Pandya Store|Episode Discussion #207 - Page 84


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1234212 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: mpks1

This is a clear case of physical abusešŸ˜”

Dhara used to be abused a lot like this pre-leap and since leap Raavi has been bearing the brunt of Sumanā€™s wrath.

How pathetic ate the makers to justify such things! Suman in my eyes will always be an abuser šŸ˜”

Bold: šŸ’Æ....Suman's behavior is so indifferent towards raavi. And, what's the need of this markundi gaye name-calling, isn't she the one who saw her Shiva in raavi. Does she think of him as some saandh as well Or what

But you'll be surprised to know I saw a tweet in the morning where the user wanted to see more of such scenes.. She could see the loving bond between suman n raavišŸ¤Ŗ

mkc12345 thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: mpks1

SBS segment

Scenes from todayā€™s episode and tomorrow they are all getting punished for raking up such a high electricity bill šŸ¤£ Except Rishita, Suman is asking everyone to stand on one leg and put their hands up in the air šŸ¤£ ( another murgha like episode in the making)

Akshay and Simranā€™s interview about house renovation and how beautiful it looks now as they have become rich. Dev talks about change in his clothes.šŸ˜†

Rishita talks about how their house is beautifully decorated and painted and whoever comes doesnā€™t want to leave šŸ˜†
Kinshukā€™s interview about how the bill got so high and Suman Maa is punishing them all.

Donā€™t forget to watch the last part where everyone is getting punished šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

I knew it was going to be something like the murgha punishment šŸ¤£

I don't see any change in Dev's clothes, he looks the same to me. I think everyone looks the same to me. Raavi's clothes are different but I like what she wore in yesterday's episode. It reminded me of her pre-wedding looks. She looked really young ā¤ļø Krish's personality is different but his clothes are the same.

The entire scene will have Dhara's BD because leadben was still not working. Her scenes will be inserted again. The scene after that will have her and not her BD.

These actors need glasses. The house looks like a peacock sneezed color on it. The colors are too loud.

Thanks for tagging me šŸ˜Š

mpks1 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Gimmeitt

Oh wow, kaandyas getting punished, not gonna miss out on this for surešŸ¤£šŸ¤£

Thanks for the tagšŸ¤—, but it's @Gimmeitt double t šŸ˜†

Btw, what may I call youšŸ˜³

Will make sure Iā€™ll use the correct username to tag you in the future.

Since nobody posted the SBS segment and when I watched it, couldnā€™t control my laughteršŸ˜† punishment is definitely coming in tomorrowā€™s episode.
And my name is Prema!!

mkc12345 thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: mpks1

SBB segment

Has scenes from yesterday and todayā€™s episodes.

Look how much they edited Shiva-Raaviā€™s interaction/hug when he comes out of jail and him putting his hand on her shoulder when they leave the Police Station to go back homešŸ˜” No wonder Raaviā€™s reaction looked tanda when Shiva got out of hail.

KDā€™s interview about Kandyas becoming rich and a better life is awaiting them. He also gives a hint about PAGS, what Kandyas will do with it and Januā€™s return.

Watch the segment to know how much they have editedšŸ˜”

What is the problem these makers have with Shivi yaar šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬šŸ˜”

Why is it always their scenes that are cut, why šŸ¤¬

They gave the full unedited version of the Krish and Kirti scees but their most popular jodi gets their scenes edited.

KD, yes we saw the house and it looks really bad, really bad color choices šŸ˜¬ who puts dark blue in their house? Also, who puts purple in the nursery?

I wonder what they are going to do PAGS. I thought Janu is coming back because Rishita is ready to pop and because Krish and Kirti are going to do some kaand. I thought PAGS was closed for good.

Thanks for tagging me šŸ˜Š

mkc12345 thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Gimmeitt

Bold: šŸ’Æ....Suman's behavior is so indifferent towards raavi. And, what's the need of this markundi gaye name-calling, isn't she the one who saw her Shiva in raavi. Does she think of him as some saandh as well Or what

But you'll be surprised to know I saw a tweet in the morning where the user wanted to see more of such scenes.. She could see the loving bond between suman n raavišŸ¤Ŗ

Bold: really? I have never been able to see that bond at all. All the "mothers" on this show are abusive, every single one of them. Suman and Raavi don't share a loving bond.

I loved Suman trolling Dhara but the name calling for her and Raavi has gotten out of hand. She didn't call them by name once in the entire episode, it was only BKB and Markundi.

manny136 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

i wanna know where the money is kept lol like if its in sumans room then goodluck coz someone can steal it and no 1 suspect is krish lol why cant they put the money in the bank and collect interest lol

Edited by manny136 - 2 years ago
mpks1 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Gimmeitt

Bold: šŸ’Æ....Suman's behavior is so indifferent towards raavi. And, what's the need of this markundi gaye name-calling, isn't she the one who saw her Shiva in raavi. Does she think of him as some saandh as well Or what

But you'll be surprised to know I saw a tweet in the morning where the user wanted to see more of such scenes.. She could see the loving bond between suman n raavišŸ¤Ŗ

I have been in this forum a very long time now, have made countless posts in the past EDTs and have made individual posts in the main forum about Suman and her behavior, ranted, bashed but nothing has changed. She has been the same despicable woman since the beginning. I started watching this show from the beginning and used to feel so bad for Dhara pre-leap when Suman used to abuse her and even made posts on that. It is a different thing now that the makers changed her characterization post-leap once the bacchas have grown up, now canā€™t relate to her.

Now it is Raaviā€™s turn to go through the same because she was raised by Mami and Mami is always giving the Kandyas problems, who else other than Raavi to pay the price for Mamiā€™s actions.
If you notice Suman will never do this to Rishita because she is heck scared of Rishita and her goonda family. I wonā€™t be surprised even if Rishita hits her back šŸ˜” but Suman deserves it.

The sad part is that this family and its members and the writers think name calling, pulling ears, hitting with a danda, slapping, pushing and shoving are all cool.

Even during Raaviā€™s outburst and emotional breakdown in the previous track when Shiva went missing, I was always skeptical about Sumanā€™s change if behavior, didnā€™t believe any of her BS, knew Suman will be back to her abusive ways the moment Shiva steps back into that house. I canā€™t believe none of the sons are able to stop their motherā€™s abusive behavior, sabke sab nalayak hain!

And to the TT user who wanted to see more such scenes between Raavi and Suman, hope she doesnā€™t get a MIL in real life like Suman, who hits with a danda, pulls ears, shoves, slaps etc. I canā€™t believe abuse is funny to her, pathetic! šŸ˜•

1234212 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: manny136

i wanna know where the money is kept lol like if its in sumans room then goodluck coz someone can steal it and no 1 suspect is krish lol why cant they put the money in the bank and collect interest lol

But then it'll benefit them & there'll be less chances of them being kangaal in future.. So can they do that? The answer is absolutely nošŸ˜†

mkc12345 thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: manny136

i wanna know where the money is kept lol like if its in sumans room then goodluck coz someone can steal it and no 1 suspect is krish lol why cant they put the money in the bank and collect interest lol

I also feel like this is going to happen. Everyone is going to say no for Krish and Kirti and they are going to run away. Krish has shown he can steal money and jewelry, so he will steal the money from Suman also.

1239649 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: mkc12345

I also feel like this is going to happen. Everyone is going to say no for Krish and Kirti and they are going to run away. Krish has shown he can steal money and jewelry, so he will steal the money from Suman also.

Waiting for the day krish gets beat up
