Why isn’t Pulkit getting involved?

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Posted: 2 years ago

I am disappointed with Pillu. Now even he is just a show piece in CN. Sai used to open up to him & he would talk to Virat explaining her side. Right now the problem is right up his alley. As a OB Gyn he must be dealing with couples in Sairats situation. He cares for Sai & should explore all possibilities before surrogacy.

Sai wanted to visit Mumbai & go to Sidhdhi Vinayak. pulkit should refer them to his friend or mentor in Mumbai & they should take that trip. Such an outing away from place with hurtful memories & more importantly toxic people is what Sai & Virat need to mend their relationship.

Usually Sunny talks to Virat to put some sense in his head. But this time Ninad was perfect choice to start the conversation. But still Virat needs someone else. Pulkit is perfect for that. Someone with more experience, someone who knows what’s it is to be separated from love of your life.
