does she still think she can cover it up by saying it was an accident ๐คชit was indeed an accident but the reason for that accident was her obsession over gudiya who unfortunately happens to be her first love her ex's child..
glad finally Aryan has confronted her, has showed her the mirror..
even after all this imlie is happy with gudiya after leap, she is bringing her up as little imlie, after all it is akt's child, but poor Aryan has lost his cheeku.. arylie have parted for good, I wish they don't reunite, after all for imlie gudiya will always be her priority..
but we know how as usual Aryan will apologize for questioning the mahaan imlie and he has to put up with gudiya for all his life as his own daughter so that he gets some crumbles of love from imlie..
they can better show all Ts are dead so that it will make some sense why imlie has gudiya n didn't ask Ts to take care of her...