Originally posted by: Anusha16
ST going to BB was the biggest mistake... I could clearly see how she comes form a damaged household. Her simping for Shaleen was eww.
She obsessed with Shalin there. She was behind Shalin all the time
When Shalin n Shiv Stan had fight with each other that day She slept on Shalin bed with him n Shalin put pillows between them
Salmaan got to know about this incident. He was very angry on her because of it.Salmaan declared her as obsessed lover of Shalin n called his dad to make her understand because she was only 18 years old. Outside her image got tarnished very badly. Makers n Salmaan didn't want a 18 years old girl damaged her image for a man who is double of her age
Edited by 1PariGupta - 5 months ago