Real vs recreated- kesariya

naaznin thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 14 Thumbnail + 9
Posted: 2 years ago

Recreated one looks more nice

After watching such work I again start feeling nepo kids is ruining bollywood n outsider should get more chance.

Edited by naaznin - 2 years ago


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kar08 thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

At least the couple in the recreated video looks age appropriate, rather than a creepy uncle running after his niece 😆

naaznin thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 14 Thumbnail + 9
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: kar08

At least the couple in the recreated video looks age appropriate, rather than a creepy uncle running after his niece 😆

True Ranveer alia looks so odd together

kar08 thumbnail
Visit Streak 750 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: naaznin

True Ranveer alia looks so odd together

Don't you mean Ranbir?😆

CrimeMasterToto thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 2 years ago

Lol wtf - its such a crappy copy. The blank expressions are just hilarious in the 'recreation'

And folks here picking the copy just to pull down the original explains exactly why Bollywood embraces remakes and copies. When you can put in 5% of effort with zero creativity, why bother being creative and original

Edited by CrimeMasterToto - 2 years ago