Originally posted by: tptwi
Harsh is bragging about how amazing the hospital is.
Aarohi comes and puts the report right by Akshu. She tells herself that she knows Akshu won’t be able to hide this. Her evil grin throughout the episode is absolutely vile. Not only is she using Neil’s life to take revenge on Abhi, but she is also jealous of the relationship Abhira share and is dragging Akshu down in the process. She was already beyond redemption, but I have no words officially.
Aarohi tells Neil that Harsh needs the file that Akshu has. Akshu is trying her best to resist but Neil ultimately snatches it from her. Aarohi then purposefully bumps into him. The lengths to which she is able to go for her own satisfaction is despicable. She is an actual psychopath.
Abhi arrives and Akshu runs to tell him. Despite Manjari’s manipulations, all Akshu wants is to tell Abhi the truth. She is literally on the verge on a panic attack unable to speak. Abhi keeps asking her what happened.
Just then Harsh starts taunting Neil about being an orphan because he hasn’t started the presentation. Neil has seen the paper and starts crying saying he is not an orphan. Abhi goes and tries to calm him down. My heart broke for Neil in this scene. He does not deserve this at all.
Manjari says Akshara and faints. She thinks Akshu has told Neil. Abhi takes her to a room.
The media is asking questions and Manish shuts them up. This is what you call family. Despite how the Birlas treat him, he is there for them in this moment.
Akshu is having flashbacks of everything that has happened having a breakdown. This poor girl has been dragged into this and caught in this mess because of the sister that is the biggest curse in her entire life.
In her unconscious state, Manjari is calling Akshu Akshara and asking her why she did this. Abhi finds the paper with Manjari.
Everyone is going home and Akshu runs behind Abhi who will go on his bike and the ambulance will follow with Manjari. Akshu so desperately grabs onto his jacket wanting to talk with him but again the cirucmstances don’t align. He tells Parth to take her with him so they can get home ASAP for Manjari.
On his bike ride, Abhi remembers everything that has happened and finally reads the paper and knocks over his bike.
The precap is the promo.
Once again all of the odds are stacked again Akshu. She did absolutely nothing wrong and all she wanted was to tell Abhi, but the timing did not match up. This is the accident truth all over again. Of course now Abhi is going to think that Akshu gave the papers to Neil based on everything that has happened and mainly Manjari talking in her sleep.
But, I have faith that this won’t turn out like the accident confrontation and Akshu will be given an opportunity to explain her side of the story and he will believe her this time. He knows that Akshu kept trying to talk to him!!
Not going to make any assumptions based on the promo!