Originally posted by: iBleedPink
Oh, happy Friday evening to you there! ☺️ Don’t get my hopes up? Of course not, Heisenberg. But as a precautionary measure, you are thereby not invited to my engagement/wedding. Cuz you never know 🤣
Phew! I'm glad you broached the subject, otherwise I would've ended up in the same predicament as FF has found herself in, being invited to an event to which you don't want to attend. 😆 You see, Smitten, it is for your own good and sanity that I'm not there, cause let's face it, your reaction to seeing me, is unpredictable to say the least, what is predictable, however, is that it'll finish your engagement/wedding there and then. 😆
Cause let's be honest, this is how you're likely react if you see me there.
And I'll be sitting there trying to cheer you up, encouraging you to take your 7 pheres and start a new chapter in your life.
And then your groom is watching this all this chutiyapa going on what with you crying and pining over me, gets him raging like a lunatic.
And I'm like faack this shiiiit, takes the next flight back to London. 😳
And then you realise that you can always fantasise about me.
And unfortunately, you are right, there's nothing I can do about that.