GHKPMM Spoilers Thread #18| DT Note P.100 - Page 61


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1232308 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Manjhi baiko.. i took two stepz backward... sam mocks him... himmat hai toh aake dikha.. jaggy asks him to stop dialogue baaji.. jaggy says hisab clear karna hai tere se bhi but right now i’m here for my baiko to sammy...

sadiltl thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Looks like another super fast rushed episode. Yeh way it was handled , it looks like a last minute thing to fit pregnancy, miscarriage ant fake pregnancy.

but If pakhi is jealous of sai then it can’t be miscarriage. Sammy is gone for sure looks like. Nature is also giving signs: it can’t fake right? 😳

1232308 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Fight is happening.... goons beating sammy... sai almost faints... jaggy takes her with him... sammy does some hero moves.. beats the goons up... and vice versa

1232308 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

And then his head is stucked by a stone for double effect

Precap CN wasi are talking random about Sammy’s pic and the pic breaks

1232308 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Devi’s abshakun wala jaap starts..

1232308 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Precap continues: hawa lag rahi.. shivani calls sammy.. says he ain’t picking my call.. sammy is lying on the road in a pool of blood

840837 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

So theres no scene of Sairat after Sai has proven her m his innocence?!

And already pregnancy revealed?!

What is this express rush they are in. Jeez.

840837 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

And why is Sam with Sai if V is out of jail?

1232308 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Nja91

So theres no scene of Sairat after Sai has proven her m his innocence?!

And already pregnancy revealed?!

What is this express rush they are in. Jeez.

Yes everything was rushed. Pregnancy reveal to virat was copied from a chai ad

1232308 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Nja91

And why is Sam with Sai if V is out of jail?

It was random.. they didn’t show virat much
