I saw the episode ..and I felt there nothing to discuss and Sai has kind of given up and feels it is better to die
in this moment ..if she loses the baby . As we see as per the precap ..It is better for her to walk out of the house and call it quits .
let them make patralekha and virat a couple and be happy ever after..
As it is she has voiced it out .. Sai needs support too abd Chavans are very much lacking there .. so it is better to walk out of the house .
Kaku n ashwini and virat have totally failed Sai .. it is always said an expectant mother has to be kept in good spirits.. when they can do nothing for the to be born kid. It is better that the house stays barren .. and never sees any new generation
If sai loses her kid .. then mere bhi baddua that the house of Chavans never sees a new generation coming out. -all the families stay barren
I have provided my thoughts .. it is too morbid for me to spoil my Monday discussing this