Try to find something of your interest. Don't mind If you don't like because no idea about all this.
Aww… thank you, here’s one for you too 🤗
Try to find something of your interest. Don't mind If you don't like because no idea about all this.
Aww… thank you, here’s one for you too 🤗
Originally posted by: Heisenberg17_
Don't necessarily need a wedding night for this song. 😆
Meanwhile, this is your wedding night. 😆
LOOOL. Why TF is he blindfolded? Pft please. This shall be moi and my Pati. Thank you very much.
nhii dadaji Jo kar rahe hai woh dikha rahe hai
thank you Korean minion 😳Originally posted by: TheMinion
To the lovely ladies including Mishh who is hibernating and semantic error - I’m unable to quote you…
Originally posted by: Heisenberg17_
Kahan Kahan se dhoond laati ho yeh gaane? 😆
Here's an Ajay Devgan song that you like.
This is actually a beautiful song. Here’s another lovely song featuring Ajay in his finest moments. Too bad the hair is covering his sexy and mysterious eyes. 😆
Originally posted by: FingerFetish
LOOOL. Why TF is he blindfolded? Pft please. This shall be moi and my Pati. Thank you very much.
Looks about right, except the last 50secs or so, cut that out, and it'll be your perfect nuptial night. 😆
Meanwhile, Munna sings this everyday.
Originally posted by: Heisenberg17_
Looks about right, except the last 50secs or so, cut that out, and it'll be your perfect nuptial night. 😆
Meanwhile, Munna sings this everyday.
Wah wah 🤣
Originally posted by: FingerFetish
This is actually a beautiful song. Here’s another lovely song featuring Ajay in his finest moments. Too bad the hair is covering his sexy and mysterious eyes. 😆
That's actually a nice song, this one is also very popular, for the broken hearts. 😆
Munna singing this for his beloved