Happy TMKOC Diwali ....Light Festival Celebrations

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Posted: 10 years ago

Welcome To TMKOC Diwali Celebrations

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Diwali, the festival if light, reminds us of, "Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya" (From darkness unto Light). Symbolically, it represents our divine nature and reminds us of our primary responsibility to pursue the path of light and find the divine.
The great Goddess Maha Lakshmi, who symbolizes all the positive forces of life and the divine nature of wealth, is the principal deity of this remarkably unique festival.
The first day of the festival is known as Dhanteras or Dhantrayodashi. Dhan means wealth and Trayodashi means 13th day. On this day, it is believed that, Lord Dhanwantari emerged from the waters of the ocean holding the knowledge of the spiritual medicines of Aayurveda, to help the mankind fight against sickness, disease and death.

The second day of the festival is known as Naraka Chaturdasi. On this day Lord Krishna with his consort Satyabhama killed Narakasura & freed 16000 women abducted by him. Religiously, the day marks the end of an evil empire in some prehistoric past and the beginning of a new era of Light and Knowledge.

The actual Diwali is celebrated on the third day of the festival, when the moon completely wanes and total darkness sets in the night sky. It is in this darkness, that Diwali finds its true expression. On this day people worship Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and express their gratitude for previous favors.

Usually the pooja is performed both in the morning and again in the evening when the sun is ready to set or has already set. It is believed that the Goddess would not visit a devotee's house, if it is not kept clean and properly lighted. So every one strives to keep their houses clean, the doors and windows open and all the lights and lamps glowing brightly.

The fourth day is variously known as Padwa, Varshapratipada and Kartika Shudda Padyami. According to a legend, at the behest of Lord Krishna the people of Braj worshipped the hillock Govardhan on this day to save themselves from an impending storm unleashed by the fury of Indra, the Lord of Heaven.

Even now, in northern India, in the region of Braj, people continue the tradition of worshipping Govardhan on this auspicious day.In a sense, this is an act of invocation to appease the forces of Nature to prevent the occurrence of floods and cyclonic storms, a tradition that is probably rooted in the vedic times.

On the fifth and final day of the festival, which is known as Bhayiduj, Bhayyaduj, Bhavbij or Bhayitika, brothers and sisters meet to express their love and affection for each other. Sisters put a ceremonial mark, usually with vermillion, on their brothers' foreheads and wish them long lives. According to a legend, the tradition began when Yamuna, the sister of Lord Yama honored her brother with a tilak on his forehead and wished him long life.

Edited by Proud-India - 10 years ago


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Posted: 10 years ago


Edited by Proud-India - 10 years ago
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Posted: 10 years ago
    Hai and Welcome To Diwali Dhamaka Thread...

       First I Wish You All A Very Very HAPPY DIWALI or DEEPAVALI...

   Have Some Sweets And light Some Diyas and Fire Some Crackers...

                      diwali orkut scraps


For This Celebration U Have To Sit And Enjoy Like This...

SYNOPSIS...ouch...its not school essays...

** Introduction Of Diwali๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ƒ      
** Why Do We Celebrate Diwali?๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜‰
** Behind Diwali๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜ƒ
** Regional Variations Within India๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜ณ     =     see 4th cemment
** In Other Parts Of The world๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜›              =     see  5th comment
** Imp:Drawings by Copycat๐Ÿ˜ณ              =     see 7th comment
** Conclusion๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜›                                           =     see 7th comment

** Introduction Of Diwali๐Ÿ˜ณ   Diwali - Festival Of Lights๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜› 


                                Diwali (also spelled Devali in certain regions) or Deepavali, popularly known as the "festival of lights," is a five day festival which starts on Dhanteras, celebrated on thirteenth lunar day of Krishna paksha (dark fortnight) of the Hindu calendar month Ashwinand ends on Bhaubeej, celebrated on second lunar day of Shukla paksha (bright fortnight) of the Hindu calendar month Kartik. In theGregorian calendar, Diwali falls between mid-October and mid-November.

                               The name "Diwali" or "Divali" is a contraction of "Deepavali", which translates into "row of lamps".Diwali involves the lighting of small clay lamps filled with oil to signify the triumph of good over evil.These lamps are kept on during the night and one's house is cleaned, both done in order to make the goddess Lakshmi feel welcome. Firecrackers are burst in order to drive away evil spirits.During Diwali, all the celebrants wear new clothes and share sweets and snacks with family members and friends.


** Why Do We Celebrate Diwali?๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜‰

                                   It's not just the festive mood in the air that makes you happy, or just that it's a good time to enjoy before the advent of winter. There are 10 mythical and historical reasons why Diwali is a great time to celebrate. And there are good reasons not just for Hindus but also for all others to celebrate this great Festival of Lights.

1.Goddess Lakshmi's Birthday: 

                                              The Goddess of wealth, Lakshmi incarnated on the new moon day (amaavasyaa) of the Kartik month during the churning of the ocean (samudra-manthan), hence the association of Diwali with Lakshmi.

2. Vishnu Rescued Lakshmi: 

                                            On this very day (Diwali day), Lord Vishnu in his fifth incarnation as Vaman-avtaara rescued Lakshmi from the prison of King Bali and this is another reason of worshipping Ma Larkshmi on Diwali.

3. Krishna Killed Narakaasur: 

                                            On the day preceding Diwali, Lord Krishna killed the demon king Narakaasur and rescued 16,000 women from his captivity. The celebration of this freedom went on for two days including the Diwali day as a victory festival.

4. The Return of the Pandavas: 

                                             According to the great epic 'Mahabharata', it was 'Kartik Amavashya' when the Pandavas appeared from their 12 years of banishment as a result of their defeat in the hands of the Kauravas at the game of dice (gambling). The subjects who loved the Pandavas celebrated the day by lighting the earthen lamps.

5. The Victory of Rama:

                                             According to the epic 'Ramayana', it was the new moon day of Kartik when Lord Ram, Ma Sita and Lakshman returned to Ayodhya after vanquishing Ravana and conquering Lanka. The citizens of Ayodhya decorated the entire city with the earthen lamps and illuminated it like never before.

6. Coronation of Vikramaditya: 

                                             One of the greatest Hindu King Vikramaditya was coroneted on the Diwali day, hence Diwali became a historical event as well.

7. Special Day for the Arya Samaj:

                                             It was the new moon day of Kartik (Diwali day) when Maharshi Dayananda, one of the greatest reformers of Hinduism and the founder of Arya Samaj attained his nirvana.

8. Special Day for the Jains: 

                                            Mahavir Tirthankar, considered to be the founder of modern Jainism also attained his nirvana on Diwali day.

9. Special Day for the Sikhs: 

                                            The third Sikh Guru Amar Das institutionalized Diwali as a Red-Letter Day when all Sikhs would gather to receive the Gurus blessings. In 1577, the foundation stone of the Golden Temple at Amritsar was laid on Diwali. In 1619, the sixth Sikh Guru Hargobind, who was held by the Mughal Emperor Jahengir, was released from the Gwalior fort along with 52 kings.

10. The Pope's Diwali Speech:

                                             In 1999, Pope John Paul II performed a special Eucharist in an Indian church where the altar was decorated with Diwali lamps, the Pope had a 'tilak' marked on his forehead and his speech was bristled with references to the festival of light.


 ** Behind Diwali๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜ƒ

                                                The Tradition of Gambling

                       The tradition of gambling on Diwali also has a legend behind it. It is believed that on this day, Goddess Parvati played dice with her husband Lord Shiva, and she decreed that whosoever gambled on Diwali night would prosper throughout the ensuing year. Diwali is associated with wealth and prosperity in many ways, and the festival of 'Dhanteras' ('dhan' = wealth; 'teras' = 13th) is celebrated two days before the festival of lights.


                                               From Darkness Unto Light...

                         In each legend, myth and story of Deepawali lies the significance of the victory of good over evil; and it is with each Deepawali and the lights that illuminate our homes and hearts, that this simple truth finds new reason and hope. From darkness unto light, the light that empowers us to commit ourselves to good deeds, that which brings us closer to divinity. During Diwali, lights illuminate every corner of India and the scent of incense sticks hangs in the air, mingled with the sounds of fire-crackers, joy, togetherness and hope. Diwali is celebrated around the globe. Outside India, it is more than a Hindu festival, it's a celebration of South-Asian identities. If you are away from the sights and sounds of Diwali, light a diya, sit quietly, shut your eyes, withdraw the senses, concentrate on this supreme light and illuminate the soul.



Continues in 4th comment...in page 1

P.S...sorry for late...i tried to post this thread 2 days before.but i have some doubt abt diwali...why v r celebrating diwali for wt purpose...so gone for some researches in that in google...and songs to be upload and pics and drawings of sambar...

Thank u google...and sambar for beautifu drawings...and saibal aka bluff for helping out of songs...

and all who helped me and supported me in this thread...

                                                                                  stock vector : beautiful diwali diya vector background

Edited by Proud-India - 10 years ago
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Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago

** Regional Variations Within India ๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜ณ


                 Celebrations start earlier in Gujarat than in the rest of India, commencing on Aygaras, the 11th day of the Krishna Paksha of Aaso. On the 12th day is Vagh Baras, the festival of the cow and the calf. On the 13th day is Dhanteras, the days Diwali starts in the rest of India. The 14th (elsewhere known as Naraka Chaturdashi in South India and Choti Diwali in the North) is celebrated as Kali Choudas. The 15th (new moon day) is Lakshmi Puja, celebrated throughout India. The next day, the first day of Shukla Paksha of Kartik, is Bestu Varsh, New Year's Day, start of the Gujarati calendar. The 2nd day of Kartik is Bhai Bij, the day Diwali ends.

A further celebration takes place on the 5th day of Kartik, Labh Pancham.


Tamil Nadu: 

                            Known as Deepavali, in Tamil Nadu (meaning garland of lights). It commemorates the death of Narakasura at the hands of Lord Sri Krishna. It is believed that Narakasura, a wicked demon, tortured common people and they prayed lord Krishna to defeat him. The people then celebrated narakasura's defeat with sparkles, lights and crackers. This celebration was continued down the generations as deepavali. The day begins with an early morning oil bath, wearing new clothes, bursting of crackers, visiting Lord Ganesha, Lord Vishnu/Siva temples. The exchange of sweets between the neighbours, visiting the relations, preparing Deepavali special sweets are tradition of the day. Typical Deepavali celebrations begin with waking up early in the morning, before sun rise, followed by an oil-bath. The bathing  tradition involves extensive massaging of warm til-oil containing pepper corns, betel leaves. New clothes are typically worn as a part of celebrations. After the bath, a home-made medicine known as "Deepavali Lehiyam" is consumed, which is supposed to aid in soothening digestive problems that may ensue due to feasting that occurs later in the day. Extensive use of sparkles,crackers and lights, much like the rest of the world where Deepavali is celebrated.



                       It is celebrated as Deepavali (deepa + aavaLi ? light + abundance in Kannada. It is celebrated on the previous and next day of amavasya (No moon day) as naraka chaturdashi (before no-moon day) resembling Satyabhama's victory over narakasura and as balipadyami the first day of kaarthika masa; inviting the greatest emperor of times Balichakravarthi to each and everybody's homes. The entire house is cleaned and new clothes are purchased for the entire family which is followed by lighting of oil lamps around the house and bursting firecrackers. The tradition in Kannada families is that all members gather together for the three days celebration. First day they'll start with bursting crackers, followed by lakshmi mahaapooje on amavaasye (no-moon day) and then on third day decorating the whole house and especially entrance with flowers and floor decoration to invite bali to their homes; a special fort-entrance kind of thing is made on the entrances of every home which is made out of cow-dung(gOmaya) and sandalwood(siri-chandana) which both have a high divine reverence in Kannada tradition. Also fire-camps are kindled on both naraka chaturdashi and balipadyami days of deepavali; where in respective community people's gathering is significant and huge firework bursting ceremony happens. Later the whole karthika maasa (till next no-moon day) is celebrated by praying kunti idol in every house; this signifies that kunti; the mother of great pandavas has come to mother's (tavaru mane in Kannada) home for karthika maasa. In villages on the third day balipadyami also known for gOvpooje (reverence to cows) all the cattle in the home are decorated gorgeously and are prayed for good will of next coming year.



                        Deepavali falls on the preceding day of the New Moon in the Malayalam month Thulam (OctoberNovember). The celebrations are based on the legend of Narakasura Vadha - where Sri Krishna destroyed the demon and the day Narakasura died is celebrated as Deepavali. It commemorates the triumph of good over evil. It's celebrated with more enthusiasm in the southern parts of Kerala compared with northern Kerala. Firecrackers are burst and Ottamthullal performances are hosted. Exchanges of gifts and dresses are usually held. Especially on the 4th day of celebration, the ladies are invited to their father's house on the 4th day after the 'Deepavali' and given dress and money as gifts. The entire family buy new clothes, sweets and many other decorative items to decorate their home. Firecrackers are a major item found in all houses especially during diwalis. Children along with their friends and cousins have a lot of enjoyment and enthusiasm. Humongous amounts of sweets are made, some of the sweets are jelebi, laddoo, unniappam, paalappam etc. are made at every house. They decorate their homes with diyas (or deepams) and light many fire crackers especially a stick-like cracker called Kambithiri in Malayalam. All families decorate their homes with rangolis or flower designs. They hold a special Pooja in which newly painted idols of gods are prayed to.

Andhra Pradesh

                       In Andhra Pradesh, this comprises two days. The First day is Naraka Chaturthasi, Deepavali Amaavasya . The festivities start out at the crack of dawn and carry on well into the night. Most people make a trip to the local temple along with their families to seek the blessings of their respective Gods. The night sky is lit up with a scintillating array of noisy fireworks.         

                      There are some traditional customs followed such as buying new clothes for this festival. Buying new home or vehicles is considered auspicious. Special sweets are made too. Some eateries in Hyderabad make some delicious sweets during Diwali which will not be available at any other time. Tradition has it that Andhraites gift sweets during Diwali. Some areas host local stage story telling called Hari Katha. Some areas may put a huge Narakasura dummy made with firecrackers. This will be burst by a person dressed as Lord Krishna or, more accurately, a costume of Satyabhama, the consort of Lord Krishna, who actually killed the demon Narakasura; an event that is celebrated as Diwali for generations.

                        People clean/white-wash or paint/decorate their homes as it is a very auspicious day; to welcome the goddess of wealth and prosperity i.e. Lakshmi devi to their homes. Homes are lit up with hundreds of diyas and colourful Diwali Rangolis (link) adorn the doorways. After all this preparation all the members of the family perform the Lakshmi pooja. Another custom involves decorating homes with paper figures.



                       In Maharashtra, Diwali starts from Vasubaras which is the 12th day of the 2nd half of the Marathi month Ashvin. This day is celebrated by performing an Aarti of the cow and its calf - which is a symbol of love between mother and her baby.

                       The next day is Dhana Trayodashi. This day is of special importance for traders and business people. It is also considered an auspicious day for making important purchases, especially metals, including kitchenware and precious metals like silver and gold.

                      This is followed by Naraka Chaturdashi. On this day people get up early in the morning and take their bath before sunrise while stars are still visible. Bathing is an elaborate process on this day with abundant use of 'utnas', oils and perfumes, and is preceded by an Aarti performed on the person by some lady, usually mother or wife. The whole process is referred to as 'abhyanga-snaan'.

                     Then comes Lakshmi- pooja. It occurs on Amavasya i.e. no moon day. The dark night is illuminated by lamps and at dusk firecrackers are burst. New account books are opened after a pooja. Generally the traders do not make any payments on that day (according to their belief Lakshmi should not be given away but must come home). In every household, cash, jewellery and an idol of the goddess Lakshmi is worshipped. Friends, neighbours and relatives are invited over and celebrations are in full swing. The broom used to clean one's house is also worshipped as a symbol of Lakshmi in some places .

                    Padwa is the 1st day of the new month  Kartik in the Hindu calendar. It marks the start of Hindu financial year. Its a special day for Husband and wife. The wife puts tilak on her husbands forehead and gives him an expensive gift. In recent times there is a growing trend of organising a cultural event called 'Diwali Padwa' early in the morning.

                  Bhaubeej  it is the time when the bond of love between a brother and sister is further strengthened as the sister asks God for her brother/s' long and successful life while she receives presents from her beloved brothers.

                 On these days People makes 'Faral' like Chakali, Laddu, Karanji, Chiwada etc.



                        Tarpanam is done in the morning of diwali. All the members of the household gather together just after dusk. A rangoli(Muruja) of a sailboat is made on the ground. The boat has seven chambers in north, ten chamber in east, and twelve chamber in south.the east chamber are meant for gods.north chamber for seer or Rishi and south chambers for manes and forefathers. Over the drawing of each different chamber several items are kept - cotton, mustard, salt, asparagus root, turmeric, sweets, cakes and a wild creeper. Over the central chamber are the offerings meant for [prasad]. Perched over the prasad is a jute stem with a cloth wick tied around the edge. It is lit at the beginning of the puja. All members of the family hold a bundle of jute stems in their hands, Lighting their respective bundles from the flame on the rangoli, they raise them skywards fo their forefathers chanting: Badabadua ho andhaara e asa Aluaa e Jaao Baaisi pahacha e Gadagadau thaao (meaning-oh our ancestors, seers and gods you came on the dark night ofMahalaya, and now it is time for you to depart for heaven, so we are showing light, may you attain peace in abode of Jagannatha)

                                     Beside the rangoli, a mortar and pestle and a plough are also kept and worshiped.. For Diwali houses are brightly lit, with the doors and windows kept open as Lakshmi is supposed to visit every home, and you can't afford to leave it dark and abandoned. Various kinds of Pithas are prepared and given to the deities and forefathers, and enjoyed with family and friends. The ritual of Kali Puja is a famous affair in puri, Bhadrak, Rourkela, Cuttack &Jajpur area.


Mithilanchal, West Bengal & Assam

                                                           Kali Puja is light-up night for Mithila region in Bihar, West Bengal & Assam, corresponding to the festival of Diwali (pronounced Dipaboliin Bengali), (in Maithili, it is known as Diya-Baati) where people light diyas/candles in memory of the souls of departed ancestors. The goddess Kali is worshipped for whole night on one night during this festival. This is also a night of fireworks, with local youth burning sparklers and firecrackers throughout the night. Both the traditions of worshiping the Goddess Kali as well as Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha is prevalent in the Mithila region. Kali Puja is also known by the names of Shyama puja or Nisha puja in the Mithila region.



Goa and Konkan

                                              Divali begins in Konkan and Goa on the day of Naraka Chaturdashi. The houses are cleaned and decorated with kandeel, lamps, mango leaves, and marigold flowers. The utensils are made to shine, filled with water, and decorated for the holy bath the following morning. On this day, paper-made effigies of Narakasura, filled with grass and firecrackers symbolising evil, are made.[citation needed] These effigies are burnt at around four o'clock in the morning the following day/ Firecrackers are burst, and people return home to take a scented oil bath. Lamps are lit in a lineThe women of the house perform Aarti of the men, gifts are exchanged, a bitter berry called kareet is crushed under the feet in token of killing Narkasur, symbolising evil and removal of ignorance. Different varieties of Poha and sweets are made and eaten with family and friends. Festivities continue till Tulsi Vivah and lamps are lit every evening. Celebrations include Lakshmi puja on the Diwali day, Krishna puja or Govardhan puja and cattle worship on Balipratipadaday, Bhaubeej, and Tulsi vivah.

See Next Comment...For Continuation...

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Edited by Proud-India - 10 years ago
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Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago

** In Other Parts Of The World           

                                 Diwali is celebrated in various parts of the world, particularly those with large populations of Hindu and Sikh origin. These include countries such as Sri LankaMyanmarThailandMalaysiaSingaporeIndonesiaAustraliaNew ZealandFijiMauritiusKenya,TanzaniaSouth AfricaGuyanaSurinamTrinidad and Tobago,( Zimbabwe) the NetherlandsCanada, the United Kingdom, and theUnited States. With more and more Indians now migrating to various parts of the world, the number of countries where Diwali / Deepavali is celebrated has been gradually increasing. While in some countries it is celebrated mainly by Indian expatriates, in others it has become part of the general local culture. In most of these countries Diwali is celebrated on the same lines as described in this article with some minor variations. Some important variations are worth mentioning.


In Nepal

                         Diwali is known as "Tihar" or "Swanti". It is celebrated during the October/November period. Here the festival is celebrated for five days and the traditions vary from those followed in India. On the first day (Kaag tihar), crows are given offerings, considering them to be divine messengers. On the second day (Kukur tihar), dogs are given food for their honesty. On the third day, Laxmi puja is performed. This is the last day according to Nepal Sambat, so many of the businessmen clear their accounts on this day and on finishing it, worship goddess Laxmi, the goddess of wealth. The fourth day is celebrated as new year. Cultural processions and other celebrations are observed in this day. The Newars celebrate it as "Maha Puja", a special ritual in which the body is worshipped to keep it fit and healthy for the year ahead on this day. On the fifth and final day called "Bhai Tika", brothers and sisters meet and exchange gifts.

                     In Nepal, family gathering is more significant during Diwali. People in the community play "Deusi and Bhailo" which is a kind of singing and dancing forming a group. People go to all the houses in the community and play songs and dance, and give blessings to the visited house, whereas the home owner gives gifts like rice, Roti, fruits and money. After the festival, people donate some part of the collected money and food to the charity or welfare groups and with the rest of the money and food, they go for a picnic. People also play swing called Dore Ping made out of thick ropes and Pirke Ping or Rangate Ping made out of wood.

In Sri Lanka, 

                                       This festival is also called "Deepavali" and is celebrated by the Tamil community. On this day, it is traditional for people to take an oil bath in the morning, wear new clothes, exchange gifts, performing Poosai(Puja), and a visit to the Koil(Hindu Temple) is normal. Burning of firecrackers in the evening of the festival is a common practice of this festival. Hindus light oil lamps to invite the blessings of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and to banish any evil from the household for once and for all. The festival is marked by illumination, making of toys of enamel and making of figures out of crystal sugar popularly known as Misiri. Sri Lanka's celebration include many of the traditional aspects of Deepavali such as games, fireworks, singing and dancing, however the tradition of a large meal and fireworks are admirably preserved.

In Malaysia,

                              Diwali festival is celebrated during the seventh month of the Hindu solar calendar. It is a federal public holiday throughout Malaysia. In many respects it resembles the traditions followed in the Indian subcontinent. 'Open houses' are held where Hindu Malaysians (Of all ethnic races like Tamils, Telugus and Malayalees) welcome fellow Malaysians of different races and religions to their house for a scrumptious meal. This is a practice unique to Malaysia and shows the goodwill and friendly ties practiced by all Malaysians during any festive occasion.

In Singapore, 

                                    Diwali festival is a gazetted public holiday. Observed primarily by the minority Indian community (Tamils), it is typically marked by a light-up in the Little India district, the heart of the Indian community. Apart from the light-up, other activities such as bazaars, exhibitions, parades and concerts will also take place in Little India. The Hindu Endowment Board of Singapore along with Singapores' government organizes many of these cultural events during this festive period.



                           In Trinidad and Tobago, communities all over the islands get together and celebrate the festival. One major celebration that stands out is the Diwali Nagar, or Village of the Festival of Lights. It features stage performances by the east Indian cultural practitioners, a folk theatre featuring skits and plays, an exhibition on some aspect of Hinduism, displays by various Hindu religious sects and social organizations, nightly worship of Lakshmi, lighting of deeyas, performances by various schools related to Indian culture, and a food court with Indian and non-Indian vegetarian delicacies. The festival culminates with magnificent fireworks displays ushering in Diwali. Thousands of people participate in an atmosphere devoid of alcohol and in a true family environment.



                          In Britain, Hindus celebrate Diwali with great enthusiasm. People clean and decorate their homes with lamps and candles. A popular type of candle is a diya. People also give each other sweets such as laddoo and barfi, and the different communities may gather for a religious ceremony and get-together. It is also an important time to contact family in India and perhaps exchange gifts. Diwali is becoming well known in Britain and some non-Indians join in. Leicester plays hosts to some of the biggest celebrations outside of India. Diwali also coincides with British Bonfire Night traditions on November the 5th. In the East End of London, a kind of joint festival has evolved where everyone enjoys the same fire and fireworks for their own diverse reasons.


United States

                             In the United States, with increasing Indian population, Diwali is assuming significant importance year after year. Diwali was first celebrated in the White House in 2003 and was given official status by the United States Congress in 2007. Barack Obama became the first president to personally attend Diwali at the White House in 2009. On the eve of his first visit to India as the President of United States, Obama released an official statement sharing best wishes with "Hindus" for Diwali. Indians in the US celebrate Diwali in different parts of the US, just as in India. The Diwali Mela in Cowboys Stadium boasted an attendance of 100,000 people in 2009. In 2009, San Antonio became the first U.S. city to sponsor an official Diwali celebration including a fireworks display and 5000 people in attendance. In 2011, The Pierre in New York City, now operated by Tata Group'sTaj Hotels, hosted its first Diwali celebration.


Australia and New Zealand

In Australia,  

                         Diwali is celebrated publicly among the people of Indian origin and the local Australians in Melbourne. On 21 July 2002 an organisation "The Australian Indian Innovations Incorporated" (AIII) consisting of a conglomerate of independent organisations and individuals was formed to celebrate Indian Festivals In Melbourne. AIII facilitated opportunities to depict the cultural kaleidoscope of India and assist Indians in Melbourne to showcase Indian art, culture, style, traditions and food via various activities, seminars, festivals, fairs and events. The first Inaugural Diwali Festival-2002", was held at Sandown Race Course on Sunday 13 October 2002. Since then until October 2008, about 140000 people visited this Australian Indian Cultural Extravaganza filled with culture, fun and cuisine. This 10 Hour Festival is depicting India through 50 Stalls, 10 Food stalls and an 8 hour cultural programme with DJ, Children's rides and spectacular fire works over the last 7 years.

                            Other place where Diwali is celebrated in Melbourne is Sri Shiva Vishnu Temple, Carrum Downs. Food stalls are present and children fun rides. Later on in the evening a spectacular fireworks show is displayed.

In New Zealand, 

                                 Diwali is celebrated publicly among many of the South Asian diaspora cultural groups. There are main public festivals in Auckland and Wellington, with other events around the country becoming more popular and visible. An official reception has been held at the New Zealand Parliament since 2003. Diwali is celebrated by Hindus. The festival signifies the triumph of light over darkness, justice over injustice, good over evil and intelligence over ignorance. Lakshmi Mata is worshipped at this festival. Lakshmi Mata is the goddess of light, wealth and beauty. Special Divali foods are barfi and Prasad.


 stock vector : illustration of diwali diya stand with flower decoration

Edited by Proud-India - 10 years ago
Proud-India thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
             Our Cute Lil Pie...samah...Drawn Some Diwali Wishes in her style...oh dnt wait for any sec...Go and Enjoy her drawings...


Diwali Greetings In Some Languages...

  Deepavali Habbada Shubhashayagalu: Greeting in Kannada

  Subha Dipawali ki mangalmaya subha kaamanaa: Greeting in Nepali

  Diwali ki Shubhkamnayein : Greeting in Hindi

  Diwadi ni khub khub Shubhkamnao / Saal Mubarak: Greeting in Gujarati

  Tuhanu diwali diyan boht boht vadhaiyan :Greeting in Punjabi

  Diwali Mubarak Ho Aap Savke : Greeting in Bhojpuri

  Deepavali Aashamsagal : Greeting in Malayalam.

  Deepavali Nalvazhthukal  :Greeting in Tamil

  Deepavali Shubhakankshalu  :Greeting in Telugu

  Diwalichya hardik Shubhechha : Greeting in Marathi

  Subho Deepabalir Preeti O Subechsha  :Greeting in Bengali

  "Happy Diwali!" :Greeting in English language

               stock vector : Artistic Indian diwali festival vector art

Edited by Proud-India - 10 years ago
Proud-India thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
Hope this festival of lights, brings you all every joy and happiness. May the lamps of joy, illuminate your life and fill your days with the bright sparkles of peace, mirth and goodwill, because you are someone who deserves life's best and so much more. Have a joyous Diwali... ๐Ÿ˜Š

File:The Rangoli of Lights.jpg

File:Diwali Sweets.jpg
Edited by Proud-India - 10 years ago
Proud-India thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
Happy and Safe Diwali To All..!!!
Edited by Proud-India - 10 years ago
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Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago

                           HAPPY DIWALI

Edited by Proud-India - 10 years ago
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Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago

Edited by Proud-India - 10 years ago