GHKPMM Spoilers Thread #18| DT Note P.100 - Page 110


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Coolmeg thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

After a week or more I came back to check what was going on…. Manh I wish I didn’t!

They know how to rile up audience by making Sai go through every torture possible.

Aish is the queen of the show… for the real couple marriage and smart Jodi promotion they kept her at bay and now bahu hua samman CD is back with vengeance of showing the queen victim! Real life couple will get all the screen space and all the romance now!

saa2929 thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Kumuda-123

As expected, forever victim pakhi slapped Sai and husband goals just stood watching silently.

And our vaada boy is back. Congratulations. This is just the beginning.

Heights what vaada did he give now

nethraa_99 thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Clearly Ghum thrives on negatvity

How writers manage to write so much toxic content is beyond me

Samrat dies at the hands of Jagtap

Sai is the guity of his death..because she was traumatized by a predator

Pakhi is a bechaari..she slapped Sai because she was in grief over the death of a man she has been insulting all this time.

And Virat stands there mute....while his pregnant wife is tortured & insulted....maybe his accusation is right around the corner? Koi bharosa nahin hain..kuch bhi dikaaenge

Clearly they have learnt nothing from Shruthi track

The torture of Sai was one of the reason for TRP drop then...

No matter the track, even before watching the episodes, we all know that the writers will write crap that will overtake the crapness of previous track. At this point, there is no point in even crticising because this is what they thrive on...crass, mindless, unbearable toxicity

Edited by nethraa_99 - 2 years ago
saa2929 thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: nethraa_99

Clearly Ghum thrives on negatvity

How writers manage to write so much toxic content is beyond me

Samrat dies at the hands of Jagtap

Sai is the guity of his death..because she was traumatized by a predator

Pakhi is a bechaari..she slapped Sai because she was in grief over the death of a man she has been insulting all this time.

And Virat stands there mute....while his pregnant wife is tortured & insulted....maybe his accusation is right around the corner?

Clearly they have learnt nothing from Shruthi track

The torture of Sai was one of the reason for TRP drop then...

No matter the track, even before watching the episodes, we all know that the writers will write crap that will overtake the crapness of previous track. At this point, there is no point in even crticising because this is what they thrive on...crass, mindless, unbearable toxicity

How can he just stand there and let them mistreat his pregnant wife? I won’t be surprised if he always says it’s your fault, if I didn’t meet you then my brother would be alive. And Sai cos samrat asked her to take care of Virat will as usual take all the accusations and blame herself a

840837 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Aishwarya Sharma finally had a chance to show acting chops today but failed as always. Tbh she is a tad better than her wooden /constipation waala look but Ayesha is leaps better in performance. Matlabb zameen aasmaan ka antar.

I don't understand why they need to show her slap Sai...

Literally 2 din ka pyaar hai with Sam also, abhi shock hai so how is she ALREADY ready to blame Sai?!

At least let the news sink in woman!

It only proves that even makers know that PP doesn't care about Sam's death, she just wanted to convince everyone she is moving on. She wanted to move on just to have a baby and get attention back on her. And now she will use the death of Sam as bait to keep the focus on her n get V back and Sai out of the way. This is still about her stupid one upmanship game with Sai n Sai blame.

Literally heartless monster vaala character hai.

She hasn't even registered her husband death n shes ready to point fingers.

Such hypocrisy.

If she really changed and loved Sam she'd think of ger husband's sister as her sister instead of constantly berating her.

And V as always watching mutely. Now excuse will be that hes too grief stricken to act. But ofc he wont be grief stricken when it will come to consoling pp or crossing limits there.

They showed a pregnant woman getting slapped today. Waah.

And Sam even in death was smart enough to ask Sai to handle pp and not V but obviously V will still take zimmedari because he cant watch his dost cum ex pyaar suffer🙄

I am not aa impacted by this supposedly high drama, sad episode at all.

Because we know that the motive is BS. It doesn't further the plot or serve any actual purpose.

saa2929 thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Nja91

Aishwarya Sharma finally had a chance to show acting chops today but failed as always. Tbh she is a tad better than her wooden /constipation waala look but Ayesha is leaps better in performance. Matlabb zameen aasmaan ka antar.

I don't understand why they need to show her slap Sai...

Literally 2 din ka pyaar hai with Sam also, abhi shock hai so how is she ALREADY ready to blame Sai?!

At least let the news sink in woman!

It only proves that even makers know that PP doesn't care about Sam's death, she just wanted to convince everyone she is moving on. She wanted to move on just to have a baby and get attention back on her. And now she will use the death of Sam as bait to keep the focus on her n get V back and Sai out of the way. This is still about her stupid one upmanship game with Sai n Sai blame.

Literally heartless monster vaala character hai.

She hasn't even registered her husband death n shes ready to point fingers.

Such hypocrisy.

If she really changed and loved Sam she'd think of ger husband's sister as her sister instead of constantly berating her.

And V as always watching mutely. Now excuse will be that hes too grief stricken to act. But ofc he wont be grief stricken when it will come to consoling pp or crossing limits there.

They showed a pregnant woman getting slapped today. Waah.

And Sam even in death was smart enough to ask Sai to handle pp and not V but obviously V will still take zimmedari because he cant watch his dost cum ex pyaar suffer🙄

I am not aa impacted by this supposedly high drama, sad episode at all.

Because we know that the motive is BS. It doesn't further the plot or serve any actual purpose.

Do you think TRP aud will fall for this and pity Pakhi over Sai ? I know online aud won’t.

saa2929 thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

This show ruins my mood and I get affected even if all I do is read an update.

840837 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

I hope not.

I shudder to think of how they will make V behave.


I am expecting the worst.

1. Ignore Sai. His Pregnant wife

2. Cross limits with pp by acting as if he is the only one who can handle her.

If they go KD way it will go far enough to be fake husband

And worst case - he can also blame Sai 🙄

saa2929 thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Nja91

I hope not.

I shudder to think of how they will make V behave.


I am expecting the worst.

1. Ignore Sai. His Pregnant wife

2. Cross limits with pp by acting as if he is the only one who can handle her.

If they go KD way it will go far enough to be fake husband

And worst case - he can also blame Sai 🙄

Reading this only makes me go crazy and trust me I haven’t watched the episodes. I need to detach cos all I see is things go down hill. So Sai got slapped twice and Virat got slapped twice and evil folks not even once. I really wish Usha Manushi was there , only one who would be there for Sai at this point if not pulkit

sadiltl thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

I put my review in a new thread.

things dont look good.

Pakhi is a victim now!! And there is a reason for her vileness 😭
