ShiVi OS: Healing the Scars

milkcakejamun thumbnail
Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Anniversary 3 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Healing the Scars

Summary: Shiva and Raavi had a long day. They were kidnapped. Shiva was beaten. And Raavi fainted. Just when they wanted to rest, Shiva and Raavi were asked to heal each other's wounds...

Notes: Omg, so I just realized this is not the prompt @ItsmePriya I talked about, so you might be disappointed. I just tried to imagine what ShiVi would end up doing once they came home. Hope you still like it nonetheless!


Shiva angrily squeezed the lime, completely ignoring the seeds falling into the glass. Arey, why should I be taking care of that Mami Ki Behn Ki Beti? Panauti... if she wasn't there I would've thrashed those goons.

He winced when he felt his fingernails digging into his palm. He glanced down at noticed that half the cup was filled with the lime juice. With a scoff, he threw the lime in the dustbin and reached for the salt. That pisaach will handle the seeds.

"Shiva," Dhara held Shiva's arm tightly. She turned to Raavi and said more softly, "Raavi. You two are both married." Dhara released her grip on Shiva's arm and went to Raavi, "A husband and wife care and look after each other, so please," she pleaded as she turned to both Raavi and Shiva--both of whom seemed uninterested in her words. "Take care of each other."

Even after his bhabi pleaded him, he was stiff in his resolve. That Mami Ki Behn Ki Beti only hit her head. Her arms were fully functional and working. She could apply haldi on herself, and she could make nimbu pani for herself. Instead, his bhabi asked for him to take care of all her needs.

What needs?

He glanced backwards and glared at the pisaach who sat at the table glancing inside the first aid box. She had a couple of supplies taken out, including the antiseptic spray and bandages.

She's a fully functioning chipkali.

He turned back to the nimbu pani he was preparing and added two extra spoons of salt with anger. His Mami Ki Behn Ki Beti deserved it. If she hadn't been so annoying, he could've gotten them out of there sooner, and she wouldn't have hit her head like that. But no, she had to cry, she had to feel scared, she had to shout when she saw her fellow relative chipkali.

Shiva filled the rest of the cup with water and stirred his concoction with a spoon. He turned to Raavi and stormed towards her with a glare.

He didn't even want to care for her. And if it was just his Dhara bhabi asking, he could've said something to get out of doing the task, but then Gaumbi and his mother joined. Even his brother Dev stressed he take care of Raavi, especially now that she was his wife.

He held out the cup of nimbu pani to her and turned away from her, "Here."

He felt the gazes of his family members, but he stood his ground. This was the most he would do. If their relationship was ever going to work out, she would need to meet him the other half of the way. His family couldn't expect him to do everything.

After a few seconds, he felt her cool fingers graze his as she took the cup from him.



Knew it.

He turned to the panauti and raised his brow, "What?"

She glanced down at the glass and then turned back up at him with a glare, "You didn't even remove the seeds!" her voice was a little higher pitched as she yelled at him. "What do you even want me to do with the seeds?"

He turned to her, "Swallow them with the pani, maybe you'll grow a nimbu tree."


Shiva winced as he heard his mother's voice in the background. He took the glass of water from her and went back into the kitchen to fish out the seeds with a spoon. Unfortunately, they weren't alone anymore. He needed to quell his anger against his Mami Ki Behn Ki Beti if he wanted his mother to be happy.

He went back to Raavi and shoved the cup into her hands. She took it with a glare and then sipped. Immediately, her face twisted with disgust. She turned to him and he glanced at his mother. Raavi glanced towards the direction of her saas and Krish. Silently, she turned back to Shiva with a glare and swallowed the pani.

Shiva turned to leave, thinking his mission was over, but he felt Raavi grab his hand.

He paused.

This had been the first time she held his hand like this. Even during the wedding, she grabbed the edge of his sleeve in defeat... He glanced down and noticed just how tightly she was gripping his hand. He glanced up at her and noticed the resolve in her eyes.

"Baitiye, Shiva," her voice was hoarse and steely.

He didn't want to sit down, and she must've noticed, because she held onto his hand even tighter. Her gaze flicked towards his mother and brother on the side.

As much as he didn't want to, he also didn't want to face his mother's anger. Especially not after she worried over them.

He shook her hand off and pulled the chair forward to sit down. He stared up at her, challenging her.

Heh... what could a chipkali like her be capable of anyway?

She leaned forward and she placed her fingers over his cut. Using her index finger and thumb, she stretched the skin, causing the wound to open. Shiva winced but did nothing else. If he reacted anymore, that chipkali would make fun of him.

Using her free hand, she reached for the antiseptic bottle. There was a plastic cap, and since she both her hands were occupied, she used her mouth to pull the cap off.

That mouth again... what a dumb pisaach. She could've asked me to open it. It's not like we're tied.

His gaze moved upwards and he noticed she was looking down at him. He'd gotten so used to seeing her scared, that it was almost unbelievable to see her relaxed and angry.

She leaned down, her hair tickling and falling over his shoulders. Normally, he would push her away, but after everything they'd faced, it was almost somewhat comforting to see her alright. His heart became unsettled when he saw her tears, and even after she fainted, he felt a fear that he couldn't explain himself.

He didn't like his chipkali, but that didn't mean he wanted to see her hurt.

She sprayed the antiseptic spray--leading him to wince with pain. But she didn't stop there. She continued to spray, and the pain only became worse.

"Ey Mami Ki Behn Ki Beti," he warned.

"I'm just cleaning your wound, Shiva," she picked up a cotton swab and dabbed it onto his forehead with more force than needed.

He grabbed her arm, "I already cleaned the wound."

The second they came home, his Dhara bhabi made him clean his wounds. When he went to her to get patched up further, his bhabi refused to do so. Rather, she wanted the chipkali to patch him up, and of course his panauti was already doing a great job of ruining himself instead of fixing him up.

"Really?" she leaned closer to him. Her nose brushed his ear leading him to swallow. She took a deep breath as he turned to face her.

There faces were just a few millimeters away. Her eyes were staring straight at him. Anger reflected within them. He slowly dropped his gaze and noticed just how close that mouth of hers was.

The same mouth which saved them both.

Despite hating her so much, he couldn't help but give credit where it was due. If it wasn't for her, they probably would've struggled much, much more and for much longer.

His gaze lifted again and he looked away, breaking the connection they just had. All this time, it was her who broke the connection. But now, he had to do it. He couldn't let her know just how worried he was when he found her passed out.

"You still smell like the dukhan, are you sure you washed properly?" she whispered before moving away from her.

Though she had just insulted him, he couldn't help but notice how the air around them was charged. For a moment, he didn't know what to do or respond. Life was so much easier when this Mami Ki Behn Ki Beti wasn't related to him. He could just kick her out of the house whenever she irritated him. Now...

He turned to her.

Now, he had to spend the rest of his life with her...

"I didn't know you could cure wounds with silence!" Krish chirped in the background.

Shiva welcomed the distraction that Krish created. When he turned, he noticed that his mother and Krish were glancing over at them with concern. He turned away and thanked Somnath that his brothers, Dhara bhabi, and Rishita were not there.

Raavi grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the table.

"Where are you two going!" Krish yelled before groaning. "What? Those two are going to kill each other if they go in there alone!"

Shiva couldn't hear what his mother ended up saying because Raavi tossed him into the room. She locked the door and immediately started on him, "Shiva, I know I couldn't tell you this before, but are you crazy?"

She walked up to him and looked up at him with watery eyes.

The panauti started again didn't she?

He rolled his eyes as annoyance burst within him. He thought he would be saved once she came home. However, once a chipkali, always a chipkali.

"What were you thinking back there? Leaving me all alone. After I helped you, too!" she grabbed his collar as he let out a sigh of annoyance. "Did you know how scary those goons were? One of them even had a gun," she hands were shivering. "How could you leave me alone in there?" her hands balled into fists as she smacked his chest. "How? How?"

"Ey gadheri," Shiva grabbed her arms, "If you weren't so loud, we could've escaped before."

"Before?" Raavi asked incredulously. "Oh right, and every time you were free, those goons just beat you up and tied you back up! How could we have escaped before if you were so weak." Since her arms weren't free, she decided to use her legs to kick his shin. "Stupid! Idiot!" she shouted. "If you just listened to me and let me give them rice and chocolate from our store-,"

Not wanting to deal with her nonsense any longer, Shiva picked her up. That silenced the chipkali enough. His jaw clenched as he threatened, "If you open you're mouth again, I'll drop you!"

Raavi seemed affronted for a moment. She glared and mumbled, "Ha, drop me. It's not as if I didn't get hurt already by your goon friends!"

Shiva walked over to the bedding they had on the ground and dropped Raavi unceremoniously. She groaned and glared up at him, "Why did you have to do that? Couldn't you treat me nicer! Even those goons were more respectful than you!" she complained as she stood up and rubbed her back.

"How many times do I have to tell you?" he took a step forward as she took a step back. "They aren't my friends. Janardhan hired them." She glanced away and he couldn't help but add, "Gadheri."

She huffed as she went over to her bags. Kneeling down, she began searching for something while mumbling, "Stupid Shiva, picking fights with everyone and everything. And those idiot goons!" she began to toss out the things in her suitcase, "If I ever see them ever again, I'm going to lock them up in a room with chipkalis without any chipkali food. Those chipkalis can eat those idiots!"

She pulled out a thin white tube and continued to mumble, "Seriously, how dare they hurt the most beautiful girl in Somnath." Raavi stood and went towards the mirror. She leaned forward and gasped when she noticed the redness on her forehead, "If I get any scars, I'll throw cockroaches into that room, too!"

Shiva couldn't help but frown when he saw her squeeze a small amount of lotion onto her finger, "W-what is that?"

Raavi turned to him with a frown, "Cream," stating the obvious. She rubbed the small amount of lotion against her fingers and turned back to her mirrior, "It prevents scars and makes you look younger."

He didn't know what tempted him to do it. Maybe it was because she was just so annoying this entire day. From not giving him any coffee, to being overly loud and obnoxious during their kidnapping, to getting hurt by those idiot goons. He needed to do something to... put her in her place.

He went over to her and pulled the bottle away from her, glancing at it curiously, "Prevents scarring?"

She nodded her head absentmindedly and turned back to the mirror. Just as her fingers were about to apply the lotion onto her wound, Shiva grabbed her hand. He glanced at her fingers and then glanced up at her face, "I don't believe you."

She rolled her eyes and turned to him, "It doesn't matter if you believe me or not. Everyone in Somnath can see the truth."

"And what truth is that?"

"That I'm beautiful, and you're not," she turned back to the mirror. "And I'll continue to be beautiful, while you'll continue to look like a jungle animal."

He scoffed. She effectively ticked him off. And he knew exactly what to do to tick her off.

Turning to her, he grabbed her hand and wiped her fingers against his shirt so the cream was over his shirt. He then pushed her to the side and opened the bottle. He squeezed the lotion so everything fell into his hand.

"Shiva!" she yelled incredulously as she looked at the lotion in his hands.

Before she could do anything, he slathered the lotion over his face, arms, under his shirt. Anywhere and everywhere, just to get back at her for how angry she made him today.

She glared at him angrily, "Shiva," she gritted. "How dare you, do you know exactly how much money I spent on this cream? Do you know how precious this cream is? Mausa-Pa only goes to the city three times a year, and last time he took me too! I spent three months of pocket money on that one bottle of cream, and you wasted all of it in one go!"

As she was furiously ranting, she advanced on him. He stumbled backwards while still holding strong. As long as he was strong, she wouldn't be able to-,

The back of his foot hit the bed sheets spread on the ground. He stumbled, and using that as an opportunity, Raavi pushed him, causing him to land on his back.

She sat on top of him, "Give me back my lotion you boothnath," she used her hands to scoop up as much of the lotion as she could, but she must've quickly realized that the method was not as effective. She then leaned down. Her cheek brushed against his left cheek, "You don't deserve to be as beautiful as me!"

If there was one thing Shiva absolutely hated about Raavi, it was how she was nothing lady-like. There were many different ways to recover the lotion, but instead of using those methods, she seemed bent on using the most... uncomfortable method--using her body... It was evil.

Raavi's hands quickly lifted up his shirt, causing him to slow his breathing. She used her entire arm to scrape most of the lotion and afterwards, used her face once more. He swallowed as she seemed to cast some type of spell on his body. Every where she touched, was tingling and on fire. He didn't even know why that was the case. The last time she touched him like this... he was disgusted. But now... it was anything but disgust.

Even the time he helped her with the pallu. He thought he would be disgusted by being that close to her... but instead, he had a sense of satisfaction. That despite how much she hated him, he was the one to fix her problem.

But now this chipkali went back to causing him problems...

"Scoundrel," she whined as she tried to spread the lotion as best as possible over her body. She glanced down at him, "Were you born to just annoy me?" she leaned down and brushed her cheek against his forehead. During the process, her mangalsutra fell on top of his lips, reminding them of the newfound relationship they had.

It was enough to jolt him awake from his thoughts. He pushed her off and angrily frowned as he realized just how much of a panauti she was to him. He'd always lived in the best way possible, never getting any sort of health problem. But now that she came into his life, he finds himself getting beaten up, having body pains, and now, feeling as though his skin was pricked.

I need to do something to get back at this chipkali.

He turned to her angrily and shook his head. She can't sleep tonight, especially since I won't be getting any sleep tonight.

As she massaged the lotion onto her face, he thought back to how she was screaming and shouting when she saw the chipkali. It was a rather hilarious moment for him.

A chipkali scared of another chipkali.

With a smirk, he mumbled, "Hai Somnath, did that chipkali really go under the table."

Raavi paused and turned to him with wide eyes, "C-chipkali?"

Shiva nodded his head, "Chipkali," he grabbed her shoulders and turned her to the direction of the table, "I saw it run under there!"

It was just his luck that some sort of shadow fell in that area. Raavi immediately shouted--a sort of music to his ears. He smirked, loving how his plan worked out.

"Chipkali!" Raavi wrapped her arms around Shiva's waist and held him close, "Shiva, get the chipkali out."

No, no, no! This gadheri was supposed to run away from the room...

He tried to push her away, but she only held onto him tighter, "Shiva, get rid of the chipkali, please!" she buried her face into his embrace. "Get rid of the chipkali, please! Please, please, please!"

As much as he tried to pull her off, she was glued on to him.

"Ey Shiva! Kya ho raha hiya?"

"Kuch nahin, Ma," he grounded out as he stared at the panauti latched onto him.

This gadheri, always creating problems for me...

Notes: Very interested to see what type of heated gazes and romance we'll be getting during the recovery phase! Wish we had more spoilers, but I guess predicting what's going to happen is also fun!


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raindropsroses thumbnail
Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Anniversary 3 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

fully functioning chipkali

fellow relative chipkali

Where do you even come up with these 🀣

Swallow them with the pani, maybe you'll grow a nimbu tree

I'm going to lock them up in a room with chipkalis without any chipkali food. Those chipkalis can eat those idiots!

If I get any scars, I'll throw cockroaches into that room, too

Give me back my lotion you boothnath

AVIIIII! TELL US THE TRUTH! Class class bolke you go to Bikaner to write dialogues for Shivi noh?! 

No, no, no! This gadheri was supposed to run away from the room... 

Bechara Shiva 🀣🀣🀣 

As usual I loved it so much β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️πŸ”₯

Foxii thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

Even when Family is around these two are just Tom and Jerry, they give caring a different meaning haha

What sort if magic lotion did Raavi buy, Shiva had to empty it in one go...

What Shiva hates, I love... Raavi doesnt have to be Lady like... this is Perfect 


Fah_huq thumbnail
Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago


Wait let me finish laughing first 

So entertaining

Dialogues - bapre what was all that!

Fellow relative chipkali had me rofl 

Hats off to you and your amazing bhejaπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Mahaali2905 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 3 years ago

Beautifully written just loved it 😍❀️

vivpri thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Hot & Sweet update πŸ₯° loved it 

LoverBollywood thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

This was realllyy good..

TunesOfHeart thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

This os was very cute😍😍😍😍

Loved itβ€πŸ˜‹

Keep writingπŸ˜‹

ms.ObseSSeD thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

πŸ‘πŸ‘ this was such an entertaining os πŸ˜†

Thank you so much for writing this!!! The way they fight alone is already romantic. I dont know how you come up with all of your lines !!

hedwig_potter thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago


One of the best I have ever read. Its awesome!!

Totally Shiva and Raavi!

Cute an fun

Thank you for this wonderful OSπŸ€—πŸ€—