•MHRW HITS 150 • Celebration Thread • Everyone join in 🥳

GumnaamHaiKoii thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

(Page is heavy with gif please have patience 🌸)

Once in a while, in the middle of an ordinary life… love gives us a fairy tale....

We’re celebrating milestone of one such fairytale love story that has blossomed infront of our eyes ...

Today (7/8/21) 


MHRW is a story of two souls

 loving each other

everyday a little more than yesterday 

A story of two hands which intertwine at every instant 

A story of two pairs of eyes losing into others abyss for what seems like an eternity 

A story of a man with an unseething intensity falling in love with a girl who shone through her kind heart

A story of how "the don of Hyderabad" holding a gun  on the streets fell for  a girl with big dreams in her tiny doe eyes clutching red rose in her fingers

It’s love story of Raghav and pallavi 

A saga of a love , once in a lifetime.


(Milestone gif will take few seconds to load,please have patience,It’s worth it )

The minute I heard my first love story,

I started looking for you, not knowing

how blind that was.

Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere,

they’re in each other all along…”


So let’s celebrate this love story and it’s milestone 🥳

P.S we also have another activity: 


Entwined RaghVi Drabble 2.0- Multi-Author Collaborative Story

where our writers will write an entwined Raghvi tale ❤️

Tradition of sorts in our forum to celebrate milestones 😆❤️

And one fun game thread : 

Game thread - Caption this- MHRW 150th Episode Celebration

Edited by Radiant_Eyes_ - 2 years ago


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Frequent Posters

GumnaamHaiKoii thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Raghav and Pallavi, two individuals who had nothing in common...


They started on a wrong foot, and set off a spark of hatred...

They clashed and clashed again...


...unaware that Fate had already united them in her own way...


...and kept finding ways to do it over and over again smiley27



They fought, they bickered, they argued...



...but even amidst the bickering, a spark of attraction grew 🔥




Giving takkar became a habit rather than an annoyance...



As somewhere deep down, they were bonded in care... smiley27




"But what's a love without a villainous twist?" thought Fate. Tragedy struck, disaster hit... 


...and forged the bond that was meant to be ❤️


As truth came to light, they both shattered under its weight... 😔💔


But he vowed to make things right again 😌


She had no hopes from him...


...but his sincerity moved her smiley27


And slowly things got normal again smiley27


Their first hug... smiley42


...And first shower... smiley42

Slowly but surely, they were growing closer. The presence that was once annoying, now acted as a solace smiley27


When his mother and sister had no faith, it was Pallavi who believed in him. His strongest opponent had finally become his strongest supporter smiley40


He opened up to her about his past... smiley19


And she reunited him with his mother... the greatest wish of his life smiley27


She fully accepted herself as Mrs Raghav Rao 🔥 Mouthing off anyone who didn't value him enough... even himself smiley15


He was her first priority now smiley42


...and yet he dared to try and send her away smiley7 Maar to khana hi tha smiley37


They started sharing a new room smiley42


As husband and wife, their attraction kept growing...


...and growing... smiley43


...and growing smiley43smiley43


Their first vat savitri smiley42smiley42


The fabulous black dress 😍🔥



And finally the confession smiley42smiley42


And the moment of moments 

 Sajan ki naam wali mehendi... rach gayi smiley42


Today as our show completes its 150th episode, let's forget all disappointments and remember all the joys smiley42smiley40

 Let's celebrate the two individuals we fell in love with... and how they fell in love themselves smiley42




Edited by Radiant_Eyes_ - 2 years ago
GumnaamHaiKoii thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

|| Raghav - Journey of a broken man ||

Raghav - the male lead is a very layered character. When the viewers were introduced to him, he was shown as an ruthless, arrogant and rude playboy who doesn’t  care for anyone or anything and is super confident that money buys anyone and anything.


In Sanskrit, the literal translation of the name Raghav is Ocean. And that is what Raghav as a character is here - A ocean which hides innumerable secrets among its depths, which looks tranquil on the surface though there are strong undercurrents raging inside. 

Raghav, a happy go lucky teenager who had seen love at the finest and purest form is forced to be away from his family for one small mistake of his much like the prince who is cursed to be a beast in the Disney’s animated “Beauty and the Beast”. The beast has a golden heart but unfortunately that is bruised and broken into pieces with the hardships faced by the young Raghav and now he has learned how to be self-sufficient and be shrewd, calculative to survive in the big bad world. 


The typical Alpha male - Raghav can take on anyone in fights. He possesses brute strength and the devil may care attitude which has helped him win many fights. Though a loner he is fiercely loyal to his men and that is why he shares a beautiful bond with Farhad, Harish and others who work for him. 

The one strange twist of fate brings Raghav face to face to the one girl who has the guts to stand up to him. Raghav enjoys the battle of wits with the girl who is equally protective of her family and doesn’t hesitate to pay back Raghav in the small coin. 


Challenging Pallavi brings immense enjoyment to Raghav as he enjoys her never-say-never attitude. Raghav can’t believe someone can go to this extent for their family. Raghav is a fair person and he doesn’t hesitate to acknowledge the inner strength, beauty and goodness of the petite, demure Ms.Deshmukh. 

The first seeds of love and attraction start for Raghav when he takes help of Pallavi to solve the mystery of Lion who is his arch-nemesis Ved. When Pallavi tends to an injured Raghav even after their tiff and fight, Raghav falls for her goodness. 


The new budding love would probably have found its wings if fate in the form of Sulochana didn’t intervene and drag Raghav’s and Pallavi’s name in the horrible abortion scandal. Raghav is someone who fights for the truth and he doesn’t hesitate to bring the actual culprit out. Raghav for all the shrewdness he possesses, doesn’t know how to tactfully take care of problems and deal with emotional manipulations which time and again proves to be his weakness and his Achilles heel. He has good intentions at heart but because of his brash and bratty attitude he ends up causing destruction. 

The same twist of fate makes Pallavi homeless and Raghav is forced to get married to the girl due to his mother’s insistence. When Pallavi comes into Raghav’s life both are forced to be together and staying together helps them understand each other better.


 Raghav realizes that Pallavi was not at fault and that makes Raghav overwhelmed and guilty. Raghav strives to make things correct for Pallavi and therein you get the beautiful redemption that is very rarely seen on Indian Television. 

This is just like the part where Belle realizes that the Beast is indeed a beautiful person inside. Pallavi sees the good heart Raghav possesses and stands by him during his difficult times. 


The trust Pallavi shows on Raghav helps him to unload his deepest fears and his past for which he has been paying the punishment for the past 10 years. Just like a soothing balm to an aching heart, Pallavi heals his pain and gives him the greatest gift he ever wished for - the forgiveness from his mother for his mistake. Raghav is someone who does not hesitate to correct his mistakes and that is why he tries to set Pallavi free. That is the beauty of Raghav’s character - He doesn’t force his will on anyone, He loves deeply but he struggles with his insecurities to claim what is his. 

Raghav is an enigma - What he says vs what he does vs what he feels are all different. He is someone who is fair but he doesn’t mind using crooked ways to win his battles. He is an alpha male and he can die to protect his family. He loves deeply and he values consent in the relationship. He can give the whole world up in exchange for his family. He hates being lonely, he hates being alone. He has a golden heart that is shielded deep within and that is why the world sees the arrogant and rude person he projects. Only Pallavi can see his inner strength and his love and that is why she is able to bring out the true nature in front of his family. With Pallavi, Raghav starts to live the life he always desired but could never wish for himself


There is a saying - When you meet your soulmate, the hearts merge and the cracks fill up and together you become one. The journey of Raghav from a broken guy to being together with his love of life - Pallavi has been a beautiful and poignant journey. The new love will be forced to face hurdles and will have their own trials and tribulations but they will come out stronger through all the difficulties. Like a Diamond in the rough, their love will be put to pressure but like they say pressure makes the diamond stronger. 


Man who entered an empty mansion in episode one now has a home smiley42


He has finally found his definition of love..... 

........Pallavi smiley27


Edited by Radiant_Eyes_ - 2 years ago
GumnaamHaiKoii thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

|| Pallavi - A Phoenix in disguise ||


The female lead of the show comes off a simple ordinary girl who believes in lighting up other people's lives around but her eyes catch you when she walks through in front of Charminar clad in a white saree , her sorrow weeping through the color . 

She is far from ordinary , she is far from simple 

She is like a ocean , calm , composed until the world questions her for then she is no less than a tsunami - standing up for every right in the world .

There lives a small girl inside her whose eyes twinkle at little joys , alas 

The world was never fair to her 

The grey clouds of her past shade her life every now and then , not letting in the sun seep through the soil to reach her roots which she keeps hidden away from the world .

She brushes the memories of her past , wipes away her own tears as she gets up from the floor 

It's incredible how even if all 

she has to give to the world is love 

But it's the love that she never experienced 

An orphan , she can't reminisce the lullaby her aai hummed or how her baba swung her to the sky on a bright Sunday 

She wishes , she had it but she doesn't 

She opened her eyes to a brother , who tried all his life to give her all he could for he himself was a child then 

Her closest encounter to love couldn't stand the evils eyes when she dressed up in red for her groom only for the color to get whitewashed , not letting her mehendi even paint her 

Her ill fate had stomped her yet , again 

On the unfortunate night she was left with broken dreams , an unseething pain 

“And just as the Phoenix rose from the ashes, she too will rise. 

Returning from the flames, 

clothed in nothing but her strength,

 more beautiful than ever before."

She picked up the pieces of her broken heart 

She taped them together , in the only way they could be held just to take care of the family her husband left behind 

The taunts , the looks , the everyday mockery to her heart 

She took it all in , trying to hold a broken home together .

That's when she meets him , the man who unknowingly painted her red smiley27

A man who shows wears a mask of ruthlessness , hatred on his face contrasting to everything she believes in a human 

She fights , she challenges him at every step shining armour of the her strength of character from within 

Raghav looks at her , in her angelic persona while she feeds at an old age home and its like that beast in him smiles for the first time

She sees him for his vulnerabilities , his warmth when she holds trying to shield her in the dark from his past enemy 

And that's when , her heart is touched 

For the first time in her life , someone offers to protect her , sheild her from the world which wants to mar her

But things take unfortunate turns as Sulochana and her in-laws recognise spark between her and raghav 

Questioning her character and bringing them down from pulled Heart strings .

The fights tug their hearts when they are around each other 

The beauty and a beast , both too broken by the world engage in some playfullness , smiles and dropping toothbrushes and cute messages

She is like a butterfly who unknowingly goes into the fort which has walls all around , waiting for the doors of his heart to open 

Things take a deadly turn when raghav mistrusts her and she gets thrown out of the home she lived and toiled for day night , robbing off her self respect

She falls down yet again 

This time in a mess which is harder to rise from 

And the only option to get up seems to be the proposal of the man who she had hated .

She walks around the fire , in reality walking through it herself as she gets married to man in a deal strike 

She lies lifelessly over the bed when she realises that she is caged in a home she can't breathe , with a man who married her just to get his own family back 

She almost walks away to kohlapur when he holds her back promising her that he will return her all the happinesses that she deserves 

He will paint her his own smiley27

And be the sheild between her and the world 

She doesn't know how could she voice out that

 she thinks she doesnt deserves any happiness 

Because she has never gotten any .


Still She gives him a chance and the man turns it around 

He goes all out for her , filling her thoughts with his little antics of smiles they share , saving her from drowning , hugging her tightly to fighting her demons for her .

He does it all 

She doesn't realise how this man, becomes a part of her life so important that she trusts him against the world and starts piecing his past together only to give him the happiness he always wanted 

His family 

She doesn't know how he slowly drained off the horrors of her past mistrust only to replace it with his eyes which adore her to an intensity that she can't out words to 

They fight , they laugh with each other 

They battle the world together as she makes him his priority only to run behind a few days later making an announcement that the home was hers 

She slowly walks into loving him when he fasts for her , wiping his tears at ordeals he couldn't come to mention to her


Pallavi doesnt believe raghav when he lies to her because she knows the man she loves and trusts 

She stands by her trust only to break down when he lies in the hospital bed , her emotions swell up bursting to tell him how much she has loved him and will love him for the lives to come 

The small girl in her which was lost had finally found a partner in him and she was brimming with joy thanking her destiny .

She has been burnt alive by fate

Yet she rose above it all 

 spreading her wings 

Touching the sky 

Smiling like the horizon 

To love him like the sun 

Warming his heart

with her doe eyes 

Calling herself his 

At world's every  price 


Edited by Radiant_Eyes_ - 2 years ago
SONIA441 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 2 years ago

Image| Mehndi Hai Rachne Wali Cast & Crew Appreciation |    Image

A show can't be made without a vision & we are thankful to our Producers, Writers & the Entire Cast & Crew of MHRW for making us fall in love with them. Running strong at 150 Episodes specially during COVID Times is no easy feat & they have achieved it that too with a stable TRP at 6:30pm timeslot.

Producer Sandiip Sikchand  -  The initial conceptualization of the main characters, finalizing our Leads both of whom we love today is because of the this man right here.


Directors - We have seen a quick change of directors for the show yet each one left a profound impact with their impressionable shots.


Hemant R. Prabhu - Hemant had been with the Team for 100 Episodes and we all know the magic that he weaved for our Raghav & Pallavi so that we could start seeing them RaghVi👏

Rohit Fulari - Rohit handled most of the direction during the Hyderabad & the relocation back to Kolhapur shoots. We got some amazing bonding scenes of the protagonists along with character developments for all the cast here.

Jafar Shaikh - Jaffar entered the show recently and has been a breath of fresh air to the team with his top notch directing Skills.

BTS Credits - Veena Sikchand - Ofcourse How can we forget our dear Veena Ji who would know how to fan the flames of each & every Fan Member by posting the BTSes at theright juncture always.


Special Edits 


ImageCast Image


ImageCrew Image 

Credits : ShrutikaSwaron 

Wiki Link - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mehndi_Hai_Rachne_Waali

Edited by SONIA441 - 2 years ago
GumnaamHaiKoii thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago


Finishing off by small thank you note to everyone who helped me to put up this thread ❤️


Write up credits ✍️

Introductory post : drnidsur & Radiant_Eyes_

 RaghVi Journey Post : Bee222

Raghav’s Journey Post : PSharada & Radiant_Eyes_

Pallavi’s Journey Post: drnidsur 

Cast & Crew Appreciation Post : Sonia441


✨ Edits & Gifs credits ✨







Tag/Banner Credits ❤️

Main celebration tag :  Sevenstreaks 

Entwined RaghVi Drabbles 2.0 tag : Haal-E-Dil 


It was extremely difficult to make this thread in such a short period of time.

Thank you girls for your support and cooperation❤️

It was fun and we finally did it smiley16





Edited by Radiant_Eyes_ - 2 years ago
GumnaamHaiKoii thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

SaiShi , Sandip S and Rutuja saw screen recording of this page  ❤️ 



Sai reacted on RR’s post 


Edited by Radiant_Eyes_ - 2 years ago
GumnaamHaiKoii thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Radiant_Eyes_

Finishing off by small thank you note to everyone who helped me to put up this thread ❤️

Write up credits ✍️

 RaghVi Journey Post : Bee222

Raghav’s Journey Post : PSharada & Radiant_Eyes_

Pallavi’s Journey Post: drnidsur 

Cast & Crew Appreciation Post : Sonia441

✨ Edits & Gifs credits ✨






Tag/Banner Credits ❤️

Main celebration tag :  Sevenstreaks 

Entwined RaghVi Drabbles 2.0 tag : Haal-E-Dil 

It was extremely difficult to make this thread in such a short period of time.

Thank you girls for your support and cooperation❤️

It was fun and we finally did it smiley16




GumnaamHaiKoii thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Radiant_Eyes_

Finishing off by small thank you note to everyone who helped me to put up this thread ❤️

Write up credits ✍️

 RaghVi Journey Post : Bee222

Raghav’s Journey Post : PSharada & Radiant_Eyes_

Pallavi’s Journey Post: drnidsur 

Cast & Crew Appreciation Post : Sonia441

✨ Edits & Gifs credits ✨






Tag/Banner Credits ❤️

Main celebration tag :  Sevenstreaks 

Entwined RaghVi Drabbles 2.0 tag : Haal-E-Dil 

It was extremely difficult to make this thread in such a short period of time.

Thank you girls for your support and cooperation❤️

It was fun and we finally did it smiley16




Sharada I modified Raghav’s Journey a little at the end  but thank you for beautiful write up 🤗❤️

Snehal I almost raided your Gallery 😎🤣

Thanks Behen 🤗🤗

Edited by Radiant_Eyes_ - 2 years ago
GumnaamHaiKoii thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Join in  ❤️

Tags others to join us too 🤗

This tag Limit is annoying I swear 😡

Edited by Radiant_Eyes_ - 2 years ago