Bandar kia janay adrak ka swad!!

cougarTown thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 9 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 6 months ago

These 2 making a total fool of themselves..not because bebo is any iconic dancer..but because there are some roles which she did which no one else can replicate..geet is one such role and yeh ishq hai was iconic not for its dance but for geet and her expressions..

Who do you think made a bigger fool of herself here? I feel SAK has gone totally OTT with those she wins it here for me..

Edited by cougarTown - 6 months ago


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Terenaina thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 6 months ago

Both sara and Alia are bad here, why they can’t perform their own songs. Alia has a baby face trying to act grown here. Alia had great songs with varun. I have not seen any movie of sara and I am not interested in watching her just like how I was not interested in watching her mother as an actress. Kareena is a bad dancer but her expressions and confidence is amazing in the songs.

933142 thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

Looks like two kids who had too much sugar before their annual day performance

priya185 thumbnail

Comedy Crew

Posted: 6 months ago

Both are far behind Kareena in terms of expressions
