ShiVi SS: Mere Dev Ki Liye *Complete*

milkcakejamun thumbnail
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Posted: 3 years ago

Mere Dev Ki Liye

Summary: Raavi's relationship with Shiva can only be described as "complicated." There's a reason she's been so obsessed with getting Shiva's approval. If you ask Raavi, "Mere Dev Ki Liye, I'll do anything. Even if it means interacting with the human sized castor oil!"

Dedicated To: Mel, this is all for you ❤️ ❤️ ❤️!

Notes: Before you guys ask, yes there will be a second part (and that too, will be the last part of the story) which will explain kind of the reason why Raavi is so obsessed with getting Shiva's opinion. This part just provides a little bit of the background for Part 2. Also, there will be no romance in this story. Part 1 they are kids, and Part 2 is before the ShiVi marriage. So only fights and nothing else. Will post the second part to this story after posting for my other story!

Part II: Page 2

Part III: Page 2

Part III.5: Page 3


"Dhara, I think this will be a good opportunity for the boys. An education in the city will only provide them the foundation they need to have the good future we've always wished for them to have."

"Ha Gaumbi, but-,"

"I know they'll leave us, but that doesn't mean they'll be gone forever. They'll come back during holidays, and we can always visit them there..."

Shiva never intended to listen into his bhabi and bhai's conversation. He'd only meant to get himself a glass of water after waking up, feeling thirsty. However, after listening, he felt as though his life was suck out of him.

Send us to the city? Out of Somnath? Far away from the store?

It was a chilling conversation that he couldn't forget even the day after. His bhabi and bhai seemed very prepared and keen on the idea of sending them all away, and he didn't like it one bit. And he knew exactly where his bhabi and bhai had the idea from.

A couple of days ago, students in all classes received a notice about a scholarship program funded by the top private school in Gujarat. The aim was to provide students from Somnath with the opportunity to get a city education as the new dean was from Somnath himself. The top scoring male and female student of each class would receive a full stipend to attend the school in Gandhinagar (which was a decent 8-9 hour journey by car alone!).

Shiva didn't have to worry about himself or Krish. Both of them were average students. However, he did worry about Dev. Dev was a teacher's pet, always scoring the top marks in every subject. He had a high probability of getting the scholarship, and once he did, both Shiva and Krish would be sent to the school as well (as Gaumbi was more than ready to pay for them).

If there was anything Shiva did not want, it was to leave Somnath. This was his birthplace. The place that contained his second love (Pandya Store). And more importantly, it was the place where his mother, Gaumbi, and Dhara stayed. He had no intention of living all by himself.

"Whatever you do," Shiva seethed, "Don't get the highest marks."

Dev stared at him with confusion. They stood in an empty classroom, Dev sitting down on the bench and Shiva glaring down at Dev. Krish meanwhile was guarding the door.

"But Shiva, getting an education in Gandhinagar will make Dhara bhabi and Gaumbi proud," Dev mentioned softly.

Dev glanced down at his notebook wistfully. Since hearing about the scholarship, he was excited and more than ready to study as much as he possibly could. He had many plans. Plans of making their single store into a chain store. Plans of trying to get investors and suppliers across Gujarat. He knew he was only twelve years old, but he had ambition that he believed could only be achieved by going to Gandhinagar.

"So you go to Gandhinagar," Shiva huffed. "Don't bring Krish and me with you," he turned to Krish and called out, "Isn't that right Krish?"

Krish took his eyes off the hallway and nodded his head, "I won't be able to eat Dhara bhabi's good food if I go to Gandhinagar!"

Shiva turned to Dev, "And unfortunately, bhabi and bhai are planning to send all of us if even one of us gets the scholarship. So do us a favor, and do the worst you can on this test."

When Dev continued to feel unsure, Shiva patted Dev's back, "I'll buy you however much vada pao you want."

Dev managed to crack a smile the second he heard of vada pao. Though he had dreams of going to the city, he knew he cared more about his family. Without them, he wouldn't be anything. He glanced up at Shiva and nodded his head, softly saying, "Okay, I'll purposely get a few wrong."

Shiva shook his head, "Not a few. Get many wrong."

Dev closed his notebook and stood, "Alright, but both of you need to do the same, too."

Krish snorted, "I think you overestimate Shiva's skills," when Shiva threw a glare in his direction, Krish shrugged, "I have a better chance of getting the scholarship."

"And if you do, I'll personally crack your legs," Shiva warned as Krish's eyes widened with fear and nodded his head obediently.

Dev stuffed his notebook in his bag and rubbed his stomach, "Now that we've discussed our super secret plans, can we please go to the canteen to eat?"

Krish's eyes beamed, "Yeah! And Shiva will be paying for the vada pao with his pocket money!"

Shiva was about to scold Krish and tell him off. However, he saw a petite girl in his periphery. Her hair was neatly braided and her face was flushed with shyness. Anyone else might say she was some cute girl, but Shiva knew better. She had the brains of a bandar, the face of a chipkali, and the personality of a rakshasi.

He turned to Dev, "Why don't you go stand in line," he put his arm around Krish and sweetly turned to his younger brother, "Krish and I have a few things to talk about, so we'll catch up with you shortly."

Krish's eyes widened, and he was about to shake his head and reply, but Shiva covered his mouth. He smiled at Dev (all while keeping an eye on his dushman) and watched as Dev left. Before that annoying girl could leave as well, Shiva turned to Krish, "Dev likes smart girls doesn't he?"

Just as he expected, the irritating monkey paused and lingered in her spot.

Krish seemed confused, but Shiva continued, "In fact Krish, Dev even told me he really wants to go to Gandhinagar. He's been  studying day and night for this scholarship. Once he leaves Somnath, he'll probably be best friends with some smart girl in Gandhinagar, wouldn't he?"

Krish's confusion went to no ends. He opened his mouth, "But didn't we just convince Dev--,"

Shiva pressed his hand against Krish's mouth. He couldn't help but grin when he noticed the idiotic girl smiling. She was completely hooked.

He never had given the slightest thought about his Mami Ki Behn Ki Beti (why would he when she's a waste of space anyway?), but this was the perfect opportunity to get rid of her. Despite being a year younger than him, he always heard of that chipkali's name. She was one of the smarter kids, and now that she had the resolve, she could be the scholarship recipient.

She would leave his life, and he could protect his brother Dev from her evil gaze. It was a win-win situation for all of them.


After Exams

"HAHAHAHA," Shiva had a bounce in his step after discovering the exam results.

Dev still did great on his exams, but instead of scoring his usual spot of class first, he was the third highest scorer. Krish scored decent, he was somewhere in the top 30. Shiva scored lower than he usually did, but he didn't care. Instead, he cared most about that dushman's score.

She was class first. Scoring a perfect 100.

His Mami was happy.

Her teachers were happy.

He was happy.

In fact, he was so happy he couldn't stop telling people about that girl's achievements. Everyone from Gaumbi, Dhara, his mother, to his milkman, mailman, vegetable seller... they all knew about her top score.

"Ey Rohan, mithai le lo," he offered the sweet box to the boy who was in that chipkali's class. He turned to the next person, not missing the glare that chipkali sent his way (though her glares only further powered his energy and happiness), and offered sweets.

Ever since finding out her score, and Dev's not so amazing score, that roti faced girl couldn't help but start sobbing. None of the teachers were able to understand her sadness, and Shiva's excitement.

After distributing sweets to every member of the class, Shiva walked over to his Mami Ki Behn Ki Beti. Her eyes were swollen and red, just the way he liked it. He dropped the sweet box onto the table, effectively startling her, and gave her a smirk. He leaned closer to her and smugly said, "Congratulations, Mami Ki Behn Ki Beti," you've just won a one way ticket out of Dev's life.

The girl's lower lips trembled as tears rolled down her cheeks. She swallowed and let out a cry, "Y-you knew didn't you?" the tears couldn't stop rolling down her face.

This morning, her Maasi couldn't stop praising her. Everyone on the street knew about her exam results, and her Maasi even began telling everyone that Raavi will be going to Gandhinagar. Even she was happy about her results. Ever since hearing in on Shiva's conversation with Krish, she put a little more effort into her studying. Even without her Maasi telling her, she woke up early in the morning to review material. She went to every extra help session, did every practice problem, asked Anita Di for help whenever she needed. The 100 only proved she was capable.

But after learning that Dev didn't make it as a top scorer, she was heartbroken. She studied all this time knowing Dev would be coming with her to Gandhinagar. She thought it would be perfect. She could become best friends with Dev there while never having to worry about Shiva.

It wasn't until she saw Shiva dancing and partying did she realize that she was set up. Shiva purposely said all of this to send her as far away as possible. Her angel and savior Dev would be in Somanth... while she would be fumbling and lost in Gandhinagar.

Raavi managed to glare at Shiva through her tear stained eyes, "Cheater!"

She stood up in anger and leaned forward to grab his collar. This boy was always messing with her. From the moment they'd met, he distrusted her, made fun of her, spoiled her dresses, pulled on her hair. She was fine with him doing all of that. Because after receiving the pain from Shiva, Dev was always there to provide her with care and love. But whatever stunt he pulled now?

She would never forgive him...

Shiva laughed and pushed Raavi, "Eh Mami Ki Behn Ki Beti, you should be thankful to me. Without me, you wouldn't have received this scholarship!"

He reached for the last remaining ladoo in the box. Grabbing her chin, he forced her mouth open, "My Dhara bhabi always said, when someone starts something new, it's always good to have sweets," after stuffing the laddo in his dushman's mouth, he took a step back and smirked as the girl began to cough.

"I hope you achieve great heights, mera dushman," he never wanted anyone related to his mami to be happy. But, for this one case, he was willing to make the exception. "Hope you achieve so much in Gandhinagar that you never come back to Somnath."

Raavi's fists clenched as she stared at the bane of her life. Her Maasi would never let her stay in Somnath, especially since she now received the scholarship. She glanced around the room and noticed that one of her classmates had not touched their ladoo. She immediately picked up the ladoo and went up to Shiva.

He was so distracted from his happiness that he hadn't even noticed Raavi.

Raavi grabbed at his chin in the similar manner that he had done just before and stuffed the entire ladoo into his mouth, "I will achieve great heights, and when I come back, I'll be sure to take Dev away from you."

Shiva chewed on his laddo and snorted, "Take my brother away from me," he pushed her away as if she was a virus, "as if. Keep dreaming, chipkali." He picked up the empty box of sweets and congratulated, "Congratulations on the one-way ticket out of Somnath. I hope you never return!" His smirk only deepened when he noticed just how affected she appeared to be by all of this.

Raavi sat down in the huff and glared at the board in front of her. She really wished she had never overheard Shiva's conversation that day. Honestly, anything Shiva says out of his mouth should be marked as a red flag...

She would show that Shiva... Not only will she do her best in Gandhinagar, that too for Dev, but she will also come back to Somnath and make Shiva regret every single action he's ever done to her. That will be her challenge!

Edited by milkcakejamun - 3 years ago


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Felicie thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

Wow you actually went ahead and wrote this! Haha. It's super cute and I could imagine their kid versions acting this out. 

She had the brains of a bandar, the face of a chipkali, and the personality of a rakshasi.

How perfectly put!


Looking forward to the next part. Also, you can edit the post title to say it's a TS (Two shot) and currently part 1. 

Foxii thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

What a devil brain Shiva has, loved it absolutely cute.

Poor Raavi.

Looking forward to Part 2  - Shivi grown up tashan

Dwanstar thumbnail
Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Why is it always that childhood haters become such a cute couple in future

ms.ObseSSeD thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

Wow!!😃 You actually wrote it ! And wrote it fast too! It's so good and I really enjoyed it. Definitely something I imagine young Shiva and Raavi would do. Poor Raavi, fooled for being smart.

You described their childish fights so vividly, that I could imagine it in my head. You're so talented. 

Take my heart!❤️

helen_of_troy thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

Excellent writing dear! Waiting for next part❤️

Miss_SR thumbnail
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Posted: 3 years ago

Wow I really enjoyed this. Hoping there's a second part coming :-)

Mountains_Lakes thumbnail
Easter Egg Contest Winner (2023) 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 3 years ago

You are on a roll and so is this forum! It's raining ShiVi stories and I am loving it.

This had beauty on its own. The way you're able to capture and write little Shiva's characterization is just wow. I could  clearly visualize all of it including his excitement at Raavi going away. Finally, a Mere Dev keliye, but from Raavi's perspective. As much as I LOVE current ShiVi, I wish we could see more of child actors as well. They were absolutely adorable and we're phenomenal as actors themselves.

Looking forward to part 2 where Raavi comes back with bang! Looking forward to see her even the scores.

GrilledCheese thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 3 years ago

lovely start! shiva's plan was awesome 😉.. waiting for the next! 

chavi12345 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 3 years ago

Wow nice. Shiva forcrd dev to score less marksin exam. So they cant go  fron somanath. He tricked raavi to getmore marks