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IAMHope thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Abhi is easy to love. Have you seen him dive in and fight for the people he loves? He loves unconditionally.

Originally posted by: tptwi

Being adopted/ blood related has nothing to do with how much you love someone! A child is a child in my opinion, and a mother is a mother regardless of whether or not she gave birth to him. So, in either situation, I don't think being biologically related has anything to do with how much love she would give to either kid. This is also why I kind of feel that there is a deeper reason for why Harsh hates Neil so much -- it cannot just be because of the fact that Harsh believes him to be a non-Birla. Even though Harsh is someone who cares deeply about name brands and titles, I feel like there is more to it.

If Abhi is the kid of Harsh's first wife/mistress, then maybe that woman died and Manjari felt extra bad so vowed to give Abhi all of the love in the entire world.

Reva_IF thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: rittika

true that is the best option😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

more like - that is the only option! 😆

617251 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: IAMHope

Abhi is easy to love. Have you seen him dive in and fight for the people he loves? He loves unconditionally.

Neil is too, though! Both brothers are the same when it comes to this. It's just that Neil has never been given the opportunity to speak up in front of the family & has been badly suppressed, whereas Abhi has not.
IAMHope thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 2 years ago

True. We mst watch it like every track is an independent stand alone story and each character is sketched for the duration of just that single track

Originally posted by: tptwi

I mean Manjari literally has dialogues saying that she carried Abhi for 9 months and how he acted right after he was born. Sooooo unless she was lying, the makers likely forgot about all of the build up and are just writing it as they go now 😆

IAMHope thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 2 years ago

Ya because we never saw that photo before so they pulled that out of a magic hat like a bunny

Originally posted by: tptwi

I have a feeling that mystery woman from the photo will appear though 😆

IAMHope thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 2 years ago

What was Harsh yelling about Ak calling Ab to third rate hospital?

617251 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: IAMHope

What was Harsh yelling about Ak calling Ab to third rate hospital?

Unclear but I guess Abhi was insulted at the hospital somehow. Harsh is a drama queen so cannot know for sure until we see the scene!
IAMHope thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 2 years ago

Why is he in that hospital in tbe first place? Did Ak call him?

617251 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: IAMHope

Why is he in that hospital in tbe first place? Did Ak call him?

Maybe for an emergency case! Or he came on his own to help out. Let's see!
mudz thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: iheartChai

I am just going to say this. The scene where Akshu is talking to Arohi made this episode for me. Akshu is not taking Arohi's hyper dramatic talks. Arohi was literally off her rocker and you could see it on Akshu's face she that she was so over it. I remember the words that Abhi had said to Arohi after the tilak that one day Arohi will finally understand her sister's love when her sister is no longer by her side. That day is going to come soon when Akshu blasts Arohi for blaming Abhi for whatever khaand is coming up.

Manjari seriously is the key to all of this. And our theories are lining up.

So the question is this the adoption papers show a young child not a baby so I would think Abhi would know if he was adopted if he was brought to the house as a young child. If Harshvardhan treats Neil the way he does thinking he is some orphan no way would he accept Abhi as his child if let's say Manjari could not have children and hence they adopted.

Abhi must be a child out of an extra martial affair, a previous girlfriend, or a first wife?

Harshvardhan had to get married to Manjari for Abhi's sake. Then maybe Manjari got pregnant and then has the baby but secretly has the baby put into an orphanage and everyone thinks the child died. Harshvardhan thinks he lost a child and blames it on Manjari. After a few years Manjari cannot bare that her child is away and goes back to the orphanage to adopt Neil and bring him back to the house to be raised as a Birla. Harshvardhan instead of showering love despises Neil. But Manjari is helpless to say anything due to the big khaand she created.

In this situation I can seriously see Neil feeling very hurt. And this time Abhi will be shocked at what his mother did and the fact that she isn't even his biological mother.

This truth is going to come out in a very ugly and dramatic manner that is for sure. I have a feeling after it is revealed we may have some people switching sides in the Birla household.

Plausible explanation! All these theories are making even more curious about what happens
