I see on SM and here too many saying anuj did not ask anupama permission to adopt CA
First anuj did ask her permission in mumbai after meeting CA and anupama agreed
Even if anupama did not want any more kids, if i am anuj i will not listen and adopt a kid or two for myself (because when anupam acan go against anuj for every thing and not listen to him, why cannot anuj decide to be dad on own he do not need anupama permission)
Because anuj know anupama has too much matka she will never be there 100% loyal to him so why should he not have own kids too? Atleast he will have someone who loves and cares for him truly unlike anupama who gives two hoots to anuj
Anuj may not have wanted a child if anupam awas loyal to him dedicated to him but when he swa her extreme toxicity and clinging to shahs he understood in this life anupam awill never be loyal or care for him only shahs. Malvika and GK kak had already left he had no one so he adopted a kid to share his life his joy and sorrows
Why cannot a human adopt at 45 or 50 years. Indeed thats right age to adopt because you have established career money time you can give all love and comfort to a kid.
I have seen women having a late kid at 45 or 50 too in my surrounding, that kid receives most attention and care over other kids. Because by than parents are very mature so can handle small kids easily compared to 25 or 35 year olds. Also toxicity is less younger parents will put kid in creche or play home and go to work where as 45 or 50 year old has established themselves can take time off
Nowadays parents are busy working 12 to 14 hours 7 days a week but by 45 that reduces as you reach top positions or you have subordinates to delegate work too and go back to your child than in younger age
Now people will say anupama had baggage of 3 kids ex hubby in laws and yet anuj married her now hes angry at her spending time with her ex and kids
I do not agree with this, a woman when married has aged mom-dad, younger siblings etc athome. Do a girl run parents home everyday saying my dad wants kichdi or mom wants leg massage or younger sister wants milk shake. Not really
Anupama kids were adults when she married all in late 20s or above 18 to 20 years old. Nowadays kids leave house at 16 to study in other country or city engineering or MBBS and live in PG or rented on own. Many of my cousins girls also left dad mom house at 16 and went stayed in pg or hostel and studied college. After 16 or 18 all are independent do not require mom-dad that much as a 7 year old like CA was.
Indeed anupama 2 sons wee above 25 and both working when anupama married not babies that she has to run to vanraj shah house every day. Also pakhi was above 18 and did not really like anupam aso much to need her advices or help. Ye anupama purposely went to vanraj shah house just to time pass. Other than wedding or funeral or grave sickness anupam aneed not enter vanraj house after divorce.
Women miss their sibling/neice/nephews wedding or parent funeral is hubby or kid is sick or has exams etc
But anupam cannot miss a baby naming when anuj is paralyzed or cannot miss holi when anuj is depressed for CA leavhing him. Why would she stop celebrating she has 3 kids 2 in laws one ex hubby as family no while anuj has zero family with him if CA left him?
Anupama behvaiour is obivous that she never consider anuj a hubby or kapadiyas as family its only vanraj and shahs
Why should she cook in shah house shes guest its kavya home shes house wife or kinjal let them cook or serve shahs
She was shouting and threatening barkha and MD for cooking in kapadiya kitchen although its Malati house and barkha home too. But she can strut into shah kitchen and cook for kvya hubby and in laws etc double rules anyone height of hypocrisy
For anupama her 3 kids was excuse to run to shah house everyday thats all and spend time with ex hubby and her ex in laws
Now we come to another issue - anupam is used to 26 years in shah house with all shahs
Ok so all other girls are born in hubby house is it? Every woman spends 25 to 30 years in her parents home with her parents mom,dad, siblings, grand parents, neice nephews than marries and goes o hubby house. So every girl should run to parents home everyday after marraige and serve her parents, siblings etc like before marriage is it? By same logic of anupama
If you never wanted another hubby never wanted accept hubby house as yours or his family as yours why marry in first place?
By anupama logic all girls should visit parents house everyday after marraige as for 25 to 30 years they are used to it and those family members is it not?
The very fact a woman agrees to marry a man means she accepts him as her family his house as her house his family as her family from day of marraige. And she gives max attention to her hubby and his house rest of life. Same for husband too. Not marry someone and still go to ex hubby house everyday.
Imagine if all girls after marriage behave like anupama with their hubby, full world will be chaos no society will remain no family will remain no child will have a mother no hubby will get wife support and time
Next we come to anuj spending his money for anupama 3 kids. First varaj said they are my kids you stay away. Than anupama says they are my kids i and vanraj decide you stay away again. Two kids ill treat anuj child CA and misbehave with him. So why should he give his money to them.
He can spend on CA and malvika or sara his own children or niece or sister no. And court itself has said recently no step kid or first hubby kid has right on second hubby property or business in india(or USA too). Only if you are father or kid your property or business goes to them(blood or adopted)
When anupama and vanraj do not want anuj to have any relation with their 3 kids why he should bother to spend money or bail them out of every crisis?
Than you say anupama can spend her money as she owns kapadiya empire to her 3 kids? Not really that kapadiya empire is anuj kapadiya dads hes given to her. He can withdraw her rights any time over kapadiya empire. Because ultimately its an inherited company not anuj own created company. Both anuj or malvika can go to court and remove anupama 100% rights on kapadiya empire. Read priyamvada birla case she did what anuj did, gave birla empire shares to her lawyer insted of her family. Court said no ways, a neice/nephew has more rights on company a grand child has more rights than a wife she cannot give it to tom dick harry her empire rights or shares.
If anuj gives 100% to anupama he also has owner of kapadiya and heir can change his will withdraw power of attorney to anupama over kapadiya empire or property's. Otherwise imagine by now tata/birla/microsoft/apple sab power of attorney deke owner wife or daughter in laws would give to own parents and siblings no? Court also understands power of attorney etc can be misused so first rights kids and grand kids have than neice nephews or siblings. So when human is alive he can withdraw or change his will or power of attorney etc
Here how would all of you like if your dad mom business or property goes to your spouse parents and siblings or brothers and sisters spouse parents or their siblings will you accept?