Chavan - a mockery of an honorable name

Shivanya.SRats thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

This show is problematic for all the reasons that everyone has mentioned in their topics. But the main thing that bothers me is that mockery of the name "Chavan" which is derived from Chauhan.

According to history, Chavans were honorable people and had respect for everyone. But in this show, almost all of the men are toxic mental abuser and have no respect for women and their honor.

The only exception is Mohit as he stands for the right and raises his voice against the untruth

We all thought that Virat would be the one who would uphold the regalia of the Chavan name but he is just unworthy and pathetic.

Feel free to comment and start a discussion..

Lots of love



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840837 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Disagree only with one thing- mohit doesn't always speak up . But out of all 3 brothers he's actually the best. Follow his passion, minds his business, has a sense of gratitude/righteousness, cares for everyone despite being sidelined/ignored by all the elders n his own siblings. But he also never stood up for his own wife and allowed her to become this toxic gossip queen , he also turned on Sai despite him being the one of the factors for pushing her to doubting V. But at least hes the only one that gave her a proper apology.

He only speaks up in Sai's case out of a sense of gratitude and feeling indebted to his only well-wisher, cheerleader, supporter in the CN. Sai stood by him so he stands by her.

nethraa_99 thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 2 years ago
I agree with your views on Chavan men. But I have a slightly different opinion on the name part. Goodness/unfairness is not dependent on name, clan, family. Anyone may be good, anyone may be bad.
Edited by nethraa_99 - 2 years ago
840837 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

I think perhaps the TM meant that they boast so much about their "name" and "heritage" but really they are collectively a kalank on that legacy.
