Since the trajectory of the track is changing and BhabiMa is getting involved big time, will Raavi’s pain, tears, emotional breakdown, heartbreak, loneliness will all be addressed or like always the makers will won’t even touch it with a barge pole. Will she be again made fun of for being a dobi? 😕
Why I am asking this is, after showing what all Raavi went through right from the time Shiva didn’t come back up home on time until now will not have a meaning if her emotions are not addressed😕 It will clearly look fake and audience are smart enough to understand that the makers gave Raavi’s tears to increase the ratings and later dump her from the track,
I also expect BhabiMa to scold Raavi if she gets too emotional after seeing Shiva. I expect her to ask Raavi to stop her nautanki because only she has the right to do it, that too for her sabse accha baccha.
Today’s BTS segments told the things we never wanted to see in this track but the makers did it again, purposely not giving the things we want to see🙄