Angbeen thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

Well, here goes my first foray into the forums! This is a Kutumb fanfiction, pairing Pratham & Gauri, and it starts off somewhere during the fiasco with the necklace given to Dhiraj.

Summary: After a car accident, Babuji has a completely different outlook on life... and it's deeply effecting Pratham. No inheritance until he and Gauri have a baby? Has Babuji gone mad? Now, Pratham has to start the most dangerous journey of his life...the journey to seduce his own wife.

How to Seduce Your Wife: A Guide by Pratham Mittal



Chapter One: The Setup


The turbulent, bright beat of the music pulsated in his bones and each gulp of scotch cheered his blood. While Pratham rarely drank alcohol, one of the rare family values he still upheld, special occasions called for special celebration. And the lovely Ganga Kapur's birthday was certainly a special occasion.

Ganga grinned at the entire table and laughed a little tipsily. "I'm so happy you all came!" she said loudly. "You guys really made this the best birthday ever."

Swaying drunkenly, Ganga decided to show just how grateful she was by kissing Yash, who was sitting next to her, on the cheek. Yash discreetly tried to look down her shirt. Pratham simply laughed and winked at his best friend, who blushed.

Ganga caught his eye and smiled widely. "Pratham, I'm especially glad you came! I haven't seen you in forever, man! Ever since you got married..." she added with a melodramatic sigh.

Pratham leaned back in his chair and reveled in the atmosphere of the club. Ganga was right, he rarely partied with his college friends anymore. Now all his time was spent at the office or at home with the family and Gauri. He pushed the thought of his so-called wife out of his mind; tonight was for fun.

"Sorry, Ganga," he apologized with his trademark lady-killer grin. "But the old ball-and-chain never lets me out of her sight. Who can blame her though?" asked Pratham with a laugh. "I'm the kind of guy every girl wants around."

The table burst into laughter, most of it influenced by the copious amount of beer they'd all indulged in. "Pratham, you should have brought Gauri with you!" said Ganga cheerfully. "I want to meet the lucky girl who won you."

Pratham amused himself imagining Gauri's face if she heard her husband was considered a prize. Then he laughed loudly imagining Gauri in a club like this one. In her elegant sari, looking disgusted as she saw the couples making out in the shadows...

"Trust me, Ganga, Gauri hates clubs. She wouldn't last five minutes in this place," said Pratham.

Ganga looked incredulous. "She hates clubs, but she married you? How does that work out, Pratham? You live for partying!"

"Yeah, well, me and Gauri don't have much in common."

Ganga and a few other girls seemed interested in the characterization of this relationship. They'd always assumed that there was something particular and special that bound Pratham and Gauri together, some shared interest.

"Then why did you two marry?" asked a shorthaired girl. "Was it an arranged marriage?"

Crap, he didn't want to go into questions like this. How do you explain a false marriage? "What can I say, girls? Gauri couldn't help but fall in love with me. She was obsessed with me!" Pratham lied smoothly.

"Aww, and why wouldn't she be?" cooed Ganga, slinging an arm around Pratham's shoulders. "You're just so cute."

Pratham smiled sweetly at her. "Hey, Ganga, how about a birthday dance?" he asked flirtingly. She grinned, and he led her to the dance floor.

Ganga immediately took to the music, her body pulsing in rhythm with the other dancers. Pratham danced more smoothly, but his mind was somewhere else. For a while now, as he continued to engage in parties and socializing with his friends, a new emotion had begun to take root: guilt. Ever since marriage and his career, Pratham had slowly begun to realize that he was no longer a child, but a functional member of the Mittal family. He had—and the word sickened him—"responsibilities".

Not that he didn't try his hardest to deny the fact. But now he always felt as if he should be doing something more productive instead of partying. Helping Babuji maybe, or staying longer hours at the office, anything like that.

Watch out, Pratham. Keep thinking like that and you'll turn into an adult.

He and Ganga were beginning to dance more exuberantly when all of a sudden, Hiten came onto the dance floor, holding Pratham's cell phone.

"Hey, Pratham, your cell phone's ringing. Don't leave it lying around, man."

"Thanks," said Pratham, and took the phone. The screen said it was his mother calling. Pratham answered it, expecting her telling him to come home.

He didn't expect to hear her sobbing on the other end.

Fear gripped his heart. "Ma? What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"Pratham," Ma said weakly. "Pratham, your father was in an accident."

His heart was in free fall and a thunderstorm raged in his ears. "What?"

"Where are you Pratham? Come to the hospital, hurry... please, hurry, Pratham!" beseeched Ma between her tears.

"I'm coming, Ma!" Pratham assured her, and hung up. Ganga was looking bewilderedly at him.

"What's wrong, Pratham?" she asked curiously. "Is everything all right?"

"I—I have to go," mumbled Pratham distractedly. Where was his jacket? His car keys were in the jacket...

"What? Already? But the party—"

He ignored Ganga's confused pleas and quickly found his jacket folded over a chair. He grabbed it and, blocking out Hiten and Yash's protests, rushed out of the club.

Pratham had never prayed to the gods as much as he did that night.


Why did hospitals always have to be so garishly white? Pratham marched down the halls of City Hospital with his mind swimming with fear and nauseating apprehension. He dreaded reaching his destination yet he needed to get there quickly.

He grabbed the elbow of a passing nurse. "Excuse me, I'm looking for my father. His name is Mittal, he was admitted a little while ago."

The nurse nodded and pointed down the east hallway. "He's in ICU right now, sir. Are you family?"

"Yes, I'm his son," said Pratham, fighting to stay calm. His heart threatened to explode as he asked his next question. "Please, can you tell me what his condition is?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't know that information. You'll have to ask the doctor in charge. He's probably with your father right now."

The urge to find his father was overwhelming and Pratham had begun to walk away before the nurse even finished her sentence.

He kept walking down the hallway, turning corners until he finally found his family gathered in a small waiting area.

They all looked white-faced and shaky. His mother was holding Tusshar and her shoulders shook as she cried. Seeing her made Pratham's heart tighten painfully.

Gauri caught sight of him first. She too seemed terrified and pale. When she saw him, she strode up to meet him halfway. "Pratham, finally...!" she said breathlessly.

Pratham ignored her and went straight to his mother. "Ma, I'm here," he said hesitantly.

His mother whirled around as soon as she heard his voice. "Oh, Pratham!" she cried, and stared at him with red eyes. "Thank God you're here!"

She threw her arms around him and he held her. "Tell me everything," he said to Uncle Ajay.

His uncle seemed to have aged years in a few hours. "It was a car accident," the older man said hoarsely. "Your father was coming home from work, and another driver ran through a red light and crashed into him. Luckily he didn't hit the driver's side, or..." Uncle Ajay trailed off ominously.

There was a pained silence in the air, broken when an aged doctor emerged from the ICU room.

"Doctor! Doctor, how is my husband?" asked Ma weakly. "Is he any better?"

The doctor, whose nametag read GUPTA, scanned his clipboard. "All I can say is that Mr. Mittal is a very lucky man that he came out with no severe injuries," announced Dr. Gupta.

The atmosphere in the room lightened considerably at those words. Hope welled within Pratham.

"Then he's not going to—going to—" Ma was unable to finish her sentence. Dr. Gupta smiled at her.

"Your husband is safe. He's suffered a few injuries, however. Whiplash, which he will have to see a chiropractor for. A concussion and a fractured right arm. Considering what could have happened, Mrs. Mittal, these wounds are slight indeed," finished the doctor seriously.

Ma wiped at her tears. "I know. Thank you, Dr. Gupta...I can't tell you how grateful I am."

Tusshar sighed as if a great weight had been lifted off him, and Pratham hugged his little brother tightly. "Everything's okay now," he said quietly.

"We're going to keep Mr. Mittal in the hospital for a few days, for observation," Dr. Gupta continued. "He's still unconscious, but will wake soon, hopefully."

Uncle Sanjay stood up. "Everyone else can go home. I'll stay here and wait. When brother wakes up, I'll call."

Ma started to protest, but Aunt Kavita put a hand on her shoulder. "Gayatri, you need to go home and get some rest. Tusshar and Pratham too," she added. "Besides, the grandmothers and children are still at home, worried sick."

Pratham nodded. "Chachi is right, Ma. Go home. I'll stay with the uncles."

Ma relented finally, and Tusshar offered to drive her home. Swati smiled reassuringly at Pratham as she walked by, and Natasha offered a few words of comfort.

Gauri approached him hesitantly. "Pratham, I can stay here with you if—"

"Go home, Gauri," Pratham interrupted sharply. The last thing he needed was her pity. Indignation hardened in Gauri's eyes for a few seconds before she nodded understandingly and followed the rest of the family out. The only ones left in the hospital now where him and his uncles.

They waited.


A couple of hours later, Pratham was at the vending machine when Uncle Sanjay came running to find him.

"He's awake!" announced his uncle, beaming happily. Pratham sighed in relief and they both hurried to ICU.

A bit nervously, Pratham entered the room. When he saw his father, his heart sank. Babuji, who always looked so confidant and powerful, now held himself as if terribly aged. It was the first time Pratham had ever since his Babuji look weak, and it frightened him.

"Pratham, my son," said Babuji softly. "Come, come here."

"Babuji," Pratham said hoarsely, and went to hug his father. "Babuji, thank God you're okay!"

Uncle Ajay smiled at the scene. "I'm going to call home and tell them you're awake, brother," he said quietly, and left the room.

Pratham sat in the chair Uncle Ajay had unoccupied. He was a little embarrassed at how emotional he'd become. But he'd always been susceptible when it came to his family.

Babuji was deeply shaken. "I can't believe how close I came to dying," he said quietly. "I never saw that car coming."

"Don't talk like that, brother!" protested Uncle Sanjay.

"You're here with us now, and that's all that matters," said Pratham, holding his father's hand.

The door opened and Dr. Gupta entered, followed by a nurse. "It's good to see you awake, Mr. Mittal," greeted the doctor.

Babuji nodded and sat up in his bed. "Doctor, I cannot express how grateful I am to you. You've saved my life. No amount of money can—"

Dr. Gupta cut him off with a wave of his hand. "Enough, Mr. Mittal. I was only doing my job."

As the doctor consulted his clipboard, the nurse spoke up. "I'm afraid visiting hours are over. All of you will have to come visit Mr. Mittal tomorrow," she said firmly.

"But Babuji just woke up!" cried Pratham indignantly.

"It's okay, Pratham," assured Babuji. "I'll be fine. You all look so tired, you need your sleep. And no doubt your mother is waiting up for you at home," he added with a smile. "Go, my son."

Pratham stared to protest again, but his fatigue was relentless. He and his uncles made plans to bring the entire family to visit Babuji early tomorrow, and then after bidding Babuji goodnight, they finally drove home.


Pratham eyed his bed longingly as he entered his bedroom. Every muscle in his body ached to rest. But he knew that the minute he drifted off, nightmares would disturb him all night. Nightmares of what could have been...

Gauri stirred beneath the covers. "Pratham...?" she asked sleepily.

"Go back to sleep," Pratham ordered. She was the last person he wanted to deal with right now.

Unsurprisingly, she didn't listen to him, but sat up in bed and stared at him intensely. "How is Babuji now?" she asked nervously.

"Fine," Pratham said shortly.

Gauri fiddled with a long strand of her hair. He'd never seen her look so genuinely apprehensive before. "When can we go see him? Tomorrow?"

Pratham fixed her with a cold stare. "What right do you have to see him?" he snapped.

Anger tightened her body immediately. "What right? I'm his daughter-in-law, Pratham!" Gauri exclaimed.

"Don't pretend all of a sudden that he's the father you never had! You know he saw right through your little act," Pratham sneered. The bed that had previously looked so inviting was now a danger zone, with Gauri lying in it.

"What?" Gauri yelled furiously. "What act? What are you talking about?"

"This act you have of being the perfect Mittal daughter-in-law! This pretense of being so superior and perfect. It disgusts me when I see you lecturing Natasha and Swati, and when you go behind Ma's back all the time pretending you're her real daughter!"

Gauri scrambled to get out of bed and stand before him defensively. The effect was ruined by her nightgown, but her eyes blazed furiously. "I do not pretend to be superior and perfect, Pratham! The only pretense I put up is the one forced on by you! And where do you get off—"

She stopped suddenly, as if she'd just realized something important. "Never mind," Gauri continued in a stilted voice. "It's late. We need to sleep."

Gauri started to get into bed again, but Pratham grabbed her arm. She stared at him, nonplussed.

"What do you mean, 'never mind'?" Pratham growled. "You started this, don't leave until it's finished."

"Look, Pratham," Gauri said with maddening patience. "You've been through a lot tonight. You really need some sleep, okay? Let's not fight now. Go to bed."

Pratham's grip on her arm intensified. "Stop it, Gauri."

"Stop what, Pratham?"

"Acting like you care."

Gauri stared at him with blank brown eyes for a few seconds before pulling her arm away. She quietly slipped beneath the covers and switched off the lamp, submerging the room in darkness. "Goodnight," she said a little frostily.

Pratham shook his head as if to clear his frustration. "Goodnight."


to be continued please be nice and leave constructive comments!

It's slow in the beginning, but I'll post quickly so we can get to the good part 😉 *kisses* Later!



Edited by Angbeen - 16 years ago


Last reply









Frequent Posters

Anjaana70 thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
oh god. It's just too good. Really reminded me off Kutumb days 😭 Just too good buddy. Keep it up. I love pratham gauri 😊
brainychild92 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 16 years ago
i miss kutumb.. never saw all of it but now i am watching.

this is a great start!!

continue soooooon
Angbeen thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
I was wondering, should I make my chapters shorter, or divide them up? Because that first post looks pretty long!

davia389 thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
after many long dayss ...i am able to read something a pm gm story.. pls continue soon as possible....that was good.. so when will pm started seducing gm with his charms???? 😉
👏 👏 👏
davia389 thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
no dont make it shorter give a big opne only.. as it looks good like it..
husasi thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
Its really good I really missed the fights between Pratham & Gauri .Plz continue & the chapter was not long it was proper.I will eagerlly wait for your next post
Angbeen thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
Chapter One Cont'd

A few days later, Babuji was finally released from the hospital.

Natasha, Gauri, and Ma had slaved in the kitchen for hours to prepare all of Babuji's favorite dishes. Swati had offered to help, but the memory of her Chinese dinner still fresh on everyone's tastebuds had Ma shooing her away.

When Uncle Sanjay announced that Babuji was home, the whole family rushed to the living room. The head of the house entered, limping slightly and with a cast on his right arm. He smiled wanly at his household.

"Welcome home, Babuji," said Pratham, smiling widely. Ma immediately went to her husband's side.

"I have never been so happy to see my family before in my entire life," said Babuji feelingly. "May every day see us together, happy and safe."

At this point, Ma led everyone into the dining room since Babuji had eaten nothing for the past three days but hospital food. Pratham's father expressed his delight at the delicious meal waiting.

They were in the middle of the first course when Uncle Sanjay mentioned that Babuji should wait at least two weeks before going back to the office.

Pratham was about to agree, and ready to argue with his father, when Babuji said, "I don't plan on going back to work."

There was a beat of silence before Ma replied, "Yes, not until you recover."

Babuji smiled. "No, Gayatri, I mean I'm never returning to the office," he said firmly.

Everyone was speechless with shock. Swati dropped her spoon. Tusshar opened and closed his mouth like a fish.

Gauri was first to regain her voice. "What do you mean, Babuji?" she asked incredulously. "You're...never working again?"

"I have wasted too many precious years holed away in that godforsaken office!" swore Babuji bitterly. "Is work more important than family? Is paperwork more important than happiness? If I had died in that car crash, what an empty life I would have lived! Working, working, always working! And forcing my children to work, too!"

Babuji looked fiercely at Pratham, who gaped with surprise. "Pratham was just a normal, happy college student until I forced him into a job! An d he's so young, too!" cried Babuji. "He should be with friends!"

"It—It's okay, Babuji," said Pratham slowly. "I don't mind working."

"No! From now on, Pratham, you will spend time with your wife and friends! No slaving away at the computer! And I'm going to spend time at home now, too!" declared Babuji.

Everyone continued to stare as Babuji continued eating nonchalantly. Gauri seemed completely thrown off.

Pratham was worried. Had Babuji suffered severe head trauma?


"Pratham, if you keep pacing like that, I'll break you leg," snapped Gauri.

The two were in their bedroom. Gauri was brushing her long dark hair in front of the mirror, and Pratham was walking back and forth, worried out of his mind.

"Why would Babuji just decide to quit his job?" Pratham muttered to himself. "Is he feeling all right? Is he sick?"

"Pratham, I said stop pacing—" Gauri broke off as Ma appeared at the doorway.

Pratham stared at his mother. "What is, Ma?"

"Pratham, your father wants to speak to you," said Ma, looking a little anxious. "Hurry, son."

Bewildered, Pratham nodded and followed his mother to his parents' bedroom. There he found Babuji sitting on the bed, looking very serious.

"Is everything all right, Babuji?" Pratham asked nervously. "Are you feeling better?"

"I feel fine," said Babuji dismissively. "Sit down, Pratham."

Pratham looked at his mother for answers, but her face was unreadable. He sat next to his father on the bed.

"Listen, Pratham," Babuji began. "Your mother is very concerned about you and Gauri. She feels your relationship is empty, that you two do not behave like husband and wife."

"No, Babuji, it's not like that—" Pratham started to protest, but Babuji held up a hand. Pratham fell silent.

"It is something I have noticed before too, Pratham," said Babuji stiffly. "I have not forgotten that episode with the necklace. I still am unable to understand why you gave that necklace to Dhiraj. Well, let's not go back to that. The thing is, Pratham, I'm afraid I am going to have to do something drastic to bring you and Gauri closer together."

A chill ran up Pratham's spine. "What?" he asked fearfully.

"Pratham," said Babuji seriously. "Until you and Gauri have a child and start behaving more and more like husband and wife, I will remove you from my will."

Pratham stared at his father in disbelief. "WHAT?"

"You heard your father, Pratham," chided Ma. "His word is final."

Pratham turned to his mother, beseeching. "But, Ma, you can't force this...!" he cried. "Look, when Gauri and I want a baby, we'll have a baby, just not now!"

"Pratham, the way you and Gauri behave with each other, I doubt you will ever have a baby," scolded Ma.

"But, Ma!"

"No buts," Ma said. "The matter is decided."

"Don't worry, Pratham," said Babuji, smiling compassionately. "Don't think of this as a punishment. Just remember what it was that attracted you to Gauri in the first place, and you'll start falling in love with her all over again."

Ma smiled cheerfully and Pratham wanted to scream.

But what could he do? His inheritance was on the line, here. So he simply smiled and left the room, all the while cursing in his head.


to be continued

Not as long as last time, but I'm trying to update quickly! Comments, please! *kisses*
Min_3088 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
oh my gosh Angbeen! it was totally fabulous!..I loved the way you have brought the story..cant wait for the next part! update soon

👏 👏

davia389 thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
the only things come into my mind is superb excellnt wondeful woo and etc... it was soo nice and funny imagining pratham's facial expression...pls continue sooon