Nush_Rat thumbnail
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Posted: 2 months ago

Hello everyone!

I am a mostly silent member of this forum (and most other forums as well smiley17).

This is gonna be a rant post so I'm apologizing in advance if it hurts any loyal fan's sentiment but I have to vent and then run... smiley17

When Dhruv Tara first started, I took an interest because I liked Ishhan in his previous show. Unfortunately, very soon I lost my interest because I can't root for a character, let alone a couple, whom I can't relate or even understand. Dhruv was such a character for me. 

I have loved and still fondly remember shows where leads - both ML & FL, did crazy stuff, had been beaten to a pulp, and still fought for their love. But at least, they never disregarded their family members completely or their partners loved them with equal passion that made all their sacrifices worthwhile.

And that's where I found and still find Dhruv an unreasonable and irritating character. Tara's care and selflessness for Mahaveer made him fall in love with her - fair enough. But by that logic, every doctor should fall in love with the family members of their critical patients. 

Still, when I tried to overlook it, Dhruv did another remarkable thing - going after Tara in another century, unaware of whether he would ever return to his family members, especially his single mother. And this was the person who sacrificed his close friend's love to appease his shitty brother. In the end, it cost him his family and now he has no one. 

All these sacrifices and hard work but for whom? An ungrateful princess who left him in every possible conflict... smiley44 smiley44 smiley44 Did his family never do anything significant for him to at least be remembered at points? And now he's talking about leaving his biological son behind with a crocked king just because Tara feels he has more right over their son and wants to settle with Tara in his timeline.

We all know how things will unfold and all but curious mind wants to know - what exactly are the makers trying to portray here? That love is so important that you can practically forsake every other relation for it? Or that you simply lose your mind once you feel you are in love because despite what the PH has to say regarding their groundbreaking, never-seen-before show - Dhruv Tara were never equal in their relationship let alone be an ideal couple. And the inconsistency and idiotic behavior on their part makes it even more difficult to let go of what happened in the past because they have simply added one after another wrong decision to that list.

So why should anyone root for this shitty couple?

No disrespect to any actor because they are simply doing their job and I applaud them for their dedication... smiley32 smiley32 smiley32

But this very show, and its sickening concept of how true love looks like makes me nauseous... smiley7 smiley7 smiley7

Phew... ranting done. Now I can go into hibernation for the millionth time and maybe come back later when this crapfest finally ends? smiley2

Edited by Nush_Rat - 2 months ago


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Vaidehi49 thumbnail
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Posted: 2 months ago

Originally posted by: Nush_Rat

Hello everyone!

I am a mostly silent member of this forum (and most other forums as well smiley17).

This is gonna be a rant post so I'm apologizing in advance if it hurts any loyal fan's sentiment but I have to vent and then run... smiley17

When Dhruv Tara first started, I took an interest because I liked Ishhan in his previous show. Unfortunately, very soon I lost my interest because I can't root for a character, let alone a couple, whom I can't relate or even understand. Dhruv was such a character for me. 

I have loved and still fondly remember where leads - both ML & FL, did crazy stuff, had been beaten to a pulp, and still fought for their love. But at least, they never disregarded their family members completely or their partners loved them with equal passion that made all their sacrifices worthwhile.

And that's where I found and still find Dhruv an unreasonable and irritating character. Tara's care and selflessness for Mahaveer made him fall in love with her - fair enough. But by that logic, every doctor should fall in love with the family members of their critical patients. 

Still, when I tried to overlook it, Dhruv did another remarkable thing - going after Tara in another century, unaware of whether he would ever return to his family members, especially his single mother. And this was the person who sacrificed his close friend's love to appease his shitty brother. In the end, it cost him his family and now he has no one. 

All these sacrifices and hard work but for whom? An ungrateful princess who left him in every possible conflict... smiley44 smiley44 smiley44 Did his family never do anything significant for him to at least be remembered at points? And now he's talking about leaving his biological son behind with a crocked king just because Tara feels he has more right over their son and wants to settle with Tara in his timeline.

We all know how things will unfold and all but curious mind wants to know - what exactly are the makers trying to portray here? That love is so important that you can practically forsake every other relation for it? Or that you simply lose your mind once you feel you are in love because despite what the PH has to say regarding their groundbreaking, never-seen-before show - Dhruv Tara were never equal in their relationship let alone be an ideal couple. And the inconsistency and idiotic behavior on their part makes it even more difficult to let go of what happened in the past because they have simply added one after another wrong decision to that list.

So why should anyone root for this shitty couple?

No disrespect to any actor because they are simply doing their job and I applaud them for their dedication... smiley32 smiley32 smiley32

But this very show, and its sickening concept of how true love looks like makes me nauseous... smiley7 smiley7 smiley7

Phew... ranting done. Now I can go into hibernation for the millionth time and maybe come back later when this crapfest finally ends? smiley2

Wow you just said the right thing.

DhruvTara were never equal.

How many times Dhruv had faced problems because he is madly in love with 17th century princess.

But now he had suffered a lot.

Did he not think about his mother how she must have felt.

He could have moved on and find another person long back when Tara insulted him with his golden sari part.

And now he has lost his identity being a doctor, son, family everything.

Dhruv has been disrespected from the start.

Can't they not show him to accept and move on because 17th century mai he will lose his life too. 

And actors have truly done justice to the characters.

vibha28 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 2 months ago

I too am a sporadic viewer here now, and to be honest I am so over the show, all the stupidity they are showing is irrelevant.

You have hit the nail in stating issues are with both characters. One is impossible to believe and other is impossible to understand. For me Dhruv has been a complex character from day one. I never brought that he didn't care for Ayesha (who now in hindsight appears to be better suited for him that his idiot brother) and how he fell for Tara. He started feeling for Tara after his mother did the big brouhaha and she prepared that drink which cured her fever, then Tara went to jail for his mum.

Tara in my opinion never felt for him the same way. She decided she loves him because he told her but like you said first sign of conflict and off she runs - away in the other direction. After their separation Dhruv took care of Tara's mother and we do not know if he in those five years tried to seek out his own family or was he Tara crazy that they didn't matter?

Tara on the other hand gave false hope to the king and lived with him like his wife despite being married to Dhruv. Same Tara who refused to be a pretend wife to Dhruv when she was single and they retroactively showed that it was assumed Dhruv was dead. Why in the holy heck was Tara doing karwachauth's vrat? If the hubby dead already what's the point of the vrat that is supposed to extend his life?

Later on when Dhruv does turn up in new place she for some reason refuses to leave the king. Best thing to do there was to tell the king that her husband is alive and whilst she is grateful for all, its time for her to go - weren't women in that century devoted to their husbands beyond reproach? Instead this Tara decides to show her loyalty for a man who as a king didn't do anything special at all.

Turns out the good king turned evil and he falls for Tara and Tara in her usual fashion chooses to move on to - her husband. The minute anyone shows love to Tara she moves on. Honestly I have always in all my years of watching Hindi, and PAK TV shows have always supported the FL. This is the first show where I hate the FL. She had a good chance to show her queenly behaviour once Dhruv came to 17th century but she created such a mess and ended up losing her memory.

I have stopped watching the show, I do get some clips on my insta and if I am in the mood I watch it or I move on. The show is stupid and even for ITV standards illogical. The TRP scale has not moved one iota and having KVG who no doubt is a good but a yesteryear actor and mainly it is the fault of the story if one can call it that.  

Nush_Rat thumbnail
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Posted: 2 months ago

Hello! smiley1

Sorry for my late reply... smiley13

Coming to the original topic, I believe the writer is to be blamed for everything. And not just for the current storyline but for EVERY SINGLE LOOPHOLE ...

Lately I feel, writers believe love stories are easy to write and resonate with so they can insert it anywhere and some add unnecessary complexity to make their story better and different while in reality it simply degrades the quality. Because love in itself is a complicated concept. Even in the simplest love stories there lies conflict and the will to overcome everything.

And then comes another misunderstood concept - an ideal person/son/hero, especially in our Indian Subcontinent.

I strongly believe if you are a good son/daughter, it doesn't mean you have to take your parents' shit. You can be loving, and obedient yet respectfully firm in correcting their mistakes.

As you said, I agree Dhruv had a lot of potential to begin with. Sometimes brilliance itself is a curse and we have seen how Jay treated him his whole life. 

But the writers messed Dhruv up for me when they included the Ayesha angle. Sure, Dhruv is not someone's puppet that if they propose, he is obliged to marry her. But he can't also be a martyr to sacrifice someone's love for his ungrateful brother.

I believe Ayesha was the one at fault because she decided to marry Jay and perhaps I could let go of my issues with that plot slowly if the makers were consistent in writing Dhruv but there also it became a drag. 

Yes, Tara saved Susheela and maybe a lot of other things that made him fall in love with her - fair enough.

But no amount of love can surpass that of the family. As you pointed out correctly, they showed Dhruv relentlessly searching for another passage to Navrang Van but why did he not try to fight the curse and reunite with his own family when Lord Krishna himself told them to have faith and no curse is ultimate?

Frankly a person who can toss away his family like that - I cannot and will never ever sympathize with him no matter what.

And Tara is another NAMUNA who will prioritize any Tom, Dick & Harry except for Dhruv.

I too come across clips and when it seems interesting, I watch it for the actors' performance. But to be completely honest, I lost my interest when Dhruv chose to go to the 17th Century without clarifying anything to his mother and then accepting their departure from his life was simply the nail in the coffin for me.

Now... It's just going from bad to worse and I don't know how lower can they stoop with their sickening twist and turns... 

Vaidehi49 thumbnail
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Posted: 2 months ago

Well written.

There are many points.

Ayesha's love for Dhruv was one-sided if he loved her he could have save the relationship.

Jay is again a kind of a guy who thinks dhruv is a genius and he doesn't get anything and he has been always second. He could have work on himself to be a better person rather than blaming dhruv. 

Because Jay was a namuna dhruv did a mistake by sacrificing his love for his brother. 

But then when I was watching the show from start, old golden days I felt that Jay loved Ayesha more than dhruv could have and he thinks her as his inspiration. For Jay it was Ayesha who matter for him the most.

And then Tara enters and we know the story but loving a person more than the family is not acceptable. 

With Time dhruv's love for Tara started to become above everything even his mother,himself. 

He lost his family, his medical studies, his research, his opportunity, his career his identity and faced many insults, beaten,many jail scene after every 2 episode.Many more.

Tara doubted him many times her love was not enough. 

Till then 6 years leap Dhruv's love had reach its peak.

Everything revolved around Tara and Tara. 

But with love he lost his own family members.

The one who actually cared and lived for him.

Same Jay and Dhruv loved there partners but Jay made Ayesha her inspiration and took it in a positive way.

But Dhruv destroyed his life here.

Dhruv has not been in love with Tara here he has been drowning in love.

My thoughts..

vibha28 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 2 months ago

Originally posted by: Nush_Rat

Hello! smiley1

Sorry for my late reply... smiley13

Coming to the original topic, I believe the writer is to be blamed for everything. And not just for the current storyline but for EVERY SINGLE LOOPHOLE ...

In my opinion I think the writers have no clue what to do. When the show started it had a good premise, of course it is ITV so hoping for logic is beggars belief. Nevertheless, the show had promise and unique concept. After the wedding almost all were aware that some saas bahu saga will be shown and were okay with it, instead they showed the marriage, leap of a year, and separation in 5minutes in a total 20min episode. After that no one has reconnected and I highly doubt that will change. Not only the writers but the channel and the producers for allowing to continue this madness are at fault.

Lately I feel, writers believe love stories are easy to write and resonate with so they can insert it anywhere and some add unnecessary complexity to make their story better and different while in reality it simply degrades the quality. Because love in itself is a complicated concept. Even in the simplest love stories there lies conflict and the will to overcome everything.

And then comes another misunderstood concept - an ideal person/son/hero, especially in our Indian Subcontinent.

Love is subjective - those whom have had past relationships and are mature knows it is not mills and boon and all happy ending. Those whom are young, not that mature, and perhaps don't have much experience will see it from their rosy eyes. Conflict in ITV is a given, no one expects that everything will be smooth sailing, otherwise those TRP audience will revolt and move on. The top rankers show, shows daily issues which can be so bothersome in real life. 

I strongly believe if you are a good son/daughter, it doesn't mean you have to take your parents' shit. You can be loving, and obedient yet respectfully firm in correcting their mistakes.

As you said, I agree Dhruv had a lot of potential to begin with. Sometimes brilliance itself is a curse and we have seen how Jay treated him his whole life. 

I agree with this too, I don't think being a good child means bending over backwards for parents or partners. I think humans are allowed to be bit selfish and there is nothing wrong with it. That does not mean we don't love our parents, it just means that they have truly raised the bar with their upbringing that a child knows what is right and wrong for them and can say no confidently if needed. Dhruvs sacrifice was so idiotic, it never made sense to me. I recall watching SAAKK, Choti Sardaarni,  and Sindoor Ki Keemat and the MLs in those series were kind, obedient, but very assertive and told their family no multiple times and chose what they felt was right for them. Arjun in Sindoor Ki Keemat used to on a daily basis defy his grandmother whom he held in a very high regard. Dhruv I think was portrayed as this gentle soul who will be the one running away from conflict. That is why I loved initial days Tara who was so feisty and would talk back when needed.

But the writers messed Dhruv up for me when they included the Ayesha angle. Sure, Dhruv is not someone's puppet that if they propose, he is obliged to marry her. But he can't also be a martyr to sacrifice someone's love for his ungrateful brother.

I believe Ayesha was the one at fault because she decided to marry Jay and perhaps I could let go of my issues with that plot slowly if the makers were consistent in writing Dhruv but there also it became a drag. 

Yes, Tara saved Susheela and maybe a lot of other things that made him fall in love with her - fair enough.

Oh yes, I blame Ayesha too, she was an adult and not a child and she admitted later on that she herself has ruined her own life. Good thing was she recognized error of her own ways which was nice to see. Dhruv also said to Ayesha that he promises her he won't ever marry or fall in love with anyone which was so stupid, its a good thing they never brought that line again.

But no amount of love can surpass that of the family. As you pointed out correctly, they showed Dhruv relentlessly searching for another passage to Navrang Van but why did he not try to fight the curse and reunite with his own family when Lord Krishna himself told them to have faith and no curse is ultimate?

Frankly a person who can toss away his family like that - I cannot and will never ever sympathize with him no matter what.

This is where the biggest fault lies, the Dhruv for whom his mother meant everything, now is solely focused on Tara and Tara alone. Even the kid is an afterthought. From my insta that kid is always with SP anyway, so I am unsure what is going on but as a father who himself never had his own father with him, I found it bit unnatural how he just gave up on his boy too. Maybe I am wrong here as I have not watched the show but that is something I don't understand either.

And Tara is another NAMUNA who will prioritize any Tom, Dick & Harry except for Dhruv.

From my initial days of watching ITV till now, I have always always supported the FL more than the ML. They all had one thing in common - they were bloody loyal. Once married that is it - I thought in 17th century marriage is the ultimate and here Tara wants to play house house with any man other than her legally wedded husband. She not once tried to search for Dhruv and lived a life with the king where she was comfortable being his queen. Then when her husband does turns up she tries every trick in the book to ensure he is gone. If that wasn't enough, she never ever firmly told the king her truth. No wonder he fell for her because she never ever set any boundaries, this is the same princess who would not allow any other man to touch her and kept harping on and on about how marriage is forever and what not. 

The king sacrificed his hand, but he is a king and not a baby. Plus Dhruv has done more if we are to compare and here all adults are making such bad decisions one wonders what in the world is going on.

I too come across clips and when it seems interesting, I watch it for the actors' performance. But to be completely honest, I lost my interest when Dhruv chose to go to the 17th Century without clarifying anything to his mother and then accepting their departure from his life was simply the nail in the coffin for me.

Now... It's just going from bad to worse and I don't know how lower can they stoop with their sickening twist and turns... 

Don't get me started on twists, I hate it. I have stopped watching the show, most of the forum people has as well. The group is amazing and they talk about things which are all fun and games which is what this place is I guess. I have developed such aversion with this show that I never want to see Ishaan and Riya together in any other show lol. The actors have no choice but to do what they are given as they are not that established but I don't have to watch this madness so I choose to move on. I cannot justify god, divinity, and then this mess.

Nush_Rat thumbnail
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Posted: 2 months ago

Originally posted by: Vaidehi49

Well written.

There are many points.

Ayesha's love for Dhruv was one-sided if he loved her he could have save the relationship.

Jay is again a kind of a guy who thinks dhruv is a genius and he doesn't get anything and he has been always second. He could have work on himself to be a better person rather than blaming dhruv. 

Because Jay was a namuna dhruv did a mistake by sacrificing his love for his brother. 

But then when I was watching the show from start, old golden days I felt that Jay loved Ayesha more than dhruv could have and he thinks her as his inspiration. For Jay it was Ayesha who matter for him the most.

And then Tara enters and we know the story but loving a person more than the family is not acceptable. 

With Time dhruv's love for Tara started to become above everything even his mother,himself. 

He lost his family, his medical studies, his research, his opportunity, his career his identity and faced many insults, beaten,many jail scene after every 2 episode.Many more.

Tara doubted him many times her love was not enough. 

Till then 6 years leap Dhruv's love had reach its peak.

Everything revolved around Tara and Tara. 

But with love he lost his own family members.

The one who actually cared and lived for him.

Same Jay and Dhruv loved there partners but Jay made Ayesha her inspiration and took it in a positive way.

But Dhruv destroyed his life here.

Dhruv has not been in love with Tara here he has been drowning in love.

My thoughts..

This is a very interesting take concerning the Ayesha-Jay angle. smiley4 

At this point, I would say Ayesha dodged a bullet and found someone who genuinely loved her and used that love for the better.

You see, the entire Ayesha-Dhruv angle was another half-baked idea that the makers tossed around considering how a particular show was reaping benefits from that outstandingly outrageous idea and left an open door so they could take that regressive route if the other plots weren't working for them.

And as a result, we saw another inconsistency in Dhruv's character. His actions never hinted that he felt anything for Ayesha. Honestly, I didn't even feel he was a good friend to her. But then again, the concept was very much present there - with Dhruv's promise of never loving someone else it became even more obvious. 

So that came in the way for me to root for Dhruv because no matter how hard you try or from which angle you want to analyze it - it was wrong on so many levels. And then seeing the same person defying all rules to be with another person only made it worse because by that logic, what wrong did Ayesha do? Even as a friend, why couldn't you stand up for her and put Jay in his place?

I guess right now talking about all this is practically a waste of time since they have swept everything under the rug and introduced the Divinity Himself to force us into believing Dhruv Tara are some eternal lovers while the reality is just the opposite. 

Nush_Rat thumbnail
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Posted: 2 months ago

I completely agree with you...

Yes, love is subjective and for different age groups, for people with different personality traits it's different. I believe that's what makes LOVE so simple yet complex as a concept. And a good writer knows how to deal with it. I won't simply blame it on ITV writers. There are some amazing ITV shows who did wonders with different aspects of love and some acclaimed International shows which are nothing less than crap. So at the end of the it's all about a viewer's perception. You can never satisfy all groups of viewers and that's fine but there should be some ground rules and this show doesn't even come close to addressing them. 

I also agree with your points on a good ML. In fact, the character Ishhan played in his last show - he was a no-nonsense person both in front of his parents and his partner/wife. He knew where to react and which side to prioritize based on the situation and that's how it should be - no one can be right all the time nor they can be always wrong. It's on you to have that strength in character to stick to the right side and be assertive. 

Rest of the points - you've said it all... smiley1

dhun.laagi thumbnail
Posted: 2 months ago

Curious mind wants to know why we would root for this couple?

Dhruv was willing to do anything for Tara even at the cost of his family ❌

Tara was willing to sacrifice Dhruv even at the cost of their family ❌

Absolutely! We cannot! I tried rationalising this show for a long time and failed.

Chhod diya sab kuch, yaad nahi ab kuch, par ek baat na bhuli..

21st century ke track ke saath kheli writers ne aankh micholi,

Trapped the viewers with their baatein bholi bholi,

And then saari umeedon ki jaali li Holi..

This concept was anyways tricky coz they belonged to different centuries.

If they met, changed each other's lives, and then had some other version from their time come in, that would have been wonderful. 

Even the writers on this forum explored that aspect better than the show ones did.


Nush_Rat thumbnail
Visit Streak 750 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 2 months ago

Originally posted by: dhun.laagi

Curious mind wants to know why we would root for this couple?

Dhruv was willing to do anything for Tara even at the cost of his family ❌

Tara was willing to sacrifice Dhruv even at the cost of their family ❌

Absolutely! We cannot! I tried rationalising this show for a long time and failed.

Chhod diya sab kuch, yaad nahi ab kuch, par ek baat na bhuli..

21st century ke track ke saath kheli writers ne aankh micholi,

Trapped the viewers with their baatein bholi bholi,

And then saari umeedon ki jaali li Holi..

This concept was anyways tricky coz they belonged to different centuries.

If they met, changed each other's lives, and then had some other version from their time come in, that would have been wonderful. 

Even the writers on this forum explored that aspect better than the show ones did.


The show itself never entertained me as much as your rhyming did smiley37 smiley37 smiley37 smiley37 smiley37

Jokes apart, I remember watching the launch program of Dhruv Tara and Shashi Mittal said they presented this idea to the channel multiple times and got rejected. Only when they added the time-travelling element - the channel approved. smiley26

It goes on to show how little the channel and makers bother about the original story and how much they rely on gimmicks. smiley44

As you rightfully mentioned, I have read discussions and ideas which were more logical and entertaining than the show ever was. smiley20

And I think it's safe to say not all of the viewers fall for typical gimmicks. For some of us, it's even more important to connect to a character first and then comes the pairing and subsequent rooting.

I liked how Tara was originally introduced and had problem with Dhruv's character since the beginning. But instead of doing the damage control, the makers went on to make him even more annoying just to highlight his LUB for Tara. It was childish and sickening to the core. smiley35 smiley35 smiley35

The only positive outcome I would say the actors got to experiment a lot and I appreciate their dedication to their craft. smiley20

Otherwise, I'll be the happiest when this crapfest ends. smiley40smiley41smiley41smiley41smiley40

Edited by Nush_Rat - 2 months ago