French First Lady is a man?

TotalBetty thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 6 months ago

French First Lady was born a man -
Have you come across this news?

They say there's valid proof for this, OR there’re no proof to show she ever was a woman, would be more accurate

Edited by TotalBetty - 6 months ago


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TotalBetty thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 6 months ago

It sounds like some loony bin conspiracy theory or conspiracy by vicious opponents

That's what they're saying, it's a far right conspiracy rumors

President Emmanuel got very emotional and upset when he addressed the issue

But the two women who first wrote about it are no right wingers or conspiracy theorists, they're credible journalists who pose some valid and solid questions and evidence

benisfroms thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

Credible journalists prioritize accuracy. They verify facts, cross-reference information, and rely on reliable sources. Consistent accuracy over time builds trust. Credible journalists are transparent about their methods, sources, and potential biases. They disclose conflicts of interest and provide context for their reporting.

TotalBetty thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 6 months ago

Their original story is weird and creepy enough.

When they first met, felt instant attraction btw - she was his teacher and he her student, she was married mother of 3 (her daughter was his classmate), their age difference is 24, needless to say she's the older one, and he was just 14 or 15 years old.

His parents were concerned and sent him away

But he came back for her after he 'grew up'.

So after 22 yrs of marriage she divorced her first husband and married him the following yr. They've been basking in wedded bliss ever since

The thing is no body has seen the first husband ever since. They say nobody has seen that man before either. She could not even produce a photo proof of him. A photo they showed of them together turned out to be a doctored pic and the man was actually another teacher, her colleague

TotalBetty thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 6 months ago

^^^ Actually she divorced her first husband after 32 years of marriage

Anyway they refuse to or unable to show any photo proof of her younger self, or her husband or family

The one family photo shown was an old B&W when she was a little girl. But skeptics pointed out that little girl looked nothing our Brigitte, but the 'brother' looked exactly like her. Then they showed another B&W pic of her, this too as a little girl. That turned out be color pic of her daughter.

And nobody has seen the brother either. No proof that he ever existed.

The whole family is angrily denying this, Brigitte even sued the two journalists (for invasion of privacy, not for defamation) and they were fined

TotalBetty thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 6 months ago

My question is, so her brother and husband(who has since passed away they say but nobody ever recall seeing him) is no where to be seen so they came to the conclusion that she is a man?

Yes her brother's facial features matcher hers exactly but they're siblings

No one suspected foul play? Nobody looked in her backyard or properties? No forensic team sniffing around her?
