I know this will be a totally unpopular opinion and most of you won't like it but just putting out my thoughts here (no offense to anyone and I absolutely DO NOT support DBS's harsh words or actions)
1. I'm actually not angry with K family for stopping Appu. They've stayed true to their nature and let Appu know that she is not a misfit in their family at all and that she is in fact a necessity for each and everyone of them. I know they all knew that there were issues between DBS & Appu but the reasoning Appu gave the family for leaving isn't just DBS, she basically said that Netra was right about Appu being unfit for this family and that's why she wants to leave. They've always loved Appu regardless of her equation with DBS. That's why Vittu Baba even says that why should they all get the punishment for DBS's actions.
2. I know all we see is a loving joint family but it's impossible that even in such a loving family there wouldn't have been fights before between any two members, and esp not between husband and wife. And I mean actual fights, not the silly fights that come up between Mai & DK. No matter how loving and sweet they maybe and regardless of arranged or love marriage, husband and wife will have real fights at some point over something or other. (The ones who truly don't in an equal relationship are too far and too few, if they even exist). Regardless, elders side with Appu when she says that DBS has to apologize to her and she won't talk to him till then. Sua Aai agrees and DK says they wouldn't get in between the husband and wife. It's a very mature way of handling it in my opinion. Because when you require a third person (either an outsider like a judge or a close family member) to resolve issues between a husband and wife, then the issue is too big to ever resolve properly and there will always be lingering doubts and anger.
3. As for K Fam not yelling at DBS or anyone being angry with him, that's not true. Kukki gang was clearly ignoring him when they were talking to Appu in her room later in the episode. Amey just pushed past DBS to sit on the bed and Kukki wouldn't even look at him. How far the ignoring will go, is yet to be seen. I know Sua Aai overheard 2 of the convos and gang was there for some of it too but the problem is that they've always known that these two don't get along and DBS has made comments before too, before, during and shortly after marriage that marrying Appu will be a punishment for him, that he hates that she doesn't care for education, that she is spoiled, etc... HIS ACTIONS LATELY ARE STILL WRONG! But his previous behavior may be a reason that they are not taking this as seriously as we are or we just haven't seen their reactions yet. Besides, in the 200 episodes, we've never seen a truly angry family at all even during Bhaskar coming back, Anjali's actions or the whole B&B wedding fiasco, or Deepali. During the farmhouse track too, they yelled at DBS for his mistake but everyone melted quickly. That is actually what makes them a loving joint family still without someone holding onto negative feelings or someone planning and plotting. They are trying to let them solve their own issues within the house because they knew from the beginning that this marriage will be full of turmoil and hardship until they realize each other's importance.
4. As for DBS, he's an arrogant idiot. Right now, he's only acting based off his first impression of Appu as a spoiled, attention-seeking, selfish girl and forgot everything else that has happened since then. And as we know, his anger clouds his common sense. He will realize his mistakes sooner or later because he won't be able to handle not talking to Appu for long, despite what the precap shows with them talking through writing to each other. Yea, him acting like nothing happened in the precap pissed me off too but he is still under the impression that he did nothing wrong. It's totally possible that they might show these issues solved until the divorce drama comes up, but I hope not. I don't think they will whitewash him like other ITV shows but yes we will have to be patient to see the redemption we want of the idiot.