glance towards Sahiba, Angad couldn't help but feel grateful for her presence in the office. As the day came to an end and the employees began to depart, he couldn't shake off the feeling that Sahiba's arrival had brought a new spark of energy and enthusiasm to the team.

And as he prepared to leave his office, Angad couldn't help but look forward to the days ahead, eager to see what the future held for both Sahiba and Brar Jewellers.

After completing her first day at work, Sahiba felt a profound sense of gratitude wash over her. As she made her way to the gurudwara, her heart swelled with appreciation for the blessings she had received. Stepping inside the serene sanctuary, she bowed respectfully before the Guru Granth Sahib, feeling a sense of peace envelop her.

Sitting in front of the holy scripture, Sahiba closed her eyes and offered her heartfelt thanks to Rab, expressing her deep gratitude for the opportunity she had been given at Brar Jewellers. She prayed for guidance and strength to fulfill her responsibilities with diligence and integrity.

Her thoughts then turned to her family - her loving parents, her supportive sisters, and her dear Tayji. She prayed for their happiness, health, and prosperity, wishing for their continued blessings and protection.

Lost in her prayers, Sahiba was unaware of the presence nearby until a pair of eyes caught her attention. Opening her eyes, she was surprised to find Angad standing there, a smile spreading across his face.

For a moment, they exchanged a silent understanding, a shared moment of reverence and gratitude in the presence of the divine. And in that moment, Sahiba felt a sense of connection with Angad, as if their shared faith had brought them closer together.

As she rose to leave the gurudwara, Sahiba couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of purpose and determination. With Rab's blessings and the support of her loved ones, she knew she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

And as Angad watched her leave with a smile on his face, he couldn't shake off the feeling that Sahiba's presence in his life was a blessing in itself. With her sincerity and devotion, she had touched his heart in a way he never expected.

To be continued..... 

It's a really nice au ❣️

fantasy1000a thumbnail
Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: Simiyy

Sahiba Kaur Monga stared at her phone screen in disbelief. The subject line read: "Job Offer from Brar Jewellers". With trembling fingers, she opened the email, her heart pounding in her chest. As she read through the formal letter, a rush of emotions overwhelmed her - excitement, gratitude, and a tinge of nervousness. She had been selected as a Jewellery Designer at Brar Jewellers, a dream opportunity she had been tirelessly working towards.

Unable to contain her joy, Sahiba rushed out of her room, her long braided hair swaying behind her. She found her family gathered in the living room, engaged in their evening tea ritual.

"Mummy, Papa, Tayji!" Sahiba exclaimed, waving her phone in the air. "I got the job at Brar Jewellers! I got it!"

Her mother, Santosh, dropped her tea cup in shock, her eyes widening with pride. Ajit, her father, beamed with joy, and Sukhi aunty clapped her hands in excitement.

"Congratulations, Puttar!" Santosh enveloped Sahiba in a tight hug, tears of happiness welling up in her eyes.

Ajit placed a hand on Sahiba's shoulder, his voice filled with pride. "We always knew you'd achieve great things, Sahiba."

Sukhi aunty joined in, her eyes sparkling with joy. "I'm so proud of you, Sahiba! This is just the beginning of your success."

Seerat and Keerat, Sahiba's elder and younger sisters, rushed to her side, engulfing her in a group hug. "We knew you could do it, Sahiba! You're amazing!"

Feeling overwhelmed with love and support from her family, Sahiba wiped away tears of happiness. This moment was a culmination of years of hard work, determination, and unwavering support from her loved ones.

Sahiba had always been the most hardworking child in the family. From a young age, she had shown a natural talent and passion for jewellery design, inspired by her father's craftsmanship. Watching him work on jewellery pieces in their modest home workshop had ignited a spark in her, planting the seed for her future career aspirations.

Meanwhile, in another part of town, Angad Singh Brar stood at the entrance of Brar Jewellers, his family's prestigious business that had been passed down through generations. The morning sun cast a golden hue on the sleek exterior of the building, reflecting the opulence and success associated with the Brar name.

As the CEO and heir to the Brar empire, Angad felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. His turban was perfectly tied, a symbol of his Sikh heritage and the legacy he was entrusted to uphold. Religion was a cornerstone of Angad's life, instilled in him by his loving family from a young age.

Like Sahiba, Angad had never been interested in pursuing romantic relationships. He believed in waiting for the right person, someone who shared his values and understood the importance of family and tradition. And while he had yet to find that special someone, Angad shared a close bond with everyone in his joint family, cherishing the love and support they provided.

Back at Sahiba's home, the family celebrated late into the night, sharing stories and laughter as they rejoiced in Sahiba's achievement. Seerat, Sahiba's elder sister, had recently become engaged to Karan, a school friend whom Sahiba had never quite warmed up to. Despite her reservations about the match, Seerat had agreed to the engagement, swayed by the promise of a better future in Canada, where Karan had secured a job opportunity.

As the night drew to a close, Sahiba retreated to her room, her heart full of gratitude for the blessings she had received. She knelt beside her bed, bowing her head in prayer, thanking Rab for guiding her on this journey and asking for strength and wisdom in the days ahead.

In that moment of quiet reflection, Sahiba felt a deep sense of peace wash over her. She knew that with her family's unwavering support and her faith guiding her path, she was ready to embark on this new chapter of her life at Brar Jewellers.

And little did she know, her journey would soon intersect with that of Angad Singh Brar, setting the stage for a fateful encounter that would change their lives forever.

The next morning, Sahiba stepped into the elegant foyer of Brar Jewellers, her heart fluttering with a mix of nerves and excitement. She smoothed down her kameez, adorned with intricate embroidery, and adjusted her dupatta before entering the main office area.

As she walked through the pristine corridors, Sahiba couldn't help but admire the exquisite displays of jewellery adorning the walls. Each piece seemed to tell a story of elegance and craftsmanship, igniting her passion even further.

Finally, Sahiba reached her destination - Angad Singh Brar's office. She knocked softly on the door, her palms slightly sweaty with anticipation.

"Come in," a deep voice called from inside.

Sahiba pushed the door open and stepped into the spacious office. Angad Singh Brar, clad in a tailored suit with a traditional pag atop his head, sat behind a sleek desk, engrossed in some paperwork.

"Good morning, sir," Sahiba greeted him, her voice steady despite her nerves.

Angad looked up from his work, his expression unreadable. "You must be Sahiba Kaur Monga, our newest addition to the design team," he said, his tone cool and composed.

"Yes, sir," Sahiba replied, meeting his gaze with determination.

Angad nodded, a faint hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Well then, welcome to Brar Jewellers, Sahiba. I trust you'll bring creativity and dedication to your role."

Sahiba returned his smile, feeling a surge of confidence. "Thank you, sir. I'm eager to contribute to the team."

Just then, the door burst open, and in came Garry Baweja, Angad's younger cousin, followed closely by Veer Singh Brar, another cousin of Angad.

"Hey, Angad!" Garry greeted cheerfully, his eyes landing on Sahiba. "Who's this? New recruit?"

Angad chuckled, nodding towards Sahiba. "Yes, meet Sahiba Kaur Monga. She'll be joining our design team."

Veer flashed a friendly smile at Sahiba. "Welcome aboard, Sahiba Ji. I'm Veer Singh Brar, and this troublemaker here is Garry Baweja."

Sahiba returned their greetings with a warm smile, feeling a sense of camaraderie already building among them.

Sahiba stepped into the bustling office of Brar Jewellers, her heart pounding with a mix of nerves and excitement. The air was filled with the gentle hum of activity as employees went about their tasks.

As she made her way to her designated workstation, Sahiba couldn't help but admire the elegant décor of the office, with its tasteful displays of jewellery and luxurious furnishings.

Upon reaching her desk, Sahiba was greeted by a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates, a warm welcome from her new colleagues. Grateful for the thoughtful gesture, she took a moment to savor the sweetness of the chocolates and arrange the flowers on her desk.

Feeling more at ease, Sahiba took a seat and began to familiarize herself with her allocated tasks for the day. She meticulously organized her workspace, arranging her design tools and materials with precision and care.

As she delved into her work, Sahiba made sure to greet her new colleagues with a warm smile and friendly introductions. The atmosphere in the office was welcoming, and she felt a sense of camaraderie building among her peers.

Just then, Angad approached her desk, his keen eyes observing her work with interest. "Good morning, Sahiba. I hope you're settling in well," he said, his tone encouraging.

Sahiba looked up from her task, a smile lighting up her face. "Good morning, sir. Yes, thank you. I'm eager to dive into my tasks for the day."

Angad nodded, gesturing towards her designs. "I'm glad to hear that. Would you mind showing me what you've been working on?"

Sahiba's heart skipped a beat as she presented her designs to Angad, her hands slightly trembling with nerves. She had poured her heart and soul into each design, hoping to make a good impression on her first day.

As Angad carefully examined her work, Sahiba held her breath, waiting anxiously for his reaction. To her relief and delight, a smile spread across Angad's face as he studied the intricate details and thoughtful analysis in her designs.

"These are impressive, Sahiba," Angad said, his tone filled with genuine admiration. "You have a keen eye for detail and a strong understanding of our brand aesthetic. I'm confident you'll make valuable contributions to our team."

Sahiba beamed with pride, her nerves dissipating as she soaked in Angad's praise. With a newfound sense of confidence, she felt ready to tackle any challenges that came her way, eager to make her mark in the world of jewellery design.

As she returned to her work, a sense of excitement and determination filled her heart. With the support of her colleagues and the guidance of Angad, Sahiba knew that her journey at Brar Jewellers was off to a promising start. And as she delved deeper into her tasks, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to pursue her passion in such a vibrant and welcoming environment.

As the day gradually drew to a close, Angad sat in his office, his gaze drifting towards the bustling activity outside. Through the glass walls of his office, he could see the employees wrapping up their tasks, their energy still palpable despite the approaching end of the workday.

Throughout the day, Angad had observed Sahiba's unwavering dedication to her work, her focus and commitment evident in every task she undertook. Her passion for jewellery design shone through in the meticulous attention to detail she displayed, and it brought a genuine smile to Angad's face.

Garry and Veer, noticing Angad's subtle glances towards Sahiba throughout the day, couldn't help but tease him about it. They exchanged knowing looks and playful nudges, their mischievous grins betraying their amusement.

"Looks like someone's got a soft spot for the new recruit," Garry teased, a twinkle in his eye.

Veer chuckled, joining in on the teasing. "Yeah, Angad. We've never seen you so interested in another employee before. What's so special about Sahiba Ji?"

Angad rolled his eyes playfully, though a hint of warmth lingered in his expression. "Oh, stop it, I am just observing Sahiba as she is new recruit."

But deep down, Angad couldn't deny the truth in their jesting remarks. There was something about Sahiba's passion and determination that resonated with him, something that set her apart from the others.

As he watched Sahiba tidying up her workstation with meticulous care, a sense of pride swelled within Angad. He knew that with her talent and dedication, Sahiba would go far in her career at Brar Jewellers.

With a final glance towards Sahiba, Angad couldn't help but feel grateful for her presence in the office. As the day came to an end and the employees began to depart, he couldn't shake off the feeling that Sahiba's arrival had brought a new spark of energy and enthusiasm to the team.

And as he prepared to leave his office, Angad couldn't help but look forward to the days ahead, eager to see what the future held for both Sahiba and Brar Jewellers.

After completing her first day at work, Sahiba felt a profound sense of gratitude wash over her. As she made her way to the gurudwara, her heart swelled with appreciation for the blessings she had received. Stepping inside the serene sanctuary, she bowed respectfully before the Guru Granth Sahib, feeling a sense of peace envelop her.

Sitting in front of the holy scripture, Sahiba closed her eyes and offered her heartfelt thanks to Rab, expressing her deep gratitude for the opportunity she had been given at Brar Jewellers. She prayed for guidance and strength to fulfill her responsibilities with diligence and integrity.

Her thoughts then turned to her family - her loving parents, her supportive sisters, and her dear Tayji. She prayed for their happiness, health, and prosperity, wishing for their continued blessings and protection.

Lost in her prayers, Sahiba was unaware of the presence nearby until a pair of eyes caught her attention. Opening her eyes, she was surprised to find Angad standing there, a smile spreading across his face.

For a moment, they exchanged a silent understanding, a shared moment of reverence and gratitude in the presence of the divine. And in that moment, Sahiba felt a sense of connection with Angad, as if their shared faith had brought them closer together.

As she rose to leave the gurudwara, Sahiba couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of purpose and determination. With Rab's blessings and the support of her loved ones, she knew she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

And as Angad watched her leave with a smile on his face, he couldn't shake off the feeling that Sahiba's presence in his life was a blessing in itself. With her sincerity and devotion, she had touched his heart in a way he never expected.

To be continued..... 

Such a different take on Sahan 🙂🥹

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Team #SaHan

Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: Amanita09

Bravo, you know whenever you write im always blushing and smiling

Awwh thank you so much!

Simiyy thumbnail
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Team #SaHan

Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: themasked

It's a really nice au ❣️

Thank Yousmiley27

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Team #SaHan

Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: fantasy1000a

Such a different take on Sahan 🙂🥹

Thanks, i hope you enjoy it!

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Team #SaHan

Posted: 1 months ago

It had been a month since Sahiba had joined Brar Jewellers as a jewellery designer, and her impact on the company was already palpable. Her talent, creativity, and dedication had quickly earned her admiration from both her colleagues and superiors alike. With each design she produced, Sahiba seemed to breathe new life into the jewellery pieces, infusing them with elegance and sophistication.

Angad,in particular, had taken notice of Sahiba's exceptional skills. Impressed by her work ethic and innovative designs, he had decided to promote her to be apart of important meetings, a decision that surprised many in the company.

As Sahiba walked into the conference room for her first important meeting, she  couldn't help but feel a mixture of nerves and excitement. Taking a seat at the table, she found herself surrounded by seasoned executives and industry experts, all of whom looked to her with a mixture of curiosity and respect.

Angad,seated at the head of the table, addressed the room with confidence and authority. "I'd like to introduce Sahiba Kaur Monga, our talented jewellery designer," he announced, his voice filled with pride. "Her contributions to our company have been invaluable, and I believe her insights will be crucial in today's discussion."

As the meeting progressed, Sahiba listened intently to the discussions, offering her own perspective and ideas with confidence. Her creativity and attention to detail were evident in every suggestion she made, earning nods of approval from her colleagues. 

In the corner of the room, Daar ji Akaal Singh Brar, the founder of Brar Jewellery, observed the proceedings with a keen eye. His presence added a sense of gravitas to the meeting, a reminder of the company's rich heritage and tradition of excellence.

Beside him sat Jaspal Singh Brar, Veer's father, whose years of experience in the industry lent credibility to the decisions being made. His nod of approval towards Sahiba's contributions spoke volumes about the impact she was already making within the company.

By the end of the meeting, Sahiba had made a lasting impression on everyone in the room. Her talent and professionalism had surpassed all expectations, and it was clear that she had earned her place among the company's top decision-makers.

As Sahiba stepped out of the conference room, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. Her journey at Brar Jewellers had only just begun, but already she was making waves in the industry. And with Angad's unwavering support behind her, she knew that the sky was the limit for what she could achieve.

In the elegant dining room of Brar Mansion, the family gathered for their nightly dinner ritual. The table was adorned with fine china and flickering candles,casting a warm glow over the room. As the family members took their seats, the conversation flowed freely, filled with laughter and camaraderie.

During the meal, the topic of Brar Jewellers and its recent successes arose naturally, prompting a discussion among the family members. Angad sat at the head of the table, a proud smile gracing his lips as he listened to the praise being showered upon the company.

"I must say, Angad, the business seems to be thriving under your leadership,"Manveer, Angad's mother, remarked with a warm smile. "It's wonderful to see Brar Jewellers reaching new heights."

Inder, Angad's father, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, it's a testament to your hard work and dedication, son. The future of the company looks bright."

Just then, Daarj Ji, spoke up, his voice carrying a weight of authority. "I must say, Angad, the recent designs coming out of Brar Jewellers are truly remarkable. Especially those from the new designer... what was her name again?"

Angad'sheart skipped a beat as all eyes turned to him. "Her name is Sahiba Kaur Monga," he replied, his voice steady despite the nervous flutter in his stomach. "She's our newest addition to the design team. She is brilliant"

Daarthji's eyes sparkled with interest. "Sahiba Kaur Monga, you say? Well, I must say, Angad, she has certainly made an impression. Her designs are unlike anything I've seen from our employees before. You've chosen well."

"I must say, Sahiba's attention to detail is unmatched," Angad remarked, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "I've never seen a young designer with such a keen eye for perfection. She has a rare talent, one that sets herapart from the rest."

As the women of the family exchanged curious glances, Manveer couldn't help but notice the subtle change in her son's demeanor. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she observed Angad's reaction, realizing with a mother's intuition that this was the first time he had shown such interest in a girl.

Meanwhile,Veer and Garry seized the opportunity for some light-hearted teasing. With mischievous grins, they exchanged knowing looks and playful nudges, their amusement evident.

"Ah,look at our dear Angad Paaji," Veer teased, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "All proud and smitten over his talented new employee."

Garry stifled a laugh, nodding in agreement. "I never thought I'd see the day when Angad Singh Brar would be so taken with someone at work."

Angad rolled his eyes good-naturedly at his cousins' antics, though a hint of warmth lingered in his expression. "Oh, stop it, you two. Sahiba is simply a talented employee who deserves recognition for her hard work."

But deep down, Angad couldn't deny the truth in their teasing remarks. Sahiba had indeed captured his admiration with her talent and dedication, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride knowing that she was a part of the BrarJewellers family.

As the dinner conversation continued, filled with laughter and banter, Angad couldn't help but feel grateful for the lively dynamics of his family. 

Sahiba sat on her bed, flipping through a fashion magazine, while Seerat unpacked her suitcase, humming a cheerful tune.

Seerat:"Oh Sahiba, you won't believe how excited I am about moving to Canada with Karan. It's going to be a dream come true!"

Sahiba glanced up from her magazine, her brows furrowing with concern. "Are you sure about this, Seerat Di? I mean, do you really love Karan?"

Seerat waved off Sahiba's concern with a dismissive laugh. "Love? Who needs love when you have a ticket to Canada? Besides, Karan is a nice guy. "

Keerat, who had been studying quietly at her desk, shook her head in disapproval."Seerat Di, marriage is a lifelong commitment. You can't just marry someone for the sake of moving to another country."

Seeratrolled her eyes, annoyance creeping into her tone. "Oh please, Keerat. Don't be such a killjoy. Sahiba Keerat, you're just jealous because you're not the one going to Canada."

Sahibasighed, her heart heavy with worry for her sister. "It's not about jealousy, Seerat Di. we just want what's best for you. I don't want you to regret this decision later."

Seerat brushed off Sahiba's concern, continuing to pack her belongings with a determined smile. "Well, it's my life, Sahiba. I'll make my own decisions. And right now, Canada is calling my name."

Sahiba exchanged a worried glance with Keerat, knowing that convincing Seerat otherwise would be futile. As much as she wanted to protect her sister from making a hasty decision, she also knew that Seerat had always been headstrong and stubborn.

Witha heavy heart, Sahiba returned to her magazine, silently hoping that Seerat's impulsive decision wouldn't lead to regrets in the future.


To be continued....

I know that the story may seem a bit slow for now but it will get more interesting within the next couple of chapters.

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Team Critic

Posted: 1 months ago

cant wait for your next update,im intrigued

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Posted: 1 months ago

Can't wait for more!