Tere Bin S02 (GEO) #2 - Yumna Zaidi, Wahaj Ali - Page 47

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Posted: 5 months ago

Originally posted by: nightingale1234

Why are they trending all of a sudden?smiley36

Losing patience over no update plus no yumhaj content

Posted: 5 months ago

Originally posted by: tgota92

You know when people are really pressed by a show and it’s fandom when they try to start an anti trend to a trend fans are setting out of their love for the show 😂 Itni bitterness lol

Matlab… how sad. Let the fans celebrate their trend?

What anti trend others are trending...did it make to trend list??

Posted: 5 months ago

Originally posted by: Achelvi

What anti trend others are trending...did it make to trend list??

Of course not lol

I don’t even understand the end goal except making themselves look sad. The TB trend is trending, 7th sky is of course going to make the second season. Money, reputation and contracts all are on the line. So other than being bitter there’s no point right. But to make a trend out of it? That’s some next level resentment.

You can’t match the level of dedication and focus the fandom puts into this stuff. The numbers on the other side aren’t even that much. So it just makes them look petty on X and nothing else.

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#MeeraSim (Tere Bin)

Posted: 5 months ago

Originally posted by: tgota92

You know when people are really pressed by a show and it’s fandom when they try to start an anti trend to a trend fans are setting out of their love for the show 😂 Itni bitterness lol

Matlab… how sad. Let the fans celebrate their trend?


More details please... smiley36
