Abhiya AT #302 ~ Hatt Jaa Saamne Se Teri Bhabhi Khadi Hai - Page 33


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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: simply.meghana

if we were the writers we would like her too 🤣 heck I love the piya in my FF 🤣

exactly. 😆 Even in show beginning me she is fine. But like we have talked the downhillJourney which does not come up 🤪
simply.meghana thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Abhaythevampire

exactly. 😆 Even in show beginning me she is fine. But like we have talked the downhillJourney which does not come up 🤪

I hate perfect characters 🤣 they are boring and then face this exact issue 🤣 but unfortunately in ITV flawed characters are ruined too eventually 😭

InfinitySoul thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: simply.meghana

I hate perfect characters 🤣 they are boring and then face this exact issue 🤣 but unfortunately in ITV flawed characters are ruined too eventually 😭

itv FLs are always too good to be true. They try to put such gold hearted person who ends up looking like hypocrite and annoying and not at all relatable. 🤣

If there is no flaw there is no conflict and if no conflict no story to read writer watch. A simple fact 🤪🤣

simply.meghana thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Abhaythevampire

itv FLs are always too good to be true. They try to put such gold hearted person who ends up looking like hypocrite and annoying and not at all relatable. 🤣

If there is no flaw there is no conflict and if no conflict no story to read writer watch. A simple fact 🤪🤣

no one is that good 🤣 not even myself 🤣

in short......boring 🤣

InfinitySoul thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: simply.meghana

no one is that good 🤣 not even myself 🤣

in short......boring 🤣

exactly no one. 🤣Stop seeling that narrative m. And its not like those leads are that good. They make so many mistakes that i do hate them then they just dod opposite of what they wanted to do 🤪 yup exactly what it is 🤣
simply.meghana thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Abhaythevampire

exactly no one. 🤣Stop seeling that narrative m. And its not like those leads are that good. They make so many mistakes that i do hate them then they just dod opposite of what they wanted to do 🤪 yup exactly what it is 🤣

ITV sends a lot of narratives that aren't good in any sense 🤣 everyone is a hypocrite 🤣

InfinitySoul thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: simply.meghana

ITV sends a lot of narratives that aren't good in any sense 🤣 everyone is a hypocrite 🤣

vahi to. And trying to portray those ladies as ultra good only to get married and still get rejected by their in laws is not fair. It puts subconcious pressure on girls who follow her serials and puts bad things in society’s minds. At the root of it, Its the same only women are victim mentality. 🤣🤣
simply.meghana thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Abhaythevampire

vahi to. And trying to portray those ladies as ultra good only to get married and still get rejected by their in laws is not fair. It puts subconcious pressure on girls who follow her serials and puts bad things in society’s minds. At the root of it, Its the same only women are victim mentality. 🤣🤣

rejected by in laws and still come crawling back like they ever gave a sh*t about them 🤪🤣 it's a terrible message 🤔 and don't even get me started on women putting down other women constantly in these shows

InfinitySoul thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: simply.meghana

rejected by in laws and still come crawling back like they ever gave a sh*t about them 🤪🤣 it's a terrible message 🤔 and don't even get me started on women putting down other women constantly in these shows

yes that complete lack of self esteem lart. I totally forgot. I mean what r u trying to teach youngsters that you have no worth? And that happens with women largely in their serials. 🤣 Horrible indeed. Oh yeah that too. Where did they learn this mentality of put other women down to get on top 🤪conflict between characters is one thing but make it gender specfic and you have opened a can of worms 🤪
InfinitySoul thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: simply.meghana

rejected by in laws and still come crawling back like they ever gave a sh*t about them 🤪🤣 it's a terrible message 🤔 and don't even get me started on women putting down other women constantly in these shows

if u think about it its quite narcissistic also that everyone in show is trying to bring FL down like she is the center of their universe 🤪In reality people are too focused on themselves to even give a damn about others that way 🤣