Pakhi's zimmedari is in SaiRat's hand!! June 7th - Page 6


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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Shaome

They are shooting on cut to cut basis..

So there is no time for retakes and no time for actor's to sync with the characters..

However shruti track we witnessed some worse performance.. Especially when Sada was torturing Sai.

The emotional quotient is lost ever since the shruti track

That was hilarious. How brilliantly he acted to show his anger and hatred at Sai after that. Nothing moved him, her being denied food or wished that she was dead.

710617 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

They wanted to leave the story at a tight situation.. they utilised it to maximum

Dr thurat portion was not done at right time .. but jagtap taking away samrat was quite brilliantly done ..

it brought back the story at a crucial stage .. which is phase 2 of the track

Sai n virat have accepted their relationship and we’re looking toward to expanding their family .. Kaku had also given her blessing ..

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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: NoraSM

🤦‍♀️ He shot wheels of Jagtap's moving car when Sai was sitting in it.....That's the level of stupidity at which CVs operate

About Sairat, I think now that Samrat has asked Sai to take care of Pakhi, Virat will hold on to Sai, if they were going to show Virat taking care of Pakhi over Sai, Samrat would have asked Virat to take care of Pakhi, In a way, Sai will be torn between love and jimmedari

would Pakhi let Sai take care of her. it will be Virat. But yeah she will be stuck between love and samrat dadas promise in tolerating his wife’s future antics and abuses .

Ofc they will be cunning and show Sai herself ask Virat to pretend till didi is alright. so that FD can’t cry over it. See even Sai is okay with it , this is all logical not a total crap fest

Edited by notaquitter - 2 years ago
710617 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

No .. she’s over in the story ..

mysticriver thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: notaquitter

They fail at showing natural reactions esp between sairat. He gets HELP message like sai sent hi . I mean then standing like a hero; they could have easily made him show panic seeing her missed calls and then message.
Shown both of them support each other in the hospital. Come to hold his pregnant wife when she is slapped whether it was valid or not.

but yes all this nonsense face off they will do

Even in precap I see his mom being around Sai first but Virat goes holding her sitting with her after everything is done 🙄

Why he'd panic? It's not his bhabhi or any family member 🤣

mysticriver thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

This 🥱

Now all episodes will come at right time because Virakhi beings 🤣

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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: notaquitter

would Pakhi let Sai take care of her. it will be Virat. But yeah she will be stuck between love and samrat dadas promise in tolerating his wife’s future antics and abuses .

Ofc they will be cunning and show Sai herself ask Virat to pretend till didi is alright. so that FD can’t cry over it. See even Sai is okay with it , this is all logical not a total crap fest

Exactly 😂😂😂 they twisted it here. To justify Virakhi cringe they made Sai the scapegoat. Atleast if they show Virat having hesitation doing things for Pakhi that can atleast save his character a bit but this team is pathetic.

mysticriver thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: notaquitter

That was hilarious. How brilliantly he acted to show his anger and hatred at Sai after that. Nothing moved him, her being denied food or wished that she was dead.

He always showed his anger & hate for Sai much better if you know you know 🥲

1169321 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Episode is 24 hours late

1169321 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: notaquitter

would Pakhi let Sai take care of her. it will be Virat. But yeah she will be stuck between love and samrat dadas promise in tolerating his wife’s future antics and abuses .

Ofc they will be cunning and show Sai herself ask Virat to pretend till didi is alright. so that FD can’t cry over it. See even Sai is okay with it , this is all logical not a total crap fest

I think initially it will be Sai asking Virat to take care of Pakhi, Later on she will realize her true intentions

Edited by NoraSM - 2 years ago