Increasing Forum Ranking (Chaska Meter)

Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Chaska Meter show ranking of India forums depends upon 

1. Buzz :- Buzz points come from the comments posted on telly buzz articles and videos posted on IF and the show must be tagged in them. For more buzz points, write show's name with correct spelling and first letter in capital for example Dhruv Tara - Samay Sadi se Pare

2. Rating :- To get rating points, you need to hit the Chaska Meter. The more votes, the more points. But always rate 5, rating less than 5 reduces points. 

3. Views and Activity :- We need to increase activity in the forum. Some important things 

i) Silent members, please comment and be active. Just liking the comment is not enough. Drop a few words comments.

ii) Rather than opening new threads on same topic, try to make the existing topics Pink. The color of the thread just before the name becomes pink when it gets 1000+ views or 15+ replies or both. And the more the pink threads, the higher the ranking will be.

iii) Comment on Episode Discussion thread regularly. Its a way to increase the forum ranking.

iv) Keep posting in all the threads like Photo Gallery, Creation Gallery, ATs etc.

4. Followers :- Followers are those who subscribe the show on IF. To subscribe the show, open the show's main page. You will see a follow button just near the montage of the show. Click on it and follow.

5. Celebrity Ranking :- This is also an important part for CM ranking. For increasing celebrity ranking, join their fan clubs, comment on their profile, videos, articles and photos.

Tag the celebs in your threads when creating a new thread: Ishaan Dhawan, Riya Sharma, Yash Tonk, Narayani Singh, Krishna Bharadwaj, Abha Parmar, Sushil Parashar, Gulfam Khan, Neelima Singh, Het Makwana, Swati Kapoor, Amit Pachori, Drisha Kalyani

Edited by Satrangi_Curls - 1 years ago