Next IBF/Star complaint. - Page 4


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840837 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

I unfortunately don't have time to draft a complaint now. Maybe siya can or someone else can draft something specifically to complain about Vs characterization being too problematic especially for an ips. It potrays police in bad light. And scenes of him changing name or saying bahu /beta are equal mean nothing when he turns a blind eye to abuse, to illegal stuff happening under his nose.

1232308 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Complaint against how a character is being portrayed will be thrown out as fiction that’s what even i’m stating from the beginning. IBF complaint is not enough. One needs to file a PIL stating “ this issues directly affects the mindset of the public against surrogacy and other fertility procedures, and affects the fertility industry. It’ll be better if a few fertility clinics give their affirmations/or become a party to the petition, and once the petition is allowed, then sitara will have no option, but to cancel the track right away because they can’t risk halting the show until the matter is fully resolved because it takes a lot of time and their repo and money is at stake!

Shaome thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Elska18

Complaint against how a character is being portrayed will be thrown out as fiction that’s what even i’m stating from the beginning. IBF complaint is not enough. One needs to file a PIL stating “ this issues directly affects the mindset of the public against surrogacy and other fertility procedures, and affects the fertility industry. It’ll be better if a few fertility clinics give their affirmations/or become a party to the petition, and once the petition is allowed, then sitara will have no option, but to cancel the track right away because they can’t risk halting the show until the matter is fully resolved because it takes a lot of time and their repo and money is at stake!

Thanks for clarifying dear..

I think not just fertility clinic but can police department sue them stating the same that putting police department image in bad light.

Edited by Shaome - 2 years ago
1232308 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Shaome

Thanks for clarifying dear..

I think not just fertility clinic but can police department sue them stating the same that putting police department image in bad light.

Han wo bhi hai and it may become political, but again they had it coming!

Shaome thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Elska18

Han wo bhi hai and it may become political, but again they had it coming!

O gosh they trapped themselves badly..

nutmeg7 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Elska18

Complaint against how a character is being portrayed will be thrown out as fiction that’s what even i’m stating from the beginning. IBF complaint is not enough. One needs to file a PIL stating “ this issues directly affects the mindset of the public against surrogacy and other fertility procedures, and affects the fertility industry. It’ll be better if a few fertility clinics give their affirmations/or become a party to the petition, and once the petition is allowed, then sitara will have no option, but to cancel the track right away because they can’t risk halting the show until the matter is fully resolved because it takes a lot of time and their repo and money is at stake!

Woi I have been also saying. Thanks, Elska. Complaints against characterisation of a fictional character on how he is portrayed (not just during surrogacy but for a long time) will not even be read fully. One line padhenge, and the next it will land in the bin. I have shared PDF also upar for reference in what comes under the purview of IBF.

Also, I did raise a complaint against the surrogacy track in IBF ONLY to add volume to the number of complaints being filed.

Shaome thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: nutmeg7

Woi I have been also saying. Thanks, Elska. Complaints against characterisation of a fictional character on how he is portrayed (not just during surrogacy but for a long time) will not even be read fully. One line padhenge, and the next it will land in the bin. I have shared PDF also upar for reference in what comes under the purview of IBF.

Also, I did raise a complaint against the surrogacy track in IBF ONLY to add volume to the number of complaints being filed.

By the way I got the same reply as moor but after that generic response..

nutmeg7 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Shaome

By the way I got the same reply as moor but after that generic response..

They have to send it to the channel. The channel will ask the production house. They will draft a reply. Long process. But backlash covered is good enough. We can never guess what they intended or if the makers changed the plot after the backlash. Let's see what if they come up with.

Shaome thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: nutmeg7

They have to send it to the channel. The channel will ask the production house. They will draft a reply. Long process. But backlash covered is good enough. We can never guess what they intended or if the makers changed the plot after the backlash. Let's see what if they come up with.

I don't have any hopes from the makers but happy that ugly face came out in front of the world.. This show deserves immediate shut down..

You can not put up anything in public domain..

nutmeg7 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Shaome

I don't have any hopes from the makers but happy that ugly face came out in front of the world.. This show deserves immediate shut down..

You can not put up anything in public domain..

Exactly. Action or no action. They need to know that whatever they are shoving down the throat of audiences is not appreciated. Deep down they know but are very dheet about it
