Originally posted by: Nja91
Aishwarya Sharma finally had a chance to show acting chops today but failed as always. Tbh she is a tad better than her wooden /constipation waala look but Ayesha is leaps better in performance. Matlabb zameen aasmaan ka antar.
I don't understand why they need to show her slap Sai...
Literally 2 din ka pyaar hai with Sam also, abhi shock hai so how is she ALREADY ready to blame Sai?!
At least let the news sink in woman!
It only proves that even makers know that PP doesn't care about Sam's death, she just wanted to convince everyone she is moving on. She wanted to move on just to have a baby and get attention back on her. And now she will use the death of Sam as bait to keep the focus on her n get V back and Sai out of the way. This is still about her stupid one upmanship game with Sai n Sai blame.
Literally heartless monster vaala character hai.
She hasn't even registered her husband death n shes ready to point fingers.
Such hypocrisy.
If she really changed and loved Sam she'd think of ger husband's sister as her sister instead of constantly berating her.
And V as always watching mutely. Now excuse will be that hes too grief stricken to act. But ofc he wont be grief stricken when it will come to consoling pp or crossing limits there.
They showed a pregnant woman getting slapped today. Waah.
And Sam even in death was smart enough to ask Sai to handle pp and not V but obviously V will still take zimmedari because he cant watch his dost cum ex pyaar suffer🙄
I am not aa impacted by this supposedly high drama, sad episode at all.
Because we know that the motive is BS. It doesn't further the plot or serve any actual purpose.