Originally posted by: Vr15h
The blame for this legally falls on the Supreme Court. On the societal battlefield, everywhere that a ballot initiative was held, it was usually sponsored by the opposition to same-sex marriage, and the ballots usually were simple like "Marriage is a relationship b/w a man and a woman". Such ballots usually won overwhelmingly, even in that loony bastion California, where it often started
But after that Supreme Court 5-4 judgement in 2015, where Justice Anthony Kennedy flipped it in favor of same-sex marriage, the floodgates opened. First, it was the millions of couples throughout the country marrying, but then, the T & Q activism started, then all the bathroom violations. In North Carolina, a sitting governor was successfully cancelled due to his opposition to men entering women's bathrooms
Also, the US was the only major Western country that didn't recognize same-sex marriage, and as long as it didn't, that lunacy didn't seem hot in India either. Once it did, that lunacy started spreading there as well. On top of that, Indian elitists, particularly in the court, love communicating w/ the US Ivy League, and when they hit upon an idea from there, they try legislating from the bench (which is unconstitutional but a common problem in US, India, Israel and I suspect elsewhere). That's why in India, it's been the Supreme Court that's been demanding that the government legalize gay marriage
I'm primarily an English speaker: my Bengali is okay (spoken okay, written/read atrocious) and my Hindi atrocious. But now the Anglosphere is the prime vector of this woke virus, and it's primarily English speaking Indians who are reading this, particularly online, and promoting this. I hate saying it, but the sooner India de-emphasizes the usage of English, the easier it will be to avoid these woke trends