Pakistani Serials Forum Chat Club #8 [DTNt-p-64] - Page 74

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Frequent Posters

Posted: 6 months ago

Murtasim would do excellent PR, just sayin 🤣

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#MeeraSim (Tere Bin)

Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: tgota92

Murtasim would do excellent PR, just sayin 🤣

He would have happily done itsmiley37
nightingale1234 thumbnail
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#MeeraSim (Tere Bin)

Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: tgota92

Yeah the fawad one which was also overpriced was packed 😱 Houston desis are just crazy and will pay this insane amount 🤷‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

What will they do with the money? Is it some charity event? What they are collecting is too much...

Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: nightingale1234

What will they do with the money? Is it some charity event? What they are collecting is too much...

it is. I honestly don’t know why the pricing should be different for one city anyway. Dallas and Houston are in the same state so this is kind of bizarre. I think the Houston organiser is ripping people off because he knows Houston peeps will pay up.

Organizers will always look for profit and if people are paying what can be done. But I know it’s making the LA and SFO people anxious 😂 those cities might be expensive too.

Posted: 6 months ago

If it was for charity it would still make sense to pay extra $200 but this is just going to go into profit for the organisers. However, any sensible person can also forego the red carpet and just pay $300. That also includes meet and greet after all 🤷‍♀️

I’m guessing $500 will just be those rich elite desis who want extra bragging rights and spare cash to burn 🤣 And the Houston organiser knows it 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: tgota92

it is. I honestly don’t know why the pricing should be different for one city anyway. Dallas and Houston are in the same state so this is kind of bizarre. I think the Houston organiser is ripping people off because he knows Houston peeps will pay up.

Organizers will always look for profit and if people are paying what can be done. But I know it’s making the LA and SFO people anxious 😂 those cities might be expensive too.

It also depends on venue. The Houston organizer is doing this at the Hyatt Regency in the center of the town. Plus that red carpet nonsense. If they go for a cheaper venue and skip the red carpet, tix could have been same as in other cities.

DanceUntilWeDie thumbnail
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Battlefront Braves

Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: Witchofthewest

good but dragged a bit later.

It was so slow. Now it's reached a good point after 10 episodes.

I like Khushal so much

nightingale1234 thumbnail
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#MeeraSim (Tere Bin)

Posted: 6 months ago

I remember seeing a new poster of junior kaddu in geo insta.. written by nooran.. When is that releasing?

Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: nightingale1234

I remember seeing a new poster of junior kaddu in geo insta.. written by nooran.. When is that releasing?

Which one??
