Written update-3 oct
The episode starts with meghna asking indu to give the letter. Indu doesnt find the letter. Indu searches for the letter frantically. Upon seeinb ritesh there, she thinks that he pushed her deliberately and took the letter away. She searches ritesh while people look on. Indu goes crazy in telling ritesh to give her the letter back. Bobji comes and takes her away.
Indu is not able to present the letter. The judge tells indu that it was crucial to the case. Indu is silent. Kalpana, kadambari lawyer, tells that when there is no letter, how can it be presented as a piece of evidence. She tells that she has provided the bank balance sheet of both indu and kadambari account and says that kadambari can better take care of her. When the judge says that money is not everything, kalpana says that its still an important part of a child’s future. The judge wants sometime to think over.
The judge then says that she wants to speak to zoon and the court gets adjourned for the next day.
Sameer says that judge will decide based on zoon statement. Kadambari says she is a small child and cannot heavily influence the case. Also she is bio mom and the court has to give her the custody. Sameer asks if she trusts him and kaddu says a little. Sameer tells he is ready ti tolertate all her nakhras and wait for her lifetime. Kadambari smiles and says lets see.
At night, vivek comes to indu to take zoon home. Zoon comes and indu shares that she needs to accompany her to the court tomorrow. Zoon asks if its for the court granting permission for indu and zoon to stay together. Indu says yes. Zoon says that tomorrow she will tells she wants to stay with mouj forever . Indu nods her head and says hopefully that will happen.
Next morning at the court, zoon sees ritesh. Ritesh gives her chocolates and showers his love. The judge sees this. Zoon asks ritesh if he will come with her. He says yes. Zoon tells ritesh that after today, zoon and mouj will stay together forever. Ritesh agrees. Zoon says if he will also come and stay with her. Ritesh says that if given a chance, he will take her to his home and keep her there. But there is a traffic inspector at her home who doesnt know to drive the car but still wants the car. Indu says that even if she doesnt know to drive the car, she will not allow anyone to steal her car.
The court proceedings start. Zoon recognises judge and says hi. The judge says hi in return. Zoon gets called and zoon says indu is the workd best mouj. She takes care of her, makes her fave food, indulges her for icecream but she scolds her as well. But she somehow pacifies as well. Judge asks if she is happy where she is staying and zoon says yes. Zoon is told to step back when zoon hits and stumbles and falls down saying mouj. Kadambari rushes to the kid and does drama. Indu does not allow ritesh to go help zoon and tells him to let kadambari do what she wants.
Precap: kalpana has gotten indu mouj to court and she is asked if she told indu to drop zoon at an orphanage. Indu mouj says yes.